Big Mo(hammed)'s Family Sues...

I was under the impression that Mohammeds bloodline had ended centuries ago.
I was under the impression that Mohammeds bloodline had ended centuries ago.

Nope. By now, he'd have millions of descendants. At least one poster in this thread is probably related to Muhammad (SAWS); some of his descendants laid pipe in Europe.
I'm saying that all religions generally take themselves too seriously.

Well then SAY THAT, instead of deflecting attention away from the subject at hand.

Namely, Big Mo's descendants are suing over CARTOONS. :lol: :rofl: the case of Copernicus and Galileo, the Catholic church was suing them for their lives over whether or not the earth was flat.

I guess the fact that they're suing for money rather than lives, and over cartoons rather than real observations of the Universe, it's a bit better.

Now if we could just get rid of Fred Phelps.........that fucker takes religion WAAYYY too seriously.

But, I hope they put it through the courts anyway. Why? Simple.......eventually, after a couple of years of arguing about it before a court of law, maybe then they'll see the futility and utter ridiculousness of the whole bunch of bullshit.
Where does that rank in comparison to assaulting a movie theater with Molotovs for screening an anti-Christian film?

Both are the height of stupidity.

Perhaps, but one has more dire consequences.

I answered your question. What more do you want?

If you don't like my answer, that is your fucking problem.

Now get back to the topic at hand....what do you think about Mo's rellies suing over CARTOONS?
Both are the height of stupidity.

Perhaps, but one has more dire consequences.

I answered your question. What more do you want?

If you don't like my answer, that is your fucking problem.

Now get back to the topic at hand....what do you think about Mo's rellies suing over CARTOONS?

I don't really give a crap. Suing doesn't hurt anyone and wastes the plaintiff's time as much as everyone else's.
Where does that rank in comparison to assaulting a movie theater with Molotovs for screening an anti-Christian film?

Both are the height of stupidity.

Perhaps, but one has more dire consequences.

Right..........apparently to IsLAME it's more dire to make fun of Mohammed the puppet prophet, yet killing yourself and taking a whole bunch of people with you is considered a front of the line ticket to paradise.

Ya gotta wonder about a religion like that. I mean.......yeah, the Catholics took (and still do take) themselves way to seriously.

You know, there was a movie a while back (can't remember the name but it had Jay and Silent Bob in it), and they were talking about Christianity and how screwed it was. George Carlin was a priest and had a statue he called "Buddy Christ".

Now......think about this for a sec............

Which religion would you follow more often, one that made you feel good because you knew you could joke with the deity (remember.....Jacob wrestled with God), which is part of a "close personal relationship" which the Christians are continually telling us that we must seek.

IsLAME? Well, they tell you that this world is crap, life is crap and everything sucks until you end up in Paradise because you killed a whole bunch of other people in pursuit of spreading the word.

Dead believers are still dead, and eventually, Islam is going to kill itself off if it keeps going the way it is.

A religion, or person, who can't laugh at themselves once in a while usually has a stick up their asses, and aren't very pleasant to be around for long periods of time.
If you don't give a crap, why are you in this thread then? :eusa_think:

Troll much?

Because I felt like responding to a post that I saw here. Am I going to have to justify myself every time I participate in one of your threads, or are you just doing this just for shits and giggles?
Right..........apparently to IsLAME it's more dire to make fun of Mohammed the puppet prophet, yet killing yourself and taking a whole bunch of people with you is considered a front of the line ticket to paradise.
That depends on the circumstances surrounding the attack and the combatant status of those who are killed.

Ya gotta wonder about a religion like that. I mean.......yeah, the Catholics took (and still do take) themselves way to seriously.

You know, there was a movie a while back (can't remember the name but it had Jay and Silent Bob in it), and they were talking about Christianity and how screwed it was. George Carlin was a priest and had a statue he called "Buddy Christ".

Now......think about this for a sec............

Which religion would you follow more often, one that made you feel good because you knew you could joke with the deity (remember.....Jacob wrestled with God), which is part of a "close personal relationship" which the Christians are continually telling us that we must seek.
Closeness to God is dependent on taqwa, God-consciousness. Christianity, unlike Islam and Judaism (to some extent), lacks a tradition of mysticism that facilitates the development of taqwa. Blasphemy and making light of the almighty nature of God impedes the development of this kind of closeness.

IsLAME? Well, they tell you that this world is crap, life is crap and everything sucks until you end up in Paradise because you killed a whole bunch of other people in pursuit of spreading the word.
The well-being of a Muslim is improved in this life and the next; a mujahid who dies in the way of God attains Jannah, and a mujahid who lives to return home victoriously does so with material wealth and sustenance in tow. As good is this life is made to seem, however, it's merely a "provision of vanities" in comparison to what awaits the faithful in the hereafter. We're not ascetics, but we also aren't hedonists.

A religion, or person, who can't laugh at themselves once in a while usually has a stick up their asses, and aren't very pleasant to be around for long periods of time.
I don't really care if people mock Islam; that's between them and God. Expecting me to join in, however, is rather stupid.
If you don't give a crap, why are you in this thread then? :eusa_think:

Troll much?

Because I felt like responding to a post that I saw here. Am I going to have to justify myself every time I participate in one of your threads, or are you just doing this just for shits and giggles?

I looked for honest discusion.

You came into this thread for shits and giggles. You even said so yourself, penis breath.

Either stop trolling this thread, or participate with some measure of honesty, but knock off the bullshit.

We're not here for you to get your rocks off on shits and giggles.
I was under the impression that Mohammeds bloodline had ended centuries ago.

Nope. By now, he'd have millions of descendants. At least one poster in this thread is probably related to Muhammad (SAWS); some of his descendants laid pipe in Europe.

If I get paid, I'll volunteer to claim I'm that relation.
I know I don't actually resemble an Arab, but cross pollination and all that.
If you don't give a crap, why are you in this thread then? :eusa_think:

Troll much?

Because I felt like responding to a post that I saw here. Am I going to have to justify myself every time I participate in one of your threads, or are you just doing this just for shits and giggles?

I looked for honest discusion.

You came into this thread for shits and giggles. You even said so yourself, penis breath.

Either stop trolling this thread, or participate with some measure of honesty, but knock off the bullshit.

We're not here for you to get your rocks off on shits and giggles.

If you came looking for honest discussion, you would not be starting a thread that is an obvious flame at a particular religion.

If you want honesty, then you ought to start out with it.
Yes folks....Big Mo's direct descendents....95,000 of them are suing for the allegedly "blasphemous" cartoons depicting the child molesting prophet poseur.

I'm pretty sure Big Mo, being a dead guy, doesn't give a shit about the cartoons. Hell, he wouldn't even know what one was.

95,000 descendants of Mohammed to sue over 'blasphemous' cartoons | Perth Now

NEARLY 95,000 descendants of Mohammed are going to sue 10 newspapers for publishing "blasphemous" cartoons of the prophet.

Faisal Yamani, a Saudi lawyer acting for the descendants, claims that the cartoons - which first appeared in 2005 and caused violent protests by Muslims around the world - are defamatory.

One of the 12 cartoons depicts Mohammed wearing a bomb-shaped turban.

The Sunday Times said that although the cartoons were published by Danish newspapers, Mr Yamani plans to pursue legal action in England, where libel laws are weighted towards the plaintiff.

English lawyers expect that he will argue that the cartoons were published in Britain via the internet and are a direct slur on his clients, who live in the Middle East, north Africa and even Australia.

See link above for entire story.


Here is the "honest discussion" part.

The courts are exactly the right way to handle this. Yes - sue if it offends you. That is the civilized alternative to rioting and killing people over religious slights.

Legal action or the threat of legal action or grass-roots pressure is what the Jews have done to curb anti-semitic depictions in the media, or the Catholic Church has done to have ads deemed insulting to Jesus pulled from television.

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