'Big Tent'....or 'Pup tent'?

After Friday's Ruling, the GOP has a shot at the southern black Christian and hispanic catholic vote again. We know the cult of LGBT vs Christianity lawsuits on appeal will be reined in just up until December 2016. But blacks and hispanic Christians all know they are coming.

Well, that may be true among stupid and clueless voters......To interpret the SC decision as a republican versus democrat issue is foolish. Reversal of the SC decision borders on insanity......
You're trying to make the SC decision into a religious divide and we all know about that government-church separation/division.
actually, the bottom line is that the GOP may have even lost the Log Cabin constituency.
Among the gays, the log cabin members are lunatics.

Now that's tolerance for you.

Thanks for revealing yourself.

Unlike you, I won't sterotype others.

I don't think all people on the far left or far right are morons.
Only a nut case would not understand that Democrats also have large PACs. If the Republicans run a woman as President or VP and they both 'evolve' on the LGBT community like the community organizer did, they could pick up a lot of votes.

Well Too Dense, "evolving" for a right wing candidate at this point means abandoning your base AND smacking quite a bit of pandering, don't you think?

Absolutely nut case, but that is what Obama did and it worked with stupid Democrats.
Your opinion of others sanity is irrelevant and amusing given what the Democrats are offering . The questionable character of your front runner speaks volumes and after that a self avowed socialist.

Yes, sanity is a difficult concept to gauge. But the party of Palin, Bachmann, Cain, Trump, etc., has certainly helped in clarifying "sanity."
The same claim can be made about the sanity of the party of Pelosi, Reid, Sanders, Cummings, Ellinson to name but a few, If your so concerned about sanity maybe you should clean your own house first.
You forgot Alan Grayson. Now there's a loon that would give Guano a run for his money.

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