'Big Tent'....or 'Pup tent'?

In general, winning the White House is becoming increasingly out of reach for Republicans

Bush, under ideal conditions, barely reached 270

Since then, the Hispanic and women's vote has turned more Democratic

False...as usual. In the last mid-terms Dims were only able to get 45% of the white female vote. The Dims also only got 37% of the white vote overall.

If those numbers continue Dims will not win a National election. Period.
Running for the Republican nomination.
Carly Fiorina - woman
Ben Carson - black man
Bobby Jindal - Indian non native American
Ted Cruz - Hispanic
Marco Rubio - Hispanic
Running for the Democratic nonmination.
Hillary Clinton - woman
Three old white men
Looks like we have a new party of old white people to me.

Running after the convention

republicans: White man
democrats: White woman

First to elect a black man and a woman: Democrats
Party of old white men: Republicans
Of course the Democrats will run a woman after the convention your only other choices are an old white male socialist and two old white male nobodys the Democrats aren't running Hillary as a first choice they are running her because of a lack of choice. It is early but there is a good chance the Republican nominee could be Marco Rubio Hispanic the undeniable truth is the so called party of divirsity the Democrats are currently the party of old white people.
Any asshole can put his name in for President. Even Trump is running. The Republican "Rainbow" coalition never picks up a single delegate. Republican "We got minorities too" does not fool anyone
So you consider Rubio an asshole? I'm sure Hispanic voters will be very supportive if the Democrats take that tone with Hispanic candidates currently the Democrats have no minorities running for the Democratic nomination just old white people you can't spin that away.
Think about it my right wing friends.....

You've pretty much ousted the black voters (although you've tried to curb voting right)

You've ousted the Latino/Hispanic voters (well, maybe except for Cubans)

You've lost the voters who have benefitted from the ACA by your 4 down plus attempts to veto the law.

You've shown that there's no room in your tent for the gay/lesbian voters......

...and THEN you expect to regain the WH anytime soon???

I find it fascinating how fucking stupid Dims are. The last election...barely 6 months ago.....Dims got killed.

The GOP got 4.5% more votes than the Dims. That is huge in a national election. So what's changed?

A large majority of Americans do not trust the Hildabeast and Obama's approval rating is still well into the negative.

Idiots. :lol:
False...as usual. In the last mid-terms Dims were only able to get 45% of the white female vote. The Dims also only got 37% of the white vote overall.

If those numbers continue Dims will not win a National election. Period.

Again, (and surely you must know someone with an IQ above his/her wait size) ask a grown up to explain the difference between a MID-TERM and a NATIONAL election regarding voters' turnout.
So you consider Rubio an asshole? I'm sure Hispanic voters will be very supportive if the Democrats take that tone with Hispanic candidates currently the Democrats have no minorities running for the Democratic nomination just old white people you can't spin that away.

Two response: Rubio may be Cuban, but as any Cuban will tell you they are NOT (or don't want to be called) Hispanics,
Second, just wait until Rubio is asked about his plans on immigration.....and watch him scramble for that bottled water container.
In general, winning the White House is becoming increasingly out of reach for Republicans

Bush, under ideal conditions, barely reached 270

Since then, the Hispanic and women's vote has turned more Democratic

False...as usual. In the last mid-terms Dims were only able to get 45% of the white female vote. The Dims also only got 37% of the white vote overall.

If those numbers continue Dims will not win a National election. Period.
Mid terms are not Presidential elections where twice as many people show up at the polls
Think about it my right wing friends.....

You've pretty much ousted the black voters (although you've tried to curb voting right)

You've ousted the Latino/Hispanic voters (well, maybe except for Cubans)

You've lost the voters who have benefitted from the ACA by your 4 down plus attempts to veto the law.

You've shown that there's no room in your tent for the gay/lesbian voters......

...and THEN you expect to regain the WH anytime soon???

Nat! Always good to see you.
They're going to have to fold their party tent and pack it back on the clown bus. Bobby Jindal was right when he warned his fellow idiots to stop being the stupid party.
Nat! Always good to see you.
They're going to have to fold their party tent and pack it back on the clown bus. Bobby Jindal was right when he warned his fellow idiots to stop being the party of stupid,

How true....that "tent" is actually quite small....but big enough for a tea-party. LOL
Of course the Democrats will run a woman after the convention your only other choices are an old white male socialist and two old white male nobodys the Democrats aren't running Hillary as a first choice they are running her because of a lack of choice. It is early but there is a good chance the Republican nominee could be Marco Rubio Hispanic the undeniable truth is the so called party of divirsity the Democrats are currently the party of old white people.

Perhaps.......democrats have old white people with an OPEN mind, while your party has relatively young people with the mindset of their great-grandfathers.
See the difference?
I see you and RW despertely trying to spin I'm guessing your open mind claim is over gay marriage which might be a valid point if both the current President and your current front runner had not held the same position on marriage as their great grandfathers that being they supported tradtional marriage. When you change your views on something over a long period of time that is having an open mind when you do it over a short time for political advantage that's called lying about what you believe. See the difference?
Donald Trump has said he'll change his hairdo if elected. You just can't make this stuff up.

'"I would probably comb my hair back. Why? Because this thing is too hard to comb," he said. "I wouldn't have time, because if I were in the White House, I'd be working my ass off."
Trump made his comments at a dinner at Winterset High School, hosted by Madison County Republicans."
Trump s comments on new hairdo as president get notice

I'm not a religious person, but if I was I would hit my knees every day and pray to god that Trump gets the nomination.
So what's changed?

Glad you asked.....The Key issues in the 2014 (MID-TERM) election were Jobs and Health Care......
With the employment rate considerably down and the ACA (after 50 attempts to repeal it....but NOT replace it with something better) is now settled......So, those 2 main issues are pretty much moot.

Coupled that with the "stellar" performance of a GOP majority-led congress, what you have is stark (and for your ilk) rather cold reality.
Of course the Democrats will run a woman after the convention your only other choices are an old white male socialist and two old white male nobodys the Democrats aren't running Hillary as a first choice they are running her because of a lack of choice. It is early but there is a good chance the Republican nominee could be Marco Rubio Hispanic the undeniable truth is the so called party of divirsity the Democrats are currently the party of old white people.

Perhaps.......democrats have old white people with an OPEN mind, while your party has relatively young people with the mindset of their great-grandfathers.
See the difference?
I see you and RW despertely trying to spin I'm guessing your open mind claim is over gay marriage which might be a valid point if both the current President and your current front runner had not held the same position on marriage as their great grandfathers that being they supported tradtional marriage. When you change your views on something over a long period of time that is having an open mind when you do it over a short time for political advantage that's called lying about what you believe. See the difference?

Actually I don't think there are that many 'Pubes under the age of 40.

"....Unfortunately for Republicans, the math is only going to get worse. Groups that form the core of GOP support—older whites, blue-collar whites, married people and rural residents—are declining as a proportion of the electorate. Groups that lean Democratic—minorities, young people and single women—are growing."""

Wall Street Journal (About as conservative as you can get)
Whit Ayres A Daunting Demographic Challenge for the GOP in 2016 - WSJ
So you consider Rubio an asshole? I'm sure Hispanic voters will be very supportive if the Democrats take that tone with Hispanic candidates currently the Democrats have no minorities running for the Democratic nomination just old white people you can't spin that away.

Two response: Rubio may be Cuban, but as any Cuban will tell you they are NOT (or don't want to be called) Hispanics,
Second, just wait until Rubio is asked about his plans on immigration.....and watch him scramble for that bottled water container.
Did not know you spoke for the Hispanic community but then again that is the trademark of the Democrats thinking they speak for entire community. He has been asked about immigration and has answered the question no scrambling involved in fact their is only one candidate in either party running for the nomination of their party who won't answer questions good old Hillary. And taking questions from a handful of people handpicked and vetted by her campaign does not count.
I see you and RW despertely trying to spin I'm guessing your open mind claim is over gay marriage which might be a valid point if both the current President and your current front runner had not held the same position on marriage as their great grandfathers that being they supported tradtional marriage. When you change your views on something over a long period of time that is having an open mind when you do it over a short time for political advantage that's called lying about what you believe. See the difference?

Valid points.....However, the best (most "liberal') stance by the current GOP candidates on the LGBT marriage issue is.......leave it up to the states.......Imagine how the LGBT community reacts to such open-minded governors and state legislatures in TX, FL, AZ, etc.?
False...as usual. In the last mid-terms Dims were only able to get 45% of the white female vote. The Dims also only got 37% of the white vote overall.

If those numbers continue Dims will not win a National election. Period.

Again, (and surely you must know someone with an IQ above his/her wait size) ask a grown up to explain the difference between a MID-TERM and a NATIONAL election regarding voters' turnout.

The mid-terms were a National Election moron. And the Dims got killed.
I see you and RW despertely trying to spin I'm guessing your open mind claim is over gay marriage which might be a valid point if both the current President and your current front runner had not held the same position on marriage as their great grandfathers that being they supported tradtional marriage. When you change your views on something over a long period of time that is having an open mind when you do it over a short time for political advantage that's called lying about what you believe. See the difference?

Valid points.....However, the best (most "liberal') stance by the current GOP candidates on the LGBT marriage issue is.......leave it up to the states.......Imagine how the LGBT community reacts to such open-minded governors and state legislatures in TX, FL, AZ, etc.?
Republicans weren't thinking "Leave it up to the states" when they pushed the Federal DOMA act
In general, winning the White House is becoming increasingly out of reach for Republicans

Bush, under ideal conditions, barely reached 270

Since then, the Hispanic and women's vote has turned more Democratic

False...as usual. In the last mid-terms Dims were only able to get 45% of the white female vote. The Dims also only got 37% of the white vote overall.

If those numbers continue Dims will not win a National election. Period.
Mid terms are not Presidential elections where twice as many people show up at the polls

No....all that matters is who shows up. And how many Dimocrat voters are gonna be fired up to vote for an old, tired, corrupt Hildabeast. :lol:

Can't you see a bunch of 20 something black dudes in the da hood. "Yeah my brutha.....let's go out and vote for the old white bitch." :D
I see you and RW despertely trying to spin I'm guessing your open mind claim is over gay marriage which might be a valid point if both the current President and your current front runner had not held the same position on marriage as their great grandfathers that being they supported tradtional marriage. When you change your views on something over a long period of time that is having an open mind when you do it over a short time for political advantage that's called lying about what you believe. See the difference?

Valid points.....However, the best (most "liberal') stance by the current GOP candidates on the LGBT marriage issue is.......leave it up to the states.......Imagine how the LGBT community reacts to such open-minded governors and state legislatures in TX, FL, AZ, etc.?
Republicans weren't thinking "Leave it up to the states" when they pushed the Federal DOMA act

You mean the Law Bill and Hillary Clinton supported and Bill signed into Law?

That DOMA? :lol:
Think about it my right wing friends.....

You've pretty much ousted the black voters (although you've tried to curb voting right)

You've ousted the Latino/Hispanic voters (well, maybe except for Cubans)

You've lost the voters who have benefitted from the ACA by your 4 down plus attempts to veto the law.

You've shown that there's no room in your tent for the gay/lesbian voters......

...and THEN you expect to regain the WH anytime soon???
None of this is true.

The right has only to discuss honestly their solutions and reasons for opposing liberty taking government over reach. That alone will be more than enough to expose the lies that come with assigning intent to people who disagree with each other.

This is no more than fear speaking out because historically, the GOP has a good chance of taking the White House and keeping both houses of Congress.....

Plus, they stand to gain even more State legislatures (which lends more and more credibility to a Article V convention), and more Governorships...

What the right needs to do is explain and show how those who are in need of government to run their lives, stand to benefit more from taking advantage of programs that move them into independence......

They simply have to just ignore people like this [OP] and work on their own message.
Of course the Democrats will run a woman after the convention your only other choices are an old white male socialist and two old white male nobodys the Democrats aren't running Hillary as a first choice they are running her because of a lack of choice. It is early but there is a good chance the Republican nominee could be Marco Rubio Hispanic the undeniable truth is the so called party of divirsity the Democrats are currently the party of old white people.

Perhaps.......democrats have old white people with an OPEN mind, while your party has relatively young people with the mindset of their great-grandfathers.
See the difference?
I see you and RW despertely trying to spin I'm guessing your open mind claim is over gay marriage which might be a valid point if both the current President and your current front runner had not held the same position on marriage as their great grandfathers that being they supported tradtional marriage. When you change your views on something over a long period of time that is having an open mind when you do it over a short time for political advantage that's called lying about what you believe. See the difference?

Actually I don't think there are that many 'Pubes under the age of 40.

"....Unfortunately for Republicans, the math is only going to get worse. Groups that form the core of GOP support—older whites, blue-collar whites, married people and rural residents—are declining as a proportion of the electorate. Groups that lean Democratic—minorities, young people and single women—are growing."""

Wall Street Journal (About as conservative as you can get)
Whit Ayres A Daunting Demographic Challenge for the GOP in 2016 - WSJ
People didn't think there was going to be a wave election for the Republicans last November but there was. The common response from the left on this is general elections and midterm elections are different true and in the last two Presidential elections the Democrats had a candidate in Obama who was very inspirtational and charismatic and that sweep him into office in 2008 and reelected him in 2012 when his policies where less than a success. The problem you have going into 2016 is Hillary Clinton does not have the same charm, charisima, or personality as Obama she is not seen as likeable or trustworthy and will have a far more difficlut time keeping that same colation that Obama had.

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