'Big Tent'....or 'Pup tent'?

I see you and RW despertely trying to spin I'm guessing your open mind claim is over gay marriage which might be a valid point if both the current President and your current front runner had not held the same position on marriage as their great grandfathers that being they supported tradtional marriage. When you change your views on something over a long period of time that is having an open mind when you do it over a short time for political advantage that's called lying about what you believe. See the difference?

Valid points.....However, the best (most "liberal') stance by the current GOP candidates on the LGBT marriage issue is.......leave it up to the states.......Imagine how the LGBT community reacts to such open-minded governors and state legislatures in TX, FL, AZ, etc.?
Some won't like it some won't care but the Supreme Court has now taken that off the table as issue for 2016 which increase the focus on national security and economic issues which right now don't really favor Democrats.
I see you and RW despertely trying to spin I'm guessing your open mind claim is over gay marriage which might be a valid point if both the current President and your current front runner had not held the same position on marriage as their great grandfathers that being they supported tradtional marriage. When you change your views on something over a long period of time that is having an open mind when you do it over a short time for political advantage that's called lying about what you believe. See the difference?

Valid points.....However, the best (most "liberal') stance by the current GOP candidates on the LGBT marriage issue is.......leave it up to the states.......Imagine how the LGBT community reacts to such open-minded governors and state legislatures in TX, FL, AZ, etc.?
Republicans weren't thinking "Leave it up to the states" when they pushed the Federal DOMA act
Refresh my memory who signed that into law?
He has been asked about immigration and has answered the question no scrambling involved

Well, we have Rubio in 2013 (that's not too far in the past)

"Deporting all illegal immigrants is not a practical solution. But ignoring the fact that they're here is just as bad," Rubio said in 2013. (Rubio was part of a bipartisan group of senators who authored a comprehensive immigration reform bill in 2013. That bill included a legal pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants, something hardline conservatives stringently oppose. Rubio's support of the bill lost him a lot of favor in the tea party.)

Then last year, Rubio told a group of immigrant protesters: "You don't have a right to illegally immigrate to the United States."

Don't detect a bit of flip-flop???
I see you and RW despertely trying to spin I'm guessing your open mind claim is over gay marriage which might be a valid point if both the current President and your current front runner had not held the same position on marriage as their great grandfathers that being they supported tradtional marriage. When you change your views on something over a long period of time that is having an open mind when you do it over a short time for political advantage that's called lying about what you believe. See the difference?

Valid points.....However, the best (most "liberal') stance by the current GOP candidates on the LGBT marriage issue is.......leave it up to the states.......Imagine how the LGBT community reacts to such open-minded governors and state legislatures in TX, FL, AZ, etc.?
Republicans weren't thinking "Leave it up to the states" when they pushed the Federal DOMA act

You mean the Law Bill and Hillary Clinton supported and Bill signed into Law?

That DOMA? :lol:
Yes that law....what happened to leave it to the states?
Republicans push for a Constitutional amendment and DOMA and the chant...it is a matter best left to the states
Of course the Democrats will run a woman after the convention your only other choices are an old white male socialist and two old white male nobodys the Democrats aren't running Hillary as a first choice they are running her because of a lack of choice. It is early but there is a good chance the Republican nominee could be Marco Rubio Hispanic the undeniable truth is the so called party of divirsity the Democrats are currently the party of old white people.

Perhaps.......democrats have old white people with an OPEN mind, while your party has relatively young people with the mindset of their great-grandfathers.
See the difference?
I see you and RW despertely trying to spin I'm guessing your open mind claim is over gay marriage which might be a valid point if both the current President and your current front runner had not held the same position on marriage as their great grandfathers that being they supported tradtional marriage. When you change your views on something over a long period of time that is having an open mind when you do it over a short time for political advantage that's called lying about what you believe. See the difference?

Actually I don't think there are that many 'Pubes under the age of 40.

"....Unfortunately for Republicans, the math is only going to get worse. Groups that form the core of GOP support—older whites, blue-collar whites, married people and rural residents—are declining as a proportion of the electorate. Groups that lean Democratic—minorities, young people and single women—are growing."""

Wall Street Journal (About as conservative as you can get)
Whit Ayres A Daunting Demographic Challenge for the GOP in 2016 - WSJ
People didn't think there was going to be a wave election for the Republicans last November but there was. The common response from the left on this is general elections and midterm elections are different true and in the last two Presidential elections the Democrats had a candidate in Obama who was very inspirtational and charismatic and that sweep him into office in 2008 and reelected him in 2012 when his policies where less than a success. The problem you have going into 2016 is Hillary Clinton does not have the same charm, charisima, or personality as Obama she is not seen as likeable or trustworthy and will have a far more difficlut time keeping that same colation that Obama had.

None of that matters. Citizens United insures that the $890,000,000 the Koch brothers alone are going to spend will probably result in a Republican POTUS. So don't you worry your pretty little head about it. Your vote is worthless. Stay home, take a walk, play your Xbox, whatever......

Koch Brothers’ Budget of $889 Million for 2016 Is on Par With Both Parties’ Spending

"....The spending goal, revealed Monday at the Kochs’ annual winter donor retreat near Palm Springs, Calif., would allow their political organization to operate at the same financial scale as the Democratic and Republican Parties."
Think about it my right wing friends.....

You've pretty much ousted the black voters (although you've tried to curb voting right)

You've ousted the Latino/Hispanic voters (well, maybe except for Cubans)

You've lost the voters who have benefitted from the ACA by your 4 down plus attempts to veto the law.

You've shown that there's no room in your tent for the gay/lesbian voters......

...and THEN you expect to regain the WH anytime soon???

There you go again talking smack after getting the crap kicked out of you at the local, state, and national levels in an epic ass whooping. You want to know what's hilarious, you knuckleheads couldn't even beat George Bush he beat you twice and the man could barely utter a complete sentence :laugh: You libs are nothing to fear.
He has been asked about immigration and has answered the question no scrambling involved

Well, we have Rubio in 2013 (that's not too far in the past)

"Deporting all illegal immigrants is not a practical solution. But ignoring the fact that they're here is just as bad," Rubio said in 2013. (Rubio was part of a bipartisan group of senators who authored a comprehensive immigration reform bill in 2013. That bill included a legal pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants, something hardline conservatives stringently oppose. Rubio's support of the bill lost him a lot of favor in the tea party.)

Then last year, Rubio told a group of immigrant protesters: "You don't have a right to illegally immigrate to the United States."

Don't detect a bit of flip-flop???
No I have seen him speak on immigration he still supports a pathway to citizenship and he's correct illegally immigrating to the United States is not right.
Some won't like it some won't care but the Supreme Court has now taken that off the table as issue for 2016 which increase the focus on national security and economic issues which right now don't really favor Democrats.

....and we have all seen the republican congress stances on BOTH the wars in Iraq, Syria, Yemen.....and we have all seen their stances on job-bills.....Ooooops, we really have NOT seen either during this past 1.5 years.
you knuckleheads couldn't even beat George Bush he beat you twice and the man could barely utter a complete sentence

...and Blues, since you surely voted for Bush....what does that say about you?
Of course the Democrats will run a woman after the convention your only other choices are an old white male socialist and two old white male nobodys the Democrats aren't running Hillary as a first choice they are running her because of a lack of choice. It is early but there is a good chance the Republican nominee could be Marco Rubio Hispanic the undeniable truth is the so called party of divirsity the Democrats are currently the party of old white people.

Perhaps.......democrats have old white people with an OPEN mind, while your party has relatively young people with the mindset of their great-grandfathers.
See the difference?
I see you and RW despertely trying to spin I'm guessing your open mind claim is over gay marriage which might be a valid point if both the current President and your current front runner had not held the same position on marriage as their great grandfathers that being they supported tradtional marriage. When you change your views on something over a long period of time that is having an open mind when you do it over a short time for political advantage that's called lying about what you believe. See the difference?

Actually I don't think there are that many 'Pubes under the age of 40.

"....Unfortunately for Republicans, the math is only going to get worse. Groups that form the core of GOP support—older whites, blue-collar whites, married people and rural residents—are declining as a proportion of the electorate. Groups that lean Democratic—minorities, young people and single women—are growing."""

Wall Street Journal (About as conservative as you can get)
Whit Ayres A Daunting Demographic Challenge for the GOP in 2016 - WSJ
People didn't think there was going to be a wave election for the Republicans last November but there was. The common response from the left on this is general elections and midterm elections are different true and in the last two Presidential elections the Democrats had a candidate in Obama who was very inspirtational and charismatic and that sweep him into office in 2008 and reelected him in 2012 when his policies where less than a success. The problem you have going into 2016 is Hillary Clinton does not have the same charm, charisima, or personality as Obama she is not seen as likeable or trustworthy and will have a far more difficlut time keeping that same colation that Obama had.

None of that matters. Citizens United insures that the $890,000,000 the Koch brothers alone are going to spend will probably result in a Republican POTUS. So don't you worry your pretty little head about it. Your vote is worthless. Stay home, take a walk, play your Xbox, whatever......

Koch Brothers’ Budget of $889 Million for 2016 Is on Par With Both Parties’ Spending

"....The spending goal, revealed Monday at the Kochs’ annual winter donor retreat near Palm Springs, Calif., would allow their political organization to operate at the same financial scale as the Democratic and Republican Parties."
Finally pulled out your Koch brothers boogeyman the sign the far left truly has nothing left to say.
No I have seen him speak on immigration he still supports a pathway to citizenship and he's correct illegally immigrating to the United States is not right.

Fine....since you are a Rubio follower, specifically tell me what Rubio stated about either repealing or letting stand Obama's EO on immigration? (there's no middle ground or fudging on that questions.)
Finally pulled out your Koch brothers boogeyman the sign the far left truly has nothing left to say.

We kind of know that Congress IS for sale....thankfully, the WH is still left to voters......for how long, I'm not sure.
Some won't like it some won't care but the Supreme Court has now taken that off the table as issue for 2016 which increase the focus on national security and economic issues which right now don't really favor Democrats.

....and we have all seen the republican congress stances on BOTH the wars in Iraq, Syria, Yemen.....and we have all seen their stances on job-bills.....Ooooops, we really have NOT seen either during this past 1.5 years.
We all saw Harry Reid and the Democrats shut the Senate down after the 2010 midterms you might have forgotten those four years the rest of us haven't. As for the wars lets see didn't the current CIC proclaim he had won the Iraq war, tell Syria if they used chemical weapons there would be serious consquences, and call Yemen a successful model for its counterterrorism strategy?
Some won't like it some won't care but the Supreme Court has now taken that off the table as issue for 2016 which increase the focus on national security and economic issues which right now don't really favor Democrats.

....and we have all seen the republican congress stances on BOTH the wars in Iraq, Syria, Yemen.....and we have all seen their stances on job-bills.....Ooooops, we really have NOT seen either during this past 1.5 years.
We all saw Harry Reid and the Democrats shut the Senate down after the 2010 midterms you might have forgotten those four years the rest of us haven't. As for the wars lets see didn't the current CIC proclaim he had won the Iraq war, tell Syria if they used chemical weapons there would be serious consquences, and call Yemen a successful model for its counterterrorism strategy?
The Senate was still open

It just required the GOP mandated 60 votes to break filibuster on every bill
you knuckleheads couldn't even beat George Bush he beat you twice and the man could barely utter a complete sentence

...and Blues, since you surely voted for Bush....what does that say about you?

I just find it hilarious how the left talks tough after failing to beat Bush with the entire MSM attacking him 24/7. Either you people don't have the majority you claim to have or your base is a bunch of lazy lard asses who can't be bothered to vote.
No I have seen him speak on immigration he still supports a pathway to citizenship and he's correct illegally immigrating to the United States is not right.

Fine....since you are a Rubio follower, specifically tell me what Rubio stated about either repealing or letting stand Obama's EO on immigration? (there's no middle ground or fudging on that questions.)
I believe he said he would repeal it though I'm sure if he wins the republican nomination he will modify that for the general election as all candidates do with their positions when going from the primary to the general.
Some won't like it some won't care but the Supreme Court has now taken that off the table as issue for 2016 which increase the focus on national security and economic issues which right now don't really favor Democrats.

....and we have all seen the republican congress stances on BOTH the wars in Iraq, Syria, Yemen.....and we have all seen their stances on job-bills.....Ooooops, we really have NOT seen either during this past 1.5 years.
We all saw Harry Reid and the Democrats shut the Senate down after the 2010 midterms you might have forgotten those four years the rest of us haven't. As for the wars lets see didn't the current CIC proclaim he had won the Iraq war, tell Syria if they used chemical weapons there would be serious consquences, and call Yemen a successful model for its counterterrorism strategy?
The Senate was still open

It just required the GOP mandated 60 votes to break filibuster on every bill
And yet there were so many bills Harry would never bring up for a vote.
Some won't like it some won't care but the Supreme Court has now taken that off the table as issue for 2016 which increase the focus on national security and economic issues which right now don't really favor Democrats.

....and we have all seen the republican congress stances on BOTH the wars in Iraq, Syria, Yemen.....and we have all seen their stances on job-bills.....Ooooops, we really have NOT seen either during this past 1.5 years.
We all saw Harry Reid and the Democrats shut the Senate down after the 2010 midterms you might have forgotten those four years the rest of us haven't. As for the wars lets see didn't the current CIC proclaim he had won the Iraq war, tell Syria if they used chemical weapons there would be serious consquences, and call Yemen a successful model for its counterterrorism strategy?
The Senate was still open

It just required the GOP mandated 60 votes to break filibuster on every bill
And yet there were so many bills Harry would never bring up for a vote.
Name one that had 60 votes

Democrat bills needed 60 votes to break filibuster, why shouldn't Republican bills?

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