'Biggest Brown-Noser'


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
I know thruthmatters started a thread on this, but hers was immediately hijacked by wingnuts who desperately do not want this talked about.

Here is a different story:


Brown nosing your way to the top --- the Paul Ryan story

by digby

I keep hearing Republicans say they are going to win the election because they "embrace success." And I can't help but think that's just another word for brown-nosing. And they do know something about that ...
According to the yearbook, Paul was even voted Prom King his junior year.

And if all that wasn't enough to predict a bright future in politics -- Paul was also voted the "biggest brown-noser" in his class. He graduated in 1988.​
As Howie pointed out in this post, this explains the Paul Ryan phenomenon better than anything:
Most people who have followed Ryan's career in Washington have noticed the same patterns-- always kissing up and endearing himself to the rich and powerful. One of his Wisconsin colleagues told us that he "sold himself out to K Street and Wall Street faster than any Member had ever done in the history of Congress." Even when David Obey-- who was in Congress when Ryan was still brown-nosing in high school-- was Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, Ryan had sailed past him in terms of contributions from Wall Street. The Financial/Insurance/Real Estate sector has given more in legalistic bribes to Ryan than to any other politician-- including senators-- in the history of Wisconsin. And that happened even before Boehner appointed him Budget Chairman! Politico took a deep look into how Ryan clawed his way to the top of the House foodchain, vaulting over a whole generation of ambitious Republican politicians. Ever wonder how Ryan got the word "serious" attached to his name? It sure made serious economists like Paul Krugman scratch their heads in absolute wonder.


Ryan invites these people to off-the-record dinner briefings to talk about ideas and his policy proposals. He calls them to say how much he liked their articles. He attends their going-away parties and hires young people from their staffs. Above all, he has made clear that he takes these people seriously and wants to be taken seriously by them.

And these Washington and New York influentials-- including writers Bill Kristol and Stephen Hayes of the Weekly Standard, and Rich Lowry of National Review, and policy provocateurs like Bill Bennett and Pete Wehner-- have repaid the favor. In the process they have helped Ryan illuminate a path to power much different than the traditional strategy of bill-passing, logrolling, and above all loyal time-serving that historically was the way to win influence on Capitol Hill.


Ryan said his two “friends” are economists, not lobbyists, but would not give their names to TPM. He said one of the men is an economist “he reads a lot” and the two have conversed before so he invited him to Washington so they could meet.

“I read a lot about this economist. I’ve enjoyed what he’s written. I wanted to pick his brain … so that’s what we did,” Ryan explained.​
That's the brown-noser MO to a tee.
Ryan: "You are so brilliant, I'd just like to pick your brain a little bit."

Flattered important person thinks to himself, "this guy's really sharp."

Being a brown-noser isn't a requirement to be a successful politician but they all have some element of it. Ryan seems to be of those who truly profit from their brown-nosing skills, which means he's a real pro.
Paul Ryan -- HIGH SCHOOL PROM KING ... and 'Biggest Brown-Noser' | TMZ.com


Smart, good-looking, expert ass-kisser -- sounds like Vice-Presidential material alright.
Most people who have followed Ryan's career in Washington have noticed the same patterns-- always kissing up and endearing himself to the rich and powerful. One of his Wisconsin colleagues told us that he "sold himself out to K Street and Wall Street faster than any Member had ever done in the history of Congress."
That's the brown-noser MO to a tee.

Ryan: "You are so brilliant, I'd just like to pick your brain a little bit."

Flattered important person thinks to himself, "this guy's really sharp."
Ever notice that the left's strategy in politics, combined with the liberal media, is to immediately engage the dirty trick democrat black baggers to pick up a High School year book or find a former girl friend or an angry relative or friend of a republican candidate? Anything is better than addressing the issues. Republicans have no such strategy or capability. The left wing media actually snickered when the wife of a former democrat candidate for president established a "bimbo eruption squad" dedicated to ruining the lives of any woman who came forward with allegations of the peculiar sexual appetite of bill Clinton. Today the former 1st lady's experiences in ruining the lives of other women is seen as a resume enhancement for her appointment as secretary of state.
funny how the TMZ article doesn't show anything in the actual yearbook about the brown-noser comment. You'd think they'd actually print it if they had proof.

Go figure.
I know thruthmatters started a thread on this, but hers was immediately hijacked by wingnuts who desperately do not want this talked about.

Here is a different story:


Brown nosing your way to the top --- the Paul Ryan story

by digby

I keep hearing Republicans say they are going to win the election because they "embrace success." And I can't help but think that's just another word for brown-nosing. And they do know something about that ...
According to the yearbook, Paul was even voted Prom King his junior year.

And if all that wasn't enough to predict a bright future in politics -- Paul was also voted the "biggest brown-noser" in his class. He graduated in 1988.​
As Howie pointed out in this post, this explains the Paul Ryan phenomenon better than anything:
Most people who have followed Ryan's career in Washington have noticed the same patterns-- always kissing up and endearing himself to the rich and powerful. One of his Wisconsin colleagues told us that he "sold himself out to K Street and Wall Street faster than any Member had ever done in the history of Congress." Even when David Obey-- who was in Congress when Ryan was still brown-nosing in high school-- was Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, Ryan had sailed past him in terms of contributions from Wall Street. The Financial/Insurance/Real Estate sector has given more in legalistic bribes to Ryan than to any other politician-- including senators-- in the history of Wisconsin. And that happened even before Boehner appointed him Budget Chairman! Politico took a deep look into how Ryan clawed his way to the top of the House foodchain, vaulting over a whole generation of ambitious Republican politicians. Ever wonder how Ryan got the word "serious" attached to his name? It sure made serious economists like Paul Krugman scratch their heads in absolute wonder.


Ryan invites these people to off-the-record dinner briefings to talk about ideas and his policy proposals. He calls them to say how much he liked their articles. He attends their going-away parties and hires young people from their staffs. Above all, he has made clear that he takes these people seriously and wants to be taken seriously by them.

And these Washington and New York influentials-- including writers Bill Kristol and Stephen Hayes of the Weekly Standard, and Rich Lowry of National Review, and policy provocateurs like Bill Bennett and Pete Wehner-- have repaid the favor. In the process they have helped Ryan illuminate a path to power much different than the traditional strategy of bill-passing, logrolling, and above all loyal time-serving that historically was the way to win influence on Capitol Hill.


Ryan said his two “friends” are economists, not lobbyists, but would not give their names to TPM. He said one of the men is an economist “he reads a lot” and the two have conversed before so he invited him to Washington so they could meet.

“I read a lot about this economist. I’ve enjoyed what he’s written. I wanted to pick his brain … so that’s what we did,” Ryan explained.​
That's the brown-noser MO to a tee.
Ryan: "You are so brilliant, I'd just like to pick your brain a little bit."

Flattered important person thinks to himself, "this guy's really sharp."

Being a brown-noser isn't a requirement to be a successful politician but they all have some element of it. Ryan seems to be of those who truly profit from their brown-nosing skills, which means he's a real pro.
Losers tend to call more successful students brown-nosers.

In school a brown-noser is somebody who is a good student, a quality athlete, a good role-model in the community.

At work a brown-noser is somebody that tries to get in favor of the boss by sucking up to him.

Show me an example of Ryan doing this after school?

And we didn't avoid talking about it because it's obviously a juvenile topic not worth talking about.
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Nothing like hard news from TMZ. Get much from Jon Stewart too?

It's not from TMZ. It's from his high school yearbook.

Dumbass. :lol:

Look at the link you stupid fucking asshole. What's the matter pissed because you can't "neg" me anymore you little cowardly shit?

Paul Ryan -- HIGH SCHOOL PROM KING ... and 'Biggest Brown-Noser' | TMZ.com
So, you're fine with Ryan being a huge ass-kisser - you're just mad that TMZ is reporting it.

It's not from TMZ. It's from his high school yearbook.

Dumbass. :lol:

Look at the link you stupid fucking asshole. What's the matter pissed because you can't "neg" me anymore you little cowardly shit?

Paul Ryan -- HIGH SCHOOL PROM KING ... and 'Biggest Brown-Noser' | TMZ.com
So, you're fine with Ryan being a huge ass-kisser - you're just mad that TMZ is reporting it.


Laugh at yourself you dumb fuck. You're the one that posted it as if it were Breaking News and anyone but a left-wing lib asshole would care, ass-wipe.

Have Obama bring it up at a debate so we can watch him get laughed off the stage.
Look at the link you stupid fucking asshole. What's the matter pissed because you can't "neg" me anymore you little cowardly shit?

Paul Ryan -- HIGH SCHOOL PROM KING ... and 'Biggest Brown-Noser' | TMZ.com
So, you're fine with Ryan being a huge ass-kisser - you're just mad that TMZ is reporting it.


Laugh at yourself you dumb fuck. You're the one that posted it as if it were Breaking News and anyone but a left-wing lib asshole would care, ass-wipe.

Have Obama bring it up at a debate so we can watch him get laughed off the stage.
Paul was also voted the "biggest brown-noser" in his class. He graduated in 1988.

But it's all the media's fault!!! :lol:

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