Bigots @ Boy Scouts of America Consider Allowing Gays

If the BSA allows gays membership will drop by 80% or more.


Silly question.

Just look at the mass exodus from the volunteer Armed Forces with the repeal of DADT, that should show you all you need to know.

(Disclaimer: The BSA is a private organization and I support them setting any membership rules they wish. If they don't want homosexuals or atheists, that's their business.)

If the BSA allows gays membership will drop by 80% or more.

Silly question.
Just look at the mass exodus from the volunteer Armed Forces with the repeal of DADT, that should show you all you need to know.

(Disclaimer: The BSA is a private organization and I support them setting any membership rules they wish. If they don't want homosexuals or atheists, that's their business.)

US Military needs to downsize now
Bigots kept them out. They are considering letting them in. Can you follow simple logic?

Do you have a head count as to how many gays have actually been members of the Boy Scouts during the last 103 years?

probably more than the general population. You know how they like being naked and converting other boys to the gay lifestyle

My point being that in all practicality gays most likely have always made up some portion of the BSA membership's population.

Yet here we are in the "21st Century" (which apparently belongs exclusively to Liberals). The Century in which all of society is not only expected - but it is demanded of them- to accept embrace and include all lifestyle choices within their own population- and every facet thereof regardless of their own lifestyle choices.
For the love of all that's holey, cant we just let the Boy Scouts carve critters out of bars of soap, learn how to tie knots, and go camping ? Cant who or what a person puts their cock into just be that persons business ?
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Do you have a head count as to how many gays have actually been members of the Boy Scouts during the last 103 years?

probably more than the general population. You know how they like being naked and converting other boys to the gay lifestyle

My point being that in all practicality gays most likely have always made up some portion of the BSA membership's population.

Yet here we are in the "21st Century" (which apparently belongs exclusively to Liberals). The Century in which all of society is not only expected - but it is demanded of them- to accept embrace and include all lifestyle choices within their own population- and every facet thereof regardless of their own lifestyle choices.

No one's demanding you do anything. It's just becoming more socially unacceptable to be openly homophobic. Just like it became socially unacceptable to be a racist or sexist.

The BSA decided this on their own. No one forced them.
probably more than the general population. You know how they like being naked and converting other boys to the gay lifestyle

My point being that in all practicality gays most likely have always made up some portion of the BSA membership's population.

Yet here we are in the "21st Century" (which apparently belongs exclusively to Liberals). The Century in which all of society is not only expected - but it is demanded of them- to accept embrace and include all lifestyle choices within their own population- and every facet thereof regardless of their own lifestyle choices.

No one's demanding you do anything. It's just becoming more socially unacceptable to be openly homophobic. Just like it became socially unacceptable to be a racist or sexist.

The BSA decided this on their own. No one forced them.

"Openly homophobic"? By the Liberal's definition, this includes anyone who does not accept, endorse, embrace, or include those of alternative lifestyles - not through "homophobic expression", but by the mere appearance of exclusion.

And social unacceptance of the non-recognition of alternative lifestyles has been around for a long time. It's not "just becoming".

I agree, no one is forcing the BSA to become an inclusive organization. But those who are "socially unaccepting" of people and organizations that choose not to embrace and include the gay lifestyle are putting a hell of a lot of pressure on not only the BSA but the wider population of straight and conservative individuals and organizations.
Don't tell, and you won't be asked.

Announce yourself, demand equality where inequality is otherwise nonexistent, threaten suit if not recognized outside of generally accepted norms, label your benefactors as "phobic", turn the general population against an established system based upon non-inclusion, leverage socio/political ideology to further your goals...

...fuck off.
Don't tell, and you won't be asked.

Announce yourself, demand equality where inequality is otherwise nonexistent, threaten suit if not recognized outside of generally accepted norms, label your benefactors as "phobic", turn the general population against an established system based upon non-inclusion, leverage socio/political ideology to further your goals...

...fuck off.

We're talking about kids for Christ's sake.

Silly question.

Just look at the mass exodus from the volunteer Armed Forces with the repeal of DADT, that should show you all you need to know.

What mass exodus?

Is someone suggesting that getting out of the boy scouts is as hard as getting out of the military? Mom and Dad say you can't go any more. That's how easy it is. The boy scouts don't even court martial deserters.
Don't tell, and you won't be asked.

Announce yourself, demand equality where inequality is otherwise nonexistent, threaten suit if not recognized outside of generally accepted norms, label your benefactors as "phobic", turn the general population against an established system based upon non-inclusion, leverage socio/political ideology to further your goals...

...fuck off.

We're talking about kids for Christ's sake.

Scene 1: Parent takes kid to first Boy Scout meeting... "this is our son Bob. We'd like to enroll him in your troop."

Scene 2: Parent takes kid to first Boy Scout meeting... "this is our son Bob. He's gay and we demand that you accept him, embrace him, endorse him, or we will expose your organization as homophobic anti-societal right wing conservative Jesus-loving bible thumping gay-hating, child-rejecting radical destroyers of humanity".

Take yer pick.

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