Bigots @ Boy Scouts of America Consider Allowing Gays

Why must the Liberal agenda insist on imbedding itself in the everyday lives of... everyone?

I'd say it was the opposite. I never really considered that gays were in the scouts until you and your compatriots came along.

My question isn't one addressing gays, gay pride, or the gay movement.

It's questioning the insistence of Liberals embedding their life choices into the lifestyles of every corner of society.

Bad liberals, advocating for equality and inclusiveness.

What you fail to understand is that liberals aren’t ‘insisting’ anyone do anything. Liberals know and respect the law and the First Amendment right to free association, where private entities can’t be compelled by government to accept someone they don’t want.

Liberals also understand that the basis for the exclusion of homosexuals is devoid of fact and reason and is predicated solely on ignorance and animus toward gays.

There is nothing about being homosexual that is in conflict with the tenets and principles advocated by the BSA, as members or leaders. The irony is that if the BSA truly adhered to its values, it would allow the participation of gays.

The BSA will untimely decide the matter on its own, free of undue influence or coercion. And whatever the organization’s decision, it will be acknowledged and respected by liberals.
Hyper sensitive white people playing the 'victim' are always good entertainment on a slow posting day

Dude, your pretend esoteric deflections are getting rather trite. So what happened? Some conservative pissed in your Wheaties, finally driving you over the edge? :dunno:
I mean it's not even election season......... :eusa_whistle:

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