Bigots @ Boy Scouts of America Consider Allowing Gays

The only fair way to handle this is to allow more freedom in the boy scouts. Some troops can ban gays, some can be all gay and some can be mixed if they wish.
Silly question.

Just look at the mass exodus from the volunteer Armed Forces with the repeal of DADT, that should show you all you need to know.

What mass exodus?

There wasn't one. And if IIRC the Armed Services has met retention goals as well as new recruit goals.


They are recruiting among gays.

After DADT, Military Recruiters Target Gays & Lesbians | The Bilerico Project

No one would know about the number of military members that leave service based on the military being more welcoming to gays because those records aren't kept.
An individual's sex life has no place in the scouts at all.

That appears to be beside the point. Remember, this is the "21st Century".

To be exclusive of alternative lifestyle is to be "openly homophobic".

It's about kids who are gay...not about sex.


some of you people are soooooooooooooooooo stupid on this one
Do you have a head count as to how many gays have actually been members of the Boy Scouts during the last 103 years?

probably more than the general population. You know how they like being naked and converting other boys to the gay lifestyle

My point being that in all practicality gays most likely have always made up some portion of the BSA membership's population.

Yet here we are in the "21st Century" (which apparently belongs exclusively to Liberals). The Century in which all of society is not only expected - but it is demanded of them- to accept embrace and include all lifestyle choices within their own population- and every facet thereof regardless of their own lifestyle choices.

The 21st century belongs to liberals? Bush/Cheney and right wingers would disagree

Acceptance and tolerance have distinct differences.

People resist change. Progress always leaves victims in it's wake. I am a Luddite at heart, but being pragmatic... :eusa_whistle: .
70% of the Boy Scouts are supported through religious organizations, mostly Mormon or Baptist. How long will the Boy Scouts last with 70% of its members gone?

All to please 1%.
What mass exodus?

There wasn't one. And if IIRC the Armed Services has met retention goals as well as new recruit goals.


They are recruiting among gays.

After DADT, Military Recruiters Target Gays & Lesbians | The Bilerico Project

No one would know about the number of military members that leave service based on the military being more welcoming to gays because those records aren't kept.

Shocked, shocked I tell you.

The Armed Forces repeals laws barring homosexuls from serving under the same conditions as heterosexuals and college campuses allow military recruiters on college campuses so they can apply for and might actually join the military.

That's fraking OUTRAGEOUS I say!!!!


BTW - The fearmongering talking point was that the enlisted and officer ranks would flee (enlisted at the end of their enlistment and officers by resigning their commission).

The Bilerico Project the day after repeal? :doubt:

"Our study team includes distinguished scholars from the US Military Academy, US Air Force Academy, US Naval Academy and US Marine Corps War College, as well as scholars with internationally recognized expertise on the issue of gays in the military."


1. The repeal of DADT has had no overall negative impact on military readiness or its
component dimensions, including cohesion, recruitment, retention, assaults, harassment or morale.

4. Recruitment was unaffected by the repeal of DADT. In an era when enlistment standards are tightening, service-wide recruitment has remained robust.

5. Retention was unaffected by the repeal of DADT. There was no mass exodus of military members as a result of repeal, and there were only two verifiable resignations linked to the policy change, both military chaplains. Service members were as likely to say that they plan to re-enlist after DADT repeal as was the case pre-repeal.​ Year Out_0.pdf

The only fair way to handle this is to allow more freedom in the boy scouts. Some troops can ban gays, some can be all gay and some can be mixed if they wish.

Why is it not okay to have a private club where you get to choose who to let in and who not?

Moose, Elks, Masons, are allowed.....

The only fair way to handle this is to allow more freedom in the boy scouts. Some troops can ban gays, some can be all gay and some can be mixed if they wish.

Why is it not okay to have a private club where you get to choose who to let in and who not?

Moose, Elks, Masons, are allowed.....


The BSA is allowed, they even took it all the way to the Supreme Court.

Since gays have many of their own groups and organizations, why is the Boy Scout organization being asked to change?

United States Gay Groups and Organizations
Affirmation: Gay & Lesbian Mormons
African Ancestral Lesbians United for Societal Change
Audre Lorde Project
Bash Back
Basic Rights Oregon
Canvass for a Cause
Cheer, Dorothy, Cheer!
Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere (COLAGE)
Daughters of Bilitis
DignityUSA (Catholic Church)
Empowering Spirits Foundation
Equal Rights Washington
Equality Across America
EQCA (Equality California)
Equality Alabama
Equality Maryland
Equality Michigan
Equality Mississippi
Equality North Carolina
Equality Ohio
Equality Utah
Family Equality Council
Fine By Me
Freedom to Marry
Gay Activists Alliance
Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders (GLAD)
Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD)
Gay and Lesbian Medical Association (GLMA)
Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund
Gay Liberation Front (GLF)
Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN)
Gays and Lesbians in Foreign Affairs Agencies (GLIFAA)
GenderPAC (GPAC)
Georgia Equality
GLBT Global Media (GLBTGM)
Houston GLBT Political Caucus (HGLBTPC)
Human Rights Campaign (HRC)
Immigration Equality
IntegrityUSA (Episcopal Church)
International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE)
Kansas Equality Coalition
Kentucky Equality Federation
Keshet, Inc. (Keshet, Keshet Boston)
Lambda Legal
Lesbian Avengers
Log Cabin Republicans (LCR)
Marriage Equality USA
Mattachine Society
National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE)
National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC)
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (The Task Force)
National Youth Advocacy Coalition (NYAC)
North American Conference of Homophile Organizations
ONE National Gay & Lesbian Archives
Out & Equal
OutFront Minnesota
Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG)
Queer Nation
Rainbow Health Initiative (RHI) link
Rainbow Sash
Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN)
Society for Human Rights
Soulforce (organization)
Stonewall Democrats
Stonewall Shooting Sports of Utah
Touro University Gay-Straight Alliance (TUGSA)
Triangle Foundation [3] - Michigan
Utah Pride Center
University of Michigan Spectrum Center
Washington Families Standing Together
Don't tell, and you won't be asked.

Announce yourself, demand equality where inequality is otherwise nonexistent, threaten suit if not recognized outside of generally accepted norms, label your benefactors as "phobic", turn the general population against an established system based upon non-inclusion, leverage socio/political ideology to further your goals...

...fuck off.

We're talking about kids for Christ's sake.

Scene 1: Parent takes kid to first Boy Scout meeting... "this is our son Bob. We'd like to enroll him in your troop."

Scene 2: Parent takes kid to first Boy Scout meeting... "this is our son Bob. He's gay and we demand that you accept him, embrace him, endorse him, or we will expose your organization as homophobic anti-societal right wing conservative Jesus-loving bible thumping gay-hating, child-rejecting radical destroyers of humanity".

Take yer pick.

Scene 3: Boy starts out in Cub Scouts, and then joins Boy Scouts, so he's been in the Scouts for quite some time. By the time he turns 14, he has figured out that he's not exactly like most of the other boys. When the other boys figure it out, then everyone finds out, and the young boy is kicked out of Scouts for being gay. What did this young boy/teenager do to deserve being kicked out?
We're talking about kids for Christ's sake.

Scene 1: Parent takes kid to first Boy Scout meeting... "this is our son Bob. We'd like to enroll him in your troop."

Scene 2: Parent takes kid to first Boy Scout meeting... "this is our son Bob. He's gay and we demand that you accept him, embrace him, endorse him, or we will expose your organization as homophobic anti-societal right wing conservative Jesus-loving bible thumping gay-hating, child-rejecting radical destroyers of humanity".

Take yer pick.

Scene 3: Boy starts out in Cub Scouts, and then joins Boy Scouts, so he's been in the Scouts for quite some time. By the time he turns 14, he has figured out that he's not exactly like most of the other boys. When the other boys figure it out, then everyone finds out, and the young boy is kicked out of Scouts for being gay. What did this young boy/teenager do to deserve being kicked out?

He has come to understand that his personal feelings and the values of the boy scouts are in conflict. If anything, the boy would be commended for leaving on his own. It really is no different than any other group when an individual decides that the group no longer reflects their personal feelings and values.
Since gays have many of their own groups and organizations, why is the Boy Scout organization being asked to change?

The link in the OP indicates that it is the Boy Scouts themselves that are looking at changing.


They have had alot of pressure put on them to change, WorldWatcher....California lawmakers are considering taking some tax exemptions away from youth groups that do not accept gay, transgender or atheist members — a move intended to pressure the Boy Scouts of America to lift its ban on gay Scouts and troop leaders. Sponsors are being attacked for supporting the ban on gays in the Boy Scouts etc.
Since gays have many of their own groups and organizations, why is the Boy Scout organization being asked to change?

The link in the OP indicates that it is the Boy Scouts themselves that are looking at changing.


They have had alot of pressure put on them to change, WorldWatcher....California lawmakers are considering taking some tax exemptions away from youth groups that do not accept gay, transgender or atheist members — a move intended to pressure the Boy Scouts of America to lift its ban on gay Scouts and troop leaders. Sponsors are being attacked for supporting the ban on gays in the Boy Scouts etc.

Thank you. I disagree with the purpose of the legislation.


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