Bill Ackman, rich dude who was the major voice pushing Gay out at Harvard is living by the feud on MIT/Harvard


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia

TLDR version:

MIT and Harvard are ticked at him.
Someone, MIT I think, took his wife's dissertation and claimed plagiarism. It wasn't major but very minor.
They are ripping his wife apart.
Now, Ackman intends to collect all the dissertations from all MIT faculty and use AI to check for plagiarism.

He says after he is done there, he will go after Harvard.....
I love it when a guy has the resources to push back.....Kinda makes your heart glow. ;)

It's amazing how technology has affected people who long must have thought they got away with something. Like DNA technology finding rapists and murderers decades after the crime.

And it's the gift that will keep on giving too.....Wait before lawsuits from alumni who were taught by soon to be discredited and disgraced faculty.
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I hope that as he discredits various profs the univ. will be made to reimburse everyone whose education came from those pretenders. A loss of money is the only thing that will make those rotten scoundrels feel remorse. MAGA

TLDR version:

MIT and Harvard are ticked at him.
Someone, MIT I think, took his wife's dissertation and claimed plagiarism. It wasn't major but very minor.
They are ripping his wife apart.
Now, Ackman intends to collect all the dissertations from all MIT faculty and use AI to check for plagiarism.

He says after he is done there, he will go after Harvard.....
I love it when a guy has the resources to push back.....Kinda makes your heart glow. ;)

It's amazing how technology has affected people who long must have thought they got away with something. Like DNA technology finding rapists and murderers decades after the crime.

And it's the gift that will keep on giving too.....Wait before lawsuits from alumni who were taught by soon to be discredited and disgraced faculty.

Liberals act like children.

TLDR version:

MIT and Harvard are ticked at him.
Someone, MIT I think, took his wife's dissertation and claimed plagiarism. It wasn't major but very minor.
They are ripping his wife apart.
Now, Ackman intends to collect all the dissertations from all MIT faculty and use AI to check for plagiarism.

He says after he is done there, he will go after Harvard.....
I love it when a guy has the resources to push back.....Kinda makes your heart glow. ;)

It's amazing how technology has affected people who long must have thought they got away with something. Like DNA technology finding rapists and murderers decades after the crime.

And it's the gift that will keep on giving too.....Wait before lawsuits from alumni who were taught by soon to be discredited and disgraced faculty.


Do you know what quotes are? That is what was missing with Ms. Gay's supposed plagiarism.
Part of the ferocious Civil War within the Left. Liberal plutocrats vs POC

African Americans are not happy. Mostly Jewish people running the ”Biden” administration and all they seem to desire is endless war and the mutilation of “transgender” children.

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The voice the OP isn't talking about is the guy pictured below... Christopher Rufo


TLDR version:

MIT and Harvard are ticked at him.
Someone, MIT I think, took his wife's dissertation and claimed plagiarism. It wasn't major but very minor.
They are ripping his wife apart.
Now, Ackman intends to collect all the dissertations from all MIT faculty and use AI to check for plagiarism.

He says after he is done there, he will go after Harvard.....
I love it when a guy has the resources to push back.....Kinda makes your heart glow. ;)

It's amazing how technology has affected people who long must have thought they got away with something. Like DNA technology finding rapists and murderers decades after the crime.

And it's the gift that will keep on giving too.....Wait before lawsuits from alumni who were taught by soon to be discredited and disgraced faculty.

To every thing, there is a reason... MIT and Harvard are getting a lot of funding from both foreign Marxist and Totalitarian countries some of whom hate Jewish people, and their included professors are turning students against not only American Jewish people, but ingovernment/ideology, Israel itself.

They have a plan, and it may not be good if their end result is American infighting: this video is eye-opening, and sadly, a little appalling: do not read this is you are not feeling well over choices the current Ivy League schools are making to accommodate billions of dollars in foreign aid from truly fascist countries, and it could fly in the face of the Constitution:


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