Bill Barr proves he's a RINO one more time

So Trump is the Republican Party, right?
/----/ YUP, and Dementia Joe is the democrat party. 4 years to prepare for 2020, and this was the best you could come up with?
Trump is a product of the Republican party hatefest on the Democrats..

The Republican Party after the Bush debacle presidency went full court press on demonising the Democrats and Obama... They did it not for the betterment of America but to keep themselves relevant... They were staring down the barrel of a wave from Obama, another charismatic Democrat Presidency and Hillary was going to run on his coat tails.

So they went dark, very dark... They went negative. Using there media bubble which they expanded and created a cult like atmosphere... They accused Democrats of crimes like murder and pedophilia, they created a tribe and even talking to the other side was disloyal... Obama was the enemy but Hillary (the most popular politician in the US in 2013) was the most evil... They couldn't spread enough false stories about Hillary... They had her as the stupidest woman in America at the same time running the most complex evil plot in history, it was utter bullshit but to say it would be disloyal to the tribe and thus ridicule or worse excommunication.

Then came along Donald Trump. This guy has no real political ideology, but he could see this cult like behaviour. He just said that the Republican party was soft and he was even more loyal to the Tribe and he hate the Democrats even more... The brainwashing tribe mentality took over... Trump just was even more crude, more obnoxious and they tribe followed. Some Republicans discovered the monster they have created but by that time the tribe mentality was too far gone. Some resisted and got excommunicated, some came back into the fold and were accepted at a lower stature. The monster is in charge and the tribe culture which mainly based on hating Democrats is now the philosophy of the Republican base, they don't really have a policy base themselves, just mainly, if democrats are doing that we are doing the opposite.

So where do we go from here? The good news about Trump is that he was incompetent.. He was a fuck up really... The people he hired were z listers and micromanaged because the cult leader has to look in charge... The main damage that was done was with people like Stephen Millar and Bethsy DeVos. Yes a million people died in COVID through incompetence and that is very hurtful but he could have been worse (I know that is hard to take and is very much debatable).

So what is the real scare? A competent person who has the lack of empathy of Trump, the vindictive streak and knows how to delegate to competent people who are just as bad/brainwashed as he is... These people can just have drunk the Koolaid much like the some people did in Germany in the 1930s... Remember they have dehumanised the other side making them into murders and pedophiles. This is exactly what the NAZIs did... How many times have we seen that liberals, democrats, immigrants should be shot even on this forum?

What needs to happen is a charismatic moderate needs to elected and the media needs to calm down...
/----/ "What needs to happen is a charismatic moderate needs to elected "
TRANSLATION: Republicans need to be elected who will roll over and play dead for the democRAT agenda just like the old days.
Unbelievable that he could turn 180 degrees like that.

---Bill Barr Says GOP Must Choose Between Donald Trump and Holding the White House for 3 Terms---

"The day that he’s elected, he’ll be a 78-year-old lame duck who is obviously bent on revenge more than anything else."

Trump's new campaign slogan.........MAVA.........Make America Vindictive Again.
This is why she isn’t a RINO unless you change the definition to anyone who refuses to be a Trump lapdog. The fact that you you have redefined it says it all.
The only thing that marks her as ”RINO“ to you guys is not supporting Trump in his conduct. Not policies.

No, Mrs. C. Something about HER has changed. Voting records only speak to the PAST, I'm concerned with the PRESENT, and in the present:
  1. Liz has attacked and condemned her party's best and most likely chance of defeating the wild left agenda of the democrats.
  2. More than presenting her case, she has lied about and even suppressed evidence, trampling over other people's rights exceeding her own authority to try to make her case.
  3. Democrats are widely supporting her now.
  4. She has gone to democrats asking them to change parties just so they can vote for her to keep her in office.
  5. Liz can't buy a friend in her whole state.
This is not the Liz Cheney of past. I didn't have to change a thing. Liz Cheney may have been a good republican at one time, but hardly no one in the GOP these days would now buy her a cup of coffee. If Liz has any political future now, it is probably running as a democrat.
No, Mrs. C. Something about HER has changed. Voting records only speak to the PAST, I'm concerned with the PRESENT, and in the present:

Present voting record looks like what?

  1. Liz has attacked and condemned her party's best and most likely chance of defeating the wild left agenda of the democrats.
You realize what you are saying here right? That your party is willing to support someone who is corrupt, criminal, and willing to jettison 250 years of electoral and Constitutional order in order to retain power. That you support ANYONE AND ANYTHING if it advances your agenda.

Liz’s sin was not being willing to go along with that, not her conservative credentials.

  1. More than presenting her case, she has lied about and even suppressed evidence, trampling over other people's rights exceeding her own authority to try to make her case.

That is debatable.

  1. Democrats are widely supporting her now.

Errrr not really. You aren’t going to see Dems voting for her with positions.

  1. She has gone to democrats asking them to change parties just so they can vote for her to keep her in office.
Sounds a lot like something Trump would do :lol: …. On second no, he would just claim faux fraud to stay in office. Cheney is not going to find many Dems willing to support her far right agenda.

  1. Liz can't buy a friend in her whole state.

Poor Liz, that’s the price of refusing to support The Big Lie.
This is not the Liz Cheney of past. I didn't have to change a thing. Liz Cheney may have been a good republican at one time, but hardly no one in the GOP these days would now buy her a cup of coffee. If Liz has any political future now, it is probably running as a democrat.

And yet not a single thing in her voting record or her political positions has changed. That is exactly being a RINO these is defined solely by one’s support of Trump.
Trump is a product of the Republican party hatefest on the Democrats..

Total horseshit.

Trump is a product of republicans who campaign like libertarians, then govern like leftist demoncrats....See: the entire Bush crime family, Mitch Mcturtle, Paul Ryan, John Boehner, Juan McQuisling, Mittens Romney, ad nauseum.
/----/ YUP, and Dementia Joe is the democrat party. 4 years to prepare for 2020, and this was the best you could come up with?
View attachment 679252
well, when you are stealing it, you have to be careful. You have to things look a certain way.. You know, make America "feel sorry" for you candidate so if anything rotten happens on his watch... nothing will be done... beginning w/ the Big Steal
You realize what you are saying here right? That your party is willing to support someone who is corrupt, criminal, and willing to jettison 250 years of electoral and Constitutional order in order to retain power. That you support ANYONE AND ANYTHING if it advances your agenda.
I said nothing akin to that at all. Those are wild and unfounded accusations.

Liz’s sin was not being willing to go along with that, not her conservative credentials.
No, Liz's sin, among others, totally separating her forever from any claim of being on the lawful side much the a conservative is that she not only supports this, but is right at the HEART of tearing down our democracy. I suggest you read this one article carefully and cogitate the import of what it is saying and now weigh it against the shameful actions which just happened vis a vis Merrick Garland. Liz Cheney the great conservative it literally facilitating this nation's slide down into a banana republic no better than what Putin does to HIS political opponents, then get back to me on criminal, electoral and constitutional matters.

"The day that he’s elected, he’ll be a 78-year-old lame duck who is obviously bent on revenge more than anything else."

Trump's new campaign slogan.........MAVA.........Make America Vindictive Again.
Can't blame him for wanting revenge after what happened in 2020.
I said nothing akin to that at all. Those are wild and unfounded accusations.

It is essentially what the Republicans are and HAVE been doing to anyone who speaks up against Trump or anything he does or even if Trump simply dislikes someone.

No, Liz's sin, among others, totally separating her forever from any claim of being on the lawful side much the a conservative is that she not only supports this, but is right at the HEART of tearing down our democracy. I suggest you read this one article carefully and cogitate the import of what it is saying and now weigh it against the shameful actions which just happened vis a vis Merrick Garland. Liz Cheney the great conservative it literally facilitating this nation's slide down into a banana republic no better than what Putin does to HIS political opponents, then get back to me on criminal, electoral and constitutional matters.

Totally disagree with the article. It is essentially putting Trump of law, which has been a continuous pattern along with abusing power to “get back” at perceived enemies who DO speak the truth, like Vindman. This is exactly what would turn us into a Bananna Republic. Not holding him to account for is anti-democratic agenda.
It is essentially what the Republicans are and HAVE been doing to anyone who speaks up against Trump or anything he does or even if Trump simply dislikes someone.

Totally disagree with the article. It is essentially putting Trump of law, which has been a continuous pattern along with abusing power to “get back” at perceived enemies who DO speak the truth, like Vindman. This is exactly what would turn us into a Bananna Republic. Not holding him to account for is anti-democratic agenda.
/——-/ “It is essentially what the Republicans are and HAVE been doing to anyone”
Got a list of names you’d like to share?
It is essentially what the Republicans are and HAVE been doing to anyone who speaks up against Trump or anything he does or even if Trump simply dislikes someone.

Yes but you are confusing cause and effect. The effect might be a lot of anti-Trumpers not getting elected, but the CAUSE isn't so much because they are against Trump as much as against his POLICIES which are at the heart of restoring a constitutional republic that again represents the PEOPLE and not a mere sham run by an unelected, power-mad deep state in Washington.

The people of this country have now seen real representation in their government and are not willing to go back to Washington's fake status quo--- look what it has given them: JOE BIDDUM.
This is why she isn’t a RINO unless you change the definition to anyone who refuses to be a Trump lapdog. The fact that you you have redefined it says it all.

Voting scorecards calculated by conservative organizations back up Greene’s assertion about Cheney, who was first elected to Wyoming's lone House seat in 2016. Heritage Action gives Cheney a lifetime score of 80%, while the American Conservative Union puts her lifetime score at 78%. FiveThirtyEight found Cheney voted in line with former President Donald Trump’s agenda 93% of the time.

How specifically is this even remotely Dem Lite?

The only thing that marks her as ”RINO“ to you guys is not supporting Trump in his conduct. Not policies.

That's all you get out of Liz Cheney's actions, that she "isn't a lap dog?" The double standards you have between the parties are just MASSIVE

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