Bill Clinton Serves Up A Big Platter Of Obamaloney

I was furious that the republicans were crucifying Clinton for getting a BJ. But when I thought about WHERE he did it, as in the Oval Office, and the sanctity of it being violated in such a way, it canceled my feelings out. It's like having sex in a Church, you have to be a special kind of lowlife bullshit artist. But to be honest the 08 crisis was not one party's doing, in fact the Democrats played a bigger role by forcing banks to give out shady loans to people they shouldn't have. IE "share the wealth and opportunity".

Any CEO who was caught getting a blow job from an intern would be fired. You don't mention he was impeached not for the act, but covering it up.

Democrats got "coverups" when Nixon did it. But when it's a Democrat, the coverup is ignored and it's the act.
Romney wants to make this about jobs. OK. Bill Clinton had as many jobs created in his terms as the GOP had total for the last 50 years. Seems that maybe he knows something about creating jobs.
Clinton, the man impeached for lying under oath, cheated on his wife, and took credit for an awesome Republican Congress stood before a massive crowd singing praises of Obama. Does anyone actually believe him?

Yea, we all know they've kissed and made up.:cuckoo:
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Democrat speeches are all emotion and no substance, that trend continues at this year's DNC, ho hum.......
We must applaud him for his awesome performance, we all know how straight faced he can be when he's lying, I do remember him pointing his finger a time or two as well while he spewed his lies about Obama. :clap2:
Romney wants to make this about jobs. OK. Bill Clinton had as many jobs created in his terms as the GOP had total for the last 50 years. Seems that maybe he knows something about creating jobs.

Clinton did have shit. Clinton's ecomomy was Reagan's doing Clinton's spending cuts were mostly the Republican congress's spending cuts, Wefare Reform was Republican Welfare Reform written by Santorum actually.
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Romney wants to make this about jobs. OK. Bill Clinton had as many jobs created in his terms as the GOP had total for the last 50 years. Seems that maybe he knows something about creating jobs.

Clinton did have shit. Clinton's ecomomy was Reagan's doing Clinton's spending cuts were mostly the Republican congress's spending cuts Wefare Reform was Republican Welfare Reform written by Santorum actually

A Republican congress led by none other than Newt Gingrich. :lol:
Social Security and Medicare are going broke,jasonfree
They are not ending the programs, they are reforming them.It gives the people more freedom and that is why the left are lying through their teeth about what they want to do with the programs.
The numbers come from the congressional budget office.A non partisan group who says that the programs are going to pay out more than it takes in.
That's called going broke.
And the shmucks in the crowd bought his BS hook sink and ladder. I swear I thought I saw Monica on all fours down there. Never mind...

Look, don't get me wrong, I voted for Clinton, and I thought he was a great President. But this arrogant socialist con artist Obama ain't no Clintoon, and neither are the circumstances. Clintoon did what he had to at the convention, act as a party hack for Obama. But, he still didn't explain why Obama made those promises, why we're at 23 million unemployed, why our foreign policy is in shambles and we've turned our back on our allies (to the point that Jerusalem was deceptively taken out of the Platform), why we've had over 8% unemployment for the last 4 years.

Only if you're living in a parallel universe would you fall for that Obamaloney that things are better than they were four years. Problem is, our bullshit artist in cheif had 2 years with both houses in hands, to do what's necessary to put this country back on track. Instead all he could eat shit and breath was the Health Care Bill. Now, Clintoon and Obama want to tell us that the GOP were obstructionists? Give me a fucking break.

Watch this video and see how Democrats have ruled and will continue to. Judge them by how they treat fellow Democrats. What a bunch of phony baloney HYPOCRITS. All I heard tonight was hate speech and lies.

DNC railroads its own delegates in the name of God & Jerusalem - YouTube

I left the Republican Party because of all of their lies and idiocy. No, I don't want more tax cuts, nor do I want more deregulation. Those are things that got us into trouble, and now the Republicons want to double down on those policies. No fucking thank you.

How is it exactly that those things got us into trouble. I hear those words alot and yet know one ever articulates what specifically about tax cuts and deregulation caused our ills. We know that Bush was calling for the reigning in of Fannie and Freddie for a long time before the housing bust. Please point out the specifics of what caused our ills.
Bill Clinton serves up a platter of Socialism:clap2::clap2:

Now we are starting to see why so many people in Germany were so mesmerized by Hitler and his socialism.
Oh Der fuhrer!!!!!!!!!! it sounds so wonderful.

Clinton hit one out of the park, by even some Republican pundits on last night. They still fear him.
Clinton was blowing his own horn as much as stumping for Obama. The rhetoric about 'we're all in this together and sharing responsibilities' is a pretty way of saying that the workers will do even more to take care of the idle. It's socialism and that has never worked and never will. Obama can only promise more to the government dependents and doesn't seem to care about the middle class, the people he claims now to want to protect. He stated nearly a year ago that he wasn't even addressing middle class. We never made his priority list. He's too busy increasing entitlements and encouraging more illegal aliens to sneak in.

Clinton also claimed that kids are dropping out of college because they can't pay their loans. I guess he forgot that you don't pay the loans back until 6 months after you're out of college. If you don't want to start paying them, stay in school and ensure you'll qualify for a good job when you're done.

Obama is hoping that all of Clinton's popularity will spill over onto him. He can keep wishing. Nary a word about the high unemployment or the fact that things have continued to get worse. We came out of the Great Depression quicker than this. While Clinton was full of insincere praise of Obama tonight, it's all the exact opposite of what he said a few years ago. He was right back then, but now I think he's trying to pave the way for Hillary to run in 2016. That means hiding his disgust and staying loyal to party lines. He's a good talker. Of course, in the past he lied and sounded soooo convincing. This seems like another example of his gifted silver tongue.
It was an amazing historical speech by the best communicator I have known. I think Clinton is the only person that has outer body type abilities, where he looks at himself from the mind's eye, and goes off script and improvises his speech based on what he sees. I don't think there will ever be another person like him in public office. Unfortunately for Obama non of it applied to what has happened during his presidency. I thought Paul Ryan's speech was the only one that came to a close second to Clinton's. Obama? Forget it, it's a lot of hype, he doesn't even hold a candle.

Ryan's speech was much better than Clinton's bull


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