Bill Clintons rape victims defend donald Trump

OP is wrong.

Trump trotted them out to point how how he had bragged that he made his own wives suffer and therefore, why we should vote from him.

Later, he'll bring out Ivana and Marla as well as Melania who was at home pregnant while he was bragging about sexually assaulting women by grabbing their pussies.

Does this mean Trump will chicken out from bringing it up in the debate?
Trump’s flip-flop on whether the Bill Clinton sex scandals are important

MATTHEWS: Did you ever have a flicker, when you’re taking a shower or walking to work or waking up in the morning, when you said: ‘Donald Trump, you’ve won every battle you’ve ever fought. Why don’t you run for governor? Why don’t you run for president?’ Did you ever think about that?

TRUMP: People want me to all the time.

MATTHEWS: What about you?

TRUMP: I don’t like it.


TRUMP: Can you imagine how controversial that’d be? You think about him with the women. How about me with the women? Can you imagine …

MATTHEWS: Well, you might be close, but it’d be no cigar.

TRUMP: Well, they might like my women better, too, you know.
The fact that Trump has bragged about being a sexual criminal means that he is attacking this woman and all the women who were his victims.

Just when you thought he could not get any lower..
On Aug. 27, 1998, just nine days after Clinton admitted to an “inappropriate relationship” with Lewinsky, Trump appeared on CNBC and was interviewed by Chris Matthews. He praised Clinton’s handling of the economy, saying it was doing better than under Ronald Reagan.

“The best thing he has going is the fact that the economy’s doing great,” Trump said. “I’ve never seen anything like it. You know, they talked about the ’80s were good. The ’90s are better. I mean, the ’90s are really much better.”
I honestly wonder how long it's going to take STUPID SOB'n RW'S to figure out BILL CLINTON AIN'T RUNNING FOR OFFICE ?


They have yet to figure out that Donald Trump has been caught cheating on his ex-wives and his 2005 comments in the same year he married wife number three drives it home that Donald Trump is a cheater, but his voters do not care at all and believe using Bill Clinton cheating past will justify Donald cheating way of life...

These are the same fools that believe the nonsense about a wall and deporting everyone that is illegal because he tell them he will do this while not realizing Trump usually does not do what he says he will do...
I overheard two kids in the supermarket an hour ago. "I've waited 18 years to vote, and these are my two choices?!?"

Way to go Donny....just what Dems had hoped for

This is the point when Hillary takes the high ground and leaves Trump fuming
So HAPPY the Dumb ASS Trump has been caught out......should finish the Bastard Off,but one must ask the QUESTION,how can so many Americans want to Vote for this compulsive,repulsive NON TAX PAYING,SEXSUAL DEVIATE............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SCUM BAG

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