Bill Gates: Raising The Minimum Wage Destroys Jobs

What was actually said:

Well, jobs are a great thing. You have to be a bit careful: If you raise the minimum wage, you’re encouraging labor substitution and you’re going to go buy machines and automate things — or cause jobs to appear outside of that jurisdiction. And so within certain limits, you know, it does cause job destruction. If you really start pushing it, then you’re just making a huge trade-off.

Cue the profanity...
Why do Republicans always "pounce" on such nonsense? They truly believe "prosperity through lower wages".

One Per Cent: Foxconn aims for a million robot workers by 2014

Humans will never complete doing the exact same jobs as robots. Workers at Foxconn make $172 a month and yet they are being replaced with robots.

Worse, with more making minimum wage, the tax payers have to pay to take up the slack.

52 percent of American fast food workers rely on some form of public aid, leaving taxpayers with a nearly $7 billion tab each year
Why do Republicans always "pounce" on such nonsense? They truly believe "prosperity through lower wages".

One Per Cent: Foxconn aims for a million robot workers by 2014

Humans will never complete doing the exact same jobs as robots. Workers at Foxconn make $172 a month and yet they are being replaced with robots.

Worse, with more making minimum wage, the tax payers have to pay to take up the slack.

52 percent of American fast food workers rely on some form of public aid, leaving taxpayers with a nearly $7 billion tab each year

Do you truly believe in "trickle up poverty"? Because that's exactly what you are advocating 24x7.

If a business has $100 per year for payroll, would you rather see them hire one person at $100 per year, or 20 people at $5 per year?

This is not rocket science folks. The wealthy are not going to eat the cost of government regulation (no matter how much you wish they would). So it's either raise prices (not likely in a bad economy and facing stiff competition) or cut back on employees.

And the Dumbocrats wonder why Obama's presidency has been plagued by +8% unemployment? :eusa_doh:
What was actually said:

Well, jobs are a great thing. You have to be a bit careful: If you raise the minimum wage, you’re encouraging labor substitution and you’re going to go buy machines and automate things — or cause jobs to appear outside of that jurisdiction. And so within certain limits, you know, it does cause job destruction. If you really start pushing it, then you’re just making a huge trade-off.

Cue the profanity...

Very good CC - you can cut & paste! :clap2:

Now how does that differ at all from my initial post? You know, since you implied it did with you "what was actually said"...
Why do Republicans always "pounce" on such nonsense? They truly believe "prosperity through lower wages".

Does anyone else find it ironic that a person who utilizes a doctored photograph of George Zimmerman as his avatar is crying about "pouncing"? :eusa_whistle:
So 11% of our minimum wage earners are employed in fast food that live in poverty, that is lower than I thought...

Here you have a Liberal telling Liberals that it does not work and that it is much more complex...

Then you have deany, oh well...
look its time for the u.s. to break-up - i believe the best hope is a soviet style collapse
Bill Gates is a computer genius. That's the extent of his knowledge. Jobs was a byproduct of his genius.

Really? So he wasn't CEO of Microsoft during the period that it went from tiny start up to Fortune 500 giant?

News flash genius - Bill Gates wasn't coding software at Microsoft. He stopped doing that shit after about 1984. He was the Chief Executive Officer. Which means he was making business decisions for the company 24x7. Decisions in response to taxes, labor, regulations, and a whole lot more.

His knowledge goes light years beyond the "extent" of computers. And the fact that you don't know that makes me gravely concerned about the "extent" of your knowledge...
look its time for the u.s. to break-up - i believe the best hope is a soviet style collapse

As long as Dumbocrats like Obama, Pelosi, and Reid keep getting elected to office, a Soviet-style collapse is assured...
Bill Gates is a computer genius. That's the extent of his knowledge. Jobs was a byproduct of his genius.

Really? So he wasn't CEO of Microsoft during the period that it went from tiny start up to Fortune 500 giant?

News flash genius - Bill Gates wasn't coding software at Microsoft. He stopped doing that shit after about 1984. He was the Chief Executive Officer. Which means he was making business decisions for the company 24x7. Decisions in response to taxes, labor, regulations, and a whole lot more.

His knowledge goes light years beyond the "extent" of computers. And the fact that you don't know that makes me gravely concerned about the "extent" of your knowledge...

Shows how little you know of him. He was the ceo, yes but he didn't make the decisions you think he did. He was the CEO because he was the creator. As his stocks dove in price he realized the need for someone else to be in control. Meanwhile he could persue his LIBERAL agenda.

Nice to see you read ONE article and latched onto ONE part of it.
Also his company went to a fortune five hundred company because of his SOFTWARE. Not because he was a job creator. Like I said the jobs created were a byproduct of the success of the product he created.

But hey maybe we should elevate the creator of the vibrator to economic genious too eh?

When considering a renovation you consciously or not assign a value to the outcome. If the bids come in higher than your estimate you just don't do the reno.

Each job has a value relative to the cost of the final product. Any job whose cost exceeds that value gets eliminated. By automation; change to the product or elimination of the product. In two of those three cases jobs go away. In the other a few jobs may remain but still some are gone forever.

Yes, boys and girls, it is possible to price yourself out of a job just as it's easy to price a product out of the market.
BTW I've always said that raising the minimum wage is a job killer. Does that elevate me as well? Never knew stating the obvious came with such accolades
Why do Republicans always "pounce" on such nonsense? They truly believe "prosperity through lower wages".

One Per Cent: Foxconn aims for a million robot workers by 2014

Humans will never complete doing the exact same jobs as robots. Workers at Foxconn make $172 a month and yet they are being replaced with robots.

Worse, with more making minimum wage, the tax payers have to pay to take up the slack.

52 percent of American fast food workers rely on some form of public aid, leaving taxpayers with a nearly $7 billion tab each year

Do you truly believe in "trickle up poverty"? Because that's exactly what you are advocating 24x7.

If a business has $100 per year for payroll, would you rather see them hire one person at $100 per year, or 20 people at $5 per year?

This is not rocket science folks. The wealthy are not going to eat the cost of government regulation (no matter how much you wish they would). So it's either raise prices (not likely in a bad economy and facing stiff competition) or cut back on employees.

And the Dumbocrats wonder why Obama's presidency has been plagued by +8% unemployment? :eusa_doh:

no sense wasting your breath on dumb fucks who have no fuckin' idea 'bout the basic principles of human interaction (i.e., basic economics)...

most dumb fucks 'r gonna stay dumb fucks... no matter what we or anybody else says or does...

'n the dumb fucks 'r gonna make alotta dumb-fuck noise...

'n we're gonna have to bear with it... it's an unfortunate price to pay for having dumb fucks in our lives...
Bill Gates is a computer genius. That's the extent of his knowledge. Jobs was a byproduct of his genius.

Really? So he wasn't CEO of Microsoft during the period that it went from tiny start up to Fortune 500 giant?

News flash genius - Bill Gates wasn't coding software at Microsoft. He stopped doing that shit after about 1984. He was the Chief Executive Officer. Which means he was making business decisions for the company 24x7. Decisions in response to taxes, labor, regulations, and a whole lot more.

His knowledge goes light years beyond the "extent" of computers. And the fact that you don't know that makes me gravely concerned about the "extent" of your knowledge...

Shows how little you know of him. He was the ceo, yes but he didn't make the decisions you think he did. He was the CEO because he was the creator. As his stocks dove in price he realized the need for someone else to be in control. Meanwhile he could persue his LIBERAL agenda.

Nice to see you read ONE article and latched onto ONE part of it.

I love when ignorant people make up their own version of reality. I mean, sure, one of my closest friends worked for Gates and stood in front of him in Gates office on many occasions watching him make every decision that any other CEO would be making, but that reality doesn't fit GMU's narrative very well, so he felt it was ok to simply make up a new one. Somehow, having never worked at Microsoft or known anyone who has, GMU here believes he can arbitrarily decide that Gates "didn't make the decisions you think he did".

He was CEO for 25 years and took the business from no stock to stock worth so much, it made him the wealthiest man in the world. But just ignore that fact. Just ignore the fact that Microsoft sales under Gates were off the charts - to the point where they actually built a $4 billion "war chest". Yep, ignore all of that. Because GMU here just made up his own version of reality which he likes better - and he thinks you will too... :eusa_doh:
Well, I'm kind of glad that they raised the minimum wage. Otherwise, Safeway stores would be having a very hard time hiring kids to bag groceries at $.80 per hour, like they paid me back in 1959....
Really? So he wasn't CEO of Microsoft during the period that it went from tiny start up to Fortune 500 giant?

News flash genius - Bill Gates wasn't coding software at Microsoft. He stopped doing that shit after about 1984. He was the Chief Executive Officer. Which means he was making business decisions for the company 24x7. Decisions in response to taxes, labor, regulations, and a whole lot more.

His knowledge goes light years beyond the "extent" of computers. And the fact that you don't know that makes me gravely concerned about the "extent" of your knowledge...

Shows how little you know of him. He was the ceo, yes but he didn't make the decisions you think he did. He was the CEO because he was the creator. As his stocks dove in price he realized the need for someone else to be in control. Meanwhile he could persue his LIBERAL agenda.

Nice to see you read ONE article and latched onto ONE part of it.

I love when ignorant people make up their own version of reality. I mean, sure, one of my closest friends worked for Gates and stood in front of him in Gates office on many occasions watching him make every decision that any other CEO would be making, but that reality doesn't fit GMU's narrative very well, so he felt it was ok to simply make up a new one. Somehow, having never worked at Microsoft or known anyone who has, GMU here believes he can arbitrarily decide that Gates "didn't make the decisions you think he did".

He was CEO for 25 years and took the business from no stock to stock worth so much, it made him the wealthiest man in the world. But just ignore that fact. Just ignore the fact that Microsoft sales under Gates were off the charts - to the point where they actually built a $4 billion "war chest". Yep, ignore all of that. Because GMU here just made up his own version of reality which he likes better - and he thinks you will too... :eusa_doh:

So you're a liar too? You have a friend who stood in front of Gates as he made executive decisions? Lol yeah okie dokie


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