Bill Maher basically admits abortion is murder, and tells us why we need to embrace it anyway.

They do. Mark my words, their next battle will be for on-demand euthanasia. At any age, and for any reason, or no reason.
You mean on-demand euthanasia for anyone running for political office outside the DNC?
Punish the woman OP, live your convictions.

Afterall, we are talking murder here.
It baffles my mind that you think that.

Murder is a legal term. It is the unlawful taking of a life.

Subsequently, if abortion is legal, by definition it can't murder.

I know what killing and murder are and what their difference is.

I'd explain to why abortion is murder but I think it would be a waste of my time to type it out. I don't believe you'd actually read it, let alone consider it.
I know what killing and murder are and what their difference is.

I'd explain to why abortion is murder but I think it would be a waste of my time to type it out. I don't believe you'd actually read it, let alone consider it.
What's to consider?

How can something that has to be unlawful to have occured, occur if it's legal?

Maybe this will help you clear your thoughts...

(a)Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought.

If abortion is lawful, how can it be murder?

If you can type out a logical answer to that I will be quite impressed.
What's to consider?

How can something that has to be unlawful to have occured, occur if it's legal?

Maybe this will help you clear your thoughts...

(a)Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought.

If abortion is lawful, how can it be murder?

If you can type out a logical answer to that I will be quite impressed.

Because murder goes beyond just the law saying is ok.

Aborting a child is ending it's life needlessly. It's no different than simply walking up to a stranger eating ice creme peacefully and shooting them in the head. They are exactly the same things.

Murder is not rooted in legality. It predates any kind of legal system as we know it now. Murder is simply an act coupled with a circumstance just like killing results in death also but it's circumstance is different. Thou shall not murder (kill is a mistake people ran with) was even in the Bible. It is an act, not a law.

You're more interested in being a contrarian, more interested in arguing against people that you ignore things in order to be right. That's why your post count vs reaction score is what it is, because you're not taken seriously because of things you say like this for example.

I'll consider this conversation at an end though. I hope you find whatever it is you're missing in your life that is causing you to be unhappy and closed minded. God bless you.
Because murder goes beyond just the law saying is ok.

Aborting a child is ending it's life needlessly. It's no different than simply walking up to a stranger eating ice creme peacefully and shooting them in the head. They are exactly the same things.

Except that guy eating the ice cream isn't living inside someone's body for 9 months, causing permanent health changes. So they aren't nearly the same thing.

Murder is not rooted in legality. It predates any kind of legal system as we know it now. Murder is simply an act coupled with a circumstance just like killing results in death also but it's circumstance is different. Thou shall not murder (kill is a mistake people ran with) was even in the Bible. It is an act, not a law.

But here's the thing, the Bible never recognized fetuses as being the same as human beings. In fact, the Bible didn't even count infants under a month old in their Census figures. Leviticus 27:6, Numbers 3:40

In Exodus 21: 22-23, the bible does not consider the accidental death of a fetus to be a crime worth more than a fine paid to the woman's husband.

But then you get to my personal favorite, God's Magic Abortion Potion as described in Numbers 5:21-21, 27-28.

You're more interested in being a contrarian, more interested in arguing against people that you ignore things in order to be right. That's why your post count vs reaction score is what it is, because you're not taken seriously because of things you say like this for example.
Why do you care about your likes and reaction scores? Are you a 16-year-old girl?

I'll consider this conversation at an end though. I hope you find whatever it is you're missing in your life that is causing you to be unhappy and closed minded. God bless you.
I'm not sure why your inability to back up your position is his problem, exactly? He made a very congant point. Abortion is not recognized as murder in the legal code. It wasn't recognized as such even when abortions were illegal.
I know what killing and murder are and what their difference is.

I'd explain to why abortion is murder but I think it would be a waste of my time to type it out. I don't believe you'd actually read it, let alone consider it.
Abortion isn't murder. You fuzz up your own argument calling it murder. It is a killing, a taking of human life but no murder.
Because murder goes beyond just the law saying is ok.
I am speaking from a legal perspective.

The law does not say murder is ok.

Aborting a child is ending it's life needlessly. It's no different than simply walking up to a stranger eating ice creme peacefully and shooting them in the head. They are exactly the same things.

No, they are not.

It is unlawful to shoot a stranger peacefully eating ice cream.

In many places abortion is not unlawful.

Murder is not rooted in legality. It predates any kind of legal system as we know it now. Murder is simply an act coupled with a circumstance just like killing results in death also but it's circumstance is different. Thou shall not murder (kill is a mistake people ran with) was even in the Bible. It is an act, not a law.

It's not relevant but just out of curiosity...

Then why does the bible have a recipe for aborting fetuses as punishment for wives?

You're more interested in being a contrarian, more interested in arguing against people that you ignore things in order to be right. That's why your post count vs reaction score is what it is, because you're not taken seriously because of things you say like this for example.

I'm more interested in the law.

My post count/reaction score is irrelevant.

I'll consider this conversation at an end though.


I hope you find whatever it is you're missing in your life that is causing you to be unhappy and closed minded. God bless you.
I am quite happy thanks.

I will pray for you.
Only because the Funditards needed an issue.

The thing about Roe is that it recognized the reality of the time. Abortion laws were regularly ignored and never enforced. OB/GYN's were performing abortions, writing something else on the chart, submitted the bill to insurance companies and being paid with no questions.

All Roe did was get rid of the laws no one was obeying.

Roe was a terrible idea, and is rightly gone. The fact that we are still debating this, despite your derision of those who disagree with you, shows it not just some fringe group wanting restrictions on abortion on demand.
Roe was a terrible idea, and is rightly gone. The fact that we are still debating this, despite your derision of those who disagree with you, shows it not just some fringe group wanting restrictions on abortion on demand.
No one should have religious crazies deciding their health care.
No one should have religious crazies deciding their health care.

To you any religious person is a crazy, so your statement has no worth.

This is the one unique situation where another life is involved, no matter how much you try to deny it.
To you any religious person is a crazy, so your statement has no worth.

This is the one unique situation where another life is involved, no matter how much you try to deny it.
Fetuses aren't people.

No matter how much the religious crazies want them to be.

They certainly shouldn't have more rights than the woman they are inside.
is it killing a life, yes or no?

No legal terms here.
Many things are life, very few are actual persons that could possibly be murdered.

This cannot be murdered, because it's not a person:


Zygote turns into embryo, then into fetus that develops into something that can judged to be a person, but where exactly that point is gray area.

To me there can't be any discussion of personhood without cerebral cortex system that starts functioning in the third trimester.
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Fetuses aren't people.

No matter how much the religious crazies want them to be.

They certainly shouldn't have more rights than the woman they are inside.

They are a unique life, a unique human life. You can play the semantics game all you want, it doesn't change reality.

That's where the 15 week compromise comes in.
Many things are life, very few are actual persons that could possibly be murdered.

This cannot be murdered, because it's not a person:


Zygote turns into embryo, then into fetus that develops into something that can judged to be a person, but where exactly that point is gray area.

To me there can't be any discussion of personhood without cerebral cortex system that starts functioning in the third trimester.

It is a unique organism and a unique life. Human life.

The person thing is just semantics.
They are a unique life, a unique human life. You can play the semantics game all you want, it doesn't change reality.

That's where the 15 week compromise comes in.
No comprimises with religious fanatics... because if you clowns had your way, women would be expected to DIE making babies as God intended.

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