Bill Maher blasts Dems: ‘Democrats don’t want to help people,’ and ‘it makes people hate us

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Once in awhile this drama queen gets it right..

Bill Maher went off on Democrats during Friday’s “Real Time,” accusing them of both overregulation and not being focused on the right things in order to actually help people.

What did he say?
During one of HBO’s “Real Time” segments, Maher began by addressing a bill introduced by Senate Democrats who want a process implemented by vehicle manufacturers to install motion sensors in cars to help remind Americans that their children are in the back seat.

The idea of the bill is to help prevent heat-related deaths in children who are accidentally left in hot cars.

“Really, it’s called the Hot Cars Act?” Maher incredulously asked. “Because ‘Turn Around Dips**t’ was too on-the-nose?”

Maher asked, “Should reminding you not to forget your baby really be Toyota’s problem?”

Maher continued by mocking the Democrats for overregulation, and referenced a new Honolulu, Hawaii law which makes it illegal for pedestrians to look at their phones while crossing the street.

“But wait,” he mocked. “What if I’m getting an important message like that I’ve left my baby in a hot car?!”

Maher went on to say that over-the-top regulation efforts of Democrats are only making them look bad when compared to Republicans.

“[Overregulation efforts] feed into the Republican message [that Democrats] don’t want to help people; they just want to micromanage their lives,” he said.

He explained, “It makes people hate us. It makes me hate us. That’s why I say to Democrats either ‘Go big or go home.’ No one is for leaving babies in hot cars. It’s just that common sense tells most people — this is an issue of personal responsibility, especially when the liberal solution to your human frailty is me paying more for s**t that can break in my car.”

Maher said that Democrats need to focus on regulations on larger issues like banks, carbon emissions, and weaponry.

Bill Maher blasts Dems: ‘Democrats don’t want to help people,’ and ‘it makes people hate us’ – TheBlaze
He's totally right.

There are too many regulations in this country, many of them retarded.
He's totally right.

There are too many regulations in this country, many of them retarded.

Whats funny is Bill Clinton knew that yet when Trump tried to do something with an E.O. the liberals complained.
Maher is honest enough to frequently point out the role the Democrats have played in the 2016 win of the current White House occupant.

He knows it's their behaviors, as much as anything else, that make them so annoying and repellent to those who otherwise might vote with them.
Even a broken clock can be correct twice a day.
This micro managing of your life in this way will become blatant interference in your lives, as we experience in Canada. Actually, all of these excessive regulations just make it easier to do so.

Want to get the most mundane chore completed? Well in Canada, specifically Ontario, there is a regulation. Most meant to inconvenience and remind you who is really calling the shots. Others as a cash grab and/or to place a barrier on your life and livelihood if the state so chooses. Consider that last point and then consider how anyone can operate as a free individual, let alone run a business. You are truly and fully at the mercy of the state and it's apparatus of patsies and back stabbers (as I have informed Americans about).

Changing a lightbulb? If it eco friendly? If not, you cannot do so legally, or, you pay the "eco tax" a real tax in Ontario that turns a $3 item into a $3.75 item. Want to buy a mouse for your computer? That's not eco friendly, pay the tax. A $2 mouse I went to buy at the Dollar Store became $3.25 for example. The government allowing me the pleasure of protecting the planet.

I say this very sincerely as I have seen it in Canada for years, the progressive interference in the lives of everyone, politicians lifting themselves to the status of Overlords. The Democrats; lead by California and New York representatives; are following the same path Canada has been on for some time, and in the end you will find full blown socialism, state funded and run businesses (many covertly), and most likely communism.
This micro managing of your life in this way will become blatant interference in your lives, as we experience in Canada. Actually, all of these excessive regulations just make it easier to do so.

Want to get the most mundane chore completed? Well in Canada, specifically Ontario, there is a regulation. Most meant to inconvenience and remind you who is really calling the shots. Others as a cash grab and/or to place a barrier on your life and livelihood if the state so chooses.

Changing a lightbulb? If it eco friendly? If not, you cannot do so legally, or, you pay the "eco tax" a real tax in Ontario that turns a $3 item into a $3.75 item. Want to buy a mouse for your computer? That's not eco friendly, pay the tax. A $2 mouse I went to buy at the Dollar Store became $3.25 for example. The government allowing me the pleasure of protecting the planet.

I say this very sincerely as I have seen it in Canada for years, the progressive interference in the lives of everyone, politicians lifting themselves to the status of Overlords. The Democrats; lead by California and New York representatives; are following the same path Canada has been on for some time, and in the end you will find full blown socialism, state funded and run businesses (many covertly), and most likely communism.

No wonder why you don't see Mexicans hopping our border and not stopping till they cross the US and Canadian border.
Maher is honest enough to frequently point out the role the Democrats have played in the 2016 win of the current White House occupant.

He knows it's their behaviors, as much as anything else, that make them so annoying and repellent to those who otherwise might vote with them.

The Dems were not entirely responsible for Trump being elected. The GOP establishment played at least an equally important part. Let’s not forget they offered up winners like another Bush, Rubio, Kasich and finally begged the voters to pick Cruz, who they despised. They drove the registered Repubs to Trump.
Once in awhile this drama queen gets it right..

Bill Maher went off on Democrats during Friday’s “Real Time,” accusing them of both overregulation and not being focused on the right things in order to actually help people.

What did he say?
During one of HBO’s “Real Time” segments, Maher began by addressing a bill introduced by Senate Democrats who want a process implemented by vehicle manufacturers to install motion sensors in cars to help remind Americans that their children are in the back seat.

The idea of the bill is to help prevent heat-related deaths in children who are accidentally left in hot cars.

“Really, it’s called the Hot Cars Act?” Maher incredulously asked. “Because ‘Turn Around Dips**t’ was too on-the-nose?”

Maher asked, “Should reminding you not to forget your baby really be Toyota’s problem?”

Maher continued by mocking the Democrats for overregulation, and referenced a new Honolulu, Hawaii law which makes it illegal for pedestrians to look at their phones while crossing the street.

“But wait,” he mocked. “What if I’m getting an important message like that I’ve left my baby in a hot car?!”

Maher went on to say that over-the-top regulation efforts of Democrats are only making them look bad when compared to Republicans.

“[Overregulation efforts] feed into the Republican message [that Democrats] don’t want to help people; they just want to micromanage their lives,” he said.

He explained, “It makes people hate us. It makes me hate us. That’s why I say to Democrats either ‘Go big or go home.’ No one is for leaving babies in hot cars. It’s just that common sense tells most people — this is an issue of personal responsibility, especially when the liberal solution to your human frailty is me paying more for s**t that can break in my car.”

Maher said that Democrats need to focus on regulations on larger issues like banks, carbon emissions, and weaponry.

Bill Maher blasts Dems: ‘Democrats don’t want to help people,’ and ‘it makes people hate us’ – TheBlaze

Of course the Democrats do not want to help people, just look at all the help they give their protected classes in Chicago as they allow themselves to kill each other off.
Maher is honest enough to frequently point out the role the Democrats have played in the 2016 win of the current White House occupant.

He knows it's their behaviors, as much as anything else, that make them so annoying and repellent to those who otherwise might vote with them.

The Dems were not entirely responsible for Trump being elected. The GOP establishment played at least an equally important part. Let’s not forget they offered up winners like another Bush, Rubio, Kasich and finally begged the voters to pick Cruz, who they despised. They drove the registered Repubs to Trump.
Agreed, no one group or thing did this.

But in a tight election, everything matters.
Maher is honest enough to frequently point out the role the Democrats have played in the 2016 win of the current White House occupant.

He knows it's their behaviors, as much as anything else, that make them so annoying and repellent to those who otherwise might vote with them.

The Dems were not entirely responsible for Trump being elected. The GOP establishment played at least an equally important part. Let’s not forget they offered up winners like another Bush, Rubio, Kasich and finally begged the voters to pick Cruz, who they despised. They drove the registered Repubs to Trump.

I think the Trump Train may have been unstoppable, there was so much anger on the part of the American voter, and almost 70% didn't agree with the direction the country was going in. Trump has experienced this decline in America himself from a position of better understanding than most, so he was in this fight or the right reasons.

In the primaries, only a Rand Paul or Rubio could have won the election, and Paul might have been the best threat to Trump one on one. In the end though, a businessman like Trump was nearly inevitable, America were and are just fed up with being exploited.

This is why NAFTA and a wall are massive winning issues for Trump. He just walks away from NAFTA and funds a wall, and his chances of re-election go up exponentially.
I really want to know how anyone can leave their child in a car? I remember when my daughter was young I always had her sit right behind me in her car seat, I figured no way I am going to die ..niether is she because I am in control of the car.
If only Maher would apply those principles to every issue. I would be a huge fan if he did. But, like most people, he is inconsistent on his political compass because he cannot put aside emotion.
A different song is sung when it comes to Republicans managing uteri.
He's totally right.

There are too many regulations in this country, many of them retarded.

Democrats and Republicans love managing other people's lives.
It's strange that left wingers seem to forget the last eight years. Whatever they whine about today was part of the Hussein administration. You almost have to wonder if it's some vast psychosis on the left when they pretend to be winners after losing almost every important election in the last six years including the presidency, both houses of congress, most governors and over 3,000 state and local elections.

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