Bill Maher insults Tebow

Do you support Bill Maher's vile insulting trash talking about Tebow/Jesus

  • Yes, the 1st Amendment protects ass-wipe scum like Maher

    Votes: 23 46.0%
  • No, Maher needs to have his show cancelled immediately

    Votes: 4 8.0%
  • No one cares what Hollywood morons say, its simply not news.

    Votes: 23 46.0%

  • Total voters
Yup...that's exactly what he thinks, and he's right. God doesn't consider any schedule "busy", He has no problem with that. He's everywhere all the time.

EDIT: And no, God never ignores famines, plagues & wars either.........

Christ, speaking of morons....:cuckoo::cuckoo:

God is a myth, and any god that would allow children to die in a plague or war isn't worth shitting on, let alone 'following'.


What if you're wrong?

Good question.

Well, not really but let's pretend for a moment ...

If I'm wrong and I don't get to go to "heaven", tht will mean that I will not get the great joy of being doomed to eternity WITH such folx as Jimmy Swaggert, Tammy Faye, $$arah and $$antorum and Pat Robertson and -- I can't go on. I'm getting sick to my stomach.

Not to mention that some religions believe that non-human animals don't have "souls" and therefore, will not be allowed into "heaven".

Thanks, but I'll pass.
Christ, speaking of morons....:cuckoo::cuckoo:

God is a myth, and any god that would allow children to die in a plague or war isn't worth shitting on, let alone 'following'.


What if you're wrong?

Good question.

Well, not really but let's pretend for a moment ...

If I'm wrong and I don't get to go to "heaven", tht will mean that I will not get the great joy of being doomed to eternity WITH such folx as Jimmy Swaggert, Tammy Faye, $$arah and $$antorum and Pat Robertson and -- I can't go on. I'm getting sick to my stomach.

Not to mention that some religions believe that non-human animals don't have "souls" and therefore, will not be allowed into "heaven".

Thanks, but I'll pass.

Actually...i'd be very surprised to see any of them in Heaven! Lol! In my opinion, they have all been an embarassment to all Christians.
You never know who will be there though. Anyone, no matter what their sins had been in life, if they asked forgiveness with faith and real belief, they will be there. Heck, you might even find Manson there! (really doubt it though! :) )
Yup...that's exactly what he thinks, and he's right. God doesn't consider any schedule "busy", He has no problem with that. He's everywhere all the time.

EDIT: And no, God never ignores famines, plagues & wars either.........

Christ, speaking of morons....:cuckoo::cuckoo:

God is a myth, and any god that would allow children to die in a plague or war isn't worth shitting on, let alone 'following'.


What if you're wrong?

I'm not. What if you are?
This board needs another holy roller like a dose of the clap...

I don't consider myself a "holy roller". Yes, I believe in God. If i'm in a conversation that brings God up, then i will make a statement according to my beliefs.

I have NEVER pushed my beliefs on anyone else. I'm always ready to talk about God, but only when it comes up in conversation, or unless, of course, i'm on the Religion threads.
No, no, leftists, if you say the word "god" (unless it's followed by "damn America"), you're a dominionist who wants an American Christian theocracy. And you want to burn Wiccans at the stake.

Generalise much?
Christ, speaking of morons....:cuckoo::cuckoo:

God is a myth, and any god that would allow children to die in a plague or war isn't worth shitting on, let alone 'following'.


What if you're wrong?

I'm not. What if you are?

If there's nothing after we're dead...why should i care? I won't know.....
But if there IS something, the Heaven that's promised us, then i'll be sooooo glad i chose God over NOTHING.
Not surprisingly, Tebow - who was warned by a fake JC Himself that upcoming games would be difficult - didn't address Maher's Tweet, simply writing after his poor showing Saturday:

Tough game today but what’s most important is being able to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Merry Christmas everyone GB².

Tebow is a fine example for what he stands for.
Maher wouldn't say anything against Mohammed because he know's he would be on the muslims shit list if he did, and probably have to have body guards so he didn't get his head chopped off! He knows Christians won't do anything to him....but IF any Christians EVER watched his show, i'm sure they won't any longer. But, i doubt anyone with any brains at all would watch it anyway.

Maher has insulted Islam on multiple occasions. He seems to pick on Christianity much more, but Islam has not been given a free pass. I don't watch his show, but a quick Google search provided a number of examples.

It seems pretty clear to me, from what I've seen of his work (I did watch Religulous, which was disappointing and not very funny), that Maher is opposed to pretty much all organized religion. He has a special dislike for Christianity, but as we are a majority Christian nation and always have been, that's not exactly shocking.

There's nothing wrong with thinking the man is a no-talent, unfunny hack. Making it seem that he would never insult Islam is just disingenuous.

Interesting because I got something completely different out of the film.

What I heard is that he always answered the question, "Is god real?" the very same way - "I don't know".

No matter what religion, his answer was always the same, "I don't know".

Who here can answer that question any other way?

You can wish and hope but, in the end, you really don't know.

Exactly correct. His contempt is for the people who insist that it's real, refuse to consider that it's not, and arrogantly proselytize with self-certainty. And also the hypocrisy. He has been particularly hard on Mormons and Scientologists, and Catholics for the child sodomy crimes. I think much more so than Jews, Hindus and Buddhists.
Not surprisingly, Tebow - who was warned by a fake JC Himself that upcoming games would be difficult - didn't address Maher's Tweet, simply writing after his poor showing Saturday:

Tough game today but what’s most important is being able to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Merry Christmas everyone GB².

Tebow is a fine example for what he stands for.
Big money for mediocre players?
People like Maher are strange. They promiscuously make attacks on religious people yet whinge at the first sign of racism or homophobia. Their philosophy is, "bigotry for me, but not for thee".

Race and sexual orientation aren't choices. People are what they are.

I was born a Catholic. I was raised Catholic. By the time I was 21, I realized Catholicism and really, all religions, are bullshit.

I made a choice.

Other people choose to continue to believe in nonsense. That is their right.

If they want to believe a man made of wafers who was his own father died for their sins 2000 years before they committed them, have at it. If they want to believe in Magic Underwear or Body Thetans or whatever silly nonsense you have out there, knock yourself out.

But people should have the right to point out how these are silly beliefs, and they don't become less silly because you give them a little gilding and a little ritual and call them a "religion".

What difference does it make? There are people who are of a different belief system than you, just like there are people of different races and orientations. They don't work the exact same way, but if we're going to make a virtue out of respecting otherwise good people for being different in some deep, fundamental way, then we need to do that with everyone. Just because one could hypothetical shed all of their religious beliefs tomorrow doesn't mean it's okay to malign and perpetuate prejudice and intolerance on them.
Not surprisingly, Tebow - who was warned by a fake JC Himself that upcoming games would be difficult - didn't address Maher's Tweet, simply writing after his poor showing Saturday:

Tough game today but what’s most important is being able to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Merry Christmas everyone GB².

Tebow is a fine example for what he stands for.
Big money for mediocre players?

And? Are you saying rich people can't have a personal relationship with Jesus? It's got to be fake because they are rich?
I don't consider myself a "holy roller". Yes, I believe in God. If i'm in a conversation that brings God up, then i will make a statement according to my beliefs.

I have NEVER pushed my beliefs on anyone else. I'm always ready to talk about God, but only when it comes up in conversation, or unless, of course, i'm on the Religion threads.
No, no, leftists, if you say the word "god" (unless it's followed by "damn America"), you're a dominionist who wants an American Christian theocracy. And you want to burn Wiccans at the stake.

Generalise much?
Only when justified. Feeling your toes stepped on?
Maher has insulted Islam on multiple occasions. He seems to pick on Christianity much more, but Islam has not been given a free pass. I don't watch his show, but a quick Google search provided a number of examples.

It seems pretty clear to me, from what I've seen of his work (I did watch Religulous, which was disappointing and not very funny), that Maher is opposed to pretty much all organized religion. He has a special dislike for Christianity, but as we are a majority Christian nation and always have been, that's not exactly shocking.

There's nothing wrong with thinking the man is a no-talent, unfunny hack. Making it seem that he would never insult Islam is just disingenuous.

Interesting because I got something completely different out of the film.

What I heard is that he always answered the question, "Is god real?" the very same way - "I don't know".

No matter what religion, his answer was always the same, "I don't know".

Who here can answer that question any other way?

You can wish and hope but, in the end, you really don't know.

Exactly correct. His contempt is for the people who insist that it's real, refuse to consider that it's not, and arrogantly proselytize with self-certainty. And also the hypocrisy. He has been particularly hard on Mormons and Scientologists, and Catholics for the child sodomy crimes. I think much more so than Jews, Hindus and Buddhists.
There is nothing in this entire universe, no action in all of history, no physical law you can point to and say, "This proves there is no God."

That's the simple fact. Insisting there is no God (as Grump just did) is as much a matter of faith as insisting there is.
Not surprisingly, Tebow - who was warned by a fake JC Himself that upcoming games would be difficult - didn't address Maher's Tweet, simply writing after his poor showing Saturday:

Tough game today but what’s most important is being able to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Merry Christmas everyone GB².

Tebow is a fine example for what he stands for.
Big money for mediocre players?
Mediocre keyboard players?

Oh, don't get big money.
Maher has insulted Islam on multiple occasions. He seems to pick on Christianity much more, but Islam has not been given a free pass. I don't watch his show, but a quick Google search provided a number of examples.

It seems pretty clear to me, from what I've seen of his work (I did watch Religulous, which was disappointing and not very funny), that Maher is opposed to pretty much all organized religion. He has a special dislike for Christianity, but as we are a majority Christian nation and always have been, that's not exactly shocking.

There's nothing wrong with thinking the man is a no-talent, unfunny hack. Making it seem that he would never insult Islam is just disingenuous.

Interesting because I got something completely different out of the film.

What I heard is that he always answered the question, "Is god real?" the very same way - "I don't know".

No matter what religion, his answer was always the same, "I don't know".

Who here can answer that question any other way?

You can wish and hope but, in the end, you really don't know.

Exactly correct. His contempt is for the people who insist that it's real, refuse to consider that it's not, and arrogantly proselytize with self-certainty. And also the hypocrisy. He has been particularly hard on Mormons and Scientologists, and Catholics for the child sodomy crimes. I think much more so than Jews, Hindus and Buddhists.

That's so...basic, though. I mean, it sort of sounds like a cop out to make Maher's uneasiness with religion seem more intellectual than visceral, which it isn't. I mean, if you know for certain that they certainly are not certain in their belief (and by the way, "uncertainty" is inherent in faith), why does it bother him that they pretend like they know? OK, they say they do...and? It's just a primal, childlike sense of contrariness to need to "correct" everybody on this point.

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