Bill Maher Slams Berkeley for Canceling Ann Coulter Speech: ‘Liberals’ Version of Book Burning’

That's what cowardice does to people. "I don't like it, it challenges me, it scares me, it must be destroyed".

When you hate a country, you hate its most important principle, freedom of expression. For obvious reasons.

Guy, the thing is, it's not like we don't have a good reason to be scared of Nazis.

We KNOW what Nazis do when they get into power.

And considering you'd be more likely to explore new career opportunities as a Lampshade or a bar of soap than I would, you should be more worried than I am.
Wartime is not now time, and the ones we locked up were actively working against the US during a time of war.

Were you also a fan of interning the Japanese?

We've discussed that. The Axis found people willing to collaborate with them in every country they invaded. So, um, yeah, when the only defense you had against the Yamato showing up off San Diego was at the bottom of the bay, probably a smart idea to lock up the "most likely to collaborate".

Now we have these Neo-Nazis on the Russian Payroll beating up little girls, and you are fine with it.
Wartime is not now time, and the ones we locked up were actively working against the US during a time of war.

Were you also a fan of interning the Japanese?

We've discussed that. The Axis found people willing to collaborate with them in every country they invaded. So, um, yeah, when the only defense you had against the Yamato showing up off San Diego was at the bottom of the bay, probably a smart idea to lock up the "most likely to collaborate".

Now we have these Neo-Nazis on the Russian Payroll beating up little girls, and you are fine with it.

How about actually investigating and finding the actual collaborators rather than blanket camp stuffing and life ruining?

I was fine with a left wing combatant getting her just desserts for picking a fight. Unlike you I don't treat women as children. Yay Equality!
How about actually investigating and finding the actual collaborators rather than blanket camp stuffing and life ruining?

Guy, in the cosmic scheme of things, there was more suffering on Bataan than there was in California.

Get real. In the top 100 absolutely horrible things people did during World War II, relocating 100K potential collaborators (most of whom were released within a year) rates maybe #105.

I was fine with a left wing combatant getting her just desserts for picking a fight.!

Of course you are. I'm sure you wank off to that every night.
How about actually investigating and finding the actual collaborators rather than blanket camp stuffing and life ruining?

Guy, in the cosmic scheme of things, there was more suffering on Bataan than there was in California.

Get real. In the top 100 absolutely horrible things people did during World War II, relocating 100K potential collaborators (most of whom were released within a year) rates maybe #105.

I was fine with a left wing combatant getting her just desserts for picking a fight.!

Of course you are. I'm sure you wank off to that every night.

Those were soldiers, and until the death march it was combat, gruesome combat, but combat. The Death march was a war crime, the rest was just war.

These were civilians, some of them american citizens detained for no reason other than paranoia, and it was a dark moment for our Country.

I actually consider it one of the worst things we did. It wasn't a war crime, it was a crime against our Constitution and our sense of justice and freedom.
Those were soldiers, and until the death march it was combat, gruesome combat, but combat. The Death march was a war crime, the rest was just war.

These were civilians, some of them american citizens detained for no reason other than paranoia, and it was a dark moment for our Country.

really? So you can tell me that these people would have totally joined the resistance if the Japanese Army landed in San Deigo. You can promise me that?

Because the rest of the world, the Axis had no problem finding collaborators who weren't Germans or Japanese. (Oh, yeah, we also locked up German-AMericans during the war...)

I actually consider it one of the worst things we did. It wasn't a war crime, it was a crime against our Constitution and our sense of justice and freedom.

No, guy.

Slavery was the worst thing we ever did.
Genocide of the Native Americans was the second worst thing we ever did.
Vietnam was the third worst thing we ever did.
The Philippine War was the fourth worst thing we ever did.
The Iraq War was the fifth worst thing we ever did.

Taking a reasonable precaution in wartime where no one died, not the worst thing we ever did.
Those were soldiers, and until the death march it was combat, gruesome combat, but combat. The Death march was a war crime, the rest was just war.

These were civilians, some of them american citizens detained for no reason other than paranoia, and it was a dark moment for our Country.

really? So you can tell me that these people would have totally joined the resistance if the Japanese Army landed in San Deigo. You can promise me that?

Because the rest of the world, the Axis had no problem finding collaborators who weren't Germans or Japanese. (Oh, yeah, we also locked up German-AMericans during the war...)

I actually consider it one of the worst things we did. It wasn't a war crime, it was a crime against our Constitution and our sense of justice and freedom.

No, guy.

Slavery was the worst thing we ever did.
Genocide of the Native Americans was the second worst thing we ever did.
Vietnam was the third worst thing we ever did.
The Philippine War was the fourth worst thing we ever did.
The Iraq War was the fifth worst thing we ever did.

Taking a reasonable precaution in wartime where no one died, not the worst thing we ever did.

You keep referring to the rest of the world, because you know you have very little evidence of Japanese-American Collaboration.

And I have a feeling there wouldn't be shortage of White Americans who would collaborate as well, but they weren't sent to camps and deprived of their property for pennies on the dollar.

I was talking about during the war, but your list is typical of the progressive lefty mindset. You treat the actions according to modern senses of morality, not the morality at the time. And your Iraq war thing is just an attack on Boooooosh!!!

Losing Vietnam was probably the worst thing we did, because it made the South Vietnamese suffer under Communism for so long.

We stopped slavery the hard way, with hundreds of Thousands of Deaths, we paid for that one.

There was no Native American Genocide, we conqured an existing people, something that was done the world over. Our actions were pale compared to the Spanish in South/Middle America, the Belgians in the Congo, and the Brits in South Africa (That whole Boer war thing).
You keep referring to the rest of the world, because you know you have very little evidence of Japanese-American Collaboration.

You are right. Because they were never given a chance to.

I was talking about during the war, but your list is typical of the progressive lefty mindset. You treat the actions according to modern senses of morality, not the morality at the time. And your Iraq war thing is just an attack on Boooooosh!!!

So slavery was okay because it was considered moral at the time, but interning the Japanese wasn't even though it was considered moral at the time...ummmm.... okay.

The Iraq War was all kinds of fucked up. We attacked a country over weapons that didn't exist and killed hundreds of thousands of people in the process.

Losing Vietnam was probably the worst thing we did, because it made the South Vietnamese suffer under Communism for so long.

The South Vietnamese welcomed the communists. They were happy to see us go.

We stopped slavery the hard way, with hundreds of Thousands of Deaths, we paid for that one.

And then we let the South institute Jim Crow after we paid for all those deaths... Again, kind of hilarious to watch you whine about how the Nisii had one bad year (because of shit people in the old country did), but black folks have had pretty shitty DECADES living in this country.

There was no Native American Genocide, we conqured an existing people, something that was done the world over. Our actions were pale compared to the Spanish in South/Middle America, the Belgians in the Congo, and the Brits in South Africa (That whole Boer war thing).

Uh, our actions are right up there. I think you are like the Proper Southern Lady who knows who fathered the mulattoes on all the neighbors plantations, but not on her own.

We've done a LOT of horrible stuff in our history. From the FOunding tot he Present day.

Taking a reasonable precaution when faced with the possibility of an imminent invasion isn't one of them.
You keep referring to the rest of the world, because you know you have very little evidence of Japanese-American Collaboration.

You are right. Because they were never given a chance to.

I was talking about during the war, but your list is typical of the progressive lefty mindset. You treat the actions according to modern senses of morality, not the morality at the time. And your Iraq war thing is just an attack on Boooooosh!!!

So slavery was okay because it was considered moral at the time, but interning the Japanese wasn't even though it was considered moral at the time...ummmm.... okay.

The Iraq War was all kinds of fucked up. We attacked a country over weapons that didn't exist and killed hundreds of thousands of people in the process.

Losing Vietnam was probably the worst thing we did, because it made the South Vietnamese suffer under Communism for so long.

The South Vietnamese welcomed the communists. They were happy to see us go.

We stopped slavery the hard way, with hundreds of Thousands of Deaths, we paid for that one.

And then we let the South institute Jim Crow after we paid for all those deaths... Again, kind of hilarious to watch you whine about how the Nisii had one bad year (because of shit people in the old country did), but black folks have had pretty shitty DECADES living in this country.

There was no Native American Genocide, we conqured an existing people, something that was done the world over. Our actions were pale compared to the Spanish in South/Middle America, the Belgians in the Congo, and the Brits in South Africa (That whole Boer war thing).

Uh, our actions are right up there. I think you are like the Proper Southern Lady who knows who fathered the mulattoes on all the neighbors plantations, but not on her own.

We've done a LOT of horrible stuff in our history. From the FOunding tot he Present day.

Taking a reasonable precaution when faced with the possibility of an imminent invasion isn't one of them.

Might, could, maybe, that's all you got, and that is all they had too.

And putting people in camps for no reason was NOT considered moral at the time. It was justified by flimsy references to security by people in power, and even they knew it was wrong on some level, but did it anyway.

It wasn't right, but you can't place judgement on people from 150 years ago using today's morals. You can place judgement on anyone who says the system was great, and would still be great today.

Some South Vietnamese welcomed them, the rest either fled or ended up in prison or in ditches.

And how did backing the losing side treat them 30 years later?

it figures you support internment on flimsy pretenses because you would love to do it to your political enemies, and that makes you closer to those German guys in brown uniforms than anyone else on this board, including the actual Nazi/racist asshats.
Might, could, maybe, that's all you got, and that is all they had too.

And putting people in camps for no reason was NOT considered moral at the time. It was justified by flimsy references to security by people in power, and even they knew it was wrong on some level, but did it anyway.

Except SCOTUS found on three separate cases that it was justified...but never mind.

Some South Vietnamese welcomed them, the rest either fled or ended up in prison or in ditches.

Guy, we killed 3 million Vietnamese in our attempts to get them to love America... Nothing the North did after they won was that bad.

it figures you support internment on flimsy pretenses because you would love to do it to your political enemies, and that makes you closer to those German guys in brown uniforms than anyone else on this board, including the actual Nazi/racist asshats.

Except they weren't flimsy... we were at war, and had to take appropriate security measures... which the courts found were reasonable at the time.

Now, lost of stuff we did in WWII was bad. Propping up bad government bombing civilians.

Locking up people we weren't sure about.. not so much.
Might, could, maybe, that's all you got, and that is all they had too.

And putting people in camps for no reason was NOT considered moral at the time. It was justified by flimsy references to security by people in power, and even they knew it was wrong on some level, but did it anyway.

Except SCOTUS found on three separate cases that it was justified...but never mind.

Some South Vietnamese welcomed them, the rest either fled or ended up in prison or in ditches.

Guy, we killed 3 million Vietnamese in our attempts to get them to love America... Nothing the North did after they won was that bad.

it figures you support internment on flimsy pretenses because you would love to do it to your political enemies, and that makes you closer to those German guys in brown uniforms than anyone else on this board, including the actual Nazi/racist asshats.

Except they weren't flimsy... we were at war, and had to take appropriate security measures... which the courts found were reasonable at the time.

Now, lost of stuff we did in WWII was bad. Propping up bad government bombing civilians.

Locking up people we weren't sure about.. not so much.

SCOTUS was wrong then, just like they were wrong with Dredd Scott, Plessey, Roe and Obergfell. For someone that hates the constitution you sure go running for one of its components when it suits you.

and the North didn't kill any of them? Methinks thou doth protest to much. and a link please for 3 million South Vietnamese killed by americans

Again appealing to the courts based on the document you hate. what a fucking hypocrite you are.
SCOTUS was wrong then, just like they were wrong with Dredd Scott, Plessey, Roe and Obergfell. For someone that hates the constitution you sure go running for one of its components when it suits you.

As you do if it's even more absurd decisions like Heller, which found a magic right for Crazy People to own guns that no one noticed for 200 years. The court did exactly what it was supposed to do, determine if an action was appropriate under the circumstances.

A World Wide War where we were fighting for our very existence, yeah, probably justified.

and the North didn't kill any of them? Methinks thou doth protest to much. and a link please for 3 million South Vietnamese killed by americans

There wouldn't have been a war if we hadn't stuck our noses in, so we do own all 3 million of those deaths.

Vietnam War casualties - Wikipedia

Again appealing to the courts based on the document you hate. what a fucking hypocrite you are.

again, whether I hate it or not, the fact is, it was legal and yes, it could happen again... easily
SCOTUS was wrong then, just like they were wrong with Dredd Scott, Plessey, Roe and Obergfell. For someone that hates the constitution you sure go running for one of its components when it suits you.

As you do if it's even more absurd decisions like Heller, which found a magic right for Crazy People to own guns that no one noticed for 200 years. The court did exactly what it was supposed to do, determine if an action was appropriate under the circumstances.

A World Wide War where we were fighting for our very existence, yeah, probably justified.

and the North didn't kill any of them? Methinks thou doth protest to much. and a link please for 3 million South Vietnamese killed by americans

There wouldn't have been a war if we hadn't stuck our noses in, so we do own all 3 million of those deaths.

Vietnam War casualties - Wikipedia

Again appealing to the courts based on the document you hate. what a fucking hypocrite you are.

again, whether I hate it or not, the fact is, it was legal and yes, it could happen again... easily

heller didn't go far enough. Next is Shall issue concealed carry.

I figured your 3 million killed by Americans figure was bullshit.

I don't like Mahr, but I give him credit for this one:

“Berkeley used to be the cradle of free speech, and now it’s just the cradle for f—ing babies,” Maher said. “I feel like this goes on all over the country on campuses — they invite somebody to speak that’s not exactly what liberals want to hear and they want to shut her down. I feel like this is the liberals’ version of book burning. And it’s got to stop.”

Bill Maher Slams Berkeley for Canceling Ann Coulter Speech: ‘Liberals’ Version of Book Burning’
He's right on this one. No doubt about it.

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