Bill Maher Slams Berkeley for Canceling Ann Coulter Speech: ‘Liberals’ Version of Book Burning’

No there really isn't

Colleges have had dress codes and decided who would speak forever, same as a high school.

And a private school can do whatever they want excluding their funding.

Public schools are the relevant discussion here

Again all these lines have always existed, not liking* where that line falls in 2017 on a specific campus is not a substantive critique.

If I can draw the line at white supremacists, there is no reason I can't shift it over to communists or anne coulter

How many colleges still have a dress code that isn't 1)easy to follow or 2)not part of some military program at said college?

Restricting speeches by invited speakers is not even closely related to dress codes.

how many colleges would let a female with her tits otu next to me in class?


That's my general point here, there is a line, they reserve the right to set that line.

Any freedoms you have you should be thankful for, they're not rights on campus

As a public university they cannot set that line based on the content of the speech. A campus group invited her, the administration has no right to block it based on the content.

So a student group at a public HS cannot be denied the right to invite a stripper to perform?

She can perform the National Anthem.

Oh say can you see, any tattoos on me? me help you...
Conservative outrage and opposition over Ahmadinejad's appearance was rampant at the time. You're entitled to be an exception,

as long as everyone understands you're an exception.

And whether you like it or not, Ahmadinejad was a head of state. So whether you liked his views or not, they were important to hear them, as he represented the views of a country that elected him.

Not that most Americans understand that we created him...

Coulter, on the other hand, is nothing. She's a loudmouth who makes money saying dumb t hings to other assholes.
so what's her harm to anyone? Seems you are afraid of her. why?

So all the people who have bashed Obama on this forum did so out of fear?
you lost me. obummer spoke nonsense and the people spoke. bash is your word. someone is allowed to do that via free speech and elections. Did anyone tell someone they didn't have the right to discuss it? No. Did someone say Ann you can't come here? yes. Like I said, you lost me with that one.

The People spoke by electing Obama twice, in (according to RW math) 2 landslides.
Conservative outrage and opposition over Ahmadinejad's appearance was rampant at the time. You're entitled to be an exception,

as long as everyone understands you're an exception.

And whether you like it or not, Ahmadinejad was a head of state. So whether you liked his views or not, they were important to hear them, as he represented the views of a country that elected him.

Not that most Americans understand that we created him...

Coulter, on the other hand, is nothing. She's a loudmouth who makes money saying dumb t hings to other assholes.
so what's her harm to anyone? Seems you are afraid of her. why?

So all the people who have bashed Obama on this forum did so out of fear?
you lost me. obummer spoke nonsense and the people spoke. bash is your word. someone is allowed to do that via free speech and elections. Did anyone tell someone they didn't have the right to discuss it? No. Did someone say Ann you can't come here? yes. Like I said, you lost me with that one.

The People spoke by electing Obama twice, in (according to RW math) 2 landslides.
yep and what? others still spoke about him and his policies both sides. still don't get the Ann Coulter reference to this?
Is it useless at this time to point out that Coulter was rescheduled?
why? she agreed to their demands. all of them. she will show up at the university on the day that was originally scheduled and will talk. What are they going to do, arrest her?
And whether you like it or not, Ahmadinejad was a head of state. So whether you liked his views or not, they were important to hear them, as he represented the views of a country that elected him.

Not that most Americans understand that we created him...

Coulter, on the other hand, is nothing. She's a loudmouth who makes money saying dumb t hings to other assholes.
so what's her harm to anyone? Seems you are afraid of her. why?

So all the people who have bashed Obama on this forum did so out of fear?
you lost me. obummer spoke nonsense and the people spoke. bash is your word. someone is allowed to do that via free speech and elections. Did anyone tell someone they didn't have the right to discuss it? No. Did someone say Ann you can't come here? yes. Like I said, you lost me with that one.

The People spoke by electing Obama twice, in (according to RW math) 2 landslides.
yep and what? others still spoke about him and his policies both sides. still don't get the Ann Coulter reference to this?

You claimed the attacks on Coulter are fear based.
Is it useless at this time to point out that Coulter was rescheduled?
why? she agreed to their demands. all of them. she will show up at the university on the day that was originally scheduled and will talk. What are they going to do, arrest her?

Depends on who else shows up. The Anarchist are itching to redeem themselves after the last round against the White Nationalist. So I imagine both will show up ready to go.

The Violent Clashes In Berkeley Weren't 'Pro-Trump' Versus 'Anti-Trump'
I don't like Mahr, but I give him credit for this one:

“Berkeley used to be the cradle of free speech, and now it’s just the cradle for f—ing babies,” Maher said. “I feel like this goes on all over the country on campuses — they invite somebody to speak that’s not exactly what liberals want to hear and they want to shut her down. I feel like this is the liberals’ version of book burning. And it’s got to stop.”

Bill Maher Slams Berkeley for Canceling Ann Coulter Speech: ‘Liberals’ Version of Book Burning’
Even a busted clock is right sometimes.
Bill Maher makes a living giving idiots a forum to spread their insanity.
I stopped subscribing to HBO because of his fake news show.
I don't like Mahr, but I give him credit for this one:

“Berkeley used to be the cradle of free speech, and now it’s just the cradle for f—ing babies,” Maher said. “I feel like this goes on all over the country on campuses — they invite somebody to speak that’s not exactly what liberals want to hear and they want to shut her down. I feel like this is the liberals’ version of book burning. And it’s got to stop.”

Bill Maher Slams Berkeley for Canceling Ann Coulter Speech: ‘Liberals’ Version of Book Burning’

lolol, book burning? Coulter's books are in the UC Berkeley library.

Result List: AU Ann Coulter: Start Your Search!
Bill Maher thinks that's a clever way of throwing the Nazi card.
Bill Maher is a clown and always will be. Freedom of speech doesn't apply to private places and institutions. People have a right to allow or deny someone the forum to speak.

A Christian university wouldn't have someone like Sam Harris speaking or someone like Bill Maher.

Berkeley is a liberal university. Ann Coulter has said lots of shady and bigoted things in the past. They have a right to deny her.

Majority of Berkeley students don't even want to see her.
Talking just like a Nazi.
Considering Berkeley is a Public University, they have no such "right".

Once again JoeBlow comes out in favor of Mob Rule.

What a disgusting human being you are.

A public university does not mean they are obligated to spend money to give her a forum.

Because then they'd have to spend their money to give EVERYONE a forum. And that's actually not their job.

If you have to spend a couple hundred thousand dollars to keep people she's insulted over the years from stringing her up... she better be saying something worth that expense.

If you've read her books or columns, you know she doesn't.
The Regressive Lefties are so consumed with fear and authoritarianism on this issue that they're indirect disagreement with Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, Salmon Rushdie, Janet Napalitano, Norm Chomsky and other honest and intelligent liberals.

That's how fucked up that end of the spectrum has become.
The Regressive Lefties are so consumed with fear and authoritarianism on this issue that they're indirect disagreement with Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, Salmon Rushdie, Janet Napalitano, Norm Chomsky and other honest and intelligent liberals.

That's how fucked up that end of the spectrum has become.

Salmon Rushdie? Is he like a fish? Does the Fatwa against him include tartar sauce?

Here's the thing, guy. I have no problem arguing actual policy with conservatives. I do it here every day. 10 years ago, I argued with liberals with just as much fire and passion until my asshole, Romney-loving ex-boss showed me the true meaning of Christmas.

But Ann Coulter isn't about "policy". Ann Coulter is about saying the most racist, bigoted shit she can, and trying to get the exact kind of reaction she gets. And she keeps upping the stakes because that shit gets stale really fast.

I see no reason why anyone should encourage that.
Considering Berkeley is a Public University, they have no such "right".

Once again JoeBlow comes out in favor of Mob Rule.

What a disgusting human being you are.

A public university does not mean they are obligated to spend money to give her a forum.

Because then they'd have to spend their money to give EVERYONE a forum. And that's actually not their job.

If you have to spend a couple hundred thousand dollars to keep people she's insulted over the years from stringing her up... she better be saying something worth that expense.

If you've read her books or columns, you know she doesn't.

A group on campus invited her, and wanted her to speak, just like any other group on campus.

And if figures you support the heckler's veto, or even worse the "threat of a heckler's veto"
The Regressive Lefties are so consumed with fear and authoritarianism on this issue that they're indirect disagreement with Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, Salmon Rushdie, Janet Napalitano, Norm Chomsky and other honest and intelligent liberals.

That's how fucked up that end of the spectrum has become.

Salmon Rushdie? Is he like a fish? Does the Fatwa against him include tartar sauce?

Here's the thing, guy. I have no problem arguing actual policy with conservatives. I do it here every day. 10 years ago, I argued with liberals with just as much fire and passion until my asshole, Romney-loving ex-boss showed me the true meaning of Christmas.

But Ann Coulter isn't about "policy". Ann Coulter is about saying the most racist, bigoted shit she can, and trying to get the exact kind of reaction she gets. And she keeps upping the stakes because that shit gets stale really fast.

I see no reason why anyone should encourage that.

So you admit your entire political experience is defined by butt hurt?

Now your posts make sense.... sort of.
The Regressive Lefties are so consumed with fear and authoritarianism on this issue that they're indirect disagreement with Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, Salmon Rushdie, Janet Napalitano, Norm Chomsky and other honest and intelligent liberals.

That's how fucked up that end of the spectrum has become.

Salmon Rushdie? Is he like a fish? Does the Fatwa against him include tartar sauce?

Here's the thing, guy. I have no problem arguing actual policy with conservatives. I do it here every day. 10 years ago, I argued with liberals with just as much fire and passion until my asshole, Romney-loving ex-boss showed me the true meaning of Christmas.

But Ann Coulter isn't about "policy". Ann Coulter is about saying the most racist, bigoted shit she can, and trying to get the exact kind of reaction she gets. And she keeps upping the stakes because that shit gets stale really fast.

I see no reason why anyone should encourage that.
Yes, I know that you see no reason why anyone would encourage that.

That's my point. Thanks. Again.
The Regressive Lefties are so consumed with fear and authoritarianism on this issue that they're indirect disagreement with Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, Salmon Rushdie, Janet Napalitano, Norm Chomsky and other honest and intelligent liberals.

That's how fucked up that end of the spectrum has become.

Salmon Rushdie? Is he like a fish? Does the Fatwa against him include tartar sauce?

Here's the thing, guy. I have no problem arguing actual policy with conservatives. I do it here every day. 10 years ago, I argued with liberals with just as much fire and passion until my asshole, Romney-loving ex-boss showed me the true meaning of Christmas.

But Ann Coulter isn't about "policy". Ann Coulter is about saying the most racist, bigoted shit she can, and trying to get the exact kind of reaction she gets. And she keeps upping the stakes because that shit gets stale really fast.

I see no reason why anyone should encourage that.

So you admit your entire political experience is defined by butt hurt?

Now your posts make sense.... sort of.
They're terrified, and now they've even gone to the Left of the most respected lefties in the country.
A group on campus invited her, and wanted her to speak, just like any other group on campus.

And if figures you support the heckler's veto, or even worse the "threat of a heckler's veto"

Okay. And the rest of the community told her to fuck off and die.

So she needs to fuck off and die.

Works for me.

They're terrified, and now they've even gone to the Left of the most respected lefties in the country.

We just "elected" a Nazi who has threatened to round up and deport millions of people.

If you aren't "terrified', you aren't paying attention. Especially since you claim to be Hispanic.

If you were Jewish in 1930's Germany, you'd be up for a promising career as a lampshade with attitudes like yours. "Let's have a discussion and hear the Nazis out!"

Uh. No.
A group on campus invited her, and wanted her to speak, just like any other group on campus.

And if figures you support the heckler's veto, or even worse the "threat of a heckler's veto"

Okay. And the rest of the community told her to fuck off and die.

So she needs to fuck off and die.

Works for me.

They're terrified, and now they've even gone to the Left of the most respected lefties in the country.

We just "elected" a Nazi who has threatened to round up and deport millions of people.

If you aren't "terrified', you aren't paying attention. Especially since you claim to be Hispanic.

If you were Jewish in 1930's Germany, you'd be up for a promising career as a lampshade with attitudes like yours. "Let's have a discussion and hear the Nazis out!"

Uh. No.
This is how they're thinking, gang.

This is what has happened to them.

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