Bill Maher Slams Berkeley for Canceling Ann Coulter Speech: ‘Liberals’ Version of Book Burning’

Bill Maher is a clown and always will be. Freedom of speech doesn't apply to private places and institutions. People have a right to allow or deny someone the forum to speak.

A Christian university wouldn't have someone like Sam Harris speaking or someone like Bill Maher.

Berkeley is a liberal university. Ann Coulter has said lots of shady and bigoted things in the past. They have a right to deny her.

Majority of Berkeley students don't even want to see her.
It used to be that colleges were the perfect place for young people to be exposed to contrary, challenging, stimulating, controversial points of view.

But now, thanks to the Regressive Left, we have allowed that amazing growing process to be taken away from them.

What a terrible thing to do to our young people, all for cynical political gain. I don't know how you folks look in the mirror.
She's talking tomorrow. They are 99% sure of a riot. Police have sure had plenty of notice. I'm not entirely sure it was a good idea to push this to this point, if people are going to get hurt.
Bill Maher is a clown and always will be. Freedom of speech doesn't apply to private places and institutions. People have a right to allow or deny someone the forum to speak.

A Christian university wouldn't have someone like Sam Harris speaking or someone like Bill Maher.

Berkeley is a liberal university. Ann Coulter has said lots of shady and bigoted things in the past. They have a right to deny her.

Majority of Berkeley students don't even want to see her.
It used to be that colleges were the perfect place for young people to be exposed to contrary, challenging, stimulating, controversial points of view.

But now, thanks to the Regressive Left, we have allowed that amazing growing process to be taken away from them.

What a terrible thing to do to our young people, all for cynical political gain. I don't know how you folks look in the mirror.
She's talking tomorrow. They are 99% sure of a riot. Police have sure had plenty of notice. I'm not entirely sure it was a good idea to push this to this point, if people are going to get hurt.
I wonder if it will be Coulter's fans who will riot, or someone else?

I do agree that pushing it like this doesn't accomplish much. The Regressive Lefties have made Coulter's point for her already.
Bill Maher is a clown and always will be. Freedom of speech doesn't apply to private places and institutions. People have a right to allow or deny someone the forum to speak.

A Christian university wouldn't have someone like Sam Harris speaking or someone like Bill Maher.

Berkeley is a liberal university. Ann Coulter has said lots of shady and bigoted things in the past. They have a right to deny her.

Majority of Berkeley students don't even want to see her.
It used to be that colleges were the perfect place for young people to be exposed to contrary, challenging, stimulating, controversial points of view.

But now, thanks to the Regressive Left, we have allowed that amazing growing process to be taken away from them.

What a terrible thing to do to our young people, all for cynical political gain. I don't know how you folks look in the mirror.
She's talking tomorrow. They are 99% sure of a riot. Police have sure had plenty of notice. I'm not entirely sure it was a good idea to push this to this point, if people are going to get hurt.
I wonder if it will be Coulter's fans who will riot, or someone else?

I do agree that pushing it like this doesn't accomplish much. The Regressive Lefties have made Coulter's point for her already.
My guess is, both will be out tomorrow. Coulter pushing this at the expense of broken heads says more about her than it does the protesters, though. Political agenda is above all.
Bill Maher is a clown and always will be. Freedom of speech doesn't apply to private places and institutions. People have a right to allow or deny someone the forum to speak.

A Christian university wouldn't have someone like Sam Harris speaking or someone like Bill Maher.

Berkeley is a liberal university. Ann Coulter has said lots of shady and bigoted things in the past. They have a right to deny her.

Majority of Berkeley students don't even want to see her.
It used to be that colleges were the perfect place for young people to be exposed to contrary, challenging, stimulating, controversial points of view.

But now, thanks to the Regressive Left, we have allowed that amazing growing process to be taken away from them.

What a terrible thing to do to our young people, all for cynical political gain. I don't know how you folks look in the mirror.
She's talking tomorrow. They are 99% sure of a riot. Police have sure had plenty of notice. I'm not entirely sure it was a good idea to push this to this point, if people are going to get hurt.
I wonder if it will be Coulter's fans who will riot, or someone else?

I do agree that pushing it like this doesn't accomplish much. The Regressive Lefties have made Coulter's point for her already.
My guess is, both will be out tomorrow. Coulter pushing this at the expense of broken heads says more about her than it does the protesters, though. Political agenda is above all.
Yep. She's risking going beyond the point of diminishing returns, but people like her don't consider that stuff for the most part.
Bill Maher is a clown and always will be. Freedom of speech doesn't apply to private places and institutions. People have a right to allow or deny someone the forum to speak.

A Christian university wouldn't have someone like Sam Harris speaking or someone like Bill Maher.

Berkeley is a liberal university. Ann Coulter has said lots of shady and bigoted things in the past. They have a right to deny her.

Majority of Berkeley students don't even want to see her.
It used to be that colleges were the perfect place for young people to be exposed to contrary, challenging, stimulating, controversial points of view.

But now, thanks to the Regressive Left, we have allowed that amazing growing process to be taken away from them.

What a terrible thing to do to our young people, all for cynical political gain. I don't know how you folks look in the mirror.
She's talking tomorrow. They are 99% sure of a riot. Police have sure had plenty of notice. I'm not entirely sure it was a good idea to push this to this point, if people are going to get hurt.

A Heckler's veto cannot be allowed to stand. That being said sooner or later someone is going to get killed, and the only remaining question is will it be an anti-fa killing a righty, a righty killing an anti-fa, a police officer killing or being killed, or some side generating an "own goal".
Bill Maher is a clown and always will be. Freedom of speech doesn't apply to private places and institutions. People have a right to allow or deny someone the forum to speak.

A Christian university wouldn't have someone like Sam Harris speaking or someone like Bill Maher.

Berkeley is a liberal university. Ann Coulter has said lots of shady and bigoted things in the past. They have a right to deny her.

Majority of Berkeley students don't even want to see her.
It used to be that colleges were the perfect place for young people to be exposed to contrary, challenging, stimulating, controversial points of view.

But now, thanks to the Regressive Left, we have allowed that amazing growing process to be taken away from them.

What a terrible thing to do to our young people, all for cynical political gain. I don't know how you folks look in the mirror.
She's talking tomorrow. They are 99% sure of a riot. Police have sure had plenty of notice. I'm not entirely sure it was a good idea to push this to this point, if people are going to get hurt.
I wonder if it will be Coulter's fans who will riot, or someone else?

I do agree that pushing it like this doesn't accomplish much. The Regressive Lefties have made Coulter's point for her already.

it depends on if the Righties go on offense, or just try to attend the speech or play defense.
Bill Maher is a clown and always will be. Freedom of speech doesn't apply to private places and institutions. People have a right to allow or deny someone the forum to speak.

A Christian university wouldn't have someone like Sam Harris speaking or someone like Bill Maher.

Berkeley is a liberal university. Ann Coulter has said lots of shady and bigoted things in the past. They have a right to deny her.

Majority of Berkeley students don't even want to see her.
It used to be that colleges were the perfect place for young people to be exposed to contrary, challenging, stimulating, controversial points of view.

But now, thanks to the Regressive Left, we have allowed that amazing growing process to be taken away from them.

What a terrible thing to do to our young people, all for cynical political gain. I don't know how you folks look in the mirror.
She's talking tomorrow. They are 99% sure of a riot. Police have sure had plenty of notice. I'm not entirely sure it was a good idea to push this to this point, if people are going to get hurt.
I wonder if it will be Coulter's fans who will riot, or someone else?

I do agree that pushing it like this doesn't accomplish much. The Regressive Lefties have made Coulter's point for her already.

it depends on if the Righties go on offense, or just try to attend the speech or play defense.
Yep. When they go on the offense, they're no better than the regressives.

Let the crazies prove your point for you.
Bill Maher is a clown and always will be. Freedom of speech doesn't apply to private places and institutions. People have a right to allow or deny someone the forum to speak.

A Christian university wouldn't have someone like Sam Harris speaking or someone like Bill Maher.

Berkeley is a liberal university. Ann Coulter has said lots of shady and bigoted things in the past. They have a right to deny her.

Majority of Berkeley students don't even want to see her.
It used to be that colleges were the perfect place for young people to be exposed to contrary, challenging, stimulating, controversial points of view.

But now, thanks to the Regressive Left, we have allowed that amazing growing process to be taken away from them.

What a terrible thing to do to our young people, all for cynical political gain. I don't know how you folks look in the mirror.
She's talking tomorrow. They are 99% sure of a riot. Police have sure had plenty of notice. I'm not entirely sure it was a good idea to push this to this point, if people are going to get hurt.

A Heckler's veto cannot be allowed to stand. That being said sooner or later someone is going to get killed, and the only remaining question is will it be an anti-fa killing a righty, a righty killing an anti-fa, a police officer killing or being killed, or some side generating an "own goal".
Good Cripes, Marty, we have threads that go on for weeks here if a protester gets a bloody nose; no need to escalate to killing.
Bill Maher is a clown and always will be. Freedom of speech doesn't apply to private places and institutions. People have a right to allow or deny someone the forum to speak.

A Christian university wouldn't have someone like Sam Harris speaking or someone like Bill Maher.

Berkeley is a liberal university. Ann Coulter has said lots of shady and bigoted things in the past. They have a right to deny her.

Majority of Berkeley students don't even want to see her.
It used to be that colleges were the perfect place for young people to be exposed to contrary, challenging, stimulating, controversial points of view.

But now, thanks to the Regressive Left, we have allowed that amazing growing process to be taken away from them.

What a terrible thing to do to our young people, all for cynical political gain. I don't know how you folks look in the mirror.
She's talking tomorrow. They are 99% sure of a riot. Police have sure had plenty of notice. I'm not entirely sure it was a good idea to push this to this point, if people are going to get hurt.
I wonder if it will be Coulter's fans who will riot, or someone else?

I do agree that pushing it like this doesn't accomplish much. The Regressive Lefties have made Coulter's point for her already.

it depends on if the Righties go on offense, or just try to attend the speech or play defense.
Yep. When they go on the offense, they're no better than the regressives.

Let the crazies prove your point for you.

The issue becomes what is offense and what is defense. The last round at Berkley was the righties trying to march for free speech and the anti-fa's trying to stop them. To me the righties mostly stayed on defense, but they have to watch it.

Offense would be going to break up an anti-fa rally, or some other leftist rally.
Bill Maher is a clown and always will be. Freedom of speech doesn't apply to private places and institutions. People have a right to allow or deny someone the forum to speak.

A Christian university wouldn't have someone like Sam Harris speaking or someone like Bill Maher.

Berkeley is a liberal university. Ann Coulter has said lots of shady and bigoted things in the past. They have a right to deny her.

Majority of Berkeley students don't even want to see her.
It used to be that colleges were the perfect place for young people to be exposed to contrary, challenging, stimulating, controversial points of view.

But now, thanks to the Regressive Left, we have allowed that amazing growing process to be taken away from them.

What a terrible thing to do to our young people, all for cynical political gain. I don't know how you folks look in the mirror.
She's talking tomorrow. They are 99% sure of a riot. Police have sure had plenty of notice. I'm not entirely sure it was a good idea to push this to this point, if people are going to get hurt.

A Heckler's veto cannot be allowed to stand. That being said sooner or later someone is going to get killed, and the only remaining question is will it be an anti-fa killing a righty, a righty killing an anti-fa, a police officer killing or being killed, or some side generating an "own goal".
Good Cripes, Marty, we have threads that go on for weeks here if a protester gets a bloody nose; no need to escalate to killing.

When a side decides violence is a method to stop the other side, and the other side decides to fight back, then the first side has two choices, back off or escalate.

The other worry is if the locals finally get a spine and unleash the police on one or both sides.

I hope it would be both sides, because the police favoring one side leads to issues too terrible to contemplate.
The issue becomes what is offense and what is defense. The last round at Berkley was the righties trying to march for free speech and the anti-fa's trying to stop them. To me the righties mostly stayed on defense, but they have to watch it.

Really, what I saw was some brave Nazi Bully punching a little girl half his size... but these are your heroes, Marty.
I wonder if it will be Coulter's fans who will riot, or someone else?

I do agree that pushing it like this doesn't accomplish much. The Regressive Lefties have made Coulter's point for her already.

That's she's a repulsive human being who deserves no sympathy?

Guy, the thing is, you have much better examples of "I'm just trying to make the conservative point' than AnnTheMan. Heather McDonald, for instance, although she slathers utter bullshit about a "war on cops", actually makes her points in a reasoned way.

AnnTheMan's "point" is to say obnoxious things to get the rubes to buy her books. Which they will keep doing.
Berkeley, where snowflakes go to expand their culture with other snowflakes... lol
The issue becomes what is offense and what is defense. The last round at Berkley was the righties trying to march for free speech and the anti-fa's trying to stop them. To me the righties mostly stayed on defense, but they have to watch it.

Really, what I saw was some brave Nazi Bully punching a little girl half his size... but these are your heroes, Marty.

What you didn't see was the initial contact, where she was the aggressor.

Plus I'm all for equal rights, if a woman enters a fray looking for a fight, it would be sexist not to give her one just because she is a woman.
What you didn't see was the initial contact, where she was the aggressor.

Yes, I'm sure it was right up there with Mike Brown's Negro Super Powers before he was shot 8 times.

Plus I'm all for equal rights, if a woman enters a fray looking for a fight, it would be sexist not to give her one just because she is a woman.

I'm sure a picture of a Nazi beating up a 95 lb girl probably gives you a chubby...
What you didn't see was the initial contact, where she was the aggressor.

Yes, I'm sure it was right up there with Mike Brown's Negro Super Powers before he was shot 8 times.

Plus I'm all for equal rights, if a woman enters a fray looking for a fight, it would be sexist not to give her one just because she is a woman.

I'm sure a picture of a Nazi beating up a 95 lb girl probably gives you a chubby...

Welcome to the modern world. She wanted a fight, she got one. Her own words, "100 Nazi scalps"

Unlike you, at least she had the balls to back up her words.

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