Bill Maher Slams Berkeley for Canceling Ann Coulter Speech: ‘Liberals’ Version of Book Burning’

Just like Muslims progressive are hate filled people... fact
it's why they go together.


The right is literally filled with evangelicals who would love a theocracy

What planet do people like you live on?

Go read a book you fucking idiot

Secularism is only supported by the left in this country.
tsk, tsk, got yourself all worked up. want to stay on topic? Hate of equal representation under the law?

All worked up? Off* topic?

Theocrats fall under the same political spectrum dumbass

Christian theocrats and Muslim theocrats are cut from the same cloth

Muslims, Jews, and Christians all want past the first amendment. They want funding for their schools and laws that allow them to brandish their cult in the public space.

You're not qualified to have this discussion if you think what I said was off topic. Again go read a little bit, clearly your education was lacking and your time could be better spent on a book.

You're not ready for a forum discussion on topics like this
yeah, you go with that off topic shit. I'm here everyday. what are you afraid of listening to what the right has to say? you hate the fact I exist. I know. I'm a thinking person with ideas that you can't even begin to conceive of.
Kind of amusing to see the right wing nuts whine and cry that Berkeley is stifling Coulter's right to "free speech," meanwhile they're cheering Donald on from the sidelines to stop all funding for NPR. Fucking useless hypocrites.
so what is it you like with your apples and oranges?
Kind of amusing to see the right wing nuts whine and cry that Berkeley is stifling Coulter's right to "free speech," meanwhile they're cheering Donald on from the sidelines to stop all funding for NPR. Fucking useless hypocrites.
so what is it you like with your apples and oranges?

You're either going to be consistent with your "fight" for free speech, or you're not. That's on you, conservative.
Kind of amusing to see the right wing nuts whine and cry that Berkeley is stifling Coulter's right to "free speech," meanwhile they're cheering Donald on from the sidelines to stop all funding for NPR. Fucking useless hypocrites.
so what is it you like with your apples and oranges?
You're either going to be consistent with your "fight" for free speech, or you're not. That's on you, conservative.
I don't see Coulter or other conservatives asking for funding. The NPR can do whatever it wants, just sell ads like everyone else.

That's some pretty weak spin you tossed out.

You don't believe in true freedom of expression, just admit it.
Bill Maher is a clown and always will be. Freedom of speech doesn't apply to private places and institutions. People have a right to allow or deny someone the forum to speak.

A Christian university wouldn't have someone like Sam Harris speaking or someone like Bill Maher.

Berkeley is a liberal university. Ann Coulter has said lots of shady and bigoted things in the past. They have a right to deny her.

Majority of Berkeley students don't even want to see her.
It used to be that colleges were the perfect place for young people to be exposed to contrary, challenging, stimulating, controversial points of view.

But now, thanks to the Regressive Left, we have allowed that amazing growing process to be taken away from them.

What a terrible thing to do to our young people, all for cynical political gain. I don't know how you folks look in the mirror.

The point it is, Ann is a regressive. She is neither challenging or stimulating. Most people at Berkley do not like Ann Coulter and for good reason.

Are they supposed to be cool with a KKK leader coming to speak as well?
It is irrelevant whether 'most people at Berkley' 'like' her or not. The point is some people want her to speak and they want to hear her. Those that don't, don't have to.
Bingo. Plus, So what if a minority of people want to see her speak? Are we a tyranny of the majority now?

This thread has exposed how many people really DON'T support freedom of expression.

The First Amendment doesn't give you the right to a platform at Berkeley and speaking fees. snowflake.
sure it does. tell me how it isn't.
Kind of amusing to see the right wing nuts whine and cry that Berkeley is stifling Coulter's right to "free speech," meanwhile they're cheering Donald on from the sidelines to stop all funding for NPR. Fucking useless hypocrites.
so what is it you like with your apples and oranges?

You're either going to be consistent with your "fight" for free speech, or you're not. That's on you, conservative.
how do you figure that from that apples to oranges statement? that isn't your statement. You are concerned where tax dollars go not free speech. this is free speech. try again.
Bill Maher is a clown and always will be. Freedom of speech doesn't apply to private places and institutions. People have a right to allow or deny someone the forum to speak.

A Christian university wouldn't have someone like Sam Harris speaking or someone like Bill Maher.

Berkeley is a liberal university. Ann Coulter has said lots of shady and bigoted things in the past. They have a right to deny her.

Majority of Berkeley students don't even want to see her.
It used to be that colleges were the perfect place for young people to be exposed to contrary, challenging, stimulating, controversial points of view.

But now, thanks to the Regressive Left, we have allowed that amazing growing process to be taken away from them.

What a terrible thing to do to our young people, all for cynical political gain. I don't know how you folks look in the mirror.

The point it is, Ann is a regressive. She is neither challenging or stimulating. Most people at Berkley do not like Ann Coulter and for good reason.

Are they supposed to be cool with a KKK leader coming to speak as well?
It is irrelevant whether 'most people at Berkley' 'like' her or not. The point is some people want her to speak and they want to hear her. Those that don't, don't have to.
Bingo. Plus, So what if a minority of people want to see her speak? Are we a tyranny of the majority now?

This thread has exposed how many people really DON'T support freedom of expression.

The First Amendment doesn't give you the right to a platform at Berkeley and speaking fees. snowflake.

While that is true, it is an authorized student organization that invites you that gives you the right to speak in front of them.

Can one be a liberal and support illiberal actions like violently shutting down a speech by someone because you don't like what they say?
It used to be that colleges were the perfect place for young people to be exposed to contrary, challenging, stimulating, controversial points of view.

But now, thanks to the Regressive Left, we have allowed that amazing growing process to be taken away from them.

What a terrible thing to do to our young people, all for cynical political gain. I don't know how you folks look in the mirror.

The point it is, Ann is a regressive. She is neither challenging or stimulating. Most people at Berkley do not like Ann Coulter and for good reason.

Are they supposed to be cool with a KKK leader coming to speak as well?
It is irrelevant whether 'most people at Berkley' 'like' her or not. The point is some people want her to speak and they want to hear her. Those that don't, don't have to.
Bingo. Plus, So what if a minority of people want to see her speak? Are we a tyranny of the majority now?

This thread has exposed how many people really DON'T support freedom of expression.

The First Amendment doesn't give you the right to a platform at Berkeley and speaking fees. snowflake.

While that is true, it is an authorized student organization that invites you that gives you the right to speak in front of them.

Can one be a liberal and support illiberal actions like violently shutting down a speech by someone because you don't like what they say?

I'm not supporting or condoning violence. Don't know where you picked that up.

I certainly don't agree with Berkeley's move.
They aren't real Liberals. They're Communists/Progressives. They don't support free speech rights.
I don't like Mahr, but I give him credit for this one:

“Berkeley used to be the cradle of free speech, and now it’s just the cradle for f—ing babies,” Maher said. “I feel like this goes on all over the country on campuses — they invite somebody to speak that’s not exactly what liberals want to hear and they want to shut her down. I feel like this is the liberals’ version of book burning. And it’s got to stop.”

Bill Maher Slams Berkeley for Canceling Ann Coulter Speech: ‘Liberals’ Version of Book Burning’

He is such a fucking punk. He just goes with whoever is on top.
The point it is, Ann is a regressive. She is neither challenging or stimulating. Most people at Berkley do not like Ann Coulter and for good reason.

Are they supposed to be cool with a KKK leader coming to speak as well?
It is irrelevant whether 'most people at Berkley' 'like' her or not. The point is some people want her to speak and they want to hear her. Those that don't, don't have to.
Bingo. Plus, So what if a minority of people want to see her speak? Are we a tyranny of the majority now?

This thread has exposed how many people really DON'T support freedom of expression.

The First Amendment doesn't give you the right to a platform at Berkeley and speaking fees. snowflake.

While that is true, it is an authorized student organization that invites you that gives you the right to speak in front of them.

Can one be a liberal and support illiberal actions like violently shutting down a speech by someone because you don't like what they say?

I'm not supporting or condoning violence. Don't know where you picked that up.

I certainly don't agree with Berkeley's move.

I never said you did. It's merely a question. But the threat of violence is real and should not be ignored.

"Further, the university said that -- when security issues are involved -- student organizations don't have an absolute right to host events whenever they want. "Student organizations’ access to event venues on campus is subject to the availability of venues of appropriate size and the ability of the university to provide adequate security," the letter said. "Security risks of each event are evaluated independently. Differences in the management of event security have nothing to do with the university’s agreement or disagreement with the opinions of the speakers, but are based entirely on [the police department's] assessment of the security risks and the measures needed to minimize them."

New round in debate over Ann Coulter and her right to speak at Berkeley
They aren't real Liberals. They're Communists/Progressives. They don't support free speech rights.

On one side you have the Anarchist and on the other Fascist Nationalist. I think both groups pledged violence at the event.
It used to be that colleges were the perfect place for young people to be exposed to contrary, challenging, stimulating, controversial points of view.

But now, thanks to the Regressive Left, we have allowed that amazing growing process to be taken away from them.

What a terrible thing to do to our young people, all for cynical political gain. I don't know how you folks look in the mirror.

The point it is, Ann is a regressive. She is neither challenging or stimulating. Most people at Berkley do not like Ann Coulter and for good reason.

Are they supposed to be cool with a KKK leader coming to speak as well?
It is irrelevant whether 'most people at Berkley' 'like' her or not. The point is some people want her to speak and they want to hear her. Those that don't, don't have to.
Bingo. Plus, So what if a minority of people want to see her speak? Are we a tyranny of the majority now?

This thread has exposed how many people really DON'T support freedom of expression.

The First Amendment doesn't give you the right to a platform at Berkeley and speaking fees. snowflake.

While that is true, it is an authorized student organization that invites you that gives you the right to speak in front of them.

Can one be a liberal and support illiberal actions like violently shutting down a speech by someone because you don't like what they say?
Bingo. These are not liberals. Real liberals would defend and passionately support freedom of expression.
Except there are schools all over urban areas that enforce a dress code to maintain order

Not allowing anne coulter on campus isn't anywhere nearly as "fascist" or "authoritarian" as enforcing a dress code.

Schools are not bastions of freedom of speech, they never have been. You wouldn't invite a white or black supremacist speak to the campus. If you can draw the line there you can draw it anywhere. Nothing has substantively changed.

edit - and maher is a fuckwit zionist the world would be better without, fucking repulsive

There is a difference between a grade/high school, and a public or even private university.

No there really isn't

Colleges have had dress codes and decided who would speak forever, same as a high school.

And a private school can do whatever they want excluding their funding.

Public schools are the relevant discussion here

Again all these lines have always existed, not liking* where that line falls in 2017 on a specific campus is not a substantive critique.

If I can draw the line at white supremacists, there is no reason I can't shift it over to communists or anne coulter

You can not invite them. No school is obligate to do so.

But, once you've extended the invitation you are no longer in a neutral position.

When you withdraw the invitation (as is your right to do....but you might deal with violation of legal agreements) because safety cannot be guaratneed....that says someone is bullying people off the podium.
There is a difference between a grade/high school, and a public or even private university.

No there really isn't

Colleges have had dress codes and decided who would speak forever, same as a high school.

And a private school can do whatever they want excluding their funding.

Public schools are the relevant discussion here

Again all these lines have always existed, not liking* where that line falls in 2017 on a specific campus is not a substantive critique.

If I can draw the line at white supremacists, there is no reason I can't shift it over to communists or anne coulter

How many colleges still have a dress code that isn't 1)easy to follow or 2)not part of some military program at said college?

Restricting speeches by invited speakers is not even closely related to dress codes.

how many colleges would let a female with her tits otu next to me in class?


That's my general point here, there is a line, they reserve the right to set that line.

Any freedoms you have you should be thankful for, they're not rights on campus

As a public university they cannot set that line based on the content of the speech. A campus group invited her, the administration has no right to block it based on the content.

So a student group at a public HS cannot be denied the right to invite a stripper to perform?

She can perform the National Anthem.
Bill Maher is a clown and always will be. Freedom of speech doesn't apply to private places and institutions. People have a right to allow or deny someone the forum to speak.

A Christian university wouldn't have someone like Sam Harris speaking or someone like Bill Maher.

Berkeley is a liberal university. Ann Coulter has said lots of shady and bigoted things in the past. They have a right to deny her.

Majority of Berkeley students don't even want to see her.
It used to be that colleges were the perfect place for young people to be exposed to contrary, challenging, stimulating, controversial points of view.

But now, thanks to the Regressive Left, we have allowed that amazing growing process to be taken away from them.

What a terrible thing to do to our young people, all for cynical political gain. I don't know how you folks look in the mirror.

The point it is, Ann is a regressive. She is neither challenging or stimulating. Most people at Berkley do not like Ann Coulter and for good reason.

Are they supposed to be cool with a KKK leader coming to speak as well?
if she is not challenging or stimulating,why do so many people react to her? are saying she is a bore....apparently she is a boring person who for some reason makes people wake up and take notice...
Conservative outrage and opposition over Ahmadinejad's appearance was rampant at the time. You're entitled to be an exception,

as long as everyone understands you're an exception.

And whether you like it or not, Ahmadinejad was a head of state. So whether you liked his views or not, they were important to hear them, as he represented the views of a country that elected him.

Not that most Americans understand that we created him...

Coulter, on the other hand, is nothing. She's a loudmouth who makes money saying dumb t hings to other assholes.
so what's her harm to anyone? Seems you are afraid of her. why?

So all the people who have bashed Obama on this forum did so out of fear?
I don't like Mahr, but I give him credit for this one:

“Berkeley used to be the cradle of free speech, and now it’s just the cradle for f—ing babies,” Maher said. “I feel like this goes on all over the country on campuses — they invite somebody to speak that’s not exactly what liberals want to hear and they want to shut her down. I feel like this is the liberals’ version of book burning. And it’s got to stop.”

Bill Maher Slams Berkeley for Canceling Ann Coulter Speech: ‘Liberals’ Version of Book Burning’
Usually speakers are funded by student funded campus associations. The majority of students probably don't want to fund her substantial speaking fee.
Conservative outrage and opposition over Ahmadinejad's appearance was rampant at the time. You're entitled to be an exception,

as long as everyone understands you're an exception.

And whether you like it or not, Ahmadinejad was a head of state. So whether you liked his views or not, they were important to hear them, as he represented the views of a country that elected him.

Not that most Americans understand that we created him...

Coulter, on the other hand, is nothing. She's a loudmouth who makes money saying dumb t hings to other assholes.
so what's her harm to anyone? Seems you are afraid of her. why?

So all the people who have bashed Obama on this forum did so out of fear?
you lost me. obummer spoke nonsense and the people spoke. bash is your word. someone is allowed to do that via free speech and elections. Did anyone tell someone they didn't have the right to discuss it? No. Did someone say Ann you can't come here? yes. Like I said, you lost me with that one.

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