Bill Maher Slams Berkeley for Canceling Ann Coulter Speech: ‘Liberals’ Version of Book Burning’

I don't agree with Bill on everything, but on this he's dead eye......
Except there are schools all over urban areas that enforce a dress code to maintain order

Not allowing anne coulter on campus isn't anywhere nearly as "fascist" or "authoritarian" as enforcing a dress code.

Schools are not bastions of freedom of speech, they never have been. You wouldn't invite a white or black supremacist speak to the campus. If you can draw the line there you can draw it anywhere. Nothing has substantively changed.

edit - and maher is a fuckwit zionist the world would be better without, fucking repulsive

There is a difference between a grade/high school, and a public or even private university.

No there really isn't

Colleges have had dress codes and decided who would speak forever, same as a high school.

And a private school can do whatever they want excluding their funding.

Public schools are the relevant discussion here

Again all these lines have always existed, not liking* where that line falls in 2017 on a specific campus is not a substantive critique.

If I can draw the line at white supremacists, there is no reason I can't shift it over to communists or anne coulter

How many colleges still have a dress code that isn't 1)easy to follow or 2)not part of some military program at said college?

Restricting speeches by invited speakers is not even closely related to dress codes.

Bob Jones, the ultimate conservative university, has a rule against unmarried students having any physical contact on campus.

Physical Contact

On and off campus, physical contact between unmarried men and women is not allowed.

Are they a private university? You know the rules are different for them, right?

They accept government paid tuition as far as I'm concerned that makes them public.
No there really isn't

Colleges have had dress codes and decided who would speak forever, same as a high school.

And a private school can do whatever they want excluding their funding.

Public schools are the relevant discussion here

Again all these lines have always existed, not liking* where that line falls in 2017 on a specific campus is not a substantive critique.

If I can draw the line at white supremacists, there is no reason I can't shift it over to communists or anne coulter

How many colleges still have a dress code that isn't 1)easy to follow or 2)not part of some military program at said college?

Restricting speeches by invited speakers is not even closely related to dress codes.

how many colleges would let a female with her tits otu next to me in class?


That's my general point here, there is a line, they reserve the right to set that line.

Any freedoms you have you should be thankful for, they're not rights on campus

As a public university they cannot set that line based on the content of the speech. A campus group invited her, the administration has no right to block it based on the content.

So a student group at a public HS cannot be denied the right to invite a stripper to perform?

Why are you going to the high school level as an example?

I know why, because you know colleges HAVE invited strippers to things like this.

Because your criteria was public schools. Now you want to retract that?
How many colleges still have a dress code that isn't 1)easy to follow or 2)not part of some military program at said college?

Restricting speeches by invited speakers is not even closely related to dress codes.

how many colleges would let a female with her tits otu next to me in class?


That's my general point here, there is a line, they reserve the right to set that line.

Any freedoms you have you should be thankful for, they're not rights on campus

As a public university they cannot set that line based on the content of the speech. A campus group invited her, the administration has no right to block it based on the content.

Again yes they can

I've demolished your point, it's time to stop now

THey can stop a white surpemacist from coming (they stopped coulter idk what makes you think they don't stop all sorts of people)

WHy couldn't they stop coulter?

And campuses have always been able to do this, nothing has changed.

You're just wrong, accept it and stop responding.

A public university can't do it, at least constitutionally. They are bound by content neutrality, just like any other government organization.

The realities of "content neutrality" leave them more than enough room to get rid of whoever they want

Broadcasters have the same obligation, or used to. They still had editorial discretion

Edit - he's bullshitting, fuck off marty

I'm countering your point, and you are getting sand in your vagina.

Maybe the Hello Kitty Message Board is more your speed.
how many colleges would let a female with her tits otu next to me in class?


That's my general point here, there is a line, they reserve the right to set that line.

Any freedoms you have you should be thankful for, they're not rights on campus

As a public university they cannot set that line based on the content of the speech. A campus group invited her, the administration has no right to block it based on the content.

Again yes they can

I've demolished your point, it's time to stop now

THey can stop a white surpemacist from coming (they stopped coulter idk what makes you think they don't stop all sorts of people)

WHy couldn't they stop coulter?

And campuses have always been able to do this, nothing has changed.

You're just wrong, accept it and stop responding.

A public university can't do it, at least constitutionally. They are bound by content neutrality, just like any other government organization.

The realities of "content neutrality" leave them more than enough room to get rid of whoever they want

Broadcasters have the same obligation, or used to. They still had editorial discretion

Edit - he's bullshitting, fuck off marty

I'm countering your point, and you are getting sand in your vagina.

Maybe the Hello Kitty Message Board is more your speed.

Before you attempted to counter

Then you ran out of relevant things to say and started bullshitting

"content neutrality" is a bunch of nothing. The way you make it sound they're obligated to have a white supremacist in every time they have some one speak about the upsides of meritocracy.

Of course that's not how it works, and thus there is no fucking need to bring Anne coulter on for "balance". Excluding the fact you could just find some one with similar ideas, they're under no obligation to do so as campus administrators.

You're either ignorant or purposely being obtuse now. Either way, fuck off. You made reasonable points in the beginning, this is beyond the pale
How many colleges still have a dress code that isn't 1)easy to follow or 2)not part of some military program at said college?

Restricting speeches by invited speakers is not even closely related to dress codes.

how many colleges would let a female with her tits otu next to me in class?


That's my general point here, there is a line, they reserve the right to set that line.

Any freedoms you have you should be thankful for, they're not rights on campus

As a public university they cannot set that line based on the content of the speech. A campus group invited her, the administration has no right to block it based on the content.

Again yes they can

I've demolished your point, it's time to stop now

THey can stop a white surpemacist from coming (they stopped coulter idk what makes you think they don't stop all sorts of people)

WHy couldn't they stop coulter?

And campuses have always been able to do this, nothing has changed.

You're just wrong, accept it and stop responding.

A public university can't do it, at least constitutionally. They are bound by content neutrality, just like any other government organization.

Can you cite the court case that decided that? Maybe there is one.

Its less of a court case allowing it, than of courts not applying hazelwood, which restricts high school speech rights, to colleges.
How many colleges still have a dress code that isn't 1)easy to follow or 2)not part of some military program at said college?

Restricting speeches by invited speakers is not even closely related to dress codes.

how many colleges would let a female with her tits otu next to me in class?


That's my general point here, there is a line, they reserve the right to set that line.

Any freedoms you have you should be thankful for, they're not rights on campus

As a public university they cannot set that line based on the content of the speech. A campus group invited her, the administration has no right to block it based on the content.

So a student group at a public HS cannot be denied the right to invite a stripper to perform?

Why are you going to the high school level as an example?

I know why, because you know colleges HAVE invited strippers to things like this.

Because your criteria was public schools. Now you want to retract that?

I said public university, not school. Again, Hazelwood applies to public HIGH schools and lower, not univserities, where most people attending are of majority.
Bill Maher is a clown and always will be. Freedom of speech doesn't apply to private places and institutions. People have a right to allow or deny someone the forum to speak.

A Christian university wouldn't have someone like Sam Harris speaking or someone like Bill Maher.

Berkeley is a liberal university. Ann Coulter has said lots of shady and bigoted things in the past. They have a right to deny her.

Majority of Berkeley students don't even want to see her.
It used to be that colleges were the perfect place for young people to be exposed to contrary, challenging, stimulating, controversial points of view.

But now, thanks to the Regressive Left, we have allowed that amazing growing process to be taken away from them.

What a terrible thing to do to our young people, all for cynical political gain. I don't know how you folks look in the mirror.

The point it is, Ann is a regressive. She is neither challenging or stimulating. Most people at Berkley do not like Ann Coulter and for good reason.

Are they supposed to be cool with a KKK leader coming to speak as well?
You don't like her and don't want her to speak. That's all that boils down to.

And yes, I'd certainly welcome a KKK leader. And then some nut from the Left wing to balance him. The more voices the better.

What in the world are you afraid of? Don't you trust our young people to think for themselves?

If that's why the students of Berkeley want then so be it. But many liberals find her repulsive like conservatives find left wing pundits repulsive.
what's your point?
As a public university they cannot set that line based on the content of the speech. A campus group invited her, the administration has no right to block it based on the content.

Again yes they can

I've demolished your point, it's time to stop now

THey can stop a white surpemacist from coming (they stopped coulter idk what makes you think they don't stop all sorts of people)

WHy couldn't they stop coulter?

And campuses have always been able to do this, nothing has changed.

You're just wrong, accept it and stop responding.

A public university can't do it, at least constitutionally. They are bound by content neutrality, just like any other government organization.

The realities of "content neutrality" leave them more than enough room to get rid of whoever they want

Broadcasters have the same obligation, or used to. They still had editorial discretion

Edit - he's bullshitting, fuck off marty

I'm countering your point, and you are getting sand in your vagina.

Maybe the Hello Kitty Message Board is more your speed.

Before you attempted to counter

Then you ran out of relevant things to say and started bullshitting

"content neutrality" is a bunch of nothing. The way you make it sound they're obligated to have a white supremacist in every time they have some one speak about the upsides of meritocracy.

Of course that's not how it works, and thus there is no fucking need to bring Anne coulter on for "balance". Excluding the fact you could just find some one with similar ideas, they're under no obligation to do so as campus administrators.

You're either ignorant or purposely being obtuse now. Either way, fuck off. You made reasonable points in the beginning, this is beyond the pale

What "beyond the pale"?

Public universities have to follow the 1st amendment, meaning they cannot restrict speech due to it's content beyond the "yelling fire in the theater" and "fighting words" limitations found everywhere.
Are they supposed to be cool with a KKK leader coming to speak as well?

actually - yes

remember when the ACLU would defend the KKK to ensure their right to march & assemble?

I remember...

the whole point of our free speech laws is to protect unpopular speech

since Berkeley is a public institution that accepts tax dollars, they really do not have a right to bar anyone from speaking that is invited by a group of students

No one is debating whether they have a right to speak. But they don't have a right to a stage or venue.
huh? how does one speak if there is no venue? explain please.
That's where you're wrong. Those school receive government monies so by extension they represent the government. When they invite someone to speak, then prevent that speech they are violating the First Amendment. They are PUBLIC institutions.

Not really. The government is contracting them for a service... that service being to provide education for students or conduct research. That does not require them to provide a forum for anyone...
why not?
Bill Maher is a clown and always will be. Freedom of speech doesn't apply to private places and institutions. People have a right to allow or deny someone the forum to speak.

A Christian university wouldn't have someone like Sam Harris speaking or someone like Bill Maher.

Berkeley is a liberal university. Ann Coulter has said lots of shady and bigoted things in the past. They have a right to deny her.

Majority of Berkeley students don't even want to see her.
It used to be that colleges were the perfect place for young people to be exposed to contrary, challenging, stimulating, controversial points of view.

But now, thanks to the Regressive Left, we have allowed that amazing growing process to be taken away from them.

What a terrible thing to do to our young people, all for cynical political gain. I don't know how you folks look in the mirror.

The point it is, Ann is a regressive. She is neither challenging or stimulating. Most people at Berkley do not like Ann Coulter and for good reason.

Are they supposed to be cool with a KKK leader coming to speak as well?

Did the school invite her ? Simple yes or no.
yes, the students did.
He's just saying that because he banged Ann in the past.

That's gotta be the weirdest damn friendship in all of history.

About the OP, I agree that RWNJs should be allowed to speak at colleges and universities but what in the hell would someone like coulter have to say that's listening to?

And, don't anyone hold their breathe waiting for any of the RWNJ fundie indoctrination centers they have the nerve to call colleges and universities invite a liberal, progressive, educated human being to speak.

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well you can listen to her and learn what that is. Eh?
He's just saying that because he banged Ann in the past.

That's gotta be the weirdest damn friendship in all of history.

About the OP, I agree that RWNJs should be allowed to speak at colleges and universities but what in the hell would someone like coulter have to say that's listening to?

And, don't anyone hold their breathe waiting for any of the RWNJ fundie indoctrination centers they have the nerve to call colleges and universities invite a liberal, progressive, educated human being to speak.

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It is sad that you consider their friendship odd.

I have many liberal friends.

He's friends with Kelly Ann too.
Conservative outrage and opposition over Ahmadinejad's appearance was rampant at the time. You're entitled to be an exception,

as long as everyone understands you're an exception.

And whether you like it or not, Ahmadinejad was a head of state. So whether you liked his views or not, they were important to hear them, as he represented the views of a country that elected him.

Not that most Americans understand that we created him...

Coulter, on the other hand, is nothing. She's a loudmouth who makes money saying dumb t hings to other assholes.
so what's her harm to anyone? Seems you are afraid of her. why?
He's just saying that because he banged Ann in the past.

That's gotta be the weirdest damn friendship in all of history.

About the OP, I agree that RWNJs should be allowed to speak at colleges and universities but what in the hell would someone like coulter have to say that's listening to?

And, don't anyone hold their breathe waiting for any of the RWNJ fundie indoctrination centers they have the nerve to call colleges and universities invite a liberal, progressive, educated human being to speak.

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It is sad that you consider their friendship odd.

I have many liberal friends.

He's friends with Kelly Ann too.
he's got good taste.
the real issue is that the school is attempting to control the flow of ideas.

You must be fucking joking. Of course Berkeley is trying to stifle Coulter. Only a complete moron would deny it.
the real issue is that the school is attempting to control the flow of ideas.

You must be fucking joking. Of course Berkeley is trying to stifle Coulter. Only a complete moron would deny it.
the real issue is that the school is attempting to control the flow of ideas.

You must be fucking joking. Of course Berkeley is trying to stifle Coulter. Only a complete moron would deny it.

You've got the Anarchist v the White Nationalist in a pissing contest.

This university has an unwavering commitment to the First Amendment of the Constitution, which enshrines and protects the right of freedom of speech and freedom of expression. As the home of the Free Speech Movement, we fully support the right and ability of our students to host speakers of their choice, and we believe that exposing students to a diverse array of perspectives is an inherent and inseparable part of our educational mission.

We also have an unwavering commitment to providing for the safety and well-being of speakers who come to campus, our students and other members of our campus and surrounding communities.

While there may, at times, be a tension between these two paired commitments, we cannot compromise on either. In that context, Ms. Coulter’s announcement that she intends to come to this campus on April 27 without regard for the fact that we don’t have a protectable venue available on that date is of grave concern. Our police department has made it clear that they have very specific intelligence regarding threats that could pose a grave danger to the speaker, attendees and those who may wish to lawfully protest the event. At the same time, we respect and support Ms. Coulter’s own First Amendment rights.

Given our serious reservations and concerns regarding Ms. Coulter’s stated intentions, last night I asked my staff to look beyond the usual venues we use for large public gatherings to see if there might be a protectable space for this event that would be available during the compressed, and extremely busy, window of time between now and the end of the academic year.

Fortunately, that expanded search identified an appropriate, protectable venue that is available on the afternoon of May 2. While it is not one we have used for these sorts of events in the past, it can both accommodate a substantial audience and meet the security criteria established by our police department.

UC Berkeley Chancellor Dirks’ statement on Ann Coulter visit
Just like Muslims progressive are hate filled people... fact
it's why they go together.


The right is literally filled with evangelicals who would love a theocracy

What planet do people like you live on?

Go read a book you fucking idiot

Secularism is only supported by the left in this country.
tsk, tsk, got yourself all worked up. want to stay on topic? Hate of equal representation under the law?

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