Bill Maher's Islamophobic Career-Ender

While the report on an important trend they well inflate the numbers and well over-estimate when Islam will become the dominate religion. I think at one point they say women somewhere have an average of 8 babies per mother, that has to be rubbish!

I can assure you that the Sunni Man is working day and night to surpass the average 8 kids per muslim family. :eusa_angel:

You have to move out of your parent's basement and get married first! :lol:
While the report on an important trend they well inflate the numbers and well over-estimate when Islam will become the dominate religion. I think at one point they say women somewhere have an average of 8 babies per mother, that has to be rubbish!

I can assure you that the Sunni Man is working day and night to surpass the average 8 kids per muslim family.

You have to move out of your parent's basement and get married first! :lol:
You just jealous GHook.

Cause all you and your boyfriend can make is mud babies. :eek:
Maddy its horseshit fear mongering and untrue anyway.

OF ALL PEOPLE! Weren't you screaming for Juan Williams' head on platter over the "I am afraid of Muslims" comments he made, TM?

You would not be turning yourself into a human pretzel BUT FOR the fact that you believe Maher is a liberal (BTW, I disgaree) and thus, he can Do No Wrong. Maher's remarks were NO MORE defensible than Williams' were -- in fact, in my view, they were far worse.

You fail Intellectual Honesty here, TM.
Maddy its horseshit fear mongering and untrue anyway.

OF ALL PEOPLE! Weren't you screaming for Juan Williams' head on platter over the "I am afraid of Muslims" comments he made, TM?

You would not be turning yourself into a human pretzel BUT FOR the fact that you believe Maher is a liberal (BTW, I disgaree) and thus, he can Do No Wrong. Maher's remarks were NO MORE defensible than Williams' were -- in fact, in my view, they were far worse.

You fail Intellectual Honesty here, TM.
Dear God.

Ummm, Madeline? Truthmatters was telling you that the video is horseshit...the video about the population explosion of Muslims.

Good God. This is a true paradigm shift. TM makes more sense than Madeline.

Maddy its horseshit fear mongering and untrue anyway.

OF ALL PEOPLE! Weren't you screaming for Juan Williams' head on platter over the "I am afraid of Muslims" comments he made, TM?

You would not be turning yourself into a human pretzel BUT FOR the fact that you believe Maher is a liberal (BTW, I disgaree) and thus, he can Do No Wrong. Maher's remarks were NO MORE defensible than Williams' were -- in fact, in my view, they were far worse.

You fail Intellectual Honesty here, TM.
Dear God.

Ummm, Madeline? Truthmatters was telling you that the video is horseshit...the video about the population explosion of Muslims.

Good God. This is a true paradigm shift. TM makes more sense than Madeline.


O Fuck.

I am very sorry, TM

Thankies, Si.
He's a comedian and a satirist. He can say whatever he wants...and that pic of him you posted is offensive.

oh,, what twisted morals you have, only comedians and satirists can say whatever they want? what an asshole hypocrite. Free speech for bill but none for Juan.
Maddy its horseshit fear mongering and untrue anyway.

OF ALL PEOPLE! Weren't you screaming for Juan Williams' head on platter over the "I am afraid of Muslims" comments he made, TM?

You would not be turning yourself into a human pretzel BUT FOR the fact that you believe Maher is a liberal (BTW, I disgaree) and thus, he can Do No Wrong. Maher's remarks were NO MORE defensible than Williams' were -- in fact, in my view, they were far worse.

You fail Intellectual Honesty here, TM.
Dear God.

Ummm, Madeline? Truthmatters was telling you that the video is horseshit...the video about the population explosion of Muslims.

Good God. This is a true paradigm shift. TM makes more sense than Madeline.


So what! There will be millions of more dirt poor and starving muslims. The more the merrier..who's gonna feed em? Just access to potable water will be a limiting factor in most of these muslim countries. Many of these places are already at the very limit of the earths ability to provide food and water. Another example of what religion REALLY does for human beings.
OF ALL PEOPLE! Weren't you screaming for Juan Williams' head on platter over the "I am afraid of Muslims" comments he made, TM?

You would not be turning yourself into a human pretzel BUT FOR the fact that you believe Maher is a liberal (BTW, I disgaree) and thus, he can Do No Wrong. Maher's remarks were NO MORE defensible than Williams' were -- in fact, in my view, they were far worse.

You fail Intellectual Honesty here, TM.
Dear God.

Ummm, Madeline? Truthmatters was telling you that the video is horseshit...the video about the population explosion of Muslims.

Good God. This is a true paradigm shift. TM makes more sense than Madeline.


So what! There will be millions of more dirt poor and starving muslims. The more the merrier..who's gonna feed em? Just access to potable water will be a limiting factor in most of these muslim countries. Many of these places are already at the very limit of the earths ability to provide food and water. Another example of what religion REALLY does for human beings.
Hey, braintrust. I don't really give a shit if Muslims breed themselves into more poverty. They'll certainly have more shields for their terrorists, but their sacrifice of those shields will likely cancel out their population boom.

However, that's not my point.

My point is that I have experienced a massive paradigm shift where I am explaining one moron's post to another moron.
Dear God.

Ummm, Madeline? Truthmatters was telling you that the video is horseshit...the video about the population explosion of Muslims.

Good God. This is a true paradigm shift. TM makes more sense than Madeline.


So what! There will be millions of more dirt poor and starving muslims. The more the merrier..who's gonna feed em? Just access to potable water will be a limiting factor in most of these muslim countries. Many of these places are already at the very limit of the earths ability to provide food and water. Another example of what religion REALLY does for human beings.
Hey, braintrust. I don't really give a shit if Muslims breed themselves into more poverty. They'll certainly have more shields for their terrorists, but their sacrifice of those shields will likely cancel out their population boom.

However, that's not my point.

My point is that I have experienced a massive paradigm shift where I am explaining one moron's post to another moron.

NoModo!!! :lol: It doesn't work that way. High populations work against terrorist organizations. Too many dirt poor people around that would sell thier mothers to get a decent cheezburger..snitches is cheep! Nope.. the terrorists have to isolate themselves to operate. Example...the current Yemen UPS bombers were turned in by an ex Al Quida turned informant.

As for your tireless efforts at explaining other peoples are a saint! You are doing gods work!

More free words from the "braintrust"..:lol: Carry on..
So what! There will be millions of more dirt poor and starving muslims. The more the merrier..who's gonna feed em? Just access to potable water will be a limiting factor in most of these muslim countries. Many of these places are already at the very limit of the earths ability to provide food and water. Another example of what religion REALLY does for human beings.
Hey, braintrust. I don't really give a shit if Muslims breed themselves into more poverty. They'll certainly have more shields for their terrorists, but their sacrifice of those shields will likely cancel out their population boom.

However, that's not my point.

My point is that I have experienced a massive paradigm shift where I am explaining one moron's post to another moron.

NoModo!!! :lol: It doesn't work that way. High populations work against terrorist organizations. Too many dirt poor people around that would sell thier mothers to get a decent cheezburger..snitches is cheep! Nope.. the terrorists have to isolate themselves to operate. ....
Seems to work quite fine in Gaza.

.... As for your tireless efforts at explaining other peoples are a saint! You are doing gods work!
Gosh. :redface: Well, I must confess that I had no altruistic motivation. Marginalization of moronic partisan hacks was my motivation. But thanks for thinking so highly of my motives. I can't have that, though, thus my clarification.

Bill Maher Afraid Mohammeds, Islam Taking Over Western World | Mediaite

What a shame; I had just renewed my subscription to HBO -- and primarily to watch his show. Well, I am cancelling today and telling my cable provider why that is.

WTF is wrong with people lately, that hatred, ignorance and fear are considered socially acceptable? Have they all gone insane?

I like Bill too, but this isn't surprising coming from him. He has a strong distaste for religion, period. I doubt it'll end his career, seeing as he's said probably worse.

I always thought he was pretty boring and a lame version of early howard stern. When his career tanks he will try to revive it by becoming a muslim or christian.

Someone's never watched Bill Maher, apparently.
Absolutely untrue Maddie. The violence is world wide. You forget 9/11 already? And it is directly related to islam, period, end of story, and no amount of you ignoring it or denying it will change that fact.

That's not quite true. I'm a fluent Arabic speaker, born and raised Muslim (atheist but culturally identify as Muslim), and I saw a couple of bin Laden's videos before 9/11, so I'm well aware of his narrative and if it consisted merely of "let's kill the infidels" it would have never become a global movement with any real success. While you can argue that without Islam 9/11 wouldn't have happened, you can far more easily make the same claim about various US policies in the Middle East that are perceived in the region to have killed lots of civilians. Where are all the jihadist attacks against Sweden, France, Germany, and just about any other country that minds its own business and reserves its armed forces for defensive uses (plus the occasional peacekeeping mission)? You think people out to destroy the west would choose to bomb the Madrid subway instead of--say--Frankfurt, the continent's financial capital? Do you really deny that Spain joining the occupation of Iraq had something to do with it? Switzerland recently banned the construction of new minarets, so where are the jihadist hordes who you insist are waging a cultural war against ALL of the west and that if we ceased our killing of Muslim civilians they would hate us anyway? Also, non-Western and non-democratic countries that are involved in occupying Muslims also get attacked--Russia and India for example (I take no side in neither separatist conflict). It seems to me that the only common denominator among countries targeted by jihadists is some form of military occupation/action in Muslim population areas. I get the feeling that people like you are more loyal to having a neo-conservative foreign policy than you are to actually minimizing terrorist threats, or you wouldn't be doing everything in your power to make sure the motivations behind 9/11 are never allowed open debate so the public doesn't start asking which policies are worth the trouble. Never mind that said motivations are openly proclaimed by bin Laden in much of his videos and leave little room for speculation or debate, a point you should keep in mind before you predictably feign offense at my mention of foreign policy & 9/11 thereby "justifying" it. Without the widespread belief in the Middle East that the US will never stop killing their men, women, and children, no amount of strictly religious propaganda would create a global network of committed anti-American terrorists anywhere near the scale we see. While of course anything bin Laden says about US foreign policy is a caricature of a more complicated reality, we're not exactly helping by providing him with all the gut-wrenching footage of dead Muslim civilians he needs to show the Islamic world that we're monsters. Madeleine Albright's infamous "it was worth it" quote about half a million dead Iraqi children from sanctions is still repeated in that part of the world, even though it's long-forgotten here, because as much as Republicans love shitting on liberals apparently liberals who kill a million Muslim civilians (when adults are included) by starvation and disease are at least admissible.

I spent some years living in Canada and several summers in Europe, and throughout the entire Western world I see a revulsion to warmongering that is lacking in American society and almost entirely missing in the South. Until we figure out a way to feel awesome as a country/society without the need to kill craploads of foreigners we will always be a target by someone. Today it's Muslims, in the 80s it was Puerto Ricans, and in the future it will hopefully be nobody since we're probably going to be too broke to go around killing as many Third Worlders as in the last century, and we will begin losing enemies just as the UK and France did after they dissolved their empires in the 1950s-60s. When the Palin-zombies are sensible enough to embrace Ron Paul you know the neo-cons' grand scheme for the world is in peril.

George Carlin said it best: "Speaking of American values, aren’t we about due to start bombing some small country that only has a marginally effective air force? Seems to me like we’re weeks overdue to drop high explosives helpless civilians; people who have no argument with us whatsoever. I think we ought to be out there doing what we do best gang: making large holes in other people’s countries. I hate to be repetitious but we are a war-like lot. We can’t stand it not to be fucking with somebody!"
Dino, you do know that France is responsible for getting Israel's nuclear weapons program started, right? How's that for minding their own business?

Just for example.
Dino, you do know that France is responsible for getting Israel's nuclear weapons program started, right? How's that for minding their own business?

Just for example.

Don't flood the thread with crazy things like supporting links....

Dino, you do know that France is responsible for getting Israel's nuclear weapons program started, right? How's that for minding their own business?

Just for example.

An even better example for your case would be France's war of attrition in Algeria, which also isn't a cause for major anti-France sentiment today. Because the occupation of Algeria and the construction of the Dimona nuclear plant in Israel were both several generations ago, and the example you cited wasn't even known until decades later--so I don't know exactly what you think you proved. If anything you reinforce my point in the sense that even countries that earn the hatred of the region can see their status recover if they simply cease their militaristic policies and stick to normal trade and diplomacy like just about everyone else in the world is capable of doing.
Dino, you do know that France is responsible for getting Israel's nuclear weapons program started, right? How's that for minding their own business?

Just for example.

An even better example for your case would be France's war of attrition in Algeria, which also isn't a cause for major anti-France sentiment today. Because the occupation of Algeria and the construction of the Dimona nuclear plant in Israel were both several generations ago, and the example you cited wasn't even known until decades later--so I don't know exactly what you think you proved. If anything you reinforce my point in the sense that even countries that earn the hatred of the region can see their status recover if they simply cease their militaristic policies and stick to normal trade and diplomacy like just about everyone else in the world is capable of doing.
let's recap: You said France, among others, 'mind their own business' in the middle east. I gave you just one of several examples where you are wrong.

France and others are very much involved in the Middle East and only the naive or willfully blind think otherwise.
France and others are very much involved in the Middle East and only the naive or willfully blind think otherwise.

Then why don't you enlighten us with examples of visible involvement of these countries in mass-killings in the Middle East sometime in the past, say, 30 years

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