Bill Maher's Islamophobic Career-Ender

RGS, California Girl and myself are basically arguing on the same side as Ravi, Jillian and Truthmatters!
Bigots often do not see their own bigotry. And... apparently.... they are incapable of recognizing real bigotry in others.

Priceless. You're the dumbass that said it's wrong for Americans to build a mosque simply because they are Muslims. That is bigotry.

Interesting, I never get called a bigot by Muslims.... only by those with a personal ax to grind. How childish of you. But do carry on. You're whining is meaningless drivel to me.

Didn't you just finish pontificating about bigots being unable to recognize their own bigotry? Well, thank you for proving your own claim. Dumbass.
Priceless. You're the dumbass that said it's wrong for Americans to build a mosque simply because they are Muslims. That is bigotry.

Interesting, I never get called a bigot by Muslims.... only by those with a personal ax to grind. How childish of you. But do carry on. You're whining is meaningless drivel to me.

Didn't you just finish pontificating about bigots being unable to recognize their own bigotry? Well, thank you for proving your own claim. Dumbass.

While I am sure that attempting to insult me is, to you, somehow relevant to the topic. In fact, it is not.

I'm not a bigot. You are welcome to live in your deluded little world if you like, but the majority of the board chooses reality.

Now, stop whining. There's a good boy, BentLite.
The greatest generation never called Kamakazis cowards.

I wish you were all as consistant on your positions as me and Ravi
Juan William should have been fired because he violated his contract, but not for what he said. Bill Maher is on HBO, he will never get fired, this what they love about him. I don't agree with him, but I will still continue to watch his show. You can't fire everyone, if you don't agree with him.
This is what Bill Maher does, so why you were watching his show in the first place I don't know. If you're cancelling your entire HBO subscription because of this, well... that's fucking stupid. You must not have been aware of what his show is like.

He doesn't hold his tongue, and that often leads to him saying things that offend people--his guests voice their not-always-PC opinions too. I think it's the second best and most brutally honest news-topics show on TV. It isn't designed for thin-skinned people anyways, and is on HBO instead of CNN for a reason.

That comment is pretty tame compared to some of the other things he's said about religions. He's actually what I consider a militant atheist. :lol:
Also, this thread title is kind of misleading. I clicked on it thinking he had been fired. But he hasn't... and he won't be.
Those who accuse the once libertarian Bill Maher of becoming too much of a liberal apologist might want to clean their ears. Maher made a Juan Williams-esque confession on his program when he apprehensively noted that Mohammed has just become the most popular baby name in Britain. “Am I a racist to feel alarmed by that?” Maher asked his panel. “Because I am. And it’s not because of the race, it’s because of the religion. I don’t have to apologize, do I, for not wanting the Western world to be taken over by Islam in 300 years?”

His normally boisterous crowd fell silent as the panel responded to Maher’s admission.

“If you’re with NPR,” the conservative Margaret Hoover chimed, “You’d be fired.”

“It’s worse,” Lawrence O’Donnell told Maher. “It’s way worse than what Juan Williams said.” Hoover seemed to agree with this sentiment.

Reihan Salam, a conservative analyst with a Muslim name, also seemed irked by Maher’s comments, noting that he “has some uncles named Mohammed” that are “pretty decent guys.”

Of course, it’s not the name that Maher fears, but the religion. (Any of them, in fact — Maher’s qualms with religion of any sort, Islam or not, are long-standing and well-documented.) Hoover further stoked Maher by claiming that the U.K is saddled with a “far bigger problem” than baby names: Sharia law, which she said is creeping into England.

“Then I’m right,” Maher said, taking her for her word. “I should be alarmed. And I don’t apologize for it.”

And we believe him there. After all, this is the same man who got his previous show Politically Incorrect cancelled when he asserted that the 9/11 attackers were “not cowardly.”

Bill Maher Afraid Mohammeds, Islam Taking Over Western World | Mediaite

What a shame; I had just renewed my subscription to HBO -- and primarily to watch his show. Well, I am cancelling today and telling my cable provider why that is.

WTF is wrong with people lately, that hatred, ignorance and fear are considered socially acceptable? Have they all gone insane?

I like Bill too, but this isn't surprising coming from him. He has a strong distaste for religion, period. I doubt it'll end his career, seeing as he's said probably worse.
Those who accuse the once libertarian Bill Maher of becoming too much of a liberal apologist might want to clean their ears. Maher made a Juan Williams-esque confession on his program when he apprehensively noted that Mohammed has just become the most popular baby name in Britain. “Am I a racist to feel alarmed by that?” Maher asked his panel. “Because I am. And it’s not because of the race, it’s because of the religion. I don’t have to apologize, do I, for not wanting the Western world to be taken over by Islam in 300 years?”

His normally boisterous crowd fell silent as the panel responded to Maher’s admission.

“If you’re with NPR,” the conservative Margaret Hoover chimed, “You’d be fired.”

“It’s worse,” Lawrence O’Donnell told Maher. “It’s way worse than what Juan Williams said.” Hoover seemed to agree with this sentiment.

Reihan Salam, a conservative analyst with a Muslim name, also seemed irked by Maher’s comments, noting that he “has some uncles named Mohammed” that are “pretty decent guys.”

Of course, it’s not the name that Maher fears, but the religion. (Any of them, in fact — Maher’s qualms with religion of any sort, Islam or not, are long-standing and well-documented.) Hoover further stoked Maher by claiming that the U.K is saddled with a “far bigger problem” than baby names: Sharia law, which she said is creeping into England.

“Then I’m right,” Maher said, taking her for her word. “I should be alarmed. And I don’t apologize for it.”

And we believe him there. After all, this is the same man who got his previous show Politically Incorrect cancelled when he asserted that the 9/11 attackers were “not cowardly.”

Bill Maher Afraid Mohammeds, Islam Taking Over Western World | Mediaite

What a shame; I had just renewed my subscription to HBO -- and primarily to watch his show. Well, I am cancelling today and telling my cable provider why that is.

WTF is wrong with people lately, that hatred, ignorance and fear are considered socially acceptable? Have they all gone insane?

I like Bill too, but this isn't surprising coming from him. He has a strong distaste for religion, period. I doubt it'll end his career, seeing as he's said probably worse.

I always thought he was pretty boring and a lame version of early howard stern. When his career tanks he will try to revive it by becoming a muslim or christian.
This is what Bill Maher does, so why you were watching his show in the first place I don't know. If you're cancelling your entire HBO subscription because of this, well... that's fucking stupid. You must not have been aware of what his show is like.

He doesn't hold his tongue, and that often leads to him saying things that offend people--his guests voice their not-always-PC opinions too. I think it's the second best and most brutally honest news-topics show on TV. It isn't designed for thin-skinned people anyways, and is on HBO instead of CNN for a reason.

That comment is pretty tame compared to some of the other things he's said about religions. He's actually what I consider a militant atheist. :lol:

I dun care if he attacks religion. He could have doodled Muhammed images and burned the Koran, and I might have laughed. I object to his bigotry towards Muslims and to the suggestion that they seek "world domination".

No, I wasn't familiar with his show before. I hadn't heard of him until "Religilous" came out. The few episodes of his show I saw in the spring were funny.

Sorry you disapprove of me cancelling HBO, but hey, we all get to make choices.
Juan William should have been fired because he violated his contract, but not for what he said. Bill Maher is on HBO, he will never get fired, this what they love about him. I don't agree with him, but I will still continue to watch his show. You can't fire everyone, if you don't agree with him.

I dun run HBO, Luissa. If I did, I might have to struggle with this....but all's I have to decide is whether to buy HBO.

And I am damned if I'll pay to help fund this sort of talk.

Fuck hate.
Madeline has made the claim that the terrorism and murder are cultural not religious. She has stated in this thread that it is because of Arab and Middle Eastern culture that Muslim terrorism exists.

Madeline? Ever hear of Bali? Is Indonesia in the Middle east? Are you aware that in Indonesia there is an on going attack on Christians and non Muslims by Muslims? That it, like the Arab version is condoned and executed in what its followers call commandments from Islam?

Tell me Madeline is China in the Middle East? I guess you missed the murders and terrorism in China BY Muslims?

Is the Republic of the Philippines in the Middle East or Africa? I guess you haven't heard of the Muslim terrorism there either? Something that has been going on for over 100 years?

The British Muslims that planned and executed the British subway attack, were all BORN in Britain, taught in Britain, trained in Britain, educated in Britain.

How about the WHITE Americans that converted to Islam and then carried out terror attacks? What besides Islam ties them to the middle east culture?

Well Madeline?

I'm sorry I didn't see your posts sooner, RGS...I have had a very busy day. I dunno all the answers, and I'll admit that. It seems as if Islam does have a violent contingent. I heard about the slaughter in Pakistan yesterday; apparently militant Muslims were attacking moderate ones. I am not a historian, RGS.....there's a limit to my knowledge of all things Islamic.

37 killed in bomb attack at shrine in Pakistan |

But I know that it is wrong to foment hate against strangers who are innocent, suffering and have done no one any harm.

These arent the facts your looking for

Move along.

Fast forward to six minutes if you don't want to watch the whole thing. In 5-7 years Islam will be the dominant religion in the world.
Juan William should have been fired because he violated his contract, but not for what he said. Bill Maher is on HBO, he will never get fired, this what they love about him. I don't agree with him, but I will still continue to watch his show. You can't fire everyone, if you don't agree with him.

I dun run HBO, Luissa. If I did, I might have to struggle with this....but all's I have to decide is whether to buy HBO.

And I am damned if I'll pay to help fund this sort of talk.

Fuck hate.

Try NetFlix. They provide a great service at a reasonable price.
The atheist religion hating Westerns usually say they hate all religion, but then focus the entire hatred of religion on Christianity (and Judaism by demonizing Israel)! They either never mention Islam or whenever anyone critizes Islam they are quick to the defense of Islam or move the conversation to bashing Christianity (and Judaism via bashing Israel).

However, Maher doesn't do that! He is equal as tough on Islam as he is on Christianity! In in mock documentary on religion he ripped Islam as he did Christianity.

Maher might be a lot of negative things, but at least he is NOT fake or a coward!
While the report on an important trend they well inflate the numbers and well over-estimate when Islam will become the dominate religion. I think at one point they say women somewhere have an average of 8 babies per mother, that has to be rubbish!

Eurotrash USMB members please confirm most Muslim women in Europe are no running around with 8 or more little Jihadists!

Fast forward to six minutes if you don't want to watch the whole thing. In 5-7 years Islam will be the dominant religion in the world.
While the report on an important trend they well inflate the numbers and well over-estimate when Islam will become the dominate religion. I think at one point they say women somewhere have an average of 8 babies per mother, that has to be rubbish!

I can assure you that the Sunni Man is working day and night to surpass the average 8 kids per muslim family. :eusa_angel:

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