Bill Proposed To Allow Voting Without US Citizenship


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Good lord. Simply amazing and an act of treason.


Once upon a time, there was a saying "no taxation without representation." Well, in America's transition to an utopia of French or even Venezuelan caliber, for half the population taxation became an anachronism from a bygone era, which in turn meant that representation likewise lost its charm. However, in order to preserve a political system in which the votes of the many are bought with the money of the few or, as the case may be these days, with money printed out of thin air by the Federal Reserve, there was one bureaucratic hurdle: one still needed a US passport in order to vote. However if a newly introduced bill in Washington D.C. passes, one won't even need to be a citizen in order to vote in local elections.

According to the Washington Times, the Local Resident Voting Rights Act of 2015 would allow D.C. residents who are not U.S. citizens but meet the federal definition of having permanent residency status to cast ballots in local elections, including races for mayor and the D.C. Council as well as initiatives and charter referendums. D.C. Council member David Grosso, at-large independent, introduced the legislation Tuesday.

In a statement announcing the introduction of the bill, Mr. Grosso cited statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau that indicate the District is home to nearly 54,000 foreign-born residents who are not naturalized U.S. citizens.

“These are taxpayers who should have the opportunity to have their voices heard in local elections,” he said.

Similar bills were unsuccessfully introduced in 2013 by Mr. Grosso, and in 2004 by then-D.C. Council member Jim Graham.

Neighboring Takoma Park also allows non-U.S. citizens to vote in local elections.

Bill Proposed To Allow Voting Without US Citizenship Zero Hedge
Good lord. Simply amazing and an act of treason.


Once upon a time, there was a saying "no taxation without representation." Well, in America's transition to an utopia of French or even Venezuelan caliber, for half the population taxation became an anachronism from a bygone era, which in turn meant that representation likewise lost its charm. However, in order to preserve a political system in which the votes of the many are bought with the money of the few or, as the case may be these days, with money printed out of thin air by the Federal Reserve, there was one bureaucratic hurdle: one still needed a US passport in order to vote. However if a newly introduced bill in Washington D.C. passes, one won't even need to be a citizen in order to vote in local elections.

According to the Washington Times, the Local Resident Voting Rights Act of 2015 would allow D.C. residents who are not U.S. citizens but meet the federal definition of having permanent residency status to cast ballots in local elections, including races for mayor and the D.C. Council as well as initiatives and charter referendums. D.C. Council member David Grosso, at-large independent, introduced the legislation Tuesday.

In a statement announcing the introduction of the bill, Mr. Grosso cited statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau that indicate the District is home to nearly 54,000 foreign-born residents who are not naturalized U.S. citizens.

“These are taxpayers who should have the opportunity to have their voices heard in local elections,” he said.

Similar bills were unsuccessfully introduced in 2013 by Mr. Grosso, and in 2004 by then-D.C. Council member Jim Graham.

Neighboring Takoma Park also allows non-U.S. citizens to vote in local elections.

Bill Proposed To Allow Voting Without US Citizenship Zero Hedge
we have a bunch of those type of politicians out here....they think illegals should be able to vote in local elections BECAUSE....they live here.....
Good lord. Simply amazing and an act of treason.


Once upon a time, there was a saying "no taxation without representation." Well, in America's transition to an utopia of French or even Venezuelan caliber, for half the population taxation became an anachronism from a bygone era, which in turn meant that representation likewise lost its charm. However, in order to preserve a political system in which the votes of the many are bought with the money of the few or, as the case may be these days, with money printed out of thin air by the Federal Reserve, there was one bureaucratic hurdle: one still needed a US passport in order to vote. However if a newly introduced bill in Washington D.C. passes, one won't even need to be a citizen in order to vote in local elections.

According to the Washington Times, the Local Resident Voting Rights Act of 2015 would allow D.C. residents who are not U.S. citizens but meet the federal definition of having permanent residency status to cast ballots in local elections, including races for mayor and the D.C. Council as well as initiatives and charter referendums. D.C. Council member David Grosso, at-large independent, introduced the legislation Tuesday.

In a statement announcing the introduction of the bill, Mr. Grosso cited statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau that indicate the District is home to nearly 54,000 foreign-born residents who are not naturalized U.S. citizens.

“These are taxpayers who should have the opportunity to have their voices heard in local elections,” he said.

Similar bills were unsuccessfully introduced in 2013 by Mr. Grosso, and in 2004 by then-D.C. Council member Jim Graham.

Neighboring Takoma Park also allows non-U.S. citizens to vote in local elections.

Bill Proposed To Allow Voting Without US Citizenship Zero Hedge
we have a bunch of those type of politicians out here....they think illegals should be able to vote in local elections BECAUSE....they live here.....

part of the problem indeed

If DC does this black people in DC can kiss political office goodby. DC blacks will have to get used to saying Mayor Ramirez and try to get increased benefits from the mexicans.
If DC does this black people in DC can kiss political office goodby. DC blacks will have to get used to saying Mayor Ramirez and try to get increased benefits from the mexicans.

The Somali nations. Betcha a few of their kin drug our boys down the streets of Mogadishu
It's the Washington times, hold your outrage until you hear it from a real new source.
If DC does this black people in DC can kiss political office goodby. DC blacks will have to get used to saying Mayor Ramirez and try to get increased benefits from the mexicans.

There are barely any "Mexicans" in DC.
Good lord. Simply amazing and an act of treason.


Once upon a time, there was a saying "no taxation without representation." Well, in America's transition to an utopia of French or even Venezuelan caliber, for half the population taxation became an anachronism from a bygone era, which in turn meant that representation likewise lost its charm. However, in order to preserve a political system in which the votes of the many are bought with the money of the few or, as the case may be these days, with money printed out of thin air by the Federal Reserve, there was one bureaucratic hurdle: one still needed a US passport in order to vote. However if a newly introduced bill in Washington D.C. passes, one won't even need to be a citizen in order to vote in local elections.

According to the Washington Times, the Local Resident Voting Rights Act of 2015 would allow D.C. residents who are not U.S. citizens but meet the federal definition of having permanent residency status to cast ballots in local elections, including races for mayor and the D.C. Council as well as initiatives and charter referendums. D.C. Council member David Grosso, at-large independent, introduced the legislation Tuesday.

In a statement announcing the introduction of the bill, Mr. Grosso cited statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau that indicate the District is home to nearly 54,000 foreign-born residents who are not naturalized U.S. citizens.

“These are taxpayers who should have the opportunity to have their voices heard in local elections,” he said.

Similar bills were unsuccessfully introduced in 2013 by Mr. Grosso, and in 2004 by then-D.C. Council member Jim Graham.

Neighboring Takoma Park also allows non-U.S. citizens to vote in local elections.

Bill Proposed To Allow Voting Without US Citizenship Zero Hedge
As I have predicted for years now, this nation is going to hell in a hand basket. We're very close to hitting rock bottom as we speak. It's not bad enough that we're allowing millions of illegal immigrants to live and work in this country, now we may have non-U.S. citizens voting. We are throwing over 200 years of progress out the window. Soon, we'll be of third world status, with no borders, no requirements for citizenship, no representation ( we have very damn little now ), and forced to learn a dozen different languages in order to communicate our needs, shop at stores, and read traffic signs.

We can all pat ourselves on the back for allowing all of this to happen. We vote them into office, re-elect them, sing their praise, and honor them by naming our streets, battle ships, and buildings after them. We have become submissive, passive, and silent slaves of a power and authority that we entrusted with our well-being and prosperity. I hope voters think long and hard about what is taking place within this nation, and within government, and stop swallowing hook, line, and sinker, every single word spewed from the mouths of politicians. What do you want America to be? What do you want to leave for your children and grand children? What do you want history to say about our generation? Think people, think.
Actually, there are a lot of cities that already allow this.
Good lord. Simply amazing and an act of treason.


Once upon a time, there was a saying "no taxation without representation." Well, in America's transition to an utopia of French or even Venezuelan caliber, for half the population taxation became an anachronism from a bygone era, which in turn meant that representation likewise lost its charm. However, in order to preserve a political system in which the votes of the many are bought with the money of the few or, as the case may be these days, with money printed out of thin air by the Federal Reserve, there was one bureaucratic hurdle: one still needed a US passport in order to vote. However if a newly introduced bill in Washington D.C. passes, one won't even need to be a citizen in order to vote in local elections.

According to the Washington Times, the Local Resident Voting Rights Act of 2015 would allow D.C. residents who are not U.S. citizens but meet the federal definition of having permanent residency status to cast ballots in local elections, including races for mayor and the D.C. Council as well as initiatives and charter referendums. D.C. Council member David Grosso, at-large independent, introduced the legislation Tuesday.

In a statement announcing the introduction of the bill, Mr. Grosso cited statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau that indicate the District is home to nearly 54,000 foreign-born residents who are not naturalized U.S. citizens.

“These are taxpayers who should have the opportunity to have their voices heard in local elections,” he said.

Similar bills were unsuccessfully introduced in 2013 by Mr. Grosso, and in 2004 by then-D.C. Council member Jim Graham.

Neighboring Takoma Park also allows non-U.S. citizens to vote in local elections.

Bill Proposed To Allow Voting Without US Citizenship Zero Hedge
More wisdom from the Moonie Times.
I wonder what's worse, non citizens voting or money buying politicians. Politicians from both parties have proved that they don't listen to the voters wishes, especially on subjects like free trade. Notice Obama is pushing a massive free trade deal, and some republicans like McConnell and boner maybe willing to bury the hatchet to push this through? Let's see if they overlook their hatred of the Black man in their white house to push the TPP through by fast track.

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