Bill Taylor's opening statement- quid pro quo

Hells bells- you support the President of the United States pushing an investigation into the Biden's based upon nothing. Not even hearsay.
I am sorry to hear that you do not support existing treaties, such as the Law Enforcement Assistance and Cooperation Treaty which established a process through which nations can engage in mutual cooperation to investigate corruption, crime, and terrorism, a treaty which is exercised / initiated by the President of the United States requesting such assistance....which - by the very definition and details within the Treaty - what he President did.

It must frighten the hell out of the Democrats who were involved in Democrats going to Ukraine and collaborating with corrupt Ukrainian politicians to acquire 'dirt' on Trump - to use in conjunction with the Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda Hillary bought from a foreign spy and which they have used for the last several years.

So far evidence of illegal collusion between Democrats and corrupt members of Barry's Cabinet / Agency Directors has led the US AG and his lead investigator to Ukraine, the UK, Italy, and Australia, investigating members of the Democratic party and Obama administration potentially illegally colluding with foreign governments / individuals to affect the outcome of a US election.

Funny how the Democrats have accused President Trump of that for the last 4 years and still can't find 1 single witness with 1st-hand account knowledge or any evidence of such a crime.

:itsok: Poor snowflakes.
I recommend everyone read Bill Taylor's opening statement today.
Top US diplomat to Ukraine testifies there was a quid pro quo

I suggest reading the entire thing because there is great perspective in his statement.

While it confirms the quid pro quo that had been suspected- what is perhaps even more disturbing is his description of a shadow diplomacy being led by Rudy Giuliani- the President's private attorney- in leading America's diplomatic conversation with Ukraine.

I know that the Trump supporters will reflexively attack Bill Taylor.....but for anyone who thinks that they are objective- read his statement.

Read it.
I will read his statement AFTER Republicans are allowed to question him. That's like me writing a story and saying Schiff did it, Schiff did it-where is your proof Schiff didn't do it? Not fair or right.
I recommend everyone read Bill Taylor's opening statement today.
Top US diplomat to Ukraine testifies there was a quid pro quo

I suggest reading the entire thing because there is great perspective in his statement.

While it confirms the quid pro quo that had been suspected- what is perhaps even more disturbing is his description of a shadow diplomacy being led by Rudy Giuliani- the President's private attorney- in leading America's diplomatic conversation with Ukraine.

I know that the Trump supporters will reflexively attack Bill Taylor.....but for anyone who thinks that they are objective- read his statement.

Read it.
I will read his statement AFTER Republicans are allowed to question him. That's like me writing a story and saying Schiff did it, Schiff did it-where is your proof Schiff didn't do it? Not fair or right.

Exactly what backwards fake news sites do you visit that you think Republicans didn't get to question him??
Bill Taylor is a nevertrumper, not to be believed.

And you know that because
a) He is a Vietnam War Veteran?
b) A West Point graduate?
c) Was an officer with the 101 Airborne?
d) A Bronze Star medal holder?
e) 5 years as an advisor to the U.S in NATO
f) 10 years as an ambassador coordinating assistance to Eastern Europe
g) His work in Kabul coordinating assistance in Afghanistan
h) His work in Baghdad as Director of Iraq Reconstruction?
i) His 3 years as Ambassador to Ukraine under President Bush?

I can see why you believe that a man with such honorable service can't be believed.

After all- you believe the orange draft dodger and his lies.

a and d apply to me, so I guess I'm more credible than you. Face it the dudes job for the last three years was to carry out the foreign policy of this administration, if he couldn't do his job he should have resigned.

The rightwing idiot must really know better but will use the republican talking points and refuse any facts. I don't believe they are all brain dead but I can see they must have been like trump and never served in he military or they would be mad as hell at the orange piece of shit in the Whitehouse. It is oblivious that they have no desire to deal with facts just repeat what their god tells them to repeat. But what the hell we need to let them keep burying themselves in trumps shit.
I did there was no quid pro quo.. just a deep stater that got exposed.. go away haters

LOL god you Trumpettes are so predictable.

During this same phone call I had with Mr. Morrison, he went on to describe a

conversation Ambassador Sondland had with Mr. Yermak at Warsaw. Ambassador

Sondland told Mr. Yermak that the security assistance money would not come until

President Zelenskyy committed to pursue the Burisma investigation. I was alarmed by

what Mr. Morrison told me about the Sondland-Yermak conversation. This was the first

time I had heard that the security assistance—not just the White House meeting—was

conditioned on the investigations.

Ambassador Sondland also told me that he now recognized that he had made a mistake

by earlier telling the Ukrainian officials to whom he spoke that a White House meeting

with President Zelenskyy was dependent on a public announcement of investigations-in

fact, Ambassador Sondland said, “everything” was dependent on such an

announcement, including security assistance. He said that President Trump wanted

President Zelenskyy “in a public box” by making a public statement about ordering such


My Daughters girlfriend said she heard from her brother that their neighbor had a friend who had a cousin that talked to an assistant to the ambassadors gardener who said that he heard a guy at the bar say that Trump engaged in quid pro quo.


Wow I didn't know your Daughter was an Ambassador or that her girlfriend was an Ambassador who was recounting what the President of the United States had told her.

Ambassador Sondland also told me that he now recognized that he had made a mistake

by earlier telling the Ukrainian officials to whom he spoke that a White House meeting

with President Zelenskyy was dependent on a public announcement of investigations-in

fact, Ambassador Sondland said, “everything” was dependent on such an

announcement, including security assistance. He said that President Trump wanted

President Zelenskyy “in a public box” by making a public statement about ordering such


What I think is funny is this cry of 'hearsay' when we all know- if Bill Taylor said he had heard the words straight from Trump's mouth you would still be defending Trump's quid pro quo.
What did sonland say!? No pro quid quo lol

yeah- Sonland did say no quid pro quo.....and then went on to say"

Ambassador Sondland also told me that he now recognized that he had made a mistake

by earlier telling the Ukrainian officials to whom he spoke that a White House meeting

with President Zelenskyy was dependent on a public announcement of investigations-in

fact, Ambassador Sondland said, “everything” was dependent on such an

announcement, including security assistance. He said that President Trump wanted

President Zelenskyy “in a public box” by making a public statement about ordering such


If I am the mayor of a small town and I tell you that the only way you get the town's garbage contract is to give $50K to my election fund- but I tell you that it isn't a 'quid pro quo'- does that mean it isn't a quid pro quo and is therefore legal?
So sonland perjured himself ?? Lol
'You can’t have a quid pro quo without the other party being aware there’s a quid and reports indicated the Ukrainian government was unaware that aid was allegedly being withheld to pressure them to dig up dirt on Trump opponent Joe Biden.

Except of course- Taylor's own statement points out that is just a lie

During this same phone call I had with Mr. Morrison, he went on to describe a

conversation Ambassador Sondland had with Mr. Yermak at Warsaw. Ambassador

Sondland told Mr. Yermak that the security assistance money would not come until

President Zelenskyy committed to pursue the Burisma investigation.
I was alarmed by

what Mr. Morrison told me about the Sondland-Yermak conversation. This was the first

time I had heard that the security assistance—not just the White House meeting—was

conditioned on the investigations.
LOL god you Trumpettes are so predictable.

During this same phone call I had with Mr. Morrison, he went on to describe a

conversation Ambassador Sondland had with Mr. Yermak at Warsaw. Ambassador

Sondland told Mr. Yermak that the security assistance money would not come until

President Zelenskyy committed to pursue the Burisma investigation. I was alarmed by

what Mr. Morrison told me about the Sondland-Yermak conversation. This was the first

time I had heard that the security assistance—not just the White House meeting—was

conditioned on the investigations.

Ambassador Sondland also told me that he now recognized that he had made a mistake

by earlier telling the Ukrainian officials to whom he spoke that a White House meeting

with President Zelenskyy was dependent on a public announcement of investigations-in

fact, Ambassador Sondland said, “everything” was dependent on such an

announcement, including security assistance. He said that President Trump wanted

President Zelenskyy “in a public box” by making a public statement about ordering such


My Daughters girlfriend said she heard from her brother that their neighbor had a friend who had a cousin that talked to an assistant to the ambassadors gardener who said that he heard a guy at the bar say that Trump engaged in quid pro quo.


Wow I didn't know your Daughter was an Ambassador or that her girlfriend was an Ambassador who was recounting what the President of the United States had told her.

Ambassador Sondland also told me that he now recognized that he had made a mistake

by earlier telling the Ukrainian officials to whom he spoke that a White House meeting

with President Zelenskyy was dependent on a public announcement of investigations-in

fact, Ambassador Sondland said, “everything” was dependent on such an

announcement, including security assistance. He said that President Trump wanted

President Zelenskyy “in a public box” by making a public statement about ordering such


What I think is funny is this cry of 'hearsay' when we all know- if Bill Taylor said he had heard the words straight from Trump's mouth you would still be defending Trump's quid pro quo.
What did sonland say!? No pro quid quo lol

yeah- Sonland did say no quid pro quo.....and then went on to say"

Ambassador Sondland also told me that he now recognized that he had made a mistake

by earlier telling the Ukrainian officials to whom he spoke that a White House meeting

with President Zelenskyy was dependent on a public announcement of investigations-in

fact, Ambassador Sondland said, “everything” was dependent on such an

announcement, including security assistance. He said that President Trump wanted

President Zelenskyy “in a public box” by making a public statement about ordering such


If I am the mayor of a small town and I tell you that the only way you get the town's garbage contract is to give $50K to my election fund- but I tell you that it isn't a 'quid pro quo'- does that mean it isn't a quid pro quo and is therefore legal?
So sonland perjured himself ?? Lol

Your words not mine.
Fake news from the fake news media and fake American Dems.

Ah the loyal Trumpettes- anything that anyone says that might be construed to make their orange Messiah look bad must be 'Fake News!'

And in this case you are saying that the actual words by the acting Ambassador to Ukraine is 'Fake'

Can't get more Trump/Orwellian than that.

Do something about it snowflakes grow a pair you clowns. :auiqs.jpg:

I keep pointing out what ball-less liars you Trumpettes are. Not sure what else you think I should be doing other than exposing your lies, and the lies and corruption of your ball-less Orange Messiah.
Are you an American?
I recommend everyone read Bill Taylor's opening statement today.
Top US diplomat to Ukraine testifies there was a quid pro quo

I suggest reading the entire thing because there is great perspective in his statement.

While it confirms the quid pro quo that had been suspected- what is perhaps even more disturbing is his description of a shadow diplomacy being led by Rudy Giuliani- the President's private attorney- in leading America's diplomatic conversation with Ukraine.

I know that the Trump supporters will reflexively attack Bill Taylor.....but for anyone who thinks that they are objective- read his statement.

Read it.
I did there was no quid pro quo.. just a deep stater that got exposed.. go away haters

LOL god you Trumpettes are so predictable.

During this same phone call I had with Mr. Morrison, he went on to describe a

conversation Ambassador Sondland had with Mr. Yermak at Warsaw. Ambassador

Sondland told Mr. Yermak that the security assistance money would not come until

President Zelenskyy committed to pursue the Burisma investigation. I was alarmed by

what Mr. Morrison told me about the Sondland-Yermak conversation. This was the first

time I had heard that the security assistance—not just the White House meeting—was

conditioned on the investigations.

Ambassador Sondland also told me that he now recognized that he had made a mistake

by earlier telling the Ukrainian officials to whom he spoke that a White House meeting

with President Zelenskyy was dependent on a public announcement of investigations-in

fact, Ambassador Sondland said, “everything” was dependent on such an

announcement, including security assistance. He said that President Trump wanted

President Zelenskyy “in a public box” by making a public statement about ordering such


What Taylor expressed was merely his opinion....and he tried to get someone to agree with him....and they said "take a walk"

IIRC, Bill Taylor was only in the Trump administration since sometime in June of 2019.

P.S. I think he's whistle blower No. 1.

Bill Taylor did express his opinion- he also recounted specific conversations describing the quid pro quo- glad to repeat them here again:

During this same phone call I had with Mr. Morrison, he went on to describe a

conversation Ambassador Sondland had with Mr. Yermak at Warsaw. Ambassador

Sondland told Mr. Yermak that the security assistance money would not come until

President Zelenskyy committed to pursue the Burisma investigation. I was alarmed by

what Mr. Morrison told me about the Sondland-Yermak conversation. This was the first

time I had heard that the security assistance—not just the White House meeting—was

conditioned on the investigations.

Ambassador Sondland also told me that he now recognized that he had made a mistake

by earlier telling the Ukrainian officials to whom he spoke that a White House meeting

with President Zelenskyy was dependent on a public announcement of investigations-in

fact, Ambassador Sondland said, “everything” was dependent on such an

announcement, including security assistance. He said that President Trump wanted

President Zelenskyy “in a public box” by making a public statement about ordering such


on September 8, Ambassador Sondland and I spoke on the phone.

He said he had talked to President Trump as I had suggested a week earlier, but that

President Trump was adamant that President Zelenskyy, himself, had to “clear things up

and do it in public.” President Trump said it was not a “quid pro quo.” Ambassador

Sondland said that he had talked to President Zelenskyy and Mr. Yermak and told them

that, although this was not a quid pro quo, if President Zelenskyy did not “clear things

up” in public, we would be at a “stalemate.” I

Bill Taylor's opinion is not evidence. It's all hearsay!
Hells bells- you support the President of the United States pushing an investigation into the Biden's based upon nothing. Not even hearsay.
I am sorry to hear that you do not support existing treaties, such as the Law Enforcement Assistance and Cooperation Treaty which established a process through which nations can engage in mutual cooperation to investigate corruption, crime, and terrorism, a treaty which is exercised / initiated by the President of the United States requesting such assistance....which - by the very definition and details within the Treaty - what he President did.

It must frighten the hell out of the Democrats who were involved in Democrats going to Ukraine and collaborating with corrupt Ukrainian politicians to acquire 'dirt' on Trump - to use in conjunction with the Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda Hillary bought from a foreign spy and which they have used for the last several years.

So far evidence of illegal collusion between Democrats and corrupt members of Barry's Cabinet / Agency Directors has led the US AG and his lead investigator to Ukraine, the UK, Italy, and Australia, investigating members of the Democratic party and Obama administration potentially illegally colluding with foreign governments / individuals to affect the outcome of a US election.

Funny how the Democrats have accused President Trump of that for the last 4 years and still can't find 1 single witness with 1st-hand account knowledge or any evidence of such a crime.

:itsok: Poor snowflakes.
the double secret meetings are to shut out the ability of trump to investigate the actual corruption of 2016. but it's happening anyway. I'm laughing.
My Daughters girlfriend said she heard from her brother that their neighbor had a friend who had a cousin that talked to an assistant to the ambassadors gardener who said that he heard a guy at the bar say that Trump engaged in quid pro quo.


Wow I didn't know your Daughter was an Ambassador or that her girlfriend was an Ambassador who was recounting what the President of the United States had told her.

Ambassador Sondland also told me that he now recognized that he had made a mistake

by earlier telling the Ukrainian officials to whom he spoke that a White House meeting

with President Zelenskyy was dependent on a public announcement of investigations-in

fact, Ambassador Sondland said, “everything” was dependent on such an

announcement, including security assistance. He said that President Trump wanted

President Zelenskyy “in a public box” by making a public statement about ordering such


What I think is funny is this cry of 'hearsay' when we all know- if Bill Taylor said he had heard the words straight from Trump's mouth you would still be defending Trump's quid pro quo.
What did sonland say!? No pro quid quo lol

yeah- Sonland did say no quid pro quo.....and then went on to say"

Ambassador Sondland also told me that he now recognized that he had made a mistake

by earlier telling the Ukrainian officials to whom he spoke that a White House meeting

with President Zelenskyy was dependent on a public announcement of investigations-in

fact, Ambassador Sondland said, “everything” was dependent on such an

announcement, including security assistance. He said that President Trump wanted

President Zelenskyy “in a public box” by making a public statement about ordering such


If I am the mayor of a small town and I tell you that the only way you get the town's garbage contract is to give $50K to my election fund- but I tell you that it isn't a 'quid pro quo'- does that mean it isn't a quid pro quo and is therefore legal?
So sonland perjured himself ?? Lol

Your words not mine.
We have thought crimes? Well I think trump meant this lol Hahahahahah
I recommend everyone read Bill Taylor's opening statement today.
Top US diplomat to Ukraine testifies there was a quid pro quo

I suggest reading the entire thing because there is great perspective in his statement.

While it confirms the quid pro quo that had been suspected- what is perhaps even more disturbing is his description of a shadow diplomacy being led by Rudy Giuliani- the President's private attorney- in leading America's diplomatic conversation with Ukraine.

I know that the Trump supporters will reflexively attack Bill Taylor.....but for anyone who thinks that they are objective- read his statement.

Read it.
I did there was no quid pro quo.. just a deep stater that got exposed.. go away haters

LOL god you Trumpettes are so predictable.

During this same phone call I had with Mr. Morrison, he went on to describe a

conversation Ambassador Sondland had with Mr. Yermak at Warsaw. Ambassador

Sondland told Mr. Yermak that the security assistance money would not come until

President Zelenskyy committed to pursue the Burisma investigation. I was alarmed by

what Mr. Morrison told me about the Sondland-Yermak conversation. This was the first

time I had heard that the security assistance—not just the White House meeting—was

conditioned on the investigations.

Ambassador Sondland also told me that he now recognized that he had made a mistake

by earlier telling the Ukrainian officials to whom he spoke that a White House meeting

with President Zelenskyy was dependent on a public announcement of investigations-in

fact, Ambassador Sondland said, “everything” was dependent on such an

announcement, including security assistance. He said that President Trump wanted

President Zelenskyy “in a public box” by making a public statement about ordering such


What Taylor expressed was merely his opinion....and he tried to get someone to agree with him....and they said "take a walk"

IIRC, Bill Taylor was only in the Trump administration since sometime in June of 2019.

P.S. I think he's whistle blower No. 1.

Bill Taylor did express his opinion- he also recounted specific conversations describing the quid pro quo- glad to repeat them here again:

During this same phone call I had with Mr. Morrison, he went on to describe a

conversation Ambassador Sondland had with Mr. Yermak at Warsaw. Ambassador

Sondland told Mr. Yermak that the security assistance money would not come until

President Zelenskyy committed to pursue the Burisma investigation. I was alarmed by

what Mr. Morrison told me about the Sondland-Yermak conversation. This was the first

time I had heard that the security assistance—not just the White House meeting—was

conditioned on the investigations.

Ambassador Sondland also told me that he now recognized that he had made a mistake

by earlier telling the Ukrainian officials to whom he spoke that a White House meeting

with President Zelenskyy was dependent on a public announcement of investigations-in

fact, Ambassador Sondland said, “everything” was dependent on such an

announcement, including security assistance. He said that President Trump wanted

President Zelenskyy “in a public box” by making a public statement about ordering such


on September 8, Ambassador Sondland and I spoke on the phone.

He said he had talked to President Trump as I had suggested a week earlier, but that

President Trump was adamant that President Zelenskyy, himself, had to “clear things up

and do it in public.” President Trump said it was not a “quid pro quo.” Ambassador

Sondland said that he had talked to President Zelenskyy and Mr. Yermak and told them

that, although this was not a quid pro quo, if President Zelenskyy did not “clear things

up” in public, we would be at a “stalemate.” I

Bill Taylor's opinion is not evidence. It's all hearsay!
and inaccurate to the statement of the Ukraine leader.
'You can’t have a quid pro quo without the other party being aware there’s a quid and reports indicated the Ukrainian government was unaware that aid was allegedly being withheld to pressure them to dig up dirt on Trump opponent Joe Biden.

Except of course- Taylor's own statement points out that is just a lie

During this same phone call I had with Mr. Morrison, he went on to describe a

conversation Ambassador Sondland had with Mr. Yermak at Warsaw. Ambassador

Sondland told Mr. Yermak that the security assistance money would not come until

President Zelenskyy committed to pursue the Burisma investigation.
I was alarmed by

what Mr. Morrison told me about the Sondland-Yermak conversation. This was the first

time I had heard that the security assistance—not just the White House meeting—was

conditioned on the investigations.
Did Taylor hear it from the Ukraine PM, the leader on the phone President Trump was talking to?


What did the Ukraine PM, the official '1st-hand-account' party involved in this, say?


The lethal military weapons needed for Ukraine to defend itself was finally delivered...after Barry had stopped / withheld it long enough for Putin to annex Crimea.
'You can’t have a quid pro quo without the other party being aware there’s a quid and reports indicated the Ukrainian government was unaware that aid was allegedly being withheld to pressure them to dig up dirt on Trump opponent Joe Biden.

Except of course- Taylor's own statement points out that is just a lie

During this same phone call I had with Mr. Morrison, he went on to describe a

conversation Ambassador Sondland had with Mr. Yermak at Warsaw. Ambassador

Sondland told Mr. Yermak that the security assistance money would not come until

President Zelenskyy committed to pursue the Burisma investigation.
I was alarmed by

what Mr. Morrison told me about the Sondland-Yermak conversation. This was the first

time I had heard that the security assistance—not just the White House meeting—was

conditioned on the investigations.
Did Taylor hear it from the Ukraine PM, the leader on the phone President Trump was talking to?


What did the Ukraine PM, the official '1st-hand-account' party involved in this, say?


The lethal military weapons needed for Ukraine to defend itself was finally delivered...after Barry had stopped / withheld it long enough for Putin to annex Crimea.
and he didn't know trump and the WH were holding funding. oops!!!! D'OH!

See the question the gop were not allowed to ask the ambassador was how does that match what the PM of Ukraine says? how is it you have something he never said?
Fake news from the fake news media and fake American Dems.

Ah the loyal Trumpettes- anything that anyone says that might be construed to make their orange Messiah look bad must be 'Fake News!'

And in this case you are saying that the actual words by the acting Ambassador to Ukraine is 'Fake'

Can't get more Trump/Orwellian than that.

Yep, everything you clowns have chased for the last three years has turned out to be bullshit. You fricken idiots have become so predictable, my guess is you'll find two different new things to piss and moan about tomorrow.

And by 'bullshit' you mean that you are happy with Trump obstructing justice and demanding that a foreign country dig up dirt on his political rival in order to receive military aid.
You have ZERO evidence Trump obstructed justice. The transcript Trump released exonerates him.
Fake news from the fake news media and fake American Dems.

Ah the loyal Trumpettes- anything that anyone says that might be construed to make their orange Messiah look bad must be 'Fake News!'

And in this case you are saying that the actual words by the acting Ambassador to Ukraine is 'Fake'

Can't get more Trump/Orwellian than that.

Yep, everything you clowns have chased for the last three years has turned out to be bullshit. You fricken idiots have become so predictable, my guess is you'll find two different new things to piss and moan about tomorrow.

And by 'bullshit' you mean that you are happy with Trump obstructing justice and demanding that a foreign country dig up dirt on his political rival in order to receive military aid.
You have ZERO evidence Trump obstructed justice. The transcript Trump released exonerates him.
obstructed what? I mean, the fk they could do is at least make some fking sense if they wish to spin stories.
Bill Taylor is a nevertrumper, not to be believed.

And you know that because
a) He is a Vietnam War Veteran?
b) A West Point graduate?
c) Was an officer with the 101 Airborne?
d) A Bronze Star medal holder?
e) 5 years as an advisor to the U.S in NATO
f) 10 years as an ambassador coordinating assistance to Eastern Europe
g) His work in Kabul coordinating assistance in Afghanistan
h) His work in Baghdad as Director of Iraq Reconstruction?
i) His 3 years as Ambassador to Ukraine under President Bush?

I can see why you believe that a man with such honorable service can't be believed.

After all- you believe the orange draft dodger and his lies.
All irrelevant! His record means nothing. Mueller had a military record and he ended up dirty, just like fake war hero John McCain.
Bill Taylor is a nevertrumper, not to be believed.

And you know that because
a) He is a Vietnam War Veteran?
b) A West Point graduate?
c) Was an officer with the 101 Airborne?
d) A Bronze Star medal holder?
e) 5 years as an advisor to the U.S in NATO
f) 10 years as an ambassador coordinating assistance to Eastern Europe
g) His work in Kabul coordinating assistance in Afghanistan
h) His work in Baghdad as Director of Iraq Reconstruction?
i) His 3 years as Ambassador to Ukraine under President Bush?

I can see why you believe that a man with such honorable service can't be believed.

After all- you believe the orange draft dodger and his lies.
All irrelevant! His record means nothing. Mueller had a military record and he ended up dirty, just like fake war hero John McCain.

As mentioned- you Trumpettes will piss on the any decorated combat Veteran you perceive as a threat to your Orange draft dodging Messiah.
Fake news from the fake news media and fake American Dems.

Ah the loyal Trumpettes- anything that anyone says that might be construed to make their orange Messiah look bad must be 'Fake News!'

And in this case you are saying that the actual words by the acting Ambassador to Ukraine is 'Fake'

Can't get more Trump/Orwellian than that.

Yep, everything you clowns have chased for the last three years has turned out to be bullshit. You fricken idiots have become so predictable, my guess is you'll find two different new things to piss and moan about tomorrow.

And by 'bullshit' you mean that you are happy with Trump obstructing justice and demanding that a foreign country dig up dirt on his political rival in order to receive military aid.
You have ZERO evidence Trump obstructed justice. The transcript Trump released exonerates him.

a) Its not really a transcript
b) It doesn't 'exonerate' Trump from anything
c) Trump only released it after the whistleblower filed his official complaint- if not for the whistleblower Trump would have kept the conversation quiet.
d) The obstruction of justice is what is happening now- Trump's effort to prevent the House from finding out the facts of what happened in Ukraine.

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