Bill Taylor's opening statement- quid pro quo

As you well know, because the Right claim to know everything, Gaetz was NOT a member of the committee, he was a member of 2 SUBcommittees and neither party's subcommittee members were allowed in the hearings, but of course, the Republicans demand special privileges they do not allow the other party.
And the rules they are following are the rules the Republicans set up for the Clinton lynching.

You're a liar, the minority and Clinton was given rights during his impeachment proceeding. But hey, no reason to let facts get in the way of good propaganda, hey comrade.

Impeachment "proceedings" but not the impeachment INQUIRY!
what's the difference exactly? let's hear your spin.
If there wasn't a difference the liar would have used the words impeachment inquiry.
The Clinton inquiry was essentially just a decision about whether to impeach the president based on the findings of independent counsel Ken Starr’s report in which Clinton had no rights.
why are you afraid of the people allowing them to vote?
They get to vote for each article of impeachment, just like the GOP did for Clinton. Why should spoiled brat rich elitists like Tramp get special treatment?????.
As you well know, because the Right claim to know everything, Gaetz was NOT a member of the committee, he was a member of 2 SUBcommittees and neither party's subcommittee members were allowed in the hearings, but of course, the Republicans demand special privileges they do not allow the other party.
And the rules they are following are the rules the Republicans set up for the Clinton lynching.

You're a liar, the minority and Clinton was given rights during his impeachment proceeding. But hey, no reason to let facts get in the way of good propaganda, hey comrade.

Impeachment "proceedings" but not the impeachment INQUIRY!
what's the difference exactly? let's hear your spin.
If there wasn't a difference the liar would have used the words impeachment inquiry.
The Clinton inquiry was essentially just a decision about whether to impeach the president based on the findings of independent counsel Ken Starr’s report in which Clinton had no rights.

Hey commie, we're talking about the actions of the house, not Starr. Do try to keep up.

Hey NAZI, Starr was the impeachment inquiry, do try to keep up.
Guess what, it's not Taylor's job to second guess the president, his job is to carry out the policy of the administration.
Tramp had his lackey Pomasso BEG Taylor to take the job, and Taylor set conditions for him to take it.
From the opening statement:
"All to say, I cared about Ukraine’s future and the important U.S. interests there. So,
when Secretary Pompeo asked me to go back to Kyiv, I wanted to say “yes.”
But it was not an easy decision.
The former Ambassador, Masha Yovanovitch, had been
treated poorly, caught in a web of political machinations both in Kyiv and in
Washington. I feared that those problems were still present. When I talked to her about
accepting the offer, however, she urged me to go, both for policy reasons and for the
morale of the embassy.
Before answering the Secretary, I consulted both my wife and a respected former senior
Republican official who has been a mentor to me. I will tell you that my wife, in no
uncertain terms, strongly opposed the idea. The mentor counseled: if your country asks
you to do something, you do it — if you can be effective.
I could be effective only if the U.S. policy of strong support for Ukraine — strong
diplomatic support along with robust security, economic, and technical assistance —
were to continue and if I had the backing of the Secretary of State to implement that
I worried about what I had heard concerning the role of Rudolph Giuliani, who
had made several high-profile statements about Ukraine and U.S. policy toward the
country. So during my meeting with Secretary Pompeo on May 28, I made clear to him
and the others present that if U.S. policy toward Ukraine changed, he would not want
me posted there and I could not stay. He assured me that the policy of strong support
for Ukraine would continue and that he would support me in defending that policy.
With that understanding, I agreed to go back to Kyiv.
Fake news from the fake news media and fake American Dems.

Ah the loyal Trumpettes- anything that anyone says that might be construed to make their orange Messiah look bad must be 'Fake News!'

And in this case you are saying that the actual words by the acting Ambassador to Ukraine is 'Fake'

Can't get more Trump/Orwellian than that.

Yep, everything you clowns have chased for the last three years has turned out to be bullshit. You fricken idiots have become so predictable, my guess is you'll find two different new things to piss and moan about tomorrow.

And by 'bullshit' you mean that you are happy with Trump obstructing justice and demanding that a foreign country dig up dirt on his political rival in order to receive military aid.

Really!? Maybe you ought to re-read my post...dumbass.
Fake news from the fake news media and fake American Dems.

Ah the loyal Trumpettes- anything that anyone says that might be construed to make their orange Messiah look bad must be 'Fake News!'

And in this case you are saying that the actual words by the acting Ambassador to Ukraine is 'Fake'

Can't get more Trump/Orwellian than that.

Yep, everything you clowns have chased for the last three years has turned out to be bullshit. You fricken idiots have become so predictable, my guess is you'll find two different new things to piss and moan about tomorrow.

And by 'bullshit' you mean that you are happy with Trump obstructing justice and demanding that a foreign country dig up dirt on his political rival in order to receive military aid.
You have ZERO evidence Trump obstructed justice. The transcript Trump released exonerates him.

a) Its not really a transcript
b) It doesn't 'exonerate' Trump from anything
c) Trump only released it after the whistleblower filed his official complaint- if not for the whistleblower Trump would have kept the conversation quiet.
d) The obstruction of justice is what is happening now- Trump's effort to prevent the House from finding out the facts of what happened in Ukraine.

Yep, it's not really a whistleblower, it's hearsay.
I recommend everyone read Bill Taylor's opening statement today.
Top US diplomat to Ukraine testifies there was a quid pro quo

I suggest reading the entire thing because there is great perspective in his statement.

While it confirms the quid pro quo that had been suspected- what is perhaps even more disturbing is his description of a shadow diplomacy being led by Rudy Giuliani- the President's private attorney- in leading America's diplomatic conversation with Ukraine.

I know that the Trump supporters will reflexively attack Bill Taylor.....but for anyone who thinks that they are objective- read his statement.

Read it.
Well....if he was under oath....he committed perjury.

But we need to get real about this shit.....there is no law against Quid Pro Quo.
President's have every right to expect something for foreign aide....that's supposed to be accepted.
But Democrats are attempting to make what is legal...illegal.
It's total horseshit.
What is illegal is pay for play.....which is what Joe Biden and his son were doing.
Hunter Biden worked for a Ukrainian company but never entered the they paid him roughly $8,000,000.00 for a No-Show job because he was the son of the VP.
we love his opinion, but when asked about if they knew the treasury was holding back funds to guarantee no more corruption, he said they had no idea. They didn’t even know about it lol

Stop spreading fake news
You first!
Actually what he said was different than what he wrote, you seem to have trouble disguising the difference.
And how exactly do you what Taylor said, HEARSAY since YOU weren't there, that might be different from what he wrote? Notice how HEARSAY is perfectly OK for their side!!!!!
I will read his statement AFTER Republicans are allowed to question him.
So you admit that Ratcliffe (R-Texas) was LYING when he said he questioned Taylor!
What the Hell are you talking about?
Ratcliffe claims he questioned Taylor in the hearing and made a fool of him in 2 minutes. But how can that be the truth if, as YOU say, the GOP are not allowed to even attend the hearing, let alone ask questions?????
I will read his statement AFTER Republicans are allowed to question him.
So you admit that Ratcliffe (R-Texas) was LYING when he said he questioned Taylor!
What the Hell are you talking about?
Ratcliffe claims he questioned Taylor in the hearing and made a fool of him in 2 minutes. But how can that be the truth if, as YOU say, the GOP are not allowed to even attend the hearing, let alone ask questions?????
Before you accuse ask. So ask before you say fake news. You will love my answer.
I will read his statement AFTER Republicans are allowed to question him.
So you admit that Ratcliffe (R-Texas) was LYING when he said he questioned Taylor!
What the Hell are you talking about?
Ratcliffe claims he questioned Taylor in the hearing and made a fool of him in 2 minutes. But how can that be the truth if, as YOU say, the GOP are not allowed to even attend the hearing, let alone ask questions?????
Before you accuse ask. So ask before you say fake news. You will love my answer.
Nice dodge!
You know either Ratcliffe is lying or YOU are!
Republicans have been questioning ALL the witnesses...
They know that, but their echo chamber FAKE NEWS machine told them that the GOP are not even allowed to attend, so that lie becomes their mindless "truth."
I recommend everyone read Bill Taylor's opening statement today.
Top US diplomat to Ukraine testifies there was a quid pro quo

I suggest reading the entire thing because there is great perspective in his statement.

While it confirms the quid pro quo that had been suspected- what is perhaps even more disturbing is his description of a shadow diplomacy being led by Rudy Giuliani- the President's private attorney- in leading America's diplomatic conversation with Ukraine.

I know that the Trump supporters will reflexively attack Bill Taylor.....but for anyone who thinks that they are objective- read his statement.

Read it.
Well....if he was under oath....he committed perjury.

But we need to get real about this shit.....there is no law against Quid Pro Quo.
President's have every right to expect something for foreign aide....that's supposed to be accepted.
But Democrats are attempting to make what is legal...illegal.
It's total horseshit.
What is illegal is pay for play.....which is what Joe Biden and his son were doing.
Hunter Biden worked for a Ukrainian company but never entered the they paid him roughly $8,000,000.00 for a No-Show job because he was the son of the VP.

TADA! Just like that the narrative changes from “no quid pro quo” to “so what if it was”.

Anyone else hearing Zombie Nixon saying “it’s not illegal when the president does it “?
Fake news from the fake news media and fake American Dems.

Ah the loyal Trumpettes- anything that anyone says that might be construed to make their orange Messiah look bad must be 'Fake News!'

And in this case you are saying that the actual words by the acting Ambassador to Ukraine is 'Fake'

Can't get more Trump/Orwellian than that.

Do something about it snowflakes grow a pair you clowns. :auiqs.jpg:

I keep pointing out what ball-less liars you Trumpettes are. Not sure what else you think I should be doing other than exposing your lies, and the lies and corruption of your ball-less Orange Messiah.

The DO IT IMPEACH TRUMP you gutless sacks of liberal talking points :21:
The Democrats also claimed Mitt Romney did not pay taxes for over 10 years based on second hand info. And, that Mitt tied his dog to the top of his car and drove cross country. Of course, based on Romney's current actions, they might have been spot on with that guy. But, I doubt it.

Of course, we do have actual knowledge of Uncle Joe getting that prosecutor fired and of course Hunter picking up a cool $100K per month for a no show job in the Ukraine. But, nothing to see here folks. Similar to Hillary breaking every rule in the book deleting e-mails, smashing her devices with a hammer to avoid examination, secret servers wiped clean never to be seen by the FBI and so on.

Of course this is all for show. The DNC knows that Warren, Sanders and Biden are a joke. They need to damage Trump as much as possible to allow Hillary the best chance for success.
I mean, the fk they could do is at least make some fking sense if they wish to spin stories.

The left aren't making sense because Trump has unhinged them. They flail about in all directions its hilarious. You have to understand, Trump has turned their entire world upside down. They can't silence him. He destroyed their fake news. None of their racist/sexist/homophobe tactics work on him. Plus he mocks and makes fun of them almost daily. Here's your average lib mindset today :aargh::102::aargh:
I recommend everyone read Bill Taylor's opening statement today.
Top US diplomat to Ukraine testifies there was a quid pro quo

I suggest reading the entire thing because there is great perspective in his statement.

While it confirms the quid pro quo that had been suspected- what is perhaps even more disturbing is his description of a shadow diplomacy being led by Rudy Giuliani- the President's private attorney- in leading America's diplomatic conversation with Ukraine.

I know that the Trump supporters will reflexively attack Bill Taylor.....but for anyone who thinks that they are objective- read his statement.

Read it.
Well....if he was under oath....he committed perjury.

But we need to get real about this shit.....there is no law against Quid Pro Quo.
President's have every right to expect something for foreign aide....that's supposed to be accepted.
But Democrats are attempting to make what is legal...illegal.
It's total horseshit.
What is illegal is pay for play.....which is what Joe Biden and his son were doing.
Hunter Biden worked for a Ukrainian company but never entered the they paid him roughly $8,000,000.00 for a No-Show job because he was the son of the VP.

TADA! Just like that the narrative changes from “no quid pro quo” to “so what if it was”.

Anyone else hearing Zombie Nixon saying “it’s not illegal when the president does it “?'re one of those useful idiots.
You can't figure shit out for you wait for instructions from your Soviet handlers.

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