Bill Wittle on climate change

Whittle Bill. :lmao:

Most clueless research-inhibited hack on YouTube. He likes to say, "don't believe me? Look it up". And when you do, you remember why you didn't believe him. Fabrication factory.

Whittle Bill is a failed actor and poser. He has no background in history, political science or any other science. He just knows how to make videos.
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Whittle Bill. :lmao:

Most clueless research-inhibited hack on YouTube. He likes to say, "don't believe me? Look it up". And when you do, you remember why you didn't believe him. Fabrication factory.
Just because he doesn't toe your left wing propaganda line doesn't mean he's wrong.
Rebut him.

Nope --- his completely fabricated bullshit makes him wrong. I've been to his myth-videos before and destroyed them. It's easy. He does no research at all. A fricking sixth grader could clean his clock.

What I'm saying is buy absolutely nothing he's selling without checking out every point. When he says "don't believe me? Look it up", do so. He's counting on you not to.
Whittle Bill. :lmao:

Most clueless research-inhibited hack on YouTube. He likes to say, "don't believe me? Look it up". And when you do, you remember why you didn't believe him. Fabrication factory.
Just because he doesn't toe your left wing propaganda line doesn't mean he's wrong.
Rebut him.

Nope --- his completely fabricated bullshit makes him wrong. I've been to his myth-videos before and destroyed them. It's easy. He does no research at all. A fricking sixth grader could clean his clock.

What I'm saying is buy absolutely nothing he's selling without checking out every point. When he says "don't believe me? Look it up", do so. He's counting on you not to.
What should I be looking up? His points about the climate being in flux since the beginning of the planet are nothing new. His point about Nye being a kid show host and not a scientist is nothing new. His point about the hockey stick being taken out of context is nothing new.
Whittle Bill. :lmao:

Most clueless research-inhibited hack on YouTube. He likes to say, "don't believe me? Look it up". And when you do, you remember why you didn't believe him. Fabrication factory.

Whittle Bill is a failed actor and poser. He has no background in history, political science or any other science. He just knows how to make videos.
So expose him. Post something he said that was wrong. Bill Nye has a degree in Mechanical Engineering but I bet you take his word for gospel.
Whittle Bill. :lmao:

Most clueless research-inhibited hack on YouTube. He likes to say, "don't believe me? Look it up". And when you do, you remember why you didn't believe him. Fabrication factory.

Whittle Bill is a failed actor and poser. He has no background in history, political science or any other science. He just knows how to make videos.
So expose him. Post something he said that was wrong. Bill Nye has a degree in Mechanical Engineering but I bet you take his word for gospel.

I have never posted on Bill Nye. Or listened to him.

I did expose Whittle Bill in his hapless trainwreck of a Civil War history video. It was horrendous. Not even the most basic feeble attempt at any kind of facts. I was there because it's a topic I know a bit about. Worst unresearched travesty I've ever seen on the topic.

Just noting the caliber of who you're dealing with here. A complete charlatan.
No matter how many people one would post videos of supporting the Flat Earth society it wouldn't change anything. At all. This is what deniers of Climate Change do, they throw out many falsehoods hoping something sticks to the wall.

It's the same with holocaust deniers, they have article after article and video after video showing how the holocaust 'is a hoax'. It doesn't matter how many fake credential one puts forth, they are fake credentials and to be ignored.
No matter how many people one would post videos of supporting the Flat Earth society it wouldn't change anything. At all. This is what deniers of Climate Change do, they throw out many falsehoods hoping something sticks to the wall.

It's the same with holocaust deniers, they have article after article and video after video showing how the holocaust 'is a hoax'. It doesn't matter how many fake credential one puts forth, they are fake credentials and to be ignored.
Bill Widdle did not and does not deny climate change. You have taken the road so many climate alarmist take. You don't think for yourself and just repeat what people like Nye tell you.
No matter how many people one would post videos of supporting the Flat Earth society it wouldn't change anything. At all. This is what deniers of Climate Change do, they throw out many falsehoods hoping something sticks to the wall.

It's the same with holocaust deniers, they have article after article and video after video showing how the holocaust 'is a hoax'. It doesn't matter how many fake credential one puts forth, they are fake credentials and to be ignored.
Bill Widdle did not and does not deny climate change. You have taken the road so many climate alarmist take. You don't think for yourself and just repeat what people like Nye tell you.

Spoken like someone that repeats what someone else told you. I don't follow Nye at all. Sorry to burst your meme.

The very premise of the damn video, 'is climate change real' is just moronic. Not worth anyone's time if that is the starting point. Denial of reality will get no leeway on this or anything else. There are PH.D's in the Flat Earth society that have elaborate 'experiments' that prove the Earth is flat. They are to be ignored outright. Or do you defend them with 'just listen to what they have to say, you never know'.

Bullshit is bullshit. I have no time for children pretending to be adults.
Let's see how the seer of the left has done with his predictions.

1. Rising Sea Levels—inaccurate and misleading. Al was even discovered purchasing a beachfront mansion!

2. Increased Tornadoes—declining for decades.

3. New Ice Age in Europe—they've been spared; it never happened.

4. South Sahara Drying Up—completely untrue.

5. Massive Flooding in China and India—again, didn't happen.

6. Melting Arctic—false—2015 represents the largest refreezing in years.

7. Polar Bear Extinction—actually they are increasing!

8. Temperature Increases Due to CO2—no significant rising for over 18 years

9. Katrina a Foreshadow of the Future—false—past 10 years, no F3 hurricanes; "longest drought ever!"

10. The Earth Would be in a "True Planetary Emergency" Within a Decade Unless Drastic Action Taken to Reduce Greenhouse Gasses—never happened.

10 Ways Al Gore Was Wrong About Global Warming

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