Billy the Bagman's duplicity has convinced Trump supporters, but will it convinced the judge?

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The notoriously independent-minded federal judge who once said he was disgusted by the conduct of Michael Flynn could block the administration’s bid to drop criminal charges against the former adviser to President Donald Trump, legal experts said.
The Department of Justice on Thursday told U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan in Washington it wants to drop the case against Flynn, Trump’s former national security adviser, following a pressure campaign by the Republican president and his political allies.
While judges typically sign off on such motions, Sullivan could refuse and instead demand answers from the DOJ about who requested the sudden about-face, said Seth Waxman, a former federal prosecutor now at the law firm Dickinson Wright.
“If Judge Sullivan wanted to he could conduct an inquiry and start asking a lot of questions,” said Waxman.

Presumably, Judge Sullivan is intimately familiar with these facts.

"The president may well pardon Flynn, as he has long hinted. It’s possible—though for reasons we’ll explain, we think unlikely—that Judge Emmet G. Sullivan will allow Flynn to withdraw his plea. And it’s possible as well that Attorney General William Barr, who has already intervened in the case once before and has asked a U.S. attorney to review its handling, will intervene once again on Flynn’s behalf. (how prescient was that!!)

So far, however, nothing has emerged that remotely clears Flynn; nothing has emerged that would require Sullivan to allow him to withdraw his plea; and nothing has emerged that would justify the Justice Department’s backing off of the case—or prosecuting it aggressively if Flynn were somehow allowed out of the very generous deal Special Counsel Robert Mueller cut him."
Facts which expose Barr's attempt to get another Trump crony off the hook for a crime he committed much more difficult to pull off than it is to convince Trumpleheads. Folks who are eager and willing to swallow all the horseshit the Trump admin can shovel their way.
View attachment 333915
Your inability to refute the facts is noted.
View attachment 333916
Your inability to refute the facts is noted.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The notoriously independent-minded federal judge who once said he was disgusted by the conduct of Michael Flynn could block the administration’s bid to drop criminal charges against the former adviser to President Donald Trump, legal experts said.
The Department of Justice on Thursday told U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan in Washington it wants to drop the case against Flynn, Trump’s former national security adviser, following a pressure campaign by the Republican president and his political allies.
While judges typically sign off on such motions, Sullivan could refuse and instead demand answers from the DOJ about who requested the sudden about-face, said Seth Waxman, a former federal prosecutor now at the law firm Dickinson Wright.
“If Judge Sullivan wanted to he could conduct an inquiry and start asking a lot of questions,” said Waxman.

Presumably, Judge Sullivan is intimately familiar with these facts.

"The president may well pardon Flynn, as he has long hinted. It’s possible—though for reasons we’ll explain, we think unlikely—that Judge Emmet G. Sullivan will allow Flynn to withdraw his plea. And it’s possible as well that Attorney General William Barr, who has already intervened in the case once before and has asked a U.S. attorney to review its handling, will intervene once again on Flynn’s behalf. (how prescient was that!!)

So far, however, nothing has emerged that remotely clears Flynn; nothing has emerged that would require Sullivan to allow him to withdraw his plea; and nothing has emerged that would justify the Justice Department’s backing off of the case—or prosecuting it aggressively if Flynn were somehow allowed out of the very generous deal Special Counsel Robert Mueller cut him."
Facts which expose Barr's attempt to get another Trump crony off the hook for a crime he committed much more difficult to pull off than it is to convince Trumpleheads. Folks who are eager and willing to swallow all the horseshit the Trump admin can shovel their way.
View attachment 333915
Your inability to refute the facts is noted.
View attachment 333916
Your inability to refute the facts is noted.
What you shared was speculation and opinion.

Learn what facts are
TDS thread 1,516
After all that's been revealed you still say shit like this?
My hope is some day one of you brainwashed cultists will read this.....................

...............and the facts will change your mind. But I'm not holding my breath.
tRumplings are not big on facts.

You might even say they are immune to them.
Did the DOJ have all the justification it needed to question Flynn about his contacts with Kislyak?

Yes. It was within their jurisdiction to follow up on the Flynn-Kislyak conversation, along with Flynn’s false statements to Pence and Spicer. At a minimum the fact that the Russian government would know that Flynn had lied left him open to potential blackmail by a hostile foreign power............surely a realistic counterintelligence concern.

Was the FBI authorized to do this investigation even if the prior investigation in to whether Flynn was a Russian operative had been closed?

Yes. The standard for opening an assessment is quite low. It is explicitly less than “‘information or an allegation’ indicating the existence of ... [a]n activity constituting ... a threat to national security,” which is required to open a preliminary investigation (DIOG 6.5). Opening an assessment requires only that there be an “authorized purpose” and a “clearly defined objective” for the assessment. In particular, the DIOG makes clear that an assessment is appropriate when “there is reason to collect information or facts to determine whether there is ... a national security threat” (DIOG 5.1; emphasis added). And as part of an assessment, the FBI is allowed to conduct interviews, including of the possible subject or target (DIOG 18.5.6).

Billy the Bagman has made the horseshit argument that when the FBI—aware of extensive Russian interference in U.S. politics in order to benefit the Trump campaign—learned that the incoming national security adviser requested that Russia not respond to the sanctions that were imposed in response to that interference and then lied to other government officials about that, it could not even “collect information or facts to determine” whether this created a counterintelligence threat.

Is the use of prosecution of Flynn's son as leverage grounds for dismissal of the case?

No. Leaning on a potential defendant for cooperation using the criminal liability of family members as leverage is not unheard of. This does not mean the practice is beyond criticism—but the handling of Flynn’s case is not some kind of aberration, let alone the sort of conscience-shocking thing that might justify a dismissal.

And to the extent any nod-and-a-wink arrangement on Flynn Jr. would raise any kind of Giglio issue, it certainly does not with respect to Flynn, who was obviously aware of the predicament his son faced and any role of his plea in alleviating it. That issue would only arise, as the Covington email reflects, if Flynn’s testimony were used against someone else and any arrangement with respect to his son were not disclosed.

Flynn’s consulting group, with which his son was employed, engaged in practices that raised legal questions under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, exposing both father and son to potential criminal liability.

Are any of the documents found in Jensen's review of the case grounds for dismissal?

No. The way the documents suggest that FBI officials discussed the case and made adjustments to their plans is typical of criminal investigations, former federal prosecutors say, even if seeing these internal discussions put in writing isn’t as common.

More importantly, the documents don’t make the false statements Flynn pleaded guilty to — lying to the FBI about his conversations with then-Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak — any less false. Nor are they the kinds of documents that prosecutors were legally obligated to produce for Flynn’s lawyers.

Is Flynn's motion to withdraw his guilty plea defensible? Yes.

Is Flynn's motion to throw the case out due to prosecutorial malfeasance defensible?

No. Flynn’s new lawyer cites notes given to her by Jensen, which were presumably written by then-FBI counterintelligence chief Bill Priestap, as supposed smoking-gun evidence that the FBI was seeking to entrap Flynn in a lie. The trouble with that argument is that absolutely nothing forced Flynn not to tell the truth in that interview. And while FBI officials appear to have discussed the strategic purpose of the interview, there’s nothing whatsoever wrong with that.

What is so funny is the far left loons don't see the precdent that will be st if what was done to Flynn stands. Much like you all cheered the #METOO and believe all women movement when it was going after Kavanaugh you love it a lot less now that it's being used against one of your own. If corrupt FBI leadership can do this to Flynn you can bet your ass they can do it to people in an incoming Democrat administration as well everyone should take of their partisan blinders and really think about that although we all know none of you will.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The notoriously independent-minded federal judge who once said he was disgusted by the conduct of Michael Flynn could block the administration’s bid to drop criminal charges against the former adviser to President Donald Trump, legal experts said.
The Department of Justice on Thursday told U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan in Washington it wants to drop the case against Flynn, Trump’s former national security adviser, following a pressure campaign by the Republican president and his political allies.
While judges typically sign off on such motions, Sullivan could refuse and instead demand answers from the DOJ about who requested the sudden about-face, said Seth Waxman, a former federal prosecutor now at the law firm Dickinson Wright.
“If Judge Sullivan wanted to he could conduct an inquiry and start asking a lot of questions,” said Waxman.

Presumably, Judge Sullivan is intimately familiar with these facts.

"The president may well pardon Flynn, as he has long hinted. It’s possible—though for reasons we’ll explain, we think unlikely—that Judge Emmet G. Sullivan will allow Flynn to withdraw his plea. And it’s possible as well that Attorney General William Barr, who has already intervened in the case once before and has asked a U.S. attorney to review its handling, will intervene once again on Flynn’s behalf. (how prescient was that!!)

So far, however, nothing has emerged that remotely clears Flynn; nothing has emerged that would require Sullivan to allow him to withdraw his plea; and nothing has emerged that would justify the Justice Department’s backing off of the case—or prosecuting it aggressively if Flynn were somehow allowed out of the very generous deal Special Counsel Robert Mueller cut him."
Facts which expose Barr's attempt to get another Trump crony off the hook for a crime he committed much more difficult to pull off than it is to convince Trumpleheads. Folks who are eager and willing to swallow all the horseshit the Trump admin can shovel their way.
What a douchebag. The DOJ published 6000 pages of evidence. The document makes Flynn's innocence quite clear. It's no surprise that you would support proscuting an innocent man. That's because you are a vile, disgusting, reprehensible douchebag.
What is so funny is the far left loons don't see the precdent that will be st if what was done to Flynn stands. Much like you all cheered the #METOO and believe all women movement when it was going after Kavanaugh you love it a lot less now that it's being used against one of your own. If corrupt FBI leadership can do this to Flynn you can bet your ass they can do it to people in an incoming Democrat administration as well everyone should take of their partisan blinders and really think about that although we all know none of you will.

The precedent you’re trying to set is a president getting their political appointees to help their buddies. This is the whole reason the independent counsel is used in the first place. To keep politics out of cases close to the president.
What is so funny is the far left loons don't see the precdent that will be st if what was done to Flynn stands. Much like you all cheered the #METOO and believe all women movement when it was going after Kavanaugh you love it a lot less now that it's being used against one of your own. If corrupt FBI leadership can do this to Flynn you can bet your ass they can do it to people in an incoming Democrat administration as well everyone should take of their partisan blinders and really think about that although we all know none of you will.

The precedent you’re trying to set is a president getting their political appointees to help their buddies. This is the whole reason the independent counsel is used in the first place. To keep politics out of cases close to the president.
The FBI agents orginally looking into this had concluded there was nothing there and were going to end the investigation it was Peter Strozak and the other politically motivated hacks that insisted it keep going. There should have never been a special counsel I don't base right and wrong on right and left more people should do the same.
TDS thread 1,516
Only criminal think pointing out justice department corruption is a bad thing.

Are you a criminal?
Exposing deep state crimes is not corruption, moron. It's justice.
They aren't exposing anything.

They are making shit up. It's a tried and true republican tactic. They lie about everything.
We "made up" that 6000 page DOJ report?
You filled it full of lies.

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