Billy the Bagman's duplicity has convinced Trump supporters, but will it convinced the judge?

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The notoriously independent-minded federal judge who once said he was disgusted by the conduct of Michael Flynn could block the administration’s bid to drop criminal charges against the former adviser to President Donald Trump, legal experts said.
The Department of Justice on Thursday told U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan in Washington it wants to drop the case against Flynn, Trump’s former national security adviser, following a pressure campaign by the Republican president and his political allies.
While judges typically sign off on such motions, Sullivan could refuse and instead demand answers from the DOJ about who requested the sudden about-face, said Seth Waxman, a former federal prosecutor now at the law firm Dickinson Wright.
“If Judge Sullivan wanted to he could conduct an inquiry and start asking a lot of questions,” said Waxman.

Presumably, Judge Sullivan is intimately familiar with these facts.

"The president may well pardon Flynn, as he has long hinted. It’s possible—though for reasons we’ll explain, we think unlikely—that Judge Emmet G. Sullivan will allow Flynn to withdraw his plea. And it’s possible as well that Attorney General William Barr, who has already intervened in the case once before and has asked a U.S. attorney to review its handling, will intervene once again on Flynn’s behalf. (how prescient was that!!)

So far, however, nothing has emerged that remotely clears Flynn; nothing has emerged that would require Sullivan to allow him to withdraw his plea; and nothing has emerged that would justify the Justice Department’s backing off of the case—or prosecuting it aggressively if Flynn were somehow allowed out of the very generous deal Special Counsel Robert Mueller cut him."
Facts which expose Barr's attempt to get another Trump crony off the hook for a crime he committed much more difficult to pull off than it is to convince Trumpleheads. Folks who are eager and willing to swallow all the horseshit the Trump admin can shovel their way.
View attachment 333915
Your inability to refute the facts is noted.
View attachment 333916

Save those for November 3. You're going to need to buy about a dozen more boxes.
Maybe, might need something to plug my ears with to block all the leftist crying
Winning re-election with a 20% unemployment rate and 150,000 dead from a virus that Donald suggested might be cured by injecting Clorox would show just how fucking stupid the Republicans TRULY are.

Actually 20% unemployment caused by a virus, not by Trump
Its been in all the papers. what planet have you been on??
I am sure the judge will require a hearing. After the hearing I am hopeful the judge will not drop the charges given that the dropping of the charges was nothing more than a political stunt by Barr at the expense of the rule of law.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The notoriously independent-minded federal judge who once said he was disgusted by the conduct of Michael Flynn could block the administration’s bid to drop criminal charges against the former adviser to President Donald Trump, legal experts said.
The Department of Justice on Thursday told U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan in Washington it wants to drop the case against Flynn, Trump’s former national security adviser, following a pressure campaign by the Republican president and his political allies.
While judges typically sign off on such motions, Sullivan could refuse and instead demand answers from the DOJ about who requested the sudden about-face, said Seth Waxman, a former federal prosecutor now at the law firm Dickinson Wright.
“If Judge Sullivan wanted to he could conduct an inquiry and start asking a lot of questions,” said Waxman.

Presumably, Judge Sullivan is intimately familiar with these facts.

"The president may well pardon Flynn, as he has long hinted. It’s possible—though for reasons we’ll explain, we think unlikely—that Judge Emmet G. Sullivan will allow Flynn to withdraw his plea. And it’s possible as well that Attorney General William Barr, who has already intervened in the case once before and has asked a U.S. attorney to review its handling, will intervene once again on Flynn’s behalf. (how prescient was that!!)

So far, however, nothing has emerged that remotely clears Flynn; nothing has emerged that would require Sullivan to allow him to withdraw his plea; and nothing has emerged that would justify the Justice Department’s backing off of the case—or prosecuting it aggressively if Flynn were somehow allowed out of the very generous deal Special Counsel Robert Mueller cut him."
Facts which expose Barr's attempt to get another Trump crony off the hook for a crime he committed much more difficult to pull off than it is to convince Trumpleheads. Folks who are eager and willing to swallow all the horseshit the Trump admin can shovel their way.
better hope the judge does something this could be sited as precident for years to come. gunna be funny when it is the dems sting this case. Not! I am not for estabishing a class above the law. you would think republicans would realize this that a democrat will take advantage at some time but they can nit see past thier nose.

Yeah it's not like the Obama Administration already fingerfucked the Constitution and spied on the incoming Administration. Imagine if they get away with it?
Attorney General Barr’s repeated actions to use the Department as a tool to further President Trump’s personal and political interests have undermined any claim
a tool to learn:
1) interviewing agents concluded Flynn did not lie
2) Strock and Paige doctored evidence of interview
3) Flynn was illegally denied his Miranda and Brady like rights
4) Talking to Russia was Flynn's job so he was entrapped to lie about it
5) FBI concluded Flynn did not lie, but 3 rabid mad dog TDS haters at top of FBI reopened the case for personal reasons.
6) that Flynn plead guilty because he loved his son
7) TDS made FBI think they could treasonously change American election and depose Trump
8) Obama administration colluded with FBI to illegally spy on Trump campaign and leaked information to press to influence election.
9) Now the FBI bottom feeders are reduced to ruining Flynn's life just to show their coup attempt didn't yield absolutely nothing.
Maybe, might need something to plug my ears with to block all the leftist crying
I'll have to remember that line when responding to the 100's of posts about Biden's alleged sexual misconduct. Or any other complaint you have about a Dem.
Attorney General Barr’s repeated actions to use the Department as a tool to further President Trump’s personal and political interests have undermined any claim
a tool to learn:
1) interviewing agents concluded Flynn did not lie
2) Strock and Paige doctored evidence of interview
3) Flynn was illegally denied his Miranda and Brady like rights
4) Talking to Russia was Flynn's job so he was entrapped to lie about it
5) FBI concluded Flynn did not lie, but 3 rabid mad dog TDS haters at top of FBI reopened the case for personal reasons.
6) that Flynn plead guilty because he loved his son
7) TDS made FBI think they could treasonously change American election and depose Trump
8) Now the FBI bottom feeders are reduced to ruining Flynn's life just to show their coup attempt didn't yield absolutely nothing.
1) interviewing agents concluded Flynn did not lie.............false
2) Strock and Paige doctored evidence of interview.........false
3) Flynn was illegally denied his Miranda and Brady like rights..........false
4) Talking to Russia was Flynn's job so he was entrapped to lie about it..........false
5) FBI concluded Flynn did not lie, but 3 rabid mad dog TDS haters at top of FBI reopened the case for personal reasons.........false
6) that Flynn plead guilty because he loved his son..........partly true, possibly, but Flynn still lied
7) TDS made FBI think they could treasonously change American election and depose Trump..........lunacy
8) Now the FBI bottom feeders are reduced to ruining Flynn's life just to show their coup attempt didn't yield absolutely nothing..........batshyte crazy
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The notoriously independent-minded federal judge who once said he was disgusted by the conduct of Michael Flynn could block the administration’s bid to drop criminal charges against the former adviser to President Donald Trump, legal experts said.
The Department of Justice on Thursday told U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan in Washington it wants to drop the case against Flynn, Trump’s former national security adviser, following a pressure campaign by the Republican president and his political allies.
While judges typically sign off on such motions, Sullivan could refuse and instead demand answers from the DOJ about who requested the sudden about-face, said Seth Waxman, a former federal prosecutor now at the law firm Dickinson Wright.
“If Judge Sullivan wanted to he could conduct an inquiry and start asking a lot of questions,” said Waxman.

Presumably, Judge Sullivan is intimately familiar with these facts.

"The president may well pardon Flynn, as he has long hinted. It’s possible—though for reasons we’ll explain, we think unlikely—that Judge Emmet G. Sullivan will allow Flynn to withdraw his plea. And it’s possible as well that Attorney General William Barr, who has already intervened in the case once before and has asked a U.S. attorney to review its handling, will intervene once again on Flynn’s behalf. (how prescient was that!!)

So far, however, nothing has emerged that remotely clears Flynn; nothing has emerged that would require Sullivan to allow him to withdraw his plea; and nothing has emerged that would justify the Justice Department’s backing off of the case—or prosecuting it aggressively if Flynn were somehow allowed out of the very generous deal Special Counsel Robert Mueller cut him."
Facts which expose Barr's attempt to get another Trump crony off the hook for a crime he committed much more difficult to pull off than it is to convince Trumpleheads. Folks who are eager and willing to swallow all the horseshit the Trump admin can shovel their way.
BWK posted an identical thread. Coincidence?
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The notoriously independent-minded federal judge who once said he was disgusted by the conduct of Michael Flynn could block the administration’s bid to drop criminal charges against the former adviser to President Donald Trump, legal experts said.
The Department of Justice on Thursday told U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan in Washington it wants to drop the case against Flynn, Trump’s former national security adviser, following a pressure campaign by the Republican president and his political allies.
While judges typically sign off on such motions, Sullivan could refuse and instead demand answers from the DOJ about who requested the sudden about-face, said Seth Waxman, a former federal prosecutor now at the law firm Dickinson Wright.
“If Judge Sullivan wanted to he could conduct an inquiry and start asking a lot of questions,” said Waxman.

Presumably, Judge Sullivan is intimately familiar with these facts.

"The president may well pardon Flynn, as he has long hinted. It’s possible—though for reasons we’ll explain, we think unlikely—that Judge Emmet G. Sullivan will allow Flynn to withdraw his plea. And it’s possible as well that Attorney General William Barr, who has already intervened in the case once before and has asked a U.S. attorney to review its handling, will intervene once again on Flynn’s behalf. (how prescient was that!!)

So far, however, nothing has emerged that remotely clears Flynn; nothing has emerged that would require Sullivan to allow him to withdraw his plea; and nothing has emerged that would justify the Justice Department’s backing off of the case—or prosecuting it aggressively if Flynn were somehow allowed out of the very generous deal Special Counsel Robert Mueller cut him."
Facts which expose Barr's attempt to get another Trump crony off the hook for a crime he committed much more difficult to pull off than it is to convince Trumpleheads. Folks who are eager and willing to swallow all the horseshit the Trump admin can shovel their way.
Nothing has emerged....Other than blatant prosecutorial misconduct, filing of falsified evidence, and gross legal malpractice by Flynn's fired defense shysters.

Newp, not a godddamn thing has emerged...Nada, skiff, diddly-squat.
Nothing has emerged....Other than blatant proprietorial misconduct
You meant to write prosecutorial misconduct............nitwit.

"But apparently Flynn didn’t appear flustered or nervous when he lied to the FBI. A partially redacted FBI memo — known as a 302 — states that the FBI agents said Flynn "did not give any indicators of deception." During Michael Flynn’s sentencing phase, the special counsel reiterated the agents’ impression.

This seems to be the basis for Trump’s claim. But Trump’s selective reading gives a false impression itself.

Lawyers for the special counsel’s office said Flynn’s seemingly guileless demeanor did not change the fact that he was lying — which Flynn himself admitted."
1) interviewing agents concluded Flynn did not lie.............false
, in the Bureau’s own words, prepared to close[case against Flynn] because it had yielded an “absence of any derogatory information.” Ex. 1 at 4, FBIFD-1057 “Closing Communication” Jan. 4, 2017 (emphases added).
Lefties tolerated sexual predators like Weinstein, Epstein and the Clintons (and Joe Biden) as long as the media didn't care but they characterize an old Soldier who did his duty and rose to the level of General, as "Billy the Bagman". Typical enough I guess.

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