Billy the Bagman's duplicity has convinced Trump supporters, but will it convinced the judge?

"It is unclear whether Sullivan publicly laid out this guidance because he anticipated outside parties would want to file amicus briefs, because he wanted to encourage the filing of amicus briefs or because someone had already tried to file an amicus brief. (CNN noted earlier Tuesday that there is a docket entry in the Flynn case for which the underlying filing has not been made public.)

But regardless, the order suggests that Sullivan is not going to be wrapping up the case up ASAP, as he intends to provide an opportunity for the filing of friend-of-the-court briefs."

"It is unclear whether Sullivan publicly laid out this guidance because he anticipated outside parties would want to file amicus briefs, because he wanted to encourage the filing of amicus briefs or because someone had already tried to file an amicus brief. (CNN noted earlier Tuesday that there is a docket entry in the Flynn case for which the underlying filing has not been made public.)

But regardless, the order suggests that Sullivan is not going to be wrapping up the case up ASAP, as he intends to provide an opportunity for the filing of friend-of-the-court briefs."

maybe given a little more time the missing report, the 302 report can be found. That’s the one on which the whole case against Flynn is predicated. And maybe the disappeared agent who wrote the report while attending the meeting can be located.
also maybe the FBI will have time to explain how encouraging the Russians to retaliate against us would’ve been a crime and doing the exact opposite was a crime too.

or maybe more time will give the FBI time to explain why their investigation was closed when done through the normal channels and in the normal way but then was reopened by the top three people at the FBI all of whom where rabid Maddog bigoted Trump haters. These were people long prone to criminal activities such as when they forged documents to present to the FISA courts, Criminally withheld evidence, colluded with the Obama administration to spy on their opponents, criminally unmasked Flynn and Criminally lied about the steel dossier that was totally unverified and paid for by the Democrats but taken and used as gospel by tds fbi, or The criminal railroading of George Papadopoulos and Carter Page. Trump says these people were scum. Do you wonder why an attempted coup based on criminal lies would make him think that?

At this point it seems Cardinal Comey is more likely to go to prison then general Flynn. An interest in justice should make us all pray that it is so.
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His order cited other cases addressing the submission of friend-of-the-court briefs. One he quoted said amicus briefs can be allowed when a party has not been adequately represented, when there is another case that could be affected by the one before the judge, or when the amicus “has unique information or perspective that can help the court beyond the help that the lawyers for the parties are able to provide.
His order cited other cases addressing the submission of friend-of-the-court briefs. One he quoted said amicus briefs can be allowed when a party has not been adequately represented, when there is another case that could be affected by the one before the judge, or when the amicus “has unique information or perspective that can help the court beyond the help that the lawyers for the parties are able to provide.

maybe given a little more time the missing report, the 302 report can be found.
It's not missing.

it’s not

Rep. Devin Nunes, ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, said Sunday that the original documents summarizing the FBI interview where Micahel Flynn is alleged to have perjured himself are "missing."

"The original report that was used to brief the United States Congress, that report is missing. It's gone, poof, we can't find it," Nunes told Fox Business anchor Maria Bartiromo on Fox News's Sunday Morning Futures.
maybe given a little more time the missing report, the 302 report can be found.
It's not missing.

it’s not

Rep. Devin Nunes, ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, said Sunday that the original documents summarizing the FBI interview where Micahel Flynn is alleged to have perjured himself are "missing."

"The original report that was used to brief the United States Congress, that report is missing. It's gone, poof, we can't find it," Nunes told Fox Business anchor Maria Bartiromo on Fox News's Sunday Morning Futures.
It appears the DOJ admitted in their surreply that the original 302 report by Strzok was lost or went missing.
Here the DOJ argues that “even if the original STILL existed” meaning THE ORIGINAL 302 IS MISSING!

It would seem that the FBI destroyed the original report, something unheard of and FBI history, and had a new report prepared by the most vicious TDS bigotb at the FBI, peter struck
Rep. Devin Nunes, ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, said Sunday that the original documents summarizing the FBI interview where Micahel Flynn is alleged to have perjured himself are "missing."
It's not the first time Nunes lied.
U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan’s next moves are still not entirely clear. But so far, he’s not acting quickly to grant the dismissal that the Justice Department and Flynn are seeking. And he’s suggested that he’s willing to provide a forum for outside parties to debate what authorities he has to hold on to the case for a least a little while longer.

Such a debate touches on fundamental questions about the separation of powers and the politicization of the Justice Department. Already, some former Watergate prosecutors are planning to argue that the judge doesn’t have to take the DOJ, in its stated reasons for dropping the case, at its word.

"Near the end of December, the administration and National Security Council prepared sanctions on Russia as punishment for their involvement in the election … The sanctions were announced on December 29.

The next day, Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, issued an unusual and uncharacteristic statement, saying that he would take no action against the United States in retaliation for those sanctions. The PDB [Presidential Daily Brief] staff decided to write an intelligence assessment as to why Putin made the choice he did. They issued a request to the intelligence community: Anyone who had information on the topic was invited to offer it for consideration. In response to that request, the FBI queried our own holdings. We came across information indicating that General Mike Flynn, the president-elect’s nominee for the post of national security advisor, had held several conversations with the Russian ambassador to the U.S., Sergey Kislyak, in which the sanctions were discussed. The information was something we had from December 29. I had not been aware of it. My impression was that higher-level officials within the FBI’s counterintelligence division had not been aware of it. The PDB request brought it to our attention.

...We felt we needed time to do more work to understand the context of what had been found—we don’t just run out and charge someone based on a single piece of intelligence. We use intelligence as the basis for investigation."
Rep. Devin Nunes, ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, said Sunday that the original documents summarizing the FBI interview where Micahel Flynn is alleged to have perjured himself are "missing."
It's not the first time Nunes lied.
So then fool why not show us a copy of the original F 302 ????????????????? Tell us why Struck and love bird Page doctored it despite being rabid mad dog bigots, and despite it never having been done before. Show us interview with disappeared author of orginal F 302.
we don’t just run out and charge someone based on a single piece of intelligence. We use intelligence as the basis for investigation."

Totally stupid Mr Berg! Trump and Flynn wanted a fresh start with Putin just as Hillary wanted a "restart" with him- remember?????????? Obama and Comey spied on the opposition to subvert an American election compelled by TDS just like in the case of Carter page George Popadoupolis Steele dossier, Roger Stone. Russian collusion or TDS???? Comey said he did not know if prostitutes were peeing on the bed!! TDS????
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The notoriously independent-minded federal judge who once said he was disgusted by the conduct of Michael Flynn could block the administration’s bid to drop criminal charges against the former adviser to President Donald Trump, legal experts said.
The Department of Justice on Thursday told U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan in Washington it wants to drop the case against Flynn, Trump’s former national security adviser, following a pressure campaign by the Republican president and his political allies.
While judges typically sign off on such motions, Sullivan could refuse and instead demand answers from the DOJ about who requested the sudden about-face, said Seth Waxman, a former federal prosecutor now at the law firm Dickinson Wright.
“If Judge Sullivan wanted to he could conduct an inquiry and start asking a lot of questions,” said Waxman.

Presumably, Judge Sullivan is intimately familiar with these facts.

"The president may well pardon Flynn, as he has long hinted. It’s possible—though for reasons we’ll explain, we think unlikely—that Judge Emmet G. Sullivan will allow Flynn to withdraw his plea. And it’s possible as well that Attorney General William Barr, who has already intervened in the case once before and has asked a U.S. attorney to review its handling, will intervene once again on Flynn’s behalf. (how prescient was that!!)

So far, however, nothing has emerged that remotely clears Flynn; nothing has emerged that would require Sullivan to allow him to withdraw his plea; and nothing has emerged that would justify the Justice Department’s backing off of the case—or prosecuting it aggressively if Flynn were somehow allowed out of the very generous deal Special Counsel Robert Mueller cut him."
Facts which expose Barr's attempt to get another Trump crony off the hook for a crime he committed much more difficult to pull off than it is to convince Trumpleheads. Folks who are eager and willing to swallow all the horseshit the Trump admin can shovel their way.

You're a fucking idiot. The DOJ said there was no legit reason to question Flynn in the first place, talking to foreigners was part of his job. There are two entities that have standing in a criminal case, the prosecution and the defendant. This bullshit Sullivan is trying to pull could easily wind up getting him disbarred. There's only one way a legitimate judge can go when the prosecution and defense join in a motion to dismiss, that's to dismiss the case. Of course over the last couple of years Sullivan had a huge case of foot in mouth disease and is trying to save face.


You're a fucking idiot. The DOJ said there was no legit reason to question Flynn in the first place, talking to foreigners was part of his job.

Exactly, and encouraging foreigners not to retaliate against us is doing a good job and yet TDS made Obama Comey see evil in it? Suppose Flynn had been neutral or encouraged Russia to retaliate against us. Would Obama Comey have liked that or arrested him for that too?

And, there was no legit reason to interview Flynn. Investigation was over and found absolutely nothing. But TDS caused 3 bigots at FBI to arrest Flynn for wanting reset with Russia exactly like Hillary had wanted with her famous Russian reset button when she came into office.
You're a fucking idiot. The DOJ said there was no legit reason to question Flynn in the first place, talking to foreigners was part of his job.

Exactly, and encouraging foreigners not to retaliate against us is doing a good job and yet TDS made Obama Comey see evil in it? Suppose Flynn had been neutral or encouraged Russia to retaliate against us. Would Obama Comey have liked that or arrested him for that too?

And, there was no legit reason to interview Flynn. Investigation was over and found absolutely nothing. But TDS caused 3 bigots at FBI to arrest Flynn for wanting reset with Russia exactly like Hillary had wanted with her famous Russian reset button when she came into office.

The reason the intel agencies went after Flynn is he had plans to reorganize them. They couldn't have their fiefdom messed with.

wrong fool!!! coming from FBI who says originally f 302 is, oddly, missing. First one in FBI history to go missing. Can Mr Berg tell us why that happened??
The judge has already ruled on Flynn's lawyer's baseless claim of misconduct.

Sullivan reviewed Flynn’s more detailed accusations that misconduct by the FBI, the Justice Department and Mueller’s office raised ethical concerns and cast doubt on his investigation, but he denied defense claims that they warranted tossing out his plea in favor of a trial or dismissal of his case. Similar to Horowitz’s findings, the court ruling undercut arguments that the FBI investigation or Justice Department prosecution of Flynn was unjustified or improperly handled.
Refuting Flynn’s claims that he was misled into unwittingly pleading guilty to charges, Sullivan wrote that it was undisputed that Flynn told the same lies to the FBI, Vice President Pence and senior White House officials, who repeated them to the American public, leading to his firing in February 2017.

If you will just read the MJ article I posted a link to you'll find your accusation is based on a lying tweet from Trump based on a misinterpretation of his...........because he is just that stupid.

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