Billy the Bagman's duplicity has convinced Trump supporters, but will it convinced the judge?

You're a fucking idiot. The DOJ said there was no legit reason to question Flynn in the first place, talking to foreigners was part of his job.
Well yes, that is what Billy the Bagman said, but we all know that's a lie.

Flynn was under investigation for possibly being a Russian dupe when the FBI became aware of his conversation with Kislyak. The one he lied about to VP Pence and the FBI. While it was permissible for Flynn to speak with Kislyak it was not permissible for him to recommend something that went against the policy of the sitting government as Obama was still prez. That's a violation of the Logan Act.
wrong fool!!! coming from FBI who says originally f 302 is, oddly, missing. First one in FBI history to go missing. Can Mr Berg tell us why that happened??
The judge has already ruled on Flynn's lawyer's baseless claim of misconduct.

Sullivan reviewed Flynn’s more detailed accusations that misconduct by the FBI, the Justice Department and Mueller’s office raised ethical concerns and cast doubt on his investigation, but he denied defense claims that they warranted tossing out his plea in favor of a trial or dismissal of his case. Similar to Horowitz’s findings, the court ruling undercut arguments that the FBI investigation or Justice Department prosecution of Flynn was unjustified or improperly handled.
Refuting Flynn’s claims that he was misled into unwittingly pleading guilty to charges, Sullivan wrote that it was undisputed that Flynn told the same lies to the FBI, Vice President Pence and senior White House officials, who repeated them to the American public, leading to his firing in February 2017.

If you will just read the MJ article I posted a link to you'll find your accusation is based on a lying tweet from Trump based on a misinterpretation of his...........because he is just that stupid.
got it so first time in FBI history that original evidence goes missing along with agent who gathered that evidence does not bother you!!!!! Or that new replacement evidence was prepared by 2 of the most rabid bigot TDS’ers does not bother you?? Nor does lying to FISA court quite openly ruining Carter Page and George Papadopoulos and criminally unmasking general Flynn and others or violating Flynns Miranda like rights or his Brady rights or the fact that discouraging Russia from retaliating against us is a great thing not a crime for which to be arrested. Nothing bothers you because you imagine the Nazi police state is on your side for the time being.Mr. Barry needs to wake up out of his long sleep.
wrong fool!!! coming from FBI who says originally f 302 is, oddly, missing. First one in FBI history to go missing. Can Mr Berg tell us why that happened??
The judge has already ruled on Flynn's lawyer's baseless claim of misconduct.

Sullivan reviewed Flynn’s more detailed accusations that misconduct by the FBI, the Justice Department and Mueller’s office raised ethical concerns and cast doubt on his investigation, but he denied defense claims that they warranted tossing out his plea in favor of a trial or dismissal of his case. Similar to Horowitz’s findings, the court ruling undercut arguments that the FBI investigation or Justice Department prosecution of Flynn was unjustified or improperly handled.
Refuting Flynn’s claims that he was misled into unwittingly pleading guilty to charges, Sullivan wrote that it was undisputed that Flynn told the same lies to the FBI, Vice President Pence and senior White House officials, who repeated them to the American public, leading to his firing in February 2017.

If you will just read the MJ article I posted a link to you'll find your accusation is based on a lying tweet from Trump based on a misinterpretation of his...........because he is just that stupid.
yes Flynn lied about encouraging Russians not to retaliate against us because for some reason The FBI made him think they’re doing something good for the United States, something very very good was a crime. Of course if he had encouraged Russia to retaliate against the United States they would’ve arrested him for that too. The FBI was obviously very corrupt and the next time Mr. Berg they may be coming for you! Why do you think they threaten his son why do you think they tried to pin the Logan act on him from 1799 and what do you think Happened to the missing FBI agent? Mr. Burg needs to put his thinking cap on
got it so first time in FBI history that original evidence goes missing
Why do you keep repeating that lie?

"If the FBI lost records from this interview, it would be a big deal. But neither the FBI nor the Justice Department says this happened. Instead, they say they turned over more than sufficient evidence to Flynn, including the original notes of agents who interviewed Flynn as well as the 302 report summarizing the interview. (You can read a redacted version they filed in court here.)"
Trump is talking about pardoning Michael Flynn based on a made-up claim
wrong fool!!! coming from FBI who says originally f 302 is, oddly, missing. First one in FBI history to go missing. Can Mr Berg tell us why that happened??
The judge has already ruled on Flynn's lawyer's baseless claim of misconduct.

Sullivan reviewed Flynn’s more detailed accusations that misconduct by the FBI, the Justice Department and Mueller’s office raised ethical concerns and cast doubt on his investigation, but he denied defense claims that they warranted tossing out his plea in favor of a trial or dismissal of his case. Similar to Horowitz’s findings, the court ruling undercut arguments that the FBI investigation or Justice Department prosecution of Flynn was unjustified or improperly handled.
Refuting Flynn’s claims that he was misled into unwittingly pleading guilty to charges, Sullivan wrote that it was undisputed that Flynn told the same lies to the FBI, Vice President Pence and senior White House officials, who repeated them to the American public, leading to his firing in February 2017.

If you will just read the MJ article I posted a link to you'll find your accusation is based on a lying tweet from Trump based on a misinterpretation of his...........because he is just that stupid.
So general Flynn was 100% aware that the FBI knew what he had said on the telephone to Russian ambassador Kislyak And yet he lied to the FBI about it anyway. So then I guess it is very clear the Flynn actually wanted to go to prison?? Mr. Berg needs to put his thinking cap on.
yes Flynn lied about encouraging Russians not to retaliate against us
You can stop right there. That fact is what lead Sally Yates to meet with Don McGahn to warn him Flynn could be compromised by the Russians since they knew he lied to VP Pence. Which in turn lead to the FBI interviewing Flynn. Which lead to Flynn lying to the FBI. Which lead to Flynn's confession of lying, writing in his plea agreement he did not confess under duress and that he took responsibility for his actions. Got it?
So general Flynn was 100% aware that the FBI knew what he had said on the telephone to Russian ambassador Kislyak And yet he lied to the FBI about it anyway.
It isn't clear if he knew the FBI had a tape of his conversation with Kislyak. What is clear is he lied about it...................and confessed to having lied.
It's looking increasingly likely Judge Sullivan is going to dismantle Billy the Bagman's pile of shit in open court. It should be entertaining when he asks for the DOJ's rationale for their reversal (we already know it's because Flynn is Trump's boy) in recommending charges be dropped.

It would normally be an education for Trumpletards to see the fever swamp nonsense Billy conjured up, making all sorts of bogus assertions to justify his duplicity. But you can bet right wing media will be there to smear Sullivan and support the lies and distortions Barr has used to give a confessed, convicted criminal a get out of jail free card.
The department now says it cannot prove its case. But Flynn had already admitted his guilt to lying to the FBI, and the court had accepted his plea. The purported reasons for the dismissal clash not only with the department’s previous arguments in Flynn’s case — where it assured the court of an important federal interest in punishing Flynn’s dishonesty, an interest it now dismisses as insubstantial — but also with arguments it has routinely made for years in similar cases not involving defendants close to the president. And all of this followed a similarly troubling reversal, also preceded by the withdrawal of career prosecutors, in the sentencing of Roger Stone.
How do Repubs react when one of their own has broken the law? They move to have the law taken off the books.

It isn't clear if he knew the FBI had a tape of his conversation with Kislyak. What is clear is he lied about it...................and confessed to having lied.

You have not read the transcript. They told him they had transcript. Flynn of all people knew they had recorded the conversations. And, they concluded he had not lied about asking Russia not to attack us. Later they illegally tricked him into lying[ by threatening abuse of his son] about doing the right thing when he had absolutely no need to lie about doing the right thing!! They are scum, like Donald says, who would have also arrested him if had encouraged Russia to attack US. When they are corrupt they can get anyone and ruin their lives. Next they are coming for you Berg unless you show the strength of character to change your opinions. Good luck in your after life!!
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How do Repubs react when one of their own has broken the law? They move to have the law taken off the books.

too stupid!! the Logan Act had been off the book for 250 years and never used by anybody!!! Only scum, as Donald says, would dust it off and think of using it after 250 years. It is about like lying to FISA courts and illegally unmasking. The law meant nothing to the TDS scum at the FBI.
Did you think Comey is most like to go to prison since he presided over all of it and seems most most blinded by his TDS?? Notice how when a conservative meets a liberal the conservative is always made to feel like a kindergarten teacher?
You're a fucking idiot. The DOJ said there was no legit reason to question Flynn in the first place, talking to foreigners was part of his job.
Well yes, that is what Billy the Bagman said, but we all know that's a lie.

Flynn was under investigation for possibly being a Russian dupe when the FBI became aware of his conversation with Kislyak. The one he lied about to VP Pence and the FBI. While it was permissible for Flynn to speak with Kislyak it was not permissible for him to recommend something that went against the policy of the sitting government as Obama was still prez. That's a violation of the Logan Act.

Wow, still proving yourself to be a fucking idiot. NO ONE has EVER been successfully prosecuted for a violation of the Logan Act, if somehow they were, it would be found unconstitutional by the supreme court. Also there is a DC court of appeals precedent case that REQUIRES Sullivan to dismiss the damn case. If Sullivan continues to fuck around, either the DOJ or the defense will seek a writ of mandamus, in a higher court, to force him to follow the law.

Do you know the investigation into Flynn (Crossfire Razor) was being terminated for lack of evidence before peepee Stroczk short circuited the memo to keep it going, RIGHT?

I just can't wait to see maobama et al indicted for conspiracy to deprive Flynn of his civil rights. Comey didn't just come up with sending a couple of agents to interview Flynn on the spur of the moment, it was carefully planned in the Jan 15 meeting.

The department now says it cannot prove its case. But Flynn had already admitted his guilt to lying to the FBI, and the court had accepted his plea. The purported reasons for the dismissal clash not only with the department’s previous arguments in Flynn’s case — where it assured the court of an important federal interest in punishing Flynn’s dishonesty, an interest it now dismisses as insubstantial — but also with arguments it has routinely made for years in similar cases not involving defendants close to the president. And all of this followed a similarly troubling reversal, also preceded by the withdrawal of career prosecutors, in the sentencing of Roger Stone.

The law requires a plea be INFORMED and VOLUNTARY, Flynn's was neither. Exculpatory (Brady) material was withheld from his original defense team and he was coerced to plea by threats to his son, which makes it involuntary. There's a reason he got a new lawyer. BTW a plea can legally be withdrawn up to the date of sentencing, it's done all the time.

"Gleeson told Sullivan on Monday that he would like until June 10 to file his friend-of-the-court brief addressing the question of whether the court can deny the DOJ request to dismiss the case and if so, the legal standard for doing so.

Gleeson also said by then he’d lay out “any additional factual development I may need before finalizing my argument in opposition to the government’s motion in this case.”

In the wake of Attorney General William Barr’s unprecedented decision to drop the Department of Justice’s years-long prosecution of former Trump national security advisor Michael Flynn, many are asking: Is this the end of the case? Two recent orders issued by Judge Emmet Sullivan, the judge presiding over Flynn’s prosecution, make clear the answer is no.

First, exercising the court’s inherent authority, Judge Sullivan indicated on May 12 that he will welcome amicus curiae briefs from anyone who may have a “perspective that can help the court beyond” what “the parties are able to provide,” given that both Flynn and the government are now seeking the same outcome. Then, the next day, Judge Sullivan appointed an independent lawyer—former federal prosecutor and U.S. District Court Judge John Gleeson—to advise him as to whether he should grant the department’s request to dismiss the case. (Prior to Judge Sullivan’s order, Judge Gleeson co-authored a Washington Post op-ed arguing that the court should carefully review the government’s motion).


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