Birth Certificate: Obama's lawyer says forgery so obvious it cannot be used to deter

This is great news! Birtherism is a great winning issue for the right. Obama is done! Time to swear in Joe Biden.

When they do, at least it will end the debate about why we support Israel so much. O'biden declared in a public forum that he is a Zionist. Go Israel!
Still makes me curious as to why President Obama spent millions concealing records.

It would have been much more fiscally prudent of him to merely produce any records in question, IE college transcripts.

This simple action would have shut the birther's mouths up!

The appearance of Jesus Christ on Fox, attesting to Obama's citizenship and religion and birth place as meeting all Constitutional requirements, would merely mean the birfers would all become Jews or something.

nah...we would just say Fox News is a bunch of liars.
By Dan Crosby
April 12, 2012

Obama Lawyer Admits Forgery But Disregards "image" As Indication Of Obama’s Ineligibility

Well, I guess all you Obamabots who made fun of the “birthers” have some explaining to do. Actually, the evidence of forgery was so compelling I cannot understand how anyone could have actually believed the documents were authentic. You Obamabots are looking more and more foolish with each passing day.

Actually, I found the In The News article about the U.S.A.F. defense against an alien invasion or their story about how Obama has AIDS more interesting :lol:

Will you birthers please give it up!
Seriously, it is an established fact that Obama's father is not an Ameican citizen. this being the case, it is also an established fact that Obama is not constitutionally qualified to be president. End of story.

No wonder the birthers won't go away. Its obvious that they are right.
That is a minority conclusion with no basis in law, Al.

Obama is indeed a citizen and qualified to be president under the Consitution.

That is fact.
The countless Wars this President has declared on his own fellow Americans are the reason many Americans still don't believe he's a genuine American Citizen. His own awful behavior has fueled this belief. He has declared a new War against his fellow Citizens just about every other month since he became President. He is anything but a 'Uniter.' He has only divided the nation thus far. This eligibility skepticism will persist. His own behavior has encouraged it.
The countless Wars this President has declared on his own fellow Americans are the reason many Americans still don't believe he's a genuine American Citizen. His own awful behavior has fueled this belief. He has declared a new War against his fellow Citizens just about every other month since he became President. He is anything but a 'Uniter.' He has only divided the nation thus far. This eligibility skepticism will persist. His own behavior has encouraged it.

That is a minority conclusion with no basis in law, Al.

Obama is indeed a citizen and qualified to be president under the Consitution.

That is fact.

Is that so. It comes down to the definition of what natural born means. For the first 230 years of this countries existence, it meant your father had to be an Amerian citizen. Not only does this make sense, not only is this reasonable, not only is it historially true, but any other intrepretation of this definition trivializes the concept and makes the wording of our Constitution superflous. Every word in our Constitution as great import and meaning. We all know this is true, but yet you come along and argue that these words are the exception and as you do so you toss 230 years of our nation's history into the shitter.

Come on now, let's be serious! Are you really an Amerian?
That is a minority conclusion with no basis in law, Al.

Obama is indeed a citizen and qualified to be president under the Consitution.

That is fact.

Is that so. It comes down to the definition of what natural born means. For the first 230 years of this countries existence, it meant your father had to be an Amerian citizen. Not only does this make sense, not only is this reasonable, not only is it historially true, but any other intrepretation of this definition trivializes the concept and makes the wording of our Constitution superflous. Every word in our Constitution as great import and meaning. We all know this is true, but yet you come along and argue that these words are the exception and as you do so you toss 230 years of our nation's history into the shitter.

Come on now, let's be serious! Are you really an Amerian?


No...I am a Romulan.

The countless Wars this President has declared on his own fellow Americans are the reason many Americans still don't believe he's a genuine American Citizen. His own awful behavior has fueled this belief. He has declared a new War against his fellow Citizens just about every other month since he became President. He is anything but a 'Uniter.' He has only divided the nation thus far. This eligibility skepticism will persist. His own behavior has encouraged it.

I agree. I believe that in the early 1990’s a secret Nu-world Council selected Barack Hussein Obama to become President in 2008. He was chosen for his ruthlessness, his blind hate, and his obsession with tearing the country apart. As a native Kenyan, they forged his birth certificate and perpetuated a Christian cover story (Obama is actually a devout Muslim), and gave him Michele – a sex slave – as a token of their appreciation for his great sacrifice throughout this entire undercover scheme, decades in the making. Once the news networks were rigged for the 2008 campaign, it was all over, and the King of Eternal Darkness and Agony ascended to his throne of Presidency. So began his dark work..

Obama used his mind control powers to encourage extreme rhetoric from both sides of the aisles. The Republicans – normally a jolly and respectful folk – were powerless under Obama’s mind beams, and began to smear the Democrats with simplistic catch phrases with no basis in reality such as “communist” and “Marxist”; this provoked retaliation from the Democrats, who accused the Republicans of “hating women”.

With the country distracted, Obama was able to push forth his most evil and destructive deed yet: making it so employers had to include the option of birth control for women on their employee-paid insurance plans.

The war on Religion and God has officially begun. The hour of Allah is upon us all.

Looking back, I can’t remember what this country was like in 2008, before we were a communist nation. Sure, Bush may have left us with a country losing 700,000 jobs a month, but at least he let us keep our freedom.... and no amount of jobs could make up for that.

In fact, I don’t even know what that word – freedom – means anymore, thanks to Obama.

Everything has changed.
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That is a minority conclusion with no basis in law, Al.

Obama is indeed a citizen and qualified to be president under the Consitution.

That is fact.

Is that so. It comes down to the definition of what natural born means. For the first 230 years of this countries existence, it meant your father had to be an Amerian citizen. Not only does this make sense, not only is this reasonable, not only is it historially true, but any other intrepretation of this definition trivializes the concept and makes the wording of our Constitution superflous. Every word in our Constitution as great import and meaning. We all know this is true, but yet you come along and argue that these words are the exception and as you do so you toss 230 years of our nation's history into the shitter.

Come on now, let's be serious! Are you really an Amerian?

You are not the authority on this issue.

Those who are the authorities have spoken, and they do not accept your opinion.
The countless Wars this President has declared on his own fellow Americans are the reason many Americans still don't believe he's a genuine American Citizen. His own awful behavior has fueled this belief. He has declared a new War against his fellow Citizens just about every other month since he became President. He is anything but a 'Uniter.' He has only divided the nation thus far. This eligibility skepticism will persist. His own behavior has encouraged it.

I agree. I believe that in the early 1990’s a secret Nu-world Council selected Barack Hussein Obama to become President in 2008. He was chosen for his ruthlessness, his blind hate, and his obsession with tearing the country apart. As a native Kenyan, they forged his birth certificate and perpetuated a Christian cover story (Obama is actually a devout Muslim), and gave him Michele – a sex slave – as a token of their appreciation for his great sacrifice throughout this entire undercover scheme, decades in the making. Once the news networks were rigged for the 2008 campaign, it was all over, and the King of Eternal Darkness and Agony ascended to his throne of Presidency. So began his dark work..

Obama used his mind control powers to encourage extreme rhetoric from both sides of the aisles. The Republicans – normally a jolly and respectful folk – were powerless under Obama’s mind beams, and began to smear the Democrats with catch phrases such as “communist” and “Marxist”, provoking retaliation from the Democrats who accused the Republicans of “hating women”. With the country distracted, Obama was able to push forth his most evil and destructive deed yet: making it so employers had to include the option of birth control for women on their employee-paid insurance plans.

The war on Religion and God had officially begun. The hour of Allah is at hand.

Looking back, I can’t remember what this country was like in 2008, before we were a communist nation. Sure, Bush may have left us with a country losing 700,000 jobs a month, but at least he let us keep our freedom. No amount of jobs could make up for that.

In fact, I don’t even know what that word – freedom – means anymore, under the Obama economy.

Eternal sadness.

The man ran on a platfdorm that he wanted to fundamentally change America

   [fuhn-duh-men-tl] Show IPA

serving as, or being an essential part of, a foundation or basis; basic; underlying: fundamental principles; the fundamental structure.

of, pertaining to, or affecting the foundation or basis: a fundamental revision.

being an original or primary source: a fundamental idea.

Music . (of a chord) having its root as its lowest note.

It has nothing to do with his nationality. He admittedly did not like the foiundation...the basis of America.

Sadly, people voted for him despite his honesty...maybe they did not know what fundamental means?

Curious....other than 2008.....when has any politician been known to talk about fundamentally changing America.

Better yet...when has anyone been elected that implied (not directly said) he did not like America.....
That is a minority conclusion with no basis in law, Al.

Obama is indeed a citizen and qualified to be president under the Consitution.

That is fact.

Is that so. It comes down to the definition of what natural born means. For the first 230 years of this countries existence, it meant your father had to be an Amerian citizen. Not only does this make sense, not only is this reasonable, not only is it historially true, but any other intrepretation of this definition trivializes the concept and makes the wording of our Constitution superflous. Every word in our Constitution as great import and meaning. We all know this is true, but yet you come along and argue that these words are the exception and as you do so you toss 230 years of our nation's history into the shitter.

Come on now, let's be serious! Are you really an Amerian?

Then explain anchor babies.
That is a minority conclusion with no basis in law, Al.

Obama is indeed a citizen and qualified to be president under the Consitution.

That is fact.

Is that so. It comes down to the definition of what natural born means. For the first 230 years of this countries existence, it meant your father had to be an Amerian citizen. Not only does this make sense, not only is this reasonable, not only is it historially true, but any other intrepretation of this definition trivializes the concept and makes the wording of our Constitution superflous. Every word in our Constitution as great import and meaning. We all know this is true, but yet you come along and argue that these words are the exception and as you do so you toss 230 years of our nation's history into the shitter.

Come on now, let's be serious! Are you really an Amerian?

Then explain anchor babies.

Anchor babies can't run for president.
Unless your insinuating obama is an anchor baby this is not exactly relevent to the subject of this thread.

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