Bizarre Hypothetical Outcome of Impeachment

Let's get really weird and assume:

Trump has new evidence submitted and he resigns before impeachment. Pence is now President

Biden wins the Democratic nomination and defeats Pence in the popular vote and Electoral College by barely squeaking by.

The House of Representative flips to Republican control and McCarthy is named Speaker of the House.

The Senate remains in Republican hands with McConnell in charge.

Now, wouldn't Biden be subject to impeachment in the House on day one of his administration for his actions in Ukraine, claiming that if the prosecutor was not removed, they would not get the billion dollar loan guarantee?

The evidence is on tape and the Senate would be forced to remove him in a trial that could last one day. The Democrat VP would then become President.

Sound plausible?
isn't this a wonderful system we're creating?
Let's get really weird and assume:

Trump has new evidence submitted and he resigns before impeachment. Pence is now President

Biden wins the Democratic nomination and defeats Pence in the popular vote and Electoral College by barely squeaking by.

The House of Representative flips to Republican control and McCarthy is named Speaker of the House.

The Senate remains in Republican hands with McConnell in charge.

Now, wouldn't Biden be subject to impeachment in the House on day one of his administration for his actions in Ukraine, claiming that if the prosecutor was not removed, they would not get the billion dollar loan guarantee?

The evidence is on tape and the Senate would be forced to remove him in a trial that could last one day. The Democrat VP would then become President.

Sound plausible?

At this point what isn't plausible? Did you see the old drunk clowns yesterday? The ones who said that when this impeachment fail they will impeach again? If the whole blue cacus democrat poison Kool-Aid with Jabba Naddler and the other impeachment managers shooting all those who wouldent drink it, I wouldent be shocked. I mean that's kind of what they already did. So yeah I say it's plausible.
Entirely plausible ... in fact, the Senate isn't obligated to confirm the new VP allowing the House to impeach the next President ... line of succession ... the Republican Speaker of the House becomes President ... ha ha ha ha ...

First ... let's see how hard the Democrats get punished at the polls ...
I think every president going forward will be impeached because of the bar democrats set.

Exactly, whenever the House is controlled by one party, and the president is from the other party, there will be spite impeachments just for political advantage.
It is practically impossible to impeach the president as long as they do everything through the proper established channels. Trump tried to conduct foreign policy at cross purposes to established policy and in spite of the state department.

I can give you examples of how Obama could have been impeached:
Category:Obama administration controversies - Wikipedia
1. Overreaching Executive Orders
2. IRS targeting conservatives
3. Military intervention into Libya
4. PRISM surveillance program
If the two parties stay busy impeaching one another ... they won't have time to take our guns away ...
Yes he broke the law and was disbarred
He got a blowjob.

He perjured himself in a sexual harassment lawsuit.
No. He got a blowjob and that's all you republicans criminal could pin on him.

Talk about witch hunts.

President Clinton admits he lied under oath about his affair with Monica Lewinsky in 2001

Talk about witch hunts.

Leave poor, drunken Hillary out of this.
Republicans went on a witch Hunt. They put a fairly honest guy in an untenable position and tried to punish him for it. And they failed miserably, even thought they held the senate.
They put a fairly honest guy in an untenable position

If only he hadn't sexually harrassed Paula Jones and then lied under oath.
He got a blowjob.

He perjured himself in a sexual harassment lawsuit.
No. He got a blowjob and that's all you republicans criminal could pin on him.

Talk about witch hunts.

President Clinton admits he lied under oath about his affair with Monica Lewinsky in 2001

Talk about witch hunts.

Leave poor, drunken Hillary out of this.
Republicans went on a witch Hunt. They put a fairly honest guy in an untenable position and tried to punish him for it. And they failed miserably, even thought they held the senate.
They put a fairly honest guy in an untenable position

If only he hadn't sexually harrassed Paula Jones and then lied under oath.
Would lie about cheating on your wife?

And you're confused about the whole mess. It was Monica lewinsky they accused him of lying about.

If these things upset you I can expect you to be outraged at tRump in your next post, right?
He perjured himself in a sexual harassment lawsuit.
No. He got a blowjob and that's all you republicans criminal could pin on him.

Talk about witch hunts.

President Clinton admits he lied under oath about his affair with Monica Lewinsky in 2001

Talk about witch hunts.

Leave poor, drunken Hillary out of this.
Republicans went on a witch Hunt. They put a fairly honest guy in an untenable position and tried to punish him for it. And they failed miserably, even thought they held the senate.
They put a fairly honest guy in an untenable position

If only he hadn't sexually harrassed Paula Jones and then lied under oath.
Would lie about cheating on your wife?

And you're confused about the whole mess. It was Monica lewinsky they accused him of lying about.

If these things upset you I can expect you to be outraged at tRump in your next post, right?

It was Monica lewinsky they accused him of lying about.

Under oath. In a lawsuit brought by Paula Jones.
I think every president going forward will be impeached because of the bar democrats set.

Y’all impeached Clinton. Did you forget that?
Yes he broke the law and was disbarred
He got a blowjob.

He perjured himself in a sexual harassment lawsuit.
No. He got a blowjob and that's all you republicans criminal could pin on him.

Talk about witch hunts.
Are you claiming that Clinton did not lie to a federal grand jury?
Let's get really weird and assume:

Trump has new evidence submitted and he resigns before impeachment. Pence is now President

Biden wins the Democratic nomination and defeats Pence in the popular vote and Electoral College by barely squeaking by.

The House of Representative flips to Republican control and McCarthy is named Speaker of the House.

The Senate remains in Republican hands with McConnell in charge.

Now, wouldn't Biden be subject to impeachment in the House on day one of his administration for his actions in Ukraine, claiming that if the prosecutor was not removed, they would not get the billion dollar loan guarantee?

The evidence is on tape and the Senate would be forced to remove him in a trial that could last one day. The Democrat VP would then become President.

Sound plausible?

Republicans have the ability to investigate Biden right now.

They aren’t. Doesn’t that strike you as odd?

check your history books,,,
the republicans always protect democrats and their agenda,,,
Let's get really weird and assume:

Trump has new evidence submitted and he resigns before impeachment. Pence is now President

Biden wins the Democratic nomination and defeats Pence in the popular vote and Electoral College by barely squeaking by.

The House of Representative flips to Republican control and McCarthy is named Speaker of the House.

The Senate remains in Republican hands with McConnell in charge.

Now, wouldn't Biden be subject to impeachment in the House on day one of his administration for his actions in Ukraine, claiming that if the prosecutor was not removed, they would not get the billion dollar loan guarantee?

The evidence is on tape and the Senate would be forced to remove him in a trial that could last one day. The Democrat VP would then become President.

Sound plausible?

Republicans have the ability to investigate Biden right now.

They aren’t. Doesn’t that strike you as odd?

check your history books,,,
the republicans always protect democrats and their agenda,,,

History books have facts in them. Not conspiracies.
Let's get really weird and assume:

Trump has new evidence submitted and he resigns before impeachment. Pence is now President

Biden wins the Democratic nomination and defeats Pence in the popular vote and Electoral College by barely squeaking by.

The House of Representative flips to Republican control and McCarthy is named Speaker of the House.

The Senate remains in Republican hands with McConnell in charge.

Now, wouldn't Biden be subject to impeachment in the House on day one of his administration for his actions in Ukraine, claiming that if the prosecutor was not removed, they would not get the billion dollar loan guarantee?

The evidence is on tape and the Senate would be forced to remove him in a trial that could last one day. The Democrat VP would then become President.

Sound plausible?

Republicans have the ability to investigate Biden right now.

They aren’t. Doesn’t that strike you as odd?

check your history books,,,
the republicans always protect democrats and their agenda,,,

History books have facts in them. Not conspiracies.

thats why I suggested them,,,
Let's get really weird and assume:

Trump has new evidence submitted and he resigns before impeachment. Pence is now President

Biden wins the Democratic nomination and defeats Pence in the popular vote and Electoral College by barely squeaking by.

The House of Representative flips to Republican control and McCarthy is named Speaker of the House.

The Senate remains in Republican hands with McConnell in charge.

Now, wouldn't Biden be subject to impeachment in the House on day one of his administration for his actions in Ukraine, claiming that if the prosecutor was not removed, they would not get the billion dollar loan guarantee?

The evidence is on tape and the Senate would be forced to remove him in a trial that could last one day. The Democrat VP would then become President.

Sound plausible?

Republicans have the ability to investigate Biden right now.

They aren’t. Doesn’t that strike you as odd?

check your history books,,,
the republicans always protect democrats and their agenda,,,

History books have facts in them. Not conspiracies.

thats why I suggested them,,,
Apparently you didn't read them.

Give me one example of what you're talking about.
Let's get really weird and assume:

Trump has new evidence submitted and he resigns before impeachment. Pence is now President

Biden wins the Democratic nomination and defeats Pence in the popular vote and Electoral College by barely squeaking by.

The House of Representative flips to Republican control and McCarthy is named Speaker of the House.

The Senate remains in Republican hands with McConnell in charge.

Now, wouldn't Biden be subject to impeachment in the House on day one of his administration for his actions in Ukraine, claiming that if the prosecutor was not removed, they would not get the billion dollar loan guarantee?

The evidence is on tape and the Senate would be forced to remove him in a trial that could last one day. The Democrat VP would then become President.

Sound plausible?

Republicans have the ability to investigate Biden right now.

They aren’t. Doesn’t that strike you as odd?

check your history books,,,
the republicans always protect democrats and their agenda,,,

History books have facts in them. Not conspiracies.

thats why I suggested them,,,
Apparently you didn't read them.

Give me one example of what you're talking about.

which books do you have???
Republicans have the ability to investigate Biden right now.

They aren’t. Doesn’t that strike you as odd?

check your history books,,,
the republicans always protect democrats and their agenda,,,

History books have facts in them. Not conspiracies.

thats why I suggested them,,,
Apparently you didn't read them.

Give me one example of what you're talking about.

which books do you have???
The best books. Give me an example about what you're talking about?
check your history books,,,
the republicans always protect democrats and their agenda,,,

History books have facts in them. Not conspiracies.

thats why I suggested them,,,
Apparently you didn't read them.

Give me one example of what you're talking about.

which books do you have???
The best books. Give me an example about what you're talking about?

pull up the part where the pro 2nd A republicans repealed or attempted to repeal any of the gun laws the democrats have passed,,,

or pull up where they repealed or tried to repeal any of the socialist programs passed by the democrats,,,
The Clinton administration was receiving campaign donations from the Chinese government ... unfortunately, so were many many members of Congress on both side of the aisle ... thus that article of impeachment was wisely dropped lest most of Congress be exposed during testimony ... which only left the charges of cheating on his wife, and again most of Congress was guilty of this as well ...

Same thing today ... The Donald sent his own pointman to The Ukraine only to find Obama's pointman still there ... ha ha ha ha ... and in both cases, no new gun regulations ...
Yes he broke the law and was disbarred
He got a blowjob.

He perjured himself in a sexual harassment lawsuit.
No. He got a blowjob and that's all you republicans criminal could pin on him.

Talk about witch hunts.

President Clinton admits he lied under oath about his affair with Monica Lewinsky in 2001

Talk about witch hunts.

Leave poor, drunken Hillary out of this.
Republicans went on a witch Hunt. They put a fairly honest guy in an untenable position and tried to punish him for it. And they failed miserably, even thought they held the senate.

All that shows us is how dishonest all the Democrats Senators and some Republican Senators were. It was clear Bill Clinton committed perjury which is a felony, and of course, a higher crime than a misdemeanor the Constitution outlines. Any honest Senator would have voted for removal.
Let's get really weird and assume:

Trump has new evidence submitted and he resigns before impeachment. Pence is now President

Biden wins the Democratic nomination and defeats Pence in the popular vote and Electoral College by barely squeaking by.

The House of Representative flips to Republican control and McCarthy is named Speaker of the House.

The Senate remains in Republican hands with McConnell in charge.

Now, wouldn't Biden be subject to impeachment in the House on day one of his administration for his actions in Ukraine, claiming that if the prosecutor was not removed, they would not get the billion dollar loan guarantee?

The evidence is on tape and the Senate would be forced to remove him in a trial that could last one day. The Democrat VP would then become President.

Sound plausible?
You kids still haven't figured out why what tRump did is wrong, have you.

No. Joe Biden was the point man of an internation push to get the corrupt prosecutor removed. There was no motive of personal gain.

There isn't? How about the video of the Shokin interview where he said he was clamping down on Burisma and in particular, Hunter, for money laundering?

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