Bizarre Hypothetical Outcome of Impeachment

Trump released the funds right after the Administration was forced to tell the House about the whistleblower complaint. Trump had already withheld the funds- he only released them after Americans were going to find out why he was withholding them for his own political benefit.

You don't know that nor can prove it. That's why this whole impeachment thing is a scam. If they thought that's why Trump was holding back funds, why didn't they give him enough rope to hang himself? Why not actually let him do what they thought he was doing? Then they might have had a real case.
When your argument falls back to “yeah well you can’t prove it” it’s time to reconsider the strength of your argument.

You can't get much of a stronger argument than that. So far, this entire impeachment is about mind reading. The Democrats were able to read Trump's mind on why he withheld aid. The Democrats were able to read minds to know that Biden would be their nominee a year ahead of time. The Democrats read minds to tell us what Shokin did, instead of him telling us what he did. The Democrats were able to read Zelensky's mind when he said he felt no pressure from President Trump.

It's all about mind reading, and the Democrats impeached on it. So don't tell me I have a weak case.

Dude, Giuliani said why he wanted Biden investigated. To help Trump. They admitted it.
Don’t be a sucker.

Isn't that what a lawyer is supposed to do? Would you hire a lawyer that didn't want to help you?

With some of these people, it is literally like talking with a 2 year old.
Let's get really weird and assume:

Trump has new evidence submitted and he resigns before impeachment. Pence is now President

Biden wins the Democratic nomination and defeats Pence in the popular vote and Electoral College by barely squeaking by.

The House of Representative flips to Republican control and McCarthy is named Speaker of the House.

The Senate remains in Republican hands with McConnell in charge.

Now, wouldn't Biden be subject to impeachment in the House on day one of his administration for his actions in Ukraine, claiming that if the prosecutor was not removed, they would not get the billion dollar loan guarantee?

The evidence is on tape and the Senate would be forced to remove him in a trial that could last one day. The Democrat VP would then become President.

Sound plausible?

One issue and he ( Biden ) was doing what Obama wanted done...

Another issue is if you do not have the votes for removal Democrats will not vote for it...

Final issue would be who is his VP?

If it is Warren then not a damn chance it happening...

Warren will never be Biden's running mate. They are miles apart politically. He's a dumbass liberal and she is a dumbass socialist like Bernie. My bet is Biden would choose someone like Kameltoe Harris.

That would be his worst mistake ever... He might as well take Chicago Black Lesbian Mayor then if he want to go full blown retard on his VP pick...

One name no one has tossed out is Condi Rice and some people I spoke to said he might consider a GOP VP candidate and Condi Rice is one that would shock the entire system...

As for the Ukrainian ordeal one must remember Biden worked for Obama, so if Biden goes down so must Obama...
Let's get really weird and assume:

Trump has new evidence submitted and he resigns before impeachment. Pence is now President

Biden wins the Democratic nomination and defeats Pence in the popular vote and Electoral College by barely squeaking by.

The House of Representative flips to Republican control and McCarthy is named Speaker of the House.

The Senate remains in Republican hands with McConnell in charge.

Now, wouldn't Biden be subject to impeachment in the House on day one of his administration for his actions in Ukraine, claiming that if the prosecutor was not removed, they would not get the billion dollar loan guarantee?

The evidence is on tape and the Senate would be forced to remove him in a trial that could last one day. The Democrat VP would then become President.

Sound plausible?

One issue and he ( Biden ) was doing what Obama wanted done...

Another issue is if you do not have the votes for removal Democrats will not vote for it...

Final issue would be who is his VP?

If it is Warren then not a damn chance it happening...

Warren will never be Biden's running mate. They are miles apart politically. He's a dumbass liberal and she is a dumbass socialist like Bernie. My bet is Biden would choose someone like Kameltoe Harris.

That would be his worst mistake ever... He might as well take Chicago Black Lesbian Mayor then if he want to go full blown retard on his VP pick...

One name no one has tossed out is Condi Rice and some people I spoke to said he might consider a GOP VP candidate and Condi Rice is one that would shock the entire system...

As for the Ukrainian ordeal one must remember Biden worked for Obama, so if Biden goes down so must Obama...

Why would any Democrat choose Condi?
I think every president going forward will be impeached because of the bar democrats set.

Y’all impeached Clinton. Did you forget that?
Yes he broke the law and was disbarred
He got a blowjob.

He perjured himself in a sexual harassment lawsuit.
And that is impeachable?

Is perjury a crime?
Let's get really weird and assume:

Trump has new evidence submitted and he resigns before impeachment. Pence is now President

Biden wins the Democratic nomination and defeats Pence in the popular vote and Electoral College by barely squeaking by.

The House of Representative flips to Republican control and McCarthy is named Speaker of the House.

The Senate remains in Republican hands with McConnell in charge.

Now, wouldn't Biden be subject to impeachment in the House on day one of his administration for his actions in Ukraine, claiming that if the prosecutor was not removed, they would not get the billion dollar loan guarantee?

The evidence is on tape and the Senate would be forced to remove him in a trial that could last one day. The Democrat VP would then become President.

Sound plausible?

One issue and he ( Biden ) was doing what Obama wanted done...

Another issue is if you do not have the votes for removal Democrats will not vote for it...

Final issue would be who is his VP?

If it is Warren then not a damn chance it happening...

Warren will never be Biden's running mate. They are miles apart politically. He's a dumbass liberal and she is a dumbass socialist like Bernie. My bet is Biden would choose someone like Kameltoe Harris.

That would be his worst mistake ever... He might as well take Chicago Black Lesbian Mayor then if he want to go full blown retard on his VP pick...

One name no one has tossed out is Condi Rice and some people I spoke to said he might consider a GOP VP candidate and Condi Rice is one that would shock the entire system...

As for the Ukrainian ordeal one must remember Biden worked for Obama, so if Biden goes down so must Obama...

Why would any Democrat choose Condi?
She would be good....but I doubt she is interested.
I think every president going forward will be impeached because of the bar democrats set.

Y’all impeached Clinton. Did you forget that?
Yes he broke the law and was disbarred
He got a blowjob.

He perjured himself in a sexual harassment lawsuit.
And that is impeachable?

When lying under oath while being President, yes...
Let's get really weird and assume:

Trump has new evidence submitted and he resigns before impeachment. Pence is now President

Biden wins the Democratic nomination and defeats Pence in the popular vote and Electoral College by barely squeaking by.

The House of Representative flips to Republican control and McCarthy is named Speaker of the House.

The Senate remains in Republican hands with McConnell in charge.

Now, wouldn't Biden be subject to impeachment in the House on day one of his administration for his actions in Ukraine, claiming that if the prosecutor was not removed, they would not get the billion dollar loan guarantee?

The evidence is on tape and the Senate would be forced to remove him in a trial that could last one day. The Democrat VP would then become President.

Sound plausible?

One issue and he ( Biden ) was doing what Obama wanted done...

Another issue is if you do not have the votes for removal Democrats will not vote for it...

Final issue would be who is his VP?

If it is Warren then not a damn chance it happening...

Warren will never be Biden's running mate. They are miles apart politically. He's a dumbass liberal and she is a dumbass socialist like Bernie. My bet is Biden would choose someone like Kameltoe Harris.

That would be his worst mistake ever... He might as well take Chicago Black Lesbian Mayor then if he want to go full blown retard on his VP pick...

One name no one has tossed out is Condi Rice and some people I spoke to said he might consider a GOP VP candidate and Condi Rice is one that would shock the entire system...

As for the Ukrainian ordeal one must remember Biden worked for Obama, so if Biden goes down so must Obama...

Why would any Democrat choose Condi?

Black, well educated and is someone that could get the black community out to vote seeing Biden is a one and done candidate...

She is a lot better than Harris in my opinion but like Coyote states she most likely is not interested...
Let's get really weird and assume:

Trump has new evidence submitted and he resigns before impeachment. Pence is now President

Biden wins the Democratic nomination and defeats Pence in the popular vote and Electoral College by barely squeaking by.

The House of Representative flips to Republican control and McCarthy is named Speaker of the House.

The Senate remains in Republican hands with McConnell in charge.

Now, wouldn't Biden be subject to impeachment in the House on day one of his administration for his actions in Ukraine, claiming that if the prosecutor was not removed, they would not get the billion dollar loan guarantee?

The evidence is on tape and the Senate would be forced to remove him in a trial that could last one day. The Democrat VP would then become President.

Sound plausible?

One issue and he ( Biden ) was doing what Obama wanted done...

Another issue is if you do not have the votes for removal Democrats will not vote for it...

Final issue would be who is his VP?

If it is Warren then not a damn chance it happening...

Warren will never be Biden's running mate. They are miles apart politically. He's a dumbass liberal and she is a dumbass socialist like Bernie. My bet is Biden would choose someone like Kameltoe Harris.

That would be his worst mistake ever... He might as well take Chicago Black Lesbian Mayor then if he want to go full blown retard on his VP pick...

One name no one has tossed out is Condi Rice and some people I spoke to said he might consider a GOP VP candidate and Condi Rice is one that would shock the entire system...

As for the Ukrainian ordeal one must remember Biden worked for Obama, so if Biden goes down so must Obama...

Why would any Democrat choose Condi?
She would be good....but I doubt she is interested.

Do you have even a vague idea of how politics works?
Let's get really weird and assume:

Trump has new evidence submitted and he resigns before impeachment. Pence is now President

Biden wins the Democratic nomination and defeats Pence in the popular vote and Electoral College by barely squeaking by.

The House of Representative flips to Republican control and McCarthy is named Speaker of the House.

The Senate remains in Republican hands with McConnell in charge.

Now, wouldn't Biden be subject to impeachment in the House on day one of his administration for his actions in Ukraine, claiming that if the prosecutor was not removed, they would not get the billion dollar loan guarantee?

The evidence is on tape and the Senate would be forced to remove him in a trial that could last one day. The Democrat VP would then become President.

Sound plausible?

One issue and he ( Biden ) was doing what Obama wanted done...

Another issue is if you do not have the votes for removal Democrats will not vote for it...

Final issue would be who is his VP?

If it is Warren then not a damn chance it happening...

Warren will never be Biden's running mate. They are miles apart politically. He's a dumbass liberal and she is a dumbass socialist like Bernie. My bet is Biden would choose someone like Kameltoe Harris.

That would be his worst mistake ever... He might as well take Chicago Black Lesbian Mayor then if he want to go full blown retard on his VP pick...

One name no one has tossed out is Condi Rice and some people I spoke to said he might consider a GOP VP candidate and Condi Rice is one that would shock the entire system...

As for the Ukrainian ordeal one must remember Biden worked for Obama, so if Biden goes down so must Obama...

Why would any Democrat choose Condi?

Black, well educated and is someone that could get the black community out to vote seeing Biden is a one and done candidate...

She is a lot better than Harris in my opinion but like Coyote states she most likely is not interested...

You are aware that she is a Republican?
Let's get really weird and assume:

Trump has new evidence submitted and he resigns before impeachment. Pence is now President

Biden wins the Democratic nomination and defeats Pence in the popular vote and Electoral College by barely squeaking by.

The House of Representative flips to Republican control and McCarthy is named Speaker of the House.

The Senate remains in Republican hands with McConnell in charge.

Now, wouldn't Biden be subject to impeachment in the House on day one of his administration for his actions in Ukraine, claiming that if the prosecutor was not removed, they would not get the billion dollar loan guarantee?

The evidence is on tape and the Senate would be forced to remove him in a trial that could last one day. The Democrat VP would then become President.

Sound plausible?
Biden won't make it to the Oval Office. Nancy Pelosi won't allow it.
One issue and he ( Biden ) was doing what Obama wanted done...

Another issue is if you do not have the votes for removal Democrats will not vote for it...

Final issue would be who is his VP?

If it is Warren then not a damn chance it happening...

Warren will never be Biden's running mate. They are miles apart politically. He's a dumbass liberal and she is a dumbass socialist like Bernie. My bet is Biden would choose someone like Kameltoe Harris.

That would be his worst mistake ever... He might as well take Chicago Black Lesbian Mayor then if he want to go full blown retard on his VP pick...

One name no one has tossed out is Condi Rice and some people I spoke to said he might consider a GOP VP candidate and Condi Rice is one that would shock the entire system...

As for the Ukrainian ordeal one must remember Biden worked for Obama, so if Biden goes down so must Obama...

Why would any Democrat choose Condi?

Black, well educated and is someone that could get the black community out to vote seeing Biden is a one and done candidate...

She is a lot better than Harris in my opinion but like Coyote states she most likely is not interested...

You are aware that she is a Republican?

Yes, and you are aware that Bloomberg was a Republican and Donald Trump donated to the Clinton's?

So Condi Rice could switch parties or even run as a independent with Biden...
You don't have anything in that post correct. When a President resigns, there is no confirmation of the new President. Why would they fail to confirm a new VP, if they control the Senate?

Was the Senate obligated to confirm Nelson Rockefeller in 1974? ... no, they weren't ... by the same token, if Mike Pence nominates Hunter Biden, the Senate is in no way obligated to confirm him ... now are they? ...

Obligate - to bind or oblige morally or legally ... dictionaries are your friend ...

OK, fucktard! I said the Republicans control the Senate in y hypothetical. Why would they not confirm Pence's choice as VP?

I really wish that dumbasses like you would learn to read. It would make your posts appear a lot less stupid.

The 25th Amendment requires that both houses of Congress, not just the Senate confirm Vice Presidents.

Further, If President Trump were removed from office, that would tell me that the Senate really has little respect for the Trump-Pence Administration, and I wouldn't say confirmation would be a sure thing at all. Au contraire, I would expect the House to start working on Impeachment articles against Mr. Pence.
Let's get really weird and assume:

Trump has new evidence submitted and he resigns before impeachment. Pence is now President

Biden wins the Democratic nomination and defeats Pence in the popular vote and Electoral College by barely squeaking by.

The House of Representative flips to Republican control and McCarthy is named Speaker of the House.

The Senate remains in Republican hands with McConnell in charge.

Now, wouldn't Biden be subject to impeachment in the House on day one of his administration for his actions in Ukraine, claiming that if the prosecutor was not removed, they would not get the billion dollar loan guarantee?

The evidence is on tape and the Senate would be forced to remove him in a trial that could last one day. The Democrat VP would then become President.

Sound plausible?
You kids still haven't figured out why what tRump did is wrong, have you.

No. Joe Biden was the point man of an internation push to get the corrupt prosecutor removed. There was no motive of personal gain.

You mean other than his drug addict son receiving kickbacks from the Ukrainian company that was under investigation?
Yes he broke the law and was disbarred
He got a blowjob.

He perjured himself in a sexual harassment lawsuit.
No. He got a blowjob and that's all you republicans criminal could pin on him.

Talk about witch hunts.

President Clinton admits he lied under oath about his affair with Monica Lewinsky in 2001

Talk about witch hunts.

Leave poor, drunken Hillary out of this.
Republicans went on a witch Hunt. They put a fairly honest guy in an untenable position and tried to punish him for it. And they failed miserably, even thought they held the senate.
Fairly honest? Come on no one could even hope to type that without being brain dead. He stole from the White House. He sold pardons like a street huckster. He raped women. He was involved in so many scandles it would take pages to type them all.
Warren will never be Biden's running mate. They are miles apart politically. He's a dumbass liberal and she is a dumbass socialist like Bernie. My bet is Biden would choose someone like Kameltoe Harris.

That would be his worst mistake ever... He might as well take Chicago Black Lesbian Mayor then if he want to go full blown retard on his VP pick...

One name no one has tossed out is Condi Rice and some people I spoke to said he might consider a GOP VP candidate and Condi Rice is one that would shock the entire system...

As for the Ukrainian ordeal one must remember Biden worked for Obama, so if Biden goes down so must Obama...

Why would any Democrat choose Condi?

Black, well educated and is someone that could get the black community out to vote seeing Biden is a one and done candidate...

She is a lot better than Harris in my opinion but like Coyote states she most likely is not interested...

You are aware that she is a Republican?

Yes, and you are aware that Bloomberg was a Republican and Donald Trump donated to the Clinton's?

So Condi Rice could switch parties or even run as a independent with Biden...

I laugh
Let's get really weird and assume:

Trump has new evidence submitted and he resigns before impeachment. Pence is now President

Biden wins the Democratic nomination and defeats Pence in the popular vote and Electoral College by barely squeaking by.

The House of Representative flips to Republican control and McCarthy is named Speaker of the House.

The Senate remains in Republican hands with McConnell in charge.

Now, wouldn't Biden be subject to impeachment in the House on day one of his administration for his actions in Ukraine, claiming that if the prosecutor was not removed, they would not get the billion dollar loan guarantee?

The evidence is on tape and the Senate would be forced to remove him in a trial that could last one day. The Democrat VP would then become President.

Sound plausible?
You kids still haven't figured out why what tRump did is wrong, have you.

No. Joe Biden was the point man of an internation push to get the corrupt prosecutor removed. There was no motive of personal gain.

You mean other than his drug addict son receiving kickbacks from the Ukrainian company that was under investigation?
A. If trading on your family name is a crime then tRump and all his kids would be in jail by now.

B. It wasn't under investigation. That's part of why the prosdcpros was removed.

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