Black Airman Fatally Shot in Florida by Deputies


Failzero’s Rural Country home ( Next to defenseless Elder Widow Boone’s home allows me access to her Rural property without going on a City Street , and I have a CCW so I can legally Carry and not be deemed “ Looking to kill , and if I hear long guns and Handguns discharged next door I will FO for it

Did he point his gun at the cop ??
What happened
Arent you jumping to conclusions?

The deputy was confronted by an armed suspect and he had only the blink of an eye to act

Who says the cops have to allow themselves to be shot first?

No, I'm not.
So? What part of that makes it ok for the govt to kill him?
Florida is Open/ Constitutional Carry , LEOs need to be desensitized to Folks Legally Open Carrying / and being legally armed at odd times
Yes, in America stupidity is not a crime

But it can nevertheless be punishable by death

The black guy had no logical reason to be holding a gun
Your rights do not require a reason be given before exercising them, that’s not how it works. The officer had no reason to shoot the airman except he was poorly trained and unable to control his emotions
Yes, in America stupidity is not a crime

But it can nevertheless be punishable by death

The black guy had no logical reason to be holding a gun
Other than there have been home invasions / Shootouts / Gang activity / General Midsommar fun in the Area of town
Speak English. Florida is an Open Carry State / Constitutional Carry State and LEOs should be well used to interacting with People with a Glock on their hip .
You are just making up crap as you go along
How do you figure. Deputies take oaths. Following the law is kind of the point of the path for law enforcement officials.

Deputies also get actual training. Things like “shoot / don’t shoot.” Also things like the requirement to demand that an armed suspect drop the weapon. (I do concede that the deputy had announced that he was outside and his identity as a sheriff’s office deputy.)

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