Black Airman Fatally Shot in Florida by Deputies

The deputy was doing his job

If you dont want police protection then you will have settle problems yourself
The deputy did his job poorly. It resulted in the death of an innocent, productive, member of society.

The deputy doesn't get to go "oops, sorry!"

Not if you wish to live in a non police state.
The deputy did his job poorly. It resulted in the death of an innocent, productive, member of society.

The deputy doesn't get to go "oops, sorry!"

Not if you wish to live in a non police state.
Sad, but true.
Sad, but true.
There's an asshole fed up in Washington state who blew trough a red light at 100mph+ and killed a mom on her bicycle.

The State charged him with manslaughter and the fucking scumbag wants to deny liability based on the fact he was part of a surveillance team and he was rushing to catch up, as if his radio wasn't enough.

No emergency, no, need for him to violate the law, just an asshole who thinks he can kill someone without consequences.

There's an asshole fed up in Washington state who blew trough a red light at 100mph+ and killed a mom on her bicycle.

The State charged him with manslaughter and the fucking scumbag wants to deny liability based on the fact he was part of a surveillance team and he was rushing to catch up, as if his radio wasn't enough.

No emergency, no, need for him to violate the law, just an asshole who thinks he can kill someone without consequences.

National Reciprocity For Carry Permits and 35+’States with Constitutional Carry will go a long way in deflating their sense of superiority
How does that question relate to the thread topic?
He legally had a gun, and was immediately SHOT and Killed.
No Warning.
The shots occurred less than 1 second after making visual contact, with no warning.
He legally had a gun, and was immediately SHOT and Killed.
No Warning.
The shots occurred less than 1 second after making visual contact, with no warning.
Already established.

But the open carry law has nothing to do with what happened.
National Reciprocity For Carry Permits and 35+’States with Constitutional Carry will go a long way in deflating their sense of superiority
That and ending Qualified Immunity.
Other people have been shot that way

I recall one where the homeowner called the police and then went outside with a gun looking for the perps himself

The cops roll up and mistake him for the bad guy

A bad guy holding a gun, btw.
That does not make it legal or even acceptable. And it sure as hell does not mean the officer acted appropriately as you have claimed. The officer was in the wrong and needs to pay the price for his actions
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He has rights

But opening the door with a gun in his hand was not a wise decision

But look at the bright side

Now his mom can probably afford a new Mercedes and that vacation in Hawaii she always wanted
The other bright side will be the officer being violated repeatedly behind bars. Each cock in his ass will be a reminder that murdering people is wrong even if you have a badge.
Armed with a gun? An unarmed female Air Force veteran was shot and killed during the Jan 6 demonstration and the media inferred that she deserved it.
Tell us Struth, what do you think about this young, black man who was murdered in his own home?
I don't know, I don't know all the facts, why were the cops there? Why can't you answer that question?

I don't like to rush to judgment

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