Black Americans are getting support for reparations from other multiracial groups

I am the same percentage Black that Liz Warren is Native American. Do I get reparations?
First of all, what kind of reparations are you looking for? I know a lot of black people want money. I also know a lot of Indians wants the Government to leave the reservations alone. Let them govern themselves with no interference from the great white chief in Washington.
About Liz Warren. I have heard tell that she claims she has a Cherokee Princess in her line. If that is true, she is a liar. We have never had Cherokee Princesses. Never ever. They simply don't exist. We also don't wear a headress. Those were worn by the plains Indians. So by virtue of the fact that you have the same amount of black in you that she has Indian I'd say neither one of you should get reparations.
By the way, a factoid that is always ignored. Of the 12.5 million slaves that were shipped to the 'new world' only a tiny percentage, 388,000 were sent directly to the U.S.
The vast majority went to Brazil and the Carribean.
Once you are bombarded E-V-E-R-Y S-I-N-G-L-E F-U-C-K-I-N-G D-A-Y with article after article after article after article of the constant whining about something that ENDED here 160 years ago, you would swear that the U.S. invented slavery, and it only went on here.
Lastly, TODAY on the African continent there are over 9 million slaves. Something the activists conveniently ignore.
They believe that once the can of worms is opened then they will eventually get their turn too. Funny how Democrats don't want to give all of our country back to Native Americans though. If we took it unjustly we should just give all the land back to them and we can all find somewhere else to live. We could start with the big cities.
They got their turn in 1983, thxs to Reagan.
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First of all, what kind of reparations are you looking for? I know a lot of black people want money. I also know a lot of Indians wants the Government to leave the reservations alone. Let them govern themselves with no interference from the great white chief in Washington.
About Liz Warren. I have heard tell that she claims she has a Cherokee Princess in her line. If that is true, she is a liar. We have never had Cherokee Princesses. Never ever. They simply don't exist. We also don't wear a headress. Those were worn by the plains Indians. So by virtue of the fact that you have the same amount of black in you that she has Indian I'd say neither one of you should get reparations.
Liz Warren was awarded a prestigious position at a University due to her NA "heritage". I want the equivalent of two years of her salary due to my 1/1024th Black heritage. I'm not greedy, let's just call it $200K.
Nah...we took this place fair and square.
If blacks want to get the numbers needed to take it from us they're going to have to stop aborting all their kids.
More importantly they need to learn how to hold a pistol upright and use the sights.
No you didn't. And you racists need to get your lies straight.

We can't be having numerous unwed children and numerous abortions at the same time.

The government owes us money. We don't need numbers. Whites have broken spiritual laws here, and all it takes is one being to take America away from you and return it back to it's true people. The First Nations call it the Great Spirit, and when the Great Spirit takes, you just get took.

Black Americans are getting support for reparations from other multiracial groups​

Amy Iwasaki Mass knows the power of apology and reparations. She was in the first grade when her family and more than a hundred thousand other Japanese Americans were rounded up by the federal government and sent to internment camps in response to Japan bombing Pearl Harbor in 1941.

“They didn’t have their guns out protecting us from the outside. They had guns pointing at us,” the 88-year-old California native recalled to CNN. “It was a pretty scary time.”

Four decades later, in 1981, she testified before the congressional committee on wartime relocation and internment of civilians – part of a Japanese American redress and reparations movement.

“Although we may be seen by others now as model Americans, we paid a tremendous psychological price for this acceptance on the surface,” Mass said in her interview with CNN. “Our scars are deep and permanent.”

Japanese Americans eventually won redress, with the US government granting an apology and $20,000 to those citizens who were incarcerated during World War II. Mass is part of a growing wave of multiracial support for Black American reparations – with many Jewish and Japanese organizations among them.

“When we were having trouble, Black people were being good to us,” Mass said. “It’s not the race. It’s just human beings.”
This is what white racists and sellout Asians here do not understand. Blacks stood with Asians when they were facing the same persecution. It was Frederick Douglass who stood strong in fighting against the Chinese Exclusion Act. Blacks stood with white American Jews during WWII when American white Gentiles were against them. Reparations are coming. I may not see them myself, but just like the others who are now ancestors, I will continue arguing and fight to insure a better future for the young ones coming after me.
So what?
That what they always tell you in election years.
How many times are you going to fall for it?
Actually no one has told us that in election years. Meanwhile the ultrat rich whites have told your dumb ass all your life about how blacks, Asians, Hispanics etc, are taking from you while they move jobs out of rural white towns in 3rd world countries to maximize their stock dividends.

Black Americans are getting support for reparations from other multiracial groups​

Amy Iwasaki Mass knows the power of apology and reparations. She was in the first grade when her family and more than a hundred thousand other Japanese Americans were rounded up by the federal government and sent to internment camps in response to Japan bombing Pearl Harbor in 1941.

“They didn’t have their guns out protecting us from the outside. They had guns pointing at us,” the 88-year-old California native recalled to CNN. “It was a pretty scary time.”

Four decades later, in 1981, she testified before the congressional committee on wartime relocation and internment of civilians – part of a Japanese American redress and reparations movement.

“Although we may be seen by others now as model Americans, we paid a tremendous psychological price for this acceptance on the surface,” Mass said in her interview with CNN. “Our scars are deep and permanent.”

Japanese Americans eventually won redress, with the US government granting an apology and $20,000 to those citizens who were incarcerated during World War II. Mass is part of a growing wave of multiracial support for Black American reparations – with many Jewish and Japanese organizations among them.

“When we were having trouble, Black people were being good to us,” Mass said. “It’s not the race. It’s just human beings.”
This is what white racists and sellout Asians here do not understand. Blacks stood with Asians when they were facing the same persecution. It was Frederick Douglass who stood strong in fighting against the Chinese Exclusion Act. Blacks stood with white American Jews during WWII when American white Gentiles were against them. Reparations are coming. I may not see them myself, but just like the others who are now ancestors, I will continue arguing and fight to insure a better future for the young ones coming after me.
How many people who weren’t in those camps but just distantly related to someone who was received money?

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