Black Americans getting robbed blind by corner stores, liquor stores and gas stations in their neighborhoods. Where are the Democrats on this?

Every other modern country? Why is the US the top destination for immigrants?
Well if you're talking about asylum seekers which is what we have now, it is because we allow asylum as part of an Americanism. If you're talking about illegals it's because the GOP refuses an ID card and organization of the immigration system because they love cheap easily bullied labor
Every other modern country? Why is the US the top destination for immigrants?
This right here is the indisputable fact. Well, it’s because for many decades, America was viewed as a country where the streets are paved with gold

You know by the way in the 1950s my grandfather a white man had a black boss. That idea that everywhere and everything was segregated in America… I can’t believe why I leftie talks like this. Are they on drugs? Do they not understand history? They talk about racism in America, but simply never talk about the fact that racism was always a global issue. So they’re tactics the way they converse. It literally makes no sense at all.

One can say the United States throughout its entire existence was and is the most liberal country in the world. Who is more liberal than us? Maybe Sweden, maybe Canada I don’t know about that. Pretty sure that it’s America.

And yes, the Democrats of today are nothing like they were in the 60s and 70s or even the 90s. You’re talking about a radical change in the last four years time. It was the printing of trillions of dollars during the coronavirus mostly by Democrats and the reaction to the George Floyd killing which changed the face of America for the worse. A man who held a gun to a pregnant lady stomach is hailed as a hero and given a state funeral by the republican governor of Texas.

This topic in the original post should unite every American. Every American should feel for our brothers and sisters in the inner cities our fellow Christians, our fellow man they literally can’t walk down the street without feeling afraid. It wasn’t like this in the 1950s… and for far left people to keep banging on about “racism” in the 50s is an insult to my ancestors… it’s an insult my grandfather who had a black boss.

The united auto workers and Ford Motor Company paved the way to allow millions of black Americans to attain the middle class in the 20th century . That’s it man game set match it’s all over for the enemies of America. We should all be proud of America. I certainly am because this country fought racism tooth and nail
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Slavery and segregation was an issue in America, but the far left an even Republicans don’t recognize. This was always a global issue. And simply put it is moneygrubbing opportunists, who attempt to use these issues to make Americans divided. They wanna have white people and Black people against each other it’s just like Andrew Tate said they can’t handle the sight of the working class Blackman and working class white man shaking hands with each other …standing up to the corrupt Democrats and Republicans of our country’s government that have nearly ruined our Country.

When you talk about the radical transgender, the LGBT agenda, the BLM agenda the way to Western press prints the stories we read…. It is meant to get us angry and upset. But we should look at these stories and not get angry and upset. We should stay calm, cool, and collective be united on common sense issues. And watch alternative media get the truth from things like rumble.

But you know many of us have a great hope for America and we will get back to the glory days
Well if you're talking about asylum seekers which is what we have now, it is because we allow asylum as part of an Americanism. If you're talking about illegals it's because the GOP refuses an ID card and organization of the immigration system because they love cheap easily bullied labor
Why do they CHOOSE to come to America over all of these other countries you say are better than US?
This right here is the indisputable fact. Well, it’s because for many decades, America was viewed as a country where the streets are paved with gold

You know by the way in the 1950s my grandfather a white man had a black boss. That idea that everywhere and everything was segregated in America… I can’t believe why I leftie talks like this. Are they on drugs? Do they not understand history? They talk about racism in America, but simply never talk about the fact that racism was always a global issue. So they’re tactics the way they converse. It literally makes no sense at all.

One can say the United States throughout its entire existence was and is the most liberal country in the world. Who is more liberal than us? Maybe Sweden, maybe Canada I don’t know about that. Pretty sure that it’s America.

And yes, the Democrats of today are nothing like they were in the 60s and 70s or even the 90s. You’re talking about a radical change in the last four years time. It was the printing of trillions of dollars during the coronavirus mostly by Democrats and the reaction to the George Floyd killing which changed the face of America for the worse. A man who held a gun to a pregnant lady stomach is hailed as a hero and given a state funeral by the republican governor of Texas.

This topic in the original post should unite every American. Every American should feel for our brothers and sisters in the inner cities our fellow Christians, our fellow man they literally can’t walk down the street without feeling afraid. It wasn’t like this in the 1950s… and for far left people to keep banging on about “racism” in the 50s is an insult to my ancestors… it’s an insult my grandfather who had a black boss.

The united auto workers and Ford Motor Company paved the way to allow millions of black Americans to attain the middle class in the 20th century . That’s it man game set match it’s all over for the enemies of America. We should all be proud of America. I certainly am because this country fought racism tooth and nail
Racism is a global issue. If you look at the countries today that have a legal form of slavery or they tolerate slavery, notice all of those countries are run by non-whites with the exception of Russia.
I’m considering all the points made by the Republicans in the thread. They are good ones. I could’ve perhaps written my post better.

The one point remains regardless of what people think about theft. And that is what can be done to get back to a situation where the inner cities are safe. Because it’s always been a few knuckleheads these past few decades ever since the crack epidemic of the 1980s. It takes a few bad people to make a bad image of the whole city.

What can be done to get back to a situation where people in those neighborhoods leave The doors unlocked when they leave their house for work?

Because if one can get back to that situation, it’ll solve a whole bunch of issues.
It’s simple, but hard. The people of the neighborhood have to turn on the criminals, turn them in to the cops and testify against them in trials. One common element is all those bad neighborhoods is that no one ever sees anything when crimes happen. As long as the criminals can hide in a sea of apathetic neighbors, nothing can be done to them by the authorities.
they pay the same percentage which is a disaster as everyone knows except for scumbag GOP rich liars and you duped ignoramuses in the base....
No it isn’t. If everyone pays ten percent, the person with a hundred dollars pays ten bucks, one with a thousand pays a hundred, one with a million pays a hundred grand. Same percentage, vastly different amounts of money.
It doesn't trickle down, that's the problem- they just buy bigger yachts Bigger mansions and more classic cars, dupe. That's why you tax the rich, make college and training cheap and get good jobs to the poor like in every other modern country for crying out loud,,,,
Who builds and maintains the yachts? Who restores and maintains the classic cars? Who builds the houses the rich live in? Who works in the companies they own? Answer, the middle class and poor.
The only reason it wasn't a total collapse of the world economic system was because we put about a year's budget worth of debt to pay off Wall Street and everybody else so they survived. It was a definite Great Depression ask anybody in Spain or Greece or most of the second and Third World. The people who couldn't pay it off with huge debt had a real depression. Great job as always the GOP is always a corrupt disaster giveaway to the rich and always has been and you morons continue to support them so stupid.
No you are wrong it was a recession.
Actually dupes they are being approved for asylum at about an 80% rate and most of them already have relatives here. This is what happens when you have a racist orange clown for president who stops all immigration from the South for four years because racism. And the GOP is leading sanctions against Cuba Nicaragua et cetera et cetera venezuela. Well here they come- great job!

You're a liar, last month they encountered illegals from 129 different countries and your pedo regime has lost track of about 85,000 unaccompanied minors. And they might be approving 80% of the cases they cherry pick, but 96% are still blowing off their hearing dates. xiden is giving these a pass since there is practically zero interior enforcement. Once again, FOAD.

I guess the mayors of black cities should just decree that they have Cheap college and training, a living wage and health care for all, great infrastructure and plenty of jobs for everyone LOL. Pretty tough to do if there's no money around while the rich have 300 classic cars and 500 foot yachts, perfect chump of greedy idiot liars. You can't do anything when the government has been controlled by swine for 40 years...

You stupid fucking commie, show me where any of that is a federal constitutional responsibility.

This right here is the indisputable fact. Well, it’s because for many decades, America was viewed as a country where the streets are paved with gold

You know by the way in the 1950s my grandfather a white man had a black boss. That idea that everywhere and everything was segregated in America… I can’t believe why I leftie talks like this. Are they on drugs? Do they not understand history? They talk about racism in America, but simply never talk about the fact that racism was always a global issue. So they’re tactics the way they converse. It literally makes no sense at all.

One can say the United States throughout its entire existence was and is the most liberal country in the world. Who is more liberal than us? Maybe Sweden, maybe Canada I don’t know about that. Pretty sure that it’s America.

And yes, the Democrats of today are nothing like they were in the 60s and 70s or even the 90s. You’re talking about a radical change in the last four years time. It was the printing of trillions of dollars during the coronavirus mostly by Democrats and the reaction to the George Floyd killing which changed the face of America for the worse. A man who held a gun to a pregnant lady stomach is hailed as a hero and given a state funeral by the republican governor of Texas.

This topic in the original post should unite every American. Every American should feel for our brothers and sisters in the inner cities our fellow Christians, our fellow man they literally can’t walk down the street without feeling afraid. It wasn’t like this in the 1950s… and for far left people to keep banging on about “racism” in the 50s is an insult to my ancestors… it’s an insult my grandfather who had a black boss.

The united auto workers and Ford Motor Company paved the way to allow millions of black Americans to attain the middle class in the 20th century . That’s it man game set match it’s all over for the enemies of America. We should all be proud of America. I certainly am because this country fought racism tooth and nail

You're wrong about one thing, Abbott had nothing to do with Folyd's funeral, that was the commies and race baiters that run Houston.

…they are probably getting paid off by the corner stores. Right? I mean pretty much something to think about there. These corrupt councilman and mayors of major cities are probably getting paid off by drug dealers and other corrupt people. Certainly is a possibility otherwise why is it so ugly down there?

You see that if you go to any corner store, mostly ran by corrupt Arabs or Indians in black majority neighborhood. I don’t ever see black folks own the stores …

And those corrupt Arabs and Indians, who jack up the prices for poor people, are a disgrace to the Honorable Arab nation and the Indian empire. You see that’s the point that is completely lost on the far left wing racist BLM supporters in this country.

This message is brought to you in a calm, cool and collective manner. Because it’s a Tucker Carlson pointed out today at turning point USA a lot of the stories in the fake news media and CNN are designed to get people angry and infuriated. Like when they say a man can breast-feed or 10-year-old can have a sex change operation or white homeless people are privileged. These are designed to get us upset. But you know what don’t give them what they want.

The only question is, when will this corruption end. When will black majority neighborhoods see corner stores destroyed. ? When will we see healthy grocery markets in black majority neighborhoods. ?

Don’t expect anything from the far left on this. They’re on drugs. They are racist. It’s all about patriotic American’s taking things back. And there’s a lot of positive developments.

When you truly care about your fellow man like so many of us do Republicans and traditional Democrats. And you go through the inner cities and you see the horrendous house conditions , pot holes all over the place the crack dealers … prostitutes. You never see prostitutes in a white majority suburbs walking down the street why is that? Seriously does anybody have an answer to this on the left?

so we need the US government to close down his corner stores level them. We need mass of change in the inner cities. Probably we need to use the US military to fight the drug dealers. Once and for all clean up these crack infested neighborhoods, clean up the heroine infested neighborhoods. Maybe those white and black BLM politicians living in the white suburbs should be forced to live in the inner city for a few weeks …. they probably wouldn’t last 10 hours.

OK fellow Democrats give us some solutions. You keep calling people racist you keep making things up about other people. Meanwhile, our fellow man in the inner city is starving. They want a better life. Bring forward some solutions so we can level these horrendous corner stores they look so bad. We need better housing in the inner cities. Bring some solutions forward
Concern yourself with the white community and all the Larrry Nassars in it who are diddling 10 year old girls and boys .
No you are wrong it was a recession.
Technically, because Bush and Obama put over $3 trillion of your money to pay off debts of Wall Street and other businesses. That deregulation of real estate that gave three quarters of the business to Bush cronies really worked out great. As always! Keep babbling....
Technically, because Bush and Obama put over $3 trillion of your money to pay off debts of Wall Street and other businesses. That deregulation of real estate that gave three quarters of the business to Bush cronies really worked out great. As always! Keep babbling....
None of which has anything to do with the fact that it was a recession, not a de[ression you moron.

BTW I thought Obama was one of you guys.

Forty years of GOp my ass you retard
None of which has anything to do with the fact that it was a recession, not a de[ression you moron.

BTW I thought Obama was one of you guys.

Forty years of GOp my ass you retard
No Democrat has been able to do anything serious about your giveaway tax rates to the rich which are within 10% of Reagan's ridiculous 28% top tax rate. Go ask people in Greece Italy Spain or the Second World or 3rd world if it was a depression, you moron. We had to pay $3 trillion to save our economy from the toilet. All because W Bush wanted to sell a million homes no matter whether people could afford them or not according to his pals at countrywide real estate Etcetera Etcetera Etcetera. Fanny and Freddy's share of the market went from 75% to 27%.... A great recession with $3 trillion in bailout debt is a depression by any other name- technically it wasn't because of that influx of your money dipstick.... And with the depression you get the rise of right wing demagogues and refugees and all the problems we've had ever since. you people are so dumb, oooops brainwashed etc.....
No Democrat has been able to do anything serious about your giveaway tax rates to the rich which are within 10% of Reagan's ridiculous 28% top tax rate. Go ask people in Greece Italy Spain or the Second World or 3rd world if it was a depression, you moron. We had to pay $3 trillion to save our economy from the toilet. All because W Bush wanted to sell a million homes no matter whether people could afford them or not according to his pals at countrywide real estate Etcetera Etcetera Etcetera. Fanny and Freddy's share of the market went from 75% to 27%.... A great recession with $3 trillion in bailout debt is a depression by any other name- technically it wasn't because of that influx of your money dipstick.... And with the depression you get the rise of right wing demagogues and refugees and all the problems we've had ever since. you people are so dumb, oooops brainwashed etc.....
Yet you supported $10M for gender studies in Pakistan. Go figure.

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