Black Armbands On The Left


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
What's that saying about not being able to know where you are going, if you don't know where you came from?

Certainly true politically. Santayana knew whereof he spoke.

So.....for our Democrat/Progressive brethren, note this date as the death of a predecessor.


Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich, (born November 10 [November 22, New Style], 1893, Kabany, near Kiev, Ukraine, Russian Empireā€”died July 25, 1991, Moscow, Russia, U.S.S.R.), Soviet Communist Party leader and supporter of Joseph Stalin.

'Lazar Kaganovich (together with Vyacheslav Molotov) participated with the All-Ukrainian Party Conference of 1930 and were given the task of implementation of the collectivization policy that caused a catastrophic 1932ā€“33 famine known as the Holodomor. He also personally oversaw grain confiscations during the same time periods.

'Similar policies also inflicted enormous suffering on the Soviet Central Asian republic of Kazakhstan, the Kuban region, Crimea, the lower Volga region, and other parts of the Soviet Union. As an emissary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, Kaganovich traveled to Ukraine, the central regions of the USSR, the NorthernCaucasus, and Siberia demanding the acceleration of collectivization and repressions against the Kulaks, who were generally blamed for the slow progress of collectivization.'
Lazar Kaganovich - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Estimates of the slaughtered range from 3 million to 20 million.

ā€˜Gulags Werenā€™t That Badā€™: Sanders Staffer Says Trump Supporters Will Need To Be ā€˜Re-Educated In Campsā€™

Lazar would be so proud!
What's that saying about not being able to know where you are going, if you don't know where you came from?

Certainly true politically. Santayana knew whereof he spoke.

So.....for our Democrat/Progressive brethren, note this date as the death of a predecessor.

View attachment 367010

Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich, (born November 10 [November 22, New Style], 1893, Kabany, near Kiev, Ukraine, Russian Empireā€”died July 25, 1991, Moscow, Russia, U.S.S.R.), Soviet Communist Party leader and supporter of Joseph Stalin.

'Lazar Kaganovich (together with Vyacheslav Molotov) participated with the All-Ukrainian Party Conference of 1930 and were given the task of implementation of the collectivization policy that caused a catastrophic 1932ā€“33 famine known as the Holodomor. He also personally oversaw grain confiscations during the same time periods.

'Similar policies also inflicted enormous suffering on the Soviet Central Asian republic of Kazakhstan, the Kuban region, Crimea, the lower Volga region, and other parts of the Soviet Union. As an emissary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, Kaganovich traveled to Ukraine, the central regions of the USSR, the NorthernCaucasus, and Siberia demanding the acceleration of collectivization and repressions against the Kulaks, who were generally blamed for the slow progress of collectivization.'
Lazar Kaganovich - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Estimates of the slaughtered range from 3 million to 20 million.

ā€˜Gulags Werenā€™t That Badā€™: Sanders Staffer Says Trump Supporters Will Need To Be ā€˜Re-Educated In Campsā€™

Lazar would be so proud!
Not all Democrats are ā€œprogressiveā€. But all trumpkins are fact and reality averse.
What's that saying about not being able to know where you are going, if you don't know where you came from?

Certainly true politically. Santayana knew whereof he spoke.

So.....for our Democrat/Progressive brethren, note this date as the death of a predecessor.

View attachment 367010

Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich, (born November 10 [November 22, New Style], 1893, Kabany, near Kiev, Ukraine, Russian Empireā€”died July 25, 1991, Moscow, Russia, U.S.S.R.), Soviet Communist Party leader and supporter of Joseph Stalin.

'Lazar Kaganovich (together with Vyacheslav Molotov) participated with the All-Ukrainian Party Conference of 1930 and were given the task of implementation of the collectivization policy that caused a catastrophic 1932ā€“33 famine known as the Holodomor. He also personally oversaw grain confiscations during the same time periods.

'Similar policies also inflicted enormous suffering on the Soviet Central Asian republic of Kazakhstan, the Kuban region, Crimea, the lower Volga region, and other parts of the Soviet Union. As an emissary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, Kaganovich traveled to Ukraine, the central regions of the USSR, the NorthernCaucasus, and Siberia demanding the acceleration of collectivization and repressions against the Kulaks, who were generally blamed for the slow progress of collectivization.'
Lazar Kaganovich - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Estimates of the slaughtered range from 3 million to 20 million.

ā€˜Gulags Werenā€™t That Badā€™: Sanders Staffer Says Trump Supporters Will Need To Be ā€˜Re-Educated In Campsā€™

Lazar would be so proud!
Not all Democrats are ā€œprogressiveā€. But all trumpkins are fact and reality averse.

Here's a lesson that you missed, but sorely need.

The political system in this nation in binary.

If you vote Democrat, you vote to support each and every aspect of this agenda.

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitismā€¦ the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

This Democrat Party stands for everything the Communist Party did......

When you become an adult you'll understand this.
What's that saying about not being able to know where you are going, if you don't know where you came from?

Certainly true politically. Santayana knew whereof he spoke.

So.....for our Democrat/Progressive brethren, note this date as the death of a predecessor.

View attachment 367010

Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich, (born November 10 [November 22, New Style], 1893, Kabany, near Kiev, Ukraine, Russian Empireā€”died July 25, 1991, Moscow, Russia, U.S.S.R.), Soviet Communist Party leader and supporter of Joseph Stalin.

'Lazar Kaganovich (together with Vyacheslav Molotov) participated with the All-Ukrainian Party Conference of 1930 and were given the task of implementation of the collectivization policy that caused a catastrophic 1932ā€“33 famine known as the Holodomor. He also personally oversaw grain confiscations during the same time periods.

'Similar policies also inflicted enormous suffering on the Soviet Central Asian republic of Kazakhstan, the Kuban region, Crimea, the lower Volga region, and other parts of the Soviet Union. As an emissary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, Kaganovich traveled to Ukraine, the central regions of the USSR, the NorthernCaucasus, and Siberia demanding the acceleration of collectivization and repressions against the Kulaks, who were generally blamed for the slow progress of collectivization.'
Lazar Kaganovich - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Estimates of the slaughtered range from 3 million to 20 million.

ā€˜Gulags Werenā€™t That Badā€™: Sanders Staffer Says Trump Supporters Will Need To Be ā€˜Re-Educated In Campsā€™

Lazar would be so proud!
Not all Democrats are ā€œprogressiveā€. But all trumpkins are fact and reality averse.

Here's a lesson that you missed, but sorely need.

The political system in this nation in binary.

If you vote Democrat, you vote to support each and every aspect of this agenda.

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitismā€¦ the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

This Democrat Party stands for everything the Communist Party did......

When you become an adult you'll understand this.
And Republicans are angels on a mission from God making them more holy than righteous, like my underwear.
1. None of the totalitarian forms of political plague have the slightest concern for human life: not communism (gulags), not Nazism (concentration camps), not Liberalism (abortion), not Progressivism (eugenics), not socialism (theft), not fascism (murder).

They only differ in the final outcome: slavery, serfdom, or death.

They all follow Trotsky: "We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."

2. Under the Bolsheviks, the dynasty with which Franklin Roosevelt felt comradeship, slaughter was so omnipresent that corpse-disposal actually became a problem.
There was resistance to the Lefts mandate of collectivism, especially in the Ukraine.

September 11, 1932, Stalin wrote to his assistant, 'We must take steps so we do not lose the Ukraine.' So, 1932-1933, all food supplies in the Ukraine were confiscated.
Those who tried to leave were shot, those who remained, starved to death. Men, women, children. They died tortuously slowly.
NKVD squads collected the dead. They received 200 grams of bread for every dead body they delivered; often they didn't wait until the victim was dead.

'Lazar Kaganovich (together withVyacheslav Molotov) participated with the All-Ukrainian Party Conference of 1930 and were given the task of implementation of thecollectivization policy that caused a catastrophic 1932ā€“33 famine known as theHolodomor. He also personally oversaw grain confiscations during the same time periods.

'Similar policies also inflicted enormous suffering on the Soviet Central Asian republic ofKazakhstan, theKubanregion,Crimea, the lowerVolgaregion, and other parts of the Soviet Union. As an emissary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, Kaganovich traveled to Ukraine, the central regions of the USSR, the NorthernCaucasus, andSiberiademanding the acceleration of collectivization and repressions against theKulaks, who were generally blamed for the slow progress of collectivization.'
Lazar Kaganovich - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

a. "They were thrown into a hole in the ground...the ground was moving..." Many were buried alive.

Leftist governance.....marked by failure, slaughter, and oppression.

3. There were so very many corpses that the regime actually nationalized the funeral industry (December of 1918). "To die in Russia in these times is easy, but to be buried is very difficult."

a. More failure due to Leftist policies: " War Communism attempted to abolish money as a means of exchange. The Bolsheviks wanted to go over to a system of a natural economy in which all transactions were carried out in kind. Effectively, bartering would be introduced. By 1921, the value of the ruble had dropped massively and inflation had markedly increased." War Communism - History Learning Site

b. " Ninotchka's funeral in November 1919 cost 30,000 [writes another diarist]; Uncle Edward's funeral in December 1921 was 5,000,000; M. M.'s funeral in March 1922 was 33,000,000"

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