Black Cat (Felicia Hardy): Social Damnation


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Fantastic characters/avatars in comic books represent outlandish behaviors and daydreams in our modern world of urban lingo and pedestrian imagination.

The female anti-heroine Black Cat (Marvel Comics) represents urban moral decay and anarchy, and she's quite attractive, making her an ideal diplomat of modern age social angst --- e.g., Los Angeles Race Riots.

So I wonder how these unusual characters/avatars will be referenced/cited by future poets and historians wishing to muse about our era's commercial vanities (e.g., Clueless).


BLACK CAT: My real name is Felicia Hardy...
GOD: I don't care!
BLACK CAT: You're angry, since I'm an 'evil Eve.'
GOD: Yes, but I'm also concerned about Adam...
BLACK CAT: Oh, you think I'll seduce him!
GOD: Correct; you're very shrewd about human frailty.
BLACK CAT: Won't you call me Felicia?
GOD: No! I will always refer to you as Black Cat.
BLACK CAT: I'm not shocked; you're very stubborn!
GOD: You should get a job with Gap Kids.
BLACK CAT: I'm not a fashion fan...
GOD: You should consider being some kind of urban cheerleader!
BLACK CAT: It's a man's world, and someone's got to be the Devil.
GOD: Americans have become schizophrenic about fertility...
BLACK CAT: That's because of the television-series The Real World!
GOD: I doubt impressionable youngsters care about 'political divinity.'



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