Black Cop punches Transsexual at BLM protest

Pssst - link to it being illegal to use fists, not to the video of using fists.

Rigby made the assertion that the officer striking the rioter with his fists is illegal - there is no link to support that claim. would have been legal then if he used his baton across the chin?
Pssst - link to it being illegal to use fists, not to the video of using fists.

Rigby made the assertion that the officer striking the rioter with his fists is illegal - there is no link to support that claim.

The International Association of Chiefs of Police defines use of force as “The amount of effort required by police to compel compliance by an unwilling subject” (IACP 2001), to protect an individual or group or for self-defense. There is no “universal set of rules that governs when officers should use force and how much,” according to the National Institute of Justice (NIJ, 2015). In Pennsylvania, the Crimes Code, Section 508 says that a peace officer is “justified in the use of any force which he believes necessary to effect the arrest and of any force which he believes to be necessary to defend himself or another from bodily harm while making the arrest.” The Code also says a peace officer who “has an arrested or convicted person in his custody is justified in the use of such force to prevent the escape of the person from custody” as the officer would be justified in using if he were arresting the person. It also states that people (not just officers) can use force “when the actor believes that such force is immediately necessary to prevent such other person from committing suicide, inflicting serious bodily injury upon himself, committing or consummating the commission of a crime involving or threatening bodily injury, damage to or loss of property or a breach of the peace.” A peace officer is justified in using deadly force “only when he believes that such force is necessary to prevent death or serious bodily injury to himself or such other person, or when he believes both that such force is necessary to prevent the arrest from being defeated by resistance or escape; and the person to be arrested has committed or attempted a forcible felony or is attempting to escape and possesses a deadly weapon, or otherwise indicates that he will endanger human life or inflict serious bodily injury unless arrested without delay.” Locally, the PBP’s policy forbids excessive uses of force and requires officers to report any use of force, whether or not it caused injury. Uses of force might include physical force, chemical force (such as pepper spray), any discharge of a Taser or other kinetic energy projectile, use of impact weapons such as a baton, and use of “weapons of last resort” (Policy Order Number 12-6, dated 1/3/05). Officers must also report when they used verbal commands.
I dont see him punching her at all. I see her grabbing onto the cop and him pulling away and her falling on her big butt.
Doesn't say a thing about fists being illegal.

Maybe an ignorant ass should support their claim.


Only an ignorant ass or shit for brains asshole couldn't comprehend what the Pa Crime Code says.

In Pennsylvania, the Crimes Code, Section 508 says that a peace officer is “justified in the use of any force which he believes necessary to effect the arrest and of any force which he believes to be necessary to defend himself or another from bodily harm while making the arrest.”
Only an ignorant ass or shit for brains asshole couldn't comprehend what the Pa Crime Code says.

In Pennsylvania, the Crimes Code, Section 508 says that a peace officer is “justified in the use of any force which he believes necessary to effect the arrest and of any force which he believes to be necessary to defend himself or another from bodily harm while making the arrest.”

The force used by the officer was necessary and wasn't excessive to affect an arrest. The asshole physically attempted preventing the officer from doing his job and got knocked on his ass for his effort. Not a damn thing illegal about it. Now run along commie troll.

The force used by the officer was necessary and wasn't excessive to affect an arrest. The asshole physically attempted preventing the officer from doing his job and got knocked on his ass for his effort. Not a damn thing illegal about it. Now run along commie troll.
Never said it was illegal, shit for was another poster.

"Texas, where men are men and sheep are scared."
Never said it was illegal, shit for was another poster.

"Texas, where men are men and sheep are scared."

Yet you were stupid enough to inject yourself in the conversation when I asked the poster that claimed it was illegal for a link. Now I know where you learned all the names, they've probably been directed to you, many, many times. Perhaps you should go abort yourself and put the world out of your misery.

Cop needs prosecuted for assault.

The jackass had his hands all over the policeman pushing which is normally considered a threat thus popping the jackass was justifiable self-defense.

It is always a bad idea to put hands all over a policeman and pushing too which can be legally met with force by the policeman.
Cop needs prosecuted for assault.

The Cop was in the process of arresting the other person when that fat white whale comes barreling in to interfere with the arrest by getting in between him and the woman with the umbrella.
Yet you were stupid enough to inject yourself in the conversation when I asked the poster that claimed it was illegal for a link. Now I know where you learned all the names, they've probably been directed to you, many, many times. Perhaps you should go abort yourself and put the world out of your misery.

I didn't notice any boundary signs for replying to posts here.
You drew first blood, ignorant ass.
The force used by the officer was necessary and wasn't excessive to affect an arrest. The asshole physically attempted preventing the officer from doing his job and got knocked on his ass for his effort. Not a damn thing illegal about it. Now run along commie troll.

exactly. andi do not know why these other posters are making up a crime code.
I'm not a biologist, but I'm 100% sure that's a man that got smacked.

Wilkinsburg officer strikes protester during demonstration against police brutality​

"A Wilkinsburg police officer punched a protester to the ground during a demonstration against police brutality on April 16. The group of around 20 people gathered to demand justice for Jim Rogers, a Black man who died in October 2021 less than 24 hours after Pittsburgh Police officers tased him eight times."

Wilkinsburg officer strikes protester during demonstration against police brutality

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Love it… I support the officer! Attack an officer and face the consequences

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