Black GOP Official Resigns, Citing Arizona Tea Party Threats

Fearing tea party violence, FOUR Arizona Republicans resign

District Republican chairman: 'I don't want to take a bullet for anyone'

Fearing violence from tea party activists, Arizona Legislative District 20 Republican Chairman Anthony Miller and several others tendered their resignation this week following mass shootings that left six dead and Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) in critical condition.

Miller, a 43-year-old former campaign worker for Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), said that verbal attacks and blog posts from members of the tea party had him fearing for the safety of his family, according to a report in The Arizona Republic.

"Today my wife of 20 yrs ask (sic) me do I think that my PCs (Precinct Committee members) will shoot at our home?" he wrote in an e-mail following the shootings. "So with this being said I am stepping down from LD20GOP Chairman...I will make a full statement on Monday."

Tea party members supporting J.D. Hayworth for senator in the midterm elections accused Miller, an African American, of being a "McCain's boy." One detractor had even made his hand into the shape of a gun and pointed it at Miller.

"I wasn't going to resign but decided to quit after what happened Saturday," Miller said. "I love the Republican Party but I don't want to take a bullet for anyone."

District 20 Republican Secretary Sophia Johnson, first vice chairman Roger Dickinson, former district spokesman Jeff Kolb also followed Miller's lead and quit.

"This singular focus on 'getting' Anthony (Miller) was one of the main reasons I chose to resign," Kolb reportedly wrote to another party activist.

Arizona state Sen. John McComish, who had supported Miller as chairman, told the paper that this battle for local party leadership is more extreme than others he'd seen.

"It's too bad," McComish said. "He didn't deserve to be hounded out of office."

Kolb explained that Miller had been elected chairman even after Sheriff Joe Arpaio made a personal appearance for tea party candidate Thomas Morrissey.

Fearing tea party violence, four Arizona Republicans resign | Raw Story


What a bunch of morons.
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He's an idiot. The shooting had no connection to the TEA Parties. I dare say the GOP is better off without cowardly, irrational representatives.

Yea, what a fucking coward. Can you imagine this wuss taking it personally when he is called 'boy' and someone forms their hand in the shape of a gun and pulls the trigger?

Just a cowardly, irrational wuss...

Boy is a word. Forming your hand into the shape of a gun and pointing it at someone will not kill them. Face them. Front them. Call them out. But resign? Seriously. Dude needs a spine.

WOW, you sure are brave with someone else's life...what a fucking HERO you are...

You have a few tiny pieces of information from an article, not the whole scope and details of what has transpired over a period of time, and you can determine Anthony Miller's courage and character? I guess in your little mind, other human beings are put on this earth just for dolls, they only exist for brief instances in time when you take them out of the box, and cease to exist when you put them back.

You really make me sick to my stomach. You really are the most haughty and narcissistic person I've encountered on this board. No one is in your league. And the fact it seethes out of every one of your posts tells me you are totally blind to it.
If he's not a coward he should name names and persue the persons who attacked him. But to make accusations without the facts to back it up is just more of the same political hackery.

I would want proof as well.
God you people are lame.

says the guy who posts a necktie held up like a noose, says if someone black sees it they should fear it because "THATS how we deal with n**gers in the tea party"

yea, someone's lame and just like <.> that irrational.
I would want proof as well.

Fearing tea party violence, FOUR Arizona Republicans resign


Maybe they should stop believing the bullshit from the liberal media.

Sometimes I respect what you say because you call BS on both sides but this time its gone too far. When four republican politicians resign its not because they watch too much "liberal media" in a predominantly republican state.
God you people are lame.

says the guy who posts a necktie held up like a noose, says if someone black sees it they should fear it because "THATS how we deal with n**gers in the tea party"

yea, someone's lame and just like <.> that irrational.

Isnt that already the way you see the tea party?
I was just putting out there what you already think.
God you people are lame.

says the guy who posts a necktie held up like a noose, says if someone black sees it they should fear it because "THATS how we deal with n**gers in the tea party"

yea, someone's lame and just like <.> that irrational.

Isnt that already the way you see the tea party?
I was just putting out there what you already think.

umm, no it wasn't. But now, it's how I think of you. Congratulations.
I would want proof as well.

Fearing tea party violence, FOUR Arizona Republicans resign


Maybe they should stop believing the bullshit from the liberal media.

Maybe these FOUR Republicans are basing their decisions on their personal encounters with tea party members...

the bullshit is coming from the media sources that ignore or worse, defend this harassment and intimidation...just maybe
Well at least you are thinking about something other then yourself. Good job.
Fuck off.
Fearing tea party violence, FOUR Arizona Republicans resign


Maybe they should stop believing the bullshit from the liberal media.

Maybe these FOUR Republicans are basing their decisions on their personal encounters with tea party members...

the bullshit is coming from the media sources that ignore or worse, defend this harassment and intimidation...just maybe

Or, maybe their basing them on people pretending they are members of the TEA Parties.

Or are you still pretending that the TEA Parties are racist? :lol::lol:

The psychos who commit acts like the one on Saturday are tending to leave behind a detailed foot-print, on the internet.

The Authorities study these, and now are learning how to find the warning signs with the help of concerned citizens.

Your post was a threat. Read it, over and over again.

He was right to report it, and you, even if you're not "crazy," because it's a threatening post. Maybe if you had a more thoughtful brain you'd have thought twice about posting it, but it's your bed and now you've got to lie in it.
Maybe they should stop believing the bullshit from the liberal media.

Maybe these FOUR Republicans are basing their decisions on their personal encounters with tea party members...

the bullshit is coming from the media sources that ignore or worse, defend this harassment and intimidation...just maybe

Or, maybe their basing them on people pretending they are members of the TEA Parties.

Or are you still pretending that the TEA Parties are racist? :lol::lol:

Maybe they should stop believing the bullshit from the liberal media.

Maybe these FOUR Republicans are basing their decisions on their personal encounters with tea party members...

the bullshit is coming from the media sources that ignore or worse, defend this harassment and intimidation...just maybe

Or, maybe their basing them on people pretending they are members of the TEA Parties.

Or are you still pretending that the TEA Parties are racist? :lol::lol:

The tea party has to be racist no matter what evidence Now they just call it the Tea Klan.

The sole black Republican Party district chairman in Arizona resigned from his post in the wake of Saturday's shooting, citing threats from the Tea Party faction and concerns for his family's safety.

District Chairman Anthony Miller and several others resigned.

Miller, a 43-year-old Ahwatukee Foothills resident and former campaign worker for U.S. Sen. John McCain, was re-elected to a second one-year term last month. He said constant verbal attacks after that election and Internet blog posts by some local members with Tea Party ties made him worry about his family's safety.

The first and only African-American to hold the party's precinct chairmanship, Miller said he has been called "McCain's boy," and during the campaign saw a critic form his hand in the shape of a gun and point it at him.

"I wasn't going to resign but decided to quit after what happened Saturday," Miller said. "I love the Republican Party but I don't want to take a bullet for anyone."

His resignation comes in the wake of the attempted assassination of U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Tucson), and the killing of several others, including a federal judge, at a political rally over the weekend. Although there have been no links discovered between the shooter, Jared Loughner, and the Tea Party, political opponents have blamed the movement and one of its major figures, former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, for creating an atmosphere that encourages violence.

Last month, Miller was re-elected to his second term as district chairman following the November general election, which saw Democratic incumbents like U.S. Rep. Harry Mitchell (D-Ariz.) and state Rep. Rae Waters (D-Ahwatukee Foothills) unseated in favor of Republican candidates.

Miller said the recent party election involved infighting between Miller and his allies and a "radical" local Tea Party faction calling itself the "New Vision" slate.

"There's trouble within the Republican Party," he said. "I'm seeing this new faction, the Sarah Palin type of Republicans."

The Arizona Republic

Ahwatukee Foothills News

Equality, rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences; wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism.
Barry Goldwater

When you lie, you shouldn't post links.

No where in there does it say members of the TEA party threatned his life.
He's an idiot. The shooting had no connection to the TEA Parties. I dare say the GOP is better off without cowardly, irrational representatives.

Yea, what a fucking coward. Can you imagine this wuss taking it personally when he is called 'boy' and someone forms their hand in the shape of a gun and pulls the trigger? Just a cowardly, irrational wuss...

It didn't say that in your link either.

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