Black lives matter donates supplies to louisana, hope for America after all!!!

is a safe place to live? I know I am pretty safe , I have the Appalachians breaking the plains tornados, to far away from hurricanes , earth quake tiny,
only thing I have to worry about is the nuke plant 30 miles away
. That and maybe some toothless Appalachian mountain men looking for some guy who can squeal like a pig.
I thought All Lives Mattered....and now it looks like only Louisiana Lives Matter?
Damn, this guy said it best

VIRAL VIDEO : Black man wants to know where BLM i…:

Their TAX DOLLARS do the same thing YOURS does for the flood "FOOLS." BTW I have little sympathy for anyone who willfully lives in a flood plain. Five years down the road and we will be seeing this scenario again in the same areas. Another 400 million down the drain!

Throwing stones are you?

Do You say the same thing about people in California, living on the San Andreas fault?

People up and down the Mississippi, living in the flood plains and New Madrid fault?

People living in tornado alley?

People living up and down the coast?

Where the heck is a safe place to live? I know I am pretty safe , I have the Appalachians breaking the plains tornados, to far away from hurricanes , earth quake tiny, only thing I have to worry about is the nuke plant 30 miles away.

Perhaps one day we will build houses that are engineered to withstand any potential environmental threat. The Asians, specifically Japan is already advanced in building earthquake resistant temples and houses. In the future government requirements for structures built in flood plains would have to be implemented. I am wondering if Insurance companies would insure homes where floods happen relatively frequent.
Damn, this guy said it best

VIRAL VIDEO : Black man wants to know where BLM i…:

Their TAX DOLLARS do the same thing YOURS does for the flood "FOOLS." BTW I have little sympathy for anyone who willfully lives in a flood plain. Five years down the road and we will be seeing this scenario again in the same areas. Another 400 million down the drain!

I have no sympathy for uneducated people in cheap suits....oh, and it's not a flood was a 1000 year storm, educate yourself.......
Some of the areas were in a flood plain others were not. I am no expert so I listen to local Louisiana radio stations for my "education."
is a safe place to live? I know I am pretty safe , I have the Appalachians breaking the plains tornados, to far away from hurricanes , earth quake tiny,
only thing I have to worry about is the nuke plant 30 miles away
. That and maybe some toothless Appalachian mountain men looking for some guy who can squeal like a pig.

is a safe place to live? I know I am pretty safe , I have the Appalachians breaking the plains tornados, to far away from hurricanes , earth quake tiny,
only thing I have to worry about is the nuke plant 30 miles away
. That and maybe some toothless Appalachian mountain men looking for some guy who can squeal like a pig.

I don't know where you hang out...


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