Black Lives Matter Movement Received Nearly $83 Billion from Corporations

Too bad that money wasn't spent so they could go live in Africa and be away from all this white supremacy they hate.

If America is so terrible then it would make sense for them all to leave it. They get away from racist America, and America magically becomes racism free instantly. It's win win.

I disagree. Blacks advanced a lot under Trump.
1. They had their lowest unemployment in US history
2.(simultaneous with the median wage being highest in US history)
3. 8,700 "Opportunity Zones" created in distresses communities
4. $250 Million/year to black colleges
5. created 10 million jobs in 4 months, created over 400,000 manufacturing jobs,
6. lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma,
7. 4 million Americans off food stamps,
8. vocational training topped 4 million - highest ever
9. $6 billion in NEW funding to fight the opioid epidemic (the most ever)

And what have blacks gotten from Biden? - massive inflation, skyrocketing rents, illegal aliens streaming in and taking jobs away,

That's what happens when you put America first. When you put the country as a whole first then everyone in it is better off.

When you're Biden and you only put your interests first the country as a whole suffers. Then when he put special interest groups first all they did was want more, they didn't actually do any better.
Too bad that money wasn't spent so they could go live in Africa and be away from all this white supremacy they hate.

If America is so terrible then it would make sense for them all to leave it. They get away from racist America, and America magically becomes racism free instantly. It's win win.

That's what happens when you put America first. When you put the country as a whole first then everyone in it is better off.

When you're Biden and you only put your interests first the country as a whole suffers. Then when he put special interest groups first all they did was want more, they didn't actually do any better.
We could say the same thing to you

And 9. was rendered impotent as the blm Passover was establishing a new Chinese fentanyl-eating religion.
That one drug come forth, doesn't mean stopping another drug is irrelevant. It's part of the overall war against drugs. One battle after another.

That one drug come forth, doesn't mean stopping another drug is irrelevant. It's part of the overall war against drugs. One battle after another.
OMG did you hear Biden asked Mexico to help us with the fentynal problem on the border and Mexico basically told us to fuck off?

This shows who really controls the southern side of the border. Drug cartels.
This is what you did to occupy wallstreet after wallstreet fucked us. Why did you do it? Because Fox News told you to. Because wallstreet paid them to demonize that movement.

Youre brainwashed.
Wall Street is mostly who financed Hillary Clintin's campaign.

OMG did you hear Biden asked Mexico to help us with the fentynal problem on the border and Mexico basically told us to fuck off?

This shows who really controls the southern side of the border. Drug cartels.
Drug cartels which Biden isn't stopping, as Trump did for 4 years. Biden's open door policies are what is allowing the cartels to flourish.

As for Mexico, I don't need coaching on that. I'm part Mexican, I speak Spanish, and I lived in Mexico for 3 years. Maybe the reason why Mexico told Biden what they did, is they can easily see the difference between Trump and Biden. Biden needs to do his job, not have Mexico do it for him.
Drug cartels which Biden isn't stopping, as Trump did for 4 years. Biden's open door policies are what is allowing the cartels to flourish.

As for Mexico, I don't need coaching on that. I'm part Mexican, I speak Spanish, and I lived in Mexico for 3 years. Maybe the reason why Mexico told Biden what they did, is they can easily see the difference between Trump and Biden. Biden needs to do his job, not have Mexico do it for him.
You mean like when Trump asked the Mexican president to go along with him when he says Mexico is going to pay for the wall and they told him to go fuck himself too?
Drug cartels which Biden isn't stopping, as Trump did for 4 years. Biden's open door policies are what is allowing the cartels to flourish.

As for Mexico, I don't need coaching on that. I'm part Mexican, I speak Spanish, and I lived in Mexico for 3 years. Maybe the reason why Mexico told Biden what they did, is they can easily see the difference between Trump and Biden. Biden needs to do his job, not have Mexico do it for him.
So now Biden is responsible for what goes on inside the USA and south of the border?

Oh, and you have revisionist history. This from 2019

US President Donald Trump has delayed plans to legally designate Mexican drug cartels as terrorist groups.
Mr Trump had vowed to label the gangs as terrorists after the killing last month of nine American citizens from a Mormon community in Mexico.
But he has put the plans on hold on the request of his Mexican counterpart, Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
"I celebrate that he has taken our opinion into account," the Mexican president said.
"We thank President Trump for respecting our decisions and for choosing to maintain a policy of good neighbourliness, a policy of cooperation with us," he added.

Mr Trump's original announcement came after three women and six children of dual US-Mexican nationality were killed in an ambush in a remote area of northern Mexico.

Following the attack the victims' community, the LeBarons, petitioned the White House to list the cartels as terror groups, saying: "They are terrorists and it's time to acknowledge it."
The move would have widened the scope for US legal and financial action against cartels but Mexico saw it as a violation of its sovereignty.
The US president has now put the plans on hold.

But Mr Trump said his Mexican counterpart is "a man who I like and respect, and has worked so well with us," adding that he was temporarily holding off on the designation and stepping up "joint efforts to deal decisively with these vicious and ever-growing organizations!"
He did not comment on how long the delay would last.

So now Biden is responsible for what goes on inside the USA and south of the border?

Oh, and you have revisionist history. This from 2019

US President Donald Trump has delayed plans to legally designate Mexican drug cartels as terrorist groups.
Mr Trump had vowed to label the gangs as terrorists after the killing last month of nine American citizens from a Mormon community in Mexico.
But he has put the plans on hold on the request of his Mexican counterpart, Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
"I celebrate that he has taken our opinion into account," the Mexican president said.
"We thank President Trump for respecting our decisions and for choosing to maintain a policy of good neighbourliness, a policy of cooperation with us," he added.

Mr Trump's original announcement came after three women and six children of dual US-Mexican nationality were killed in an ambush in a remote area of northern Mexico.

Following the attack the victims' community, the LeBarons, petitioned the White House to list the cartels as terror groups, saying: "They are terrorists and it's time to acknowledge it."
The move would have widened the scope for US legal and financial action against cartels but Mexico saw it as a violation of its sovereignty.
The US president has now put the plans on hold.

But Mr Trump said his Mexican counterpart is "a man who I like and respect, and has worked so well with us," adding that he was temporarily holding off on the designation and stepping up "joint efforts to deal decisively with these vicious and ever-growing organizations!"
He did not comment on how long the delay would last.

You can yammer all day long about this & that, but all the trouble with illegal immigration has soared under Biden, who simply is ignoring it, because to him, illegal aliens are VOTES. He' a very unpopular guy, who doesn't even have the support of his own party as a presidential candidate in 2024, and he needs to find a source of VOTES, to help him win re-election. The illegals are that source.

Consequently, he and Harris, are paying no attention to the massive crisis, and both made laughingstock photo-op visits to the border once. The border patrol guys will tell you who is at fault here. They know full well.

“Everything that we're seeing right now could be solved by policy. So where these mayors, where they should be putting the blame, is they should put it directly on the Biden administration,” (Brandon Judd, National Border Patrol Council President)

You mean like when Trump asked the Mexican president to go along with him when he says Mexico is going to pay for the wall and they told him to go fuck himself too?
That's not at all what their response was. That is the line being broadcast on leftwing media which (as usual) is BS.

Their response was indeed, to pay for the wall, by sending 15,000 Mexican troops the US border, after Trump requested it. Shortly before that, they also sent 6,500 National Guard troops to their southern border with Belize and Guatemala.
You're just spreading right wing bullshit lies.

"I am fairly convinced these are mostly attempts to smear anti-racist activists. I think in some media, ‘Marxist’ is dog-whistle for something horrible, like ‘Nazi’, and thus enables to delegitimize/dehumanize them," Miriyam Aouragh, a lecturer at the London-based Westminster School of Media and Communication, told PolitiFact.

Black Lives Matter "is not an organization, but a fluid movement; it doesn’t actually matter if one of its founders was a liberal, Marxist, socialist or capitalist."

The attack has been made in recent weeks by Rudy Giuliani, President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer; Ben Carson, Trump’s secretary of Housing and Urban Development; conservative talk show host Mark Levin; and PragerU, which has more than 4 millionFacebook followers.
Black Lives Matter quite regularly stages traffic blocking protests (at least they call they "protests") - though I really don't know what they are protesting, and I wonder if they do either.

In any event, these traffic blockages (held in Democrat cities, with cowardly mayors who order their cops to stand down) are illegal, criminal behavior, and are dangerous to all the residents of the cities they are in. As such, BLM (Buy Large Mansions) is a terrorist group.

Who knows who is in the cars being blocked ? Could be a pregnant woman about to give birth, on her way to the hospital. Could be someone badly bleeding, also headed for the hospital. Could be an ambulance on the way to pick somebody up. Could be fire trucks on the way to a fire. Could be police cars answering a call, with people who are in danger, waiting for them.
BLM is a menace to society.
Why not give the whites who rioted in DC the same advice? Don't like liberal run cities, move to a red state. Don't like abortion, move to a red state.
Absolutely, and I went one step further 7 years ago >>>

So now Biden is responsible for what goes on inside the USA and south of the border?

Oh, and you have revisionist history. This from 2019

US President Donald Trump has delayed plans to legally designate Mexican drug cartels as terrorist groups.
Mr Trump had vowed to label the gangs as terrorists after the killing last month of nine American citizens from a Mormon community in Mexico.
But he has put the plans on hold on the request of his Mexican counterpart, Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
"I celebrate that he has taken our opinion into account," the Mexican president said.
"We thank President Trump for respecting our decisions and for choosing to maintain a policy of good neighbourliness, a policy of cooperation with us," he added.

Mr Trump's original announcement came after three women and six children of dual US-Mexican nationality were killed in an ambush in a remote area of northern Mexico.

Following the attack the victims' community, the LeBarons, petitioned the White House to list the cartels as terror groups, saying: "They are terrorists and it's time to acknowledge it."
The move would have widened the scope for US legal and financial action against cartels but Mexico saw it as a violation of its sovereignty.
The US president has now put the plans on hold.

But Mr Trump said his Mexican counterpart is "a man who I like and respect, and has worked so well with us," adding that he was temporarily holding off on the designation and stepping up "joint efforts to deal decisively with these vicious and ever-growing organizations!"
He did not comment on how long the delay would last.

It is obvious that you are suffering from a severe case of pathogenic liberalitis. You exhibit an abundance of scam mentality, consistent with the Russian collusion hoax, the Ukraine babblings, the gold star Muslim father, the McCain ruse, and other such leftist failures, which resulted in the further increase of Trump popularity. I shall now prescribe your cure and rehabilitaton methodology.

You are to go to the city of the name of a conservative (Republican preferably) US president, and your purification will take place there. I will suggest, Lincoln, Nebraska, or Monroe, New York. Upon your arrival, you will approach the first lake you see, and drink some of the water. Then, you must jump in the lake, with all your liberal clothes on, and swim for one minute. Don't worry, they don't have alligators there.

You then will come out and walk around in the sunshine to dry off, and you must pick a conservative apple from a conservative apple tree, and eat it. This will purify your internal organs and extinguish any liberalism festering there. A conservative apple a day keeps the leftist contamination away.

Upon encountering a roadside stand selling Trump relection paraphenalia, you must buy everything they are selling. You will wear a MAGA hat, a Trump/Pence 2020 banner diagonally across your chest, and at least 50 Trump relection campaign buttons.

You then will spend a week going house to house, hunting down illegal aliens, and reporting them to ICE, for which you will receive a gold medal, which you will sell to a pawn shop, and then buy more Trump paraphenalia. You will then find a wooden soapbox, stand on it, and make speeches to whomever will listen, proclaiming your support for nationwide bans on Islam, sanctuary cities, gun-free zones, homosexuality, and 3rd world immigration.

You will furthermore sing the national anthem, while holding a large American flag in one hand, and holding your hand over your heart with the other. After this, your purification from the disease of liberalism will be complete in its first stage. You will them come back and report to me for further doctor's orders.
It is obvious that you are suffering from a severe case of pathogenic liberalitis. You exhibit an abundance of scam mentality, consistent with the Russian collusion hoax, the Ukraine babblings, the gold star Muslim father, the McCain ruse, and other such leftist failures, which resulted in the further increase of Trump popularity. I shall now prescribe your cure and rehabilitaton methodology.

You are to go to the city of the name of a conservative (Republican preferably) US president, and your purification will take place there. I will suggest, Lincoln, Nebraska, or Monroe, New York. Upon your arrival, you will approach the first lake you see, and drink some of the water. Then, you must jump in the lake, with all your liberal clothes on, and swim for one minute. Don't worry, they don't have alligators there.

You then will come out and walk around in the sunshine to dry off, and you must pick a conservative apple from a conservative apple tree, and eat it. This will purify your internal organs and extinguish any liberalism festering there. A conservative apple a day keeps the leftist contamination away.

Upon encountering a roadside stand selling Trump relection paraphenalia, you must buy everything they are selling. You will wear a MAGA hat, a Trump/Pence 2020 banner diagonally across your chest, and at least 50 Trump relection campaign buttons.

You then will spend a week going house to house, hunting down illegal aliens, and reporting them to ICE, for which you will receive a gold medal, which you will sell to a pawn shop, and then buy more Trump paraphenalia. You will then find a wooden soapbox, stand on it, and make speeches to whomever will listen, proclaiming your support for nationwide bans on Islam, sanctuary cities, gun-free zones, homosexuality, and 3rd world immigration.

You will furthermore sing the national anthem, while holding a large American flag in one hand, and holding your hand over your heart with the other. After this, your purification from the disease of liberalism will be complete in its first stage. You will them come back and report to me for further doctor's orders.

I'll tell you this. My brother has 65 acres hunting property up north MI in Trump country. If I lived up there I'd be a Republican too. You don't have big corporations up there fucking over workers because you don't have big corporations.

If life in big cities were as swell as they are up in Trump country we'd all be Republicans. But you guys don't know how hard it is to run big cities. How many business' are in your home town 10? We have thousands. And thousands of people looking for jobs. Companies threatening to move if the employees ask for a fair wage. But notice they never move to Trump country when they move? Why is that? They bipass your ass and go straight to Mexico.

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