Black lives matter...


Sep 22, 2016
Ok, I agree ALL lives matter. What I don't get is if their kids lives matter to them then why don't black parents teach and explain to their kids that when someone with a gun accosts you you need to stay calm, listen and do exactly what they say so that you don't get shot! This is true whether the person with the gun is a cop or a criminal!!! My Dad taught me these important facts.

I HAD run-ins with the cops. I'm not black but I was a long haired motorcycle riding hippie in the 60s and cops hated us. When I dealt with them it was yes sir, no sir and I assumed the position on demand. My Mama and Daddy didn't raise a fool! You don't mess with people that have guns unless you want to get shot! Was it fair? Hell no! To this day I have sort of gag reflex reaction to cops and I'm an old retired seasoned citizen part of the rather conservative line of thought.
Ok, I agree ALL lives matter. What I don't get is if their kids lives matter to them then why don't black parents teach and explain to their kids that when someone with a gun accosts you you need to stay calm, listen and do exactly what they say so that you don't get shot! This is true whether the person with the gun is a cop or a criminal!!! My Dad taught me these important facts.

I HAD run-ins with the cops. I'm not black but I was a long haired motorcycle riding hippie in the 60s and cops hated us. When I dealt with them it was yes sir, no sir and I assumed the position on demand. My Mama and Daddy didn't raise a fool! You don't mess with people that have guns unless you want to get shot! Was it fair? Hell no! To this day I have sort of gag reflex reaction to cops and I'm an old retired seasoned citizen part of the rather conservative line of thought.

" ... that when someone with a gun accosts you you need to stay calm, listen and do exactly what they say so that you don't get shot!"

Versus "stand your ground" ya mean?

Ha ha ha, tell it to the NRA and 2aguy bub.
You stand your ground when you are armed and protecting your life or property. I live where that is my right and has nothing to do with this.

If bringing a knife to a gunfight is stupid what is getting in a gun fight when you are unarmed???? I'm a father and I'm not interested in my child getting hurt trying to stand up for their rights against someone with a gun. I want them to come home alive.

MY kids lives mattered to me. I taught them how to act when dealing with a cop. If you get pulled over you place your hands BOTH on top of the steering wheel so they can see that you are unarmed and answer all questions politely and do what you are told to do. You would do pretty much the same if it was a carjacker.

You don't try to hand fight with a grizzly bear. That would be insanely stupid. You don't fight with or argue with someone that has a gun. That is also insanely stupid. It isn't about right or wrong! It is about surviving!!

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