Black Lives Matter?

Evidently youre still out to lunch on what plagiarism is. :rolleyes:
Nurse arrested in rape of incapacitated woman who gave birth in Phoenix

NOT DISABLED... No wonder you wouldn't get a link.
She is disabled. Incapacitated means you cant do shit. She can do things. Even her parents say so.

Hacienda Healthcare nurse charged with sexually assaulting woman in vegetative state who gave birth - CNN

"The victim's parents would like to make clear that their daughter is not in a coma," said the statement released to CNN by the attorney for the parents. "She has significant intellectual disabilities as a result of seizures very early in her childhood."
The woman does not speak but has some ability to move her limbs, head and neck. She also "responds to sound and is able to make facial gestures."
"She has feelings, likes to be read to, enjoys soft music and is capable of responding to people she is familiar with, especially family," the parents said.

Hacienda Healthcare nurse charged with sexually assaulting woman in vegetative state who gave birth - CNN
Good!. You finally found it. Did someone help you? :rolleyes:

Yeah me. I read it an understand it. You read it and can’t understand the big words so you spew out more bullshit.

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If you understood it then why are you claiming she is in a vegetative state when her parents said she isnt? :rolleyes:
My God, you are still digging! MIND BOGGLING.
Evidently youre still out to lunch on what plagiarism is. :rolleyes:
Nurse arrested in rape of incapacitated woman who gave birth in Phoenix

NOT DISABLED... No wonder you wouldn't get a link.
She is disabled. Incapacitated means you cant do shit. She can do things. Even her parents say so.

Hacienda Healthcare nurse charged with sexually assaulting woman in vegetative state who gave birth - CNN

"The victim's parents would like to make clear that their daughter is not in a coma," said the statement released to CNN by the attorney for the parents. "She has significant intellectual disabilities as a result of seizures very early in her childhood."
The woman does not speak but has some ability to move her limbs, head and neck. She also "responds to sound and is able to make facial gestures."
"She has feelings, likes to be read to, enjoys soft music and is capable of responding to people she is familiar with, especially family," the parents said.

She can’t give consent because she is out of it. Her parents said that she is handicap. He took advantage of that fact because she couldn’t scream out. So of course true to your color with more bullshit. Your trying to defend him. What if that was your daughter. Your dumbass being singing a different song. Get an education, then you can sit at the adult table.

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How am I defending him when I never said he didnt rape her you silly muppet? :rolleyes:

You are saying that she isn’t incapacitated. What your saying is that she New it was going on and was ok with it You arguing about words is sticking up for a moron piece of shot who probably bought his nursing license. Did you see his picture, as a matter of fact he resembles you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Evidently youre still out to lunch on what plagiarism is. :rolleyes:
Nurse arrested in rape of incapacitated woman who gave birth in Phoenix

NOT DISABLED... No wonder you wouldn't get a link.
She is disabled. Incapacitated means you cant do shit. She can do things. Even her parents say so.

Hacienda Healthcare nurse charged with sexually assaulting woman in vegetative state who gave birth - CNN

"The victim's parents would like to make clear that their daughter is not in a coma," said the statement released to CNN by the attorney for the parents. "She has significant intellectual disabilities as a result of seizures very early in her childhood."
The woman does not speak but has some ability to move her limbs, head and neck. She also "responds to sound and is able to make facial gestures."
"She has feelings, likes to be read to, enjoys soft music and is capable of responding to people she is familiar with, especially family," the parents said.

She can’t give consent because she is out of it. Her parents said that she is handicap. He took advantage of that fact because she couldn’t scream out. So of course true to your color with more bullshit. Your trying to defend him. What if that was your daughter. Your dumbass being singing a different song. Get an education, then you can sit at the adult table.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
How am I defending him when I never said he didnt rape her you silly muppet? :rolleyes:

You are saying that she isn’t incapacitated. What your saying is that she New it was going on and was ok with it You arguing about words is sticking up for a moron piece of shot who probably bought his nursing license. Did you see his picture, as a matter of fact he resembles you.

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Dont try to tell me what I am saying just because you dont understand definitions. She isnt incapacitated if she can do things. She is limited in what she can do which is why they made up the word disabled. I already posted the definitions for you. I cant hold your hand just because you cant read. :rolleyes:

Show me where I said she was ok with it. We need quotes.
Vegetative State

A coma-like state characterized by open eyes and the appearance ofwakefulness is defined as vegetative.
The vegetative state is a chronic or long-term condition. This condition differsfrom a persistent vegetative state (PVS, a state of coma that lacks bothawareness and wakefulness) since patients have awakened from coma, butstill have not regained awareness. In the vegetative state patients can opentheir eyelids occasionally and demonstrate sleep-wake cycles. They alsocompletely lack cognitive function. The vegetative state is also called comavigil.

This isn't even fun any more, ASC. I'm feeling sorry for you. Not being aware of definitions and not understanding things does not make you an awful person. Just don't try to be something you are not. I think you are probably a fine person.

No. He is definitely not a fine person. He agrees with the teaching assistant at the University of Georgia who said whites have to die. He is far from a good person We won’t be seeing him in the afterlife. His elevator will be going down.

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She is disabled. Incapacitated means you cant do shit. She can do things. Even her parents say so.

Hacienda Healthcare nurse charged with sexually assaulting woman in vegetative state who gave birth - CNN

"The victim's parents would like to make clear that their daughter is not in a coma," said the statement released to CNN by the attorney for the parents. "She has significant intellectual disabilities as a result of seizures very early in her childhood."
The woman does not speak but has some ability to move her limbs, head and neck. She also "responds to sound and is able to make facial gestures."
"She has feelings, likes to be read to, enjoys soft music and is capable of responding to people she is familiar with, especially family," the parents said.

She can’t give consent because she is out of it. Her parents said that she is handicap. He took advantage of that fact because she couldn’t scream out. So of course true to your color with more bullshit. Your trying to defend him. What if that was your daughter. Your dumbass being singing a different song. Get an education, then you can sit at the adult table.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
How am I defending him when I never said he didnt rape her you silly muppet? :rolleyes:

You are saying that she isn’t incapacitated. What your saying is that she New it was going on and was ok with it You arguing about words is sticking up for a moron piece of shot who probably bought his nursing license. Did you see his picture, as a matter of fact he resembles you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Dont try to tell me what I am saying just because you dont understand definitions. She isnt incapacitated if she can do things. She is limited in what she can do which is why they made up the word disabled. I already posted the definitions for you. I cant hold your hand just because you cant read. :rolleyes:
Asceplias, being in a vegetative state means she cannot do anything except open her eyes and no one can tell if she can even see. Incapacitated = vegetative state. Sorry.
Why? Everywhere you look a negro is murdering or raping somebody....the stats don't lie, this is a criminal race. Look at this one....: Nathan Sutherland, he raped a white woman in a "vegetative state" at a hospital here in Phoenix. Imagine what her family is going through having to imagine what this repulsive ape did to their daughter:


Phoenix police arrest 36-year-old nurse in Hacienda Healthcare rape
Black Lives Matter is about the frequency of police gunning down unarmed non threatening black males....dumbass. The guy in the photo likely has an IQ that`s twice your own and he looks like a real loser. If you have your MAGA hat on he`s 3 times as smart as you.
and that frequency [ hahahahah ] is very very LOW
Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.
In 2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to the Washington Post. The paper categorized only 16 black male victims of police shootings as “unarmed.” That classification masks assaults against officers and violent resistance to arrest.

there are over 30 million calls for police assistance per year--NOT counting traffic stops
divide over 30 MILLION by 233 = frequency

..PLUS blacks commit crimes/murder/sexual assault/HATE crimes at much higher rates
..PLUS as we see them committing crime/sexual assault/HATE crimes/murder at higher rates, this crosschecks that they resist arrest more/are more STUPID/etc
the cops are doing a good job at NOT SHOOTING blacks
etc etc etc
Perpetrators of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN
How did that dude get a job as a nurse? He looks like a crazy homeless man.

He empties bed pans and muscles around heavy objects when he's not scouting out his next rape. They got him on a DNA match....little doubt he's done it before...probably many times.
She is disabled. Incapacitated means you cant do shit. She can do things. Even her parents say so.

Hacienda Healthcare nurse charged with sexually assaulting woman in vegetative state who gave birth - CNN

"The victim's parents would like to make clear that their daughter is not in a coma," said the statement released to CNN by the attorney for the parents. "She has significant intellectual disabilities as a result of seizures very early in her childhood."
The woman does not speak but has some ability to move her limbs, head and neck. She also "responds to sound and is able to make facial gestures."
"She has feelings, likes to be read to, enjoys soft music and is capable of responding to people she is familiar with, especially family," the parents said.

She can’t give consent because she is out of it. Her parents said that she is handicap. He took advantage of that fact because she couldn’t scream out. So of course true to your color with more bullshit. Your trying to defend him. What if that was your daughter. Your dumbass being singing a different song. Get an education, then you can sit at the adult table.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
How am I defending him when I never said he didnt rape her you silly muppet? :rolleyes:

You are saying that she isn’t incapacitated. What your saying is that she New it was going on and was ok with it You arguing about words is sticking up for a moron piece of shot who probably bought his nursing license. Did you see his picture, as a matter of fact he resembles you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Dont try to tell me what I am saying just because you dont understand definitions. She isnt incapacitated if she can do things. She is limited in what she can do which is why they made up the word disabled. I already posted the definitions for you. I cant hold your hand just because you cant read. :rolleyes:
Asceplias, being in a vegetative state means she cannot do anything except open her eyes and no one can tell if she can even see. Incapacitated = vegetative state. Sorry.
So you finally agree she isnt either of your claims of vegetative or incapacitated right? She communicates with her parents and moves some of her body parts. She is disabled mentally and physically. Once again for the idiots.

"The victim's parents would like to make clear that their daughter is not in a coma," said the statement released to CNN by the attorney for the parents. "She has significant intellectual disabilities as a result of seizures very early in her childhood."
The woman does not speak but has some ability to move her limbs, head and neck. She also "responds to sound and is able to make facial gestures."
"She has feelings, likes to be read to, enjoys soft music and is capable of responding to people she is familiar with, especially family," the parents said.

Your words not mine.

"...being in a vegetative state means she cannot do anything except open her eyes.."
Vegetative State

A coma-like state characterized by open eyes and the appearance ofwakefulness is defined as vegetative.
The vegetative state is a chronic or long-term condition. This condition differsfrom a persistent vegetative state (PVS, a state of coma that lacks bothawareness and wakefulness) since patients have awakened from coma, butstill have not regained awareness. In the vegetative state patients can opentheir eyelids occasionally and demonstrate sleep-wake cycles. They alsocompletely lack cognitive function. The vegetative state is also called comavigil.

This isn't even fun any more, ASC. I'm feeling sorry for you. Not being aware of definitions and not understanding things does not make you an awful person. Just don't try to be something you are not. I think you are probably a fine person.
I know this isnt fun anymore. You must be a total idiot if you think her moving around communicating with her parents means she is vegetative. Get an adult to explain to you why the parents even say youre an idiot. :rolleyes:

See again you show your stupidity. Over and over. Her parents are the ones who said she is mentally disabled. You trying to make it sound like she is fine and threw her legs up for him. You need to learn how to read and we all know you have no idea of wrong and right.

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A lying negro leaps in with his usual jive....a negro who boasts of "play-raping" white women....go figure.
What can I say? White women love to engage in sexual fantasies. :rolleyes:
Interracial Rape Statistics -
Another researcher concludes that in 1989, blacks were three or four times more likely to commit rape than whites, and that black men raped white women thirty times as often as white men raped blackwomen.
You went all the way back to 1989? :laugh:

Look at the numbers now. They are even higher. You just can’t handle the truth.

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I dont have to look at the numbers now. I know whites commit the vast majority of rapes in the US.

In 2016 whites commited 12K rapes. Blacks 5K. I'm willing to bet about 2k were white women that got caught by their boyfriends or white fathers.

Table 21

Wrong again. Blacks have held that crown for 30 plus years.

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Asceplias, it is painful to watch you go on about things you are not sure about. I.m sure thre are topics that you are more knowledgable about. what have you donE in the past that you enjoyed?
While only 13% of the population in the USA is black:

93% of all black murder victims are murdered by another black

85% of all violent interracial crimes are committed by blacks

80% of all shootings are committed by blacks

79% of all robberies are committed by blacks

59% of all murders are committed by blacks

52% of all violent juvenile crimes are committed by blacks

49% of all murder victims are black

45% of all drug offenses are committed by blacks

42% of all cop killers are black

8% of America’s population are black men, yet they account for 40% of American’s total prison population.

99% of all major riots involving property damage, looting and civil disobedience are committed by blacks

Blacks commit 25 X more violent assaults against whites, than whites against blacks. 33% of all crime in America is committed by 3% of the population…

Blacks between the ages of 16 and 36 40% of all blacks are on welfare (US Census)

59% of blacks graduate high school (only 20% in Detroit)

60% of black households have no fathers present.

72% of black mothers are unwed, 72%…is it any wonder young black men don’t know how to act?

3 out of 4 black children have never had a stable, working, father…a man who is home every night, and helps with home work…no wonder black culture is so broken.

Dept. of Justice, FBI and USA Census website. Google "FBI table 49a" for crime stats by race

Nice. Let’s see how the moron answers this one.

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A lying negro leaps in with his usual jive....a negro who boasts of "play-raping" white women....go figure.
What can I say? White women love to engage in sexual fantasies. :rolleyes:

You have no proof and a disabled woman can’t give consent. He raped her. Your argument does not have one fact in it but that is normal with all your posts. You must have a guilty conscience because you are always on the defensive.

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Who said he didnt rape her? You must be triggered because youre all over the place. All I said was that white women like to play rape fantasies with Black men. I should know. Its happened to me quite often. :rolleyes:

Oh yeah I’m sure that’s what white woman want. Keep talking because the more you do the dumber you look. Your making an accusation not a fact. I can say black woman don’t get raped, the more kids they have the more welfare, food stamps and aid they get. See though mine is the truth.

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If you dont believe it why is there a sex cult started by white women specifically for Black men? :rolleyes:

More nonsense out of your mouth.

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Vegetative State

A coma-like state characterized by open eyes and the appearance ofwakefulness is defined as vegetative.
The vegetative state is a chronic or long-term condition. This condition differsfrom a persistent vegetative state (PVS, a state of coma that lacks bothawareness and wakefulness) since patients have awakened from coma, butstill have not regained awareness. In the vegetative state patients can opentheir eyelids occasionally and demonstrate sleep-wake cycles. They alsocompletely lack cognitive function. The vegetative state is also called comavigil.

This isn't even fun any more, ASC. I'm feeling sorry for you. Not being aware of definitions and not understanding things does not make you an awful person. Just don't try to be something you are not. I think you are probably a fine person.
I know this isnt fun anymore. You must be a total idiot if you think her moving around communicating with her parents means she is vegetative. Get an adult to explain to you why the parents even say youre an idiot. :rolleyes:

See again you show your stupidity. Over and over. Her parents are the ones who said she is mentally disabled. You trying to make it sound like she is fine and threw her legs up for him. You need to learn how to read and we all know you have no idea of wrong and right.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Mentally disabled is what I said as well. I agree with her parents. Show me where I said she was fine with it and then I will address your deflection. :rolleyes:
What can I say? White women love to engage in sexual fantasies. :rolleyes:

You have no proof and a disabled woman can’t give consent. He raped her. Your argument does not have one fact in it but that is normal with all your posts. You must have a guilty conscience because you are always on the defensive.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Who said he didnt rape her? You must be triggered because youre all over the place. All I said was that white women like to play rape fantasies with Black men. I should know. Its happened to me quite often. :rolleyes:

Oh yeah I’m sure that’s what white woman want. Keep talking because the more you do the dumber you look. Your making an accusation not a fact. I can say black woman don’t get raped, the more kids they have the more welfare, food stamps and aid they get. See though mine is the truth.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If you dont believe it why is there a sex cult started by white women specifically for Black men? :rolleyes:

More nonsense out of your mouth.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sorry white boy. :rolleyes:

The Queen of Spades subculture. Sexual freedom or slavish stereotype of women? - The Lobby

"Among young, mostly white females, there is a growing subculture known as Queen of Spades. It typically involves women getting a permanent or temporary tattoo on their bodies of a queen of spades symbol with the letter Q on it. It is usually kept hidden but when exposed it basically means that those women are looking for sex exclusively with black men at that moment. At a deeper level there is a philosophy behind this subculture that makes the women see themselves as "property" of black men. So it goes beyond just expressing a preference and into self-objectification. It also plays into the antiquated patriarchal notions of women being either the wife or the whore, but not a person with desires beyond pleasing men sexually and being "slaves" for large penises. Among themselves they speak of this interracial way of life in religious terms, using words like "converting other women" or "seeing the light"
Interracial Rape Statistics -
Another researcher concludes that in 1989, blacks were three or four times more likely to commit rape than whites, and that black men raped white women thirty times as often as white men raped blackwomen.
You went all the way back to 1989? :laugh:

Look at the numbers now. They are even higher. You just can’t handle the truth.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I dont have to look at the numbers now. I know whites commit the vast majority of rapes in the US.
YOU KNOW THAT STATEMENT OF YOURS IS EQUIVELANT OF A 6 YEAR old putting his hands over his ears AND YELLING, blah blah blah.

Just stop the madness and recover any dignity with which you had at the beginning of this conversation.

Here are the stats. Hopefully you can recover your dignity. :rolleyes:

Table 21

You hate the fact that your kind commits 80% of the crime. Also Hispanic is not white. Whites rarely rape.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You went all the way back to 1989? :laugh:

Look at the numbers now. They are even higher. You just can’t handle the truth.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I dont have to look at the numbers now. I know whites commit the vast majority of rapes in the US.
YOU KNOW THAT STATEMENT OF YOURS IS EQUIVELANT OF A 6 YEAR old putting his hands over his ears AND YELLING, blah blah blah.

Just stop the madness and recover any dignity with which you had at the beginning of this conversation.

Here are the stats. Hopefully you can recover your dignity. :rolleyes:

Table 21

You hate the fact that your kind commits 80% of the crime. Also Hispanic is not white. Whites rarely rape.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Whites commit the vast majority of crime. Its not even close. And thats even with white cops trying to arrest Blacks on purpose. Use the same link white boy. :rolleyes:

Table 21
She can’t give consent because she is out of it. Her parents said that she is handicap. He took advantage of that fact because she couldn’t scream out. So of course true to your color with more bullshit. Your trying to defend him. What if that was your daughter. Your dumbass being singing a different song. Get an education, then you can sit at the adult table.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
How am I defending him when I never said he didnt rape her you silly muppet? :rolleyes:

You are saying that she isn’t incapacitated. What your saying is that she New it was going on and was ok with it You arguing about words is sticking up for a moron piece of shot who probably bought his nursing license. Did you see his picture, as a matter of fact he resembles you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Dont try to tell me what I am saying just because you dont understand definitions. She isnt incapacitated if she can do things. She is limited in what she can do which is why they made up the word disabled. I already posted the definitions for you. I cant hold your hand just because you cant read. :rolleyes:
Asceplias, being in a vegetative state means she cannot do anything except open her eyes and no one can tell if she can even see. Incapacitated = vegetative state. Sorry.
So you finally agree she isnt either of your claims of vegetative or incapacitated right? She communicates with her parents and moves some of her body parts. She is disabled mentally and physically. Once again for the idiots.

"The victim's parents would like to make clear that their daughter is not in a coma," said the statement released to CNN by the attorney for the parents. "She has significant intellectual disabilities as a result of seizures very early in her childhood."
The woman does not speak but has some ability to move her limbs, head and neck. She also "responds to sound and is able to make facial gestures."
"She has feelings, likes to be read to, enjoys soft music and is capable of responding to people she is familiar with, especially family," the parents said.

Your words not mine.

"...being in a vegetative state means she cannot do anything except open her eyes.."
Sounds like very loving parents or they are hoping for a mighty big judgment saying that she might have been aware of the rape. The hospital will be paying more if they can get a jury to think she could feel something or be frightened. Sure they already have the attorney.

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