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Zone1 Black MAGAs are a clear and present danger

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Nope, the first step in dealing with our race problems is the throw the racists out of the room and all admit they are just awful people who shouldn't be in polite society.
THEN we can discuss the past injustices against people of color and how to correct them.
You can throw race realists out of the room. You cannot refute our arguments. At some level of consciousness you know that what we say is true.

Hostility to Jews and East Asians angers me. It is easy for me to document that most of them are intelligent people with low rates of crime and illegitimacy. Where is your documentation that says the same thing about your favorite minority?
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I have never known an East Asian I did not like. I have never known one who did not like me.
I'm sure they are too polite to tell you off.
You are the one who is expressing hatred here.
nope. You hate black people because one did something to you once. I hate you because you are a racist.
I am posting facts about average intractable racial differences.
No, guy, whatever crap you dug up on Stormfront aren't "Facts".
You attack me personally because you cannot refute my arguments.
No, I've more than refuted your so called arguments, I'm just moving on to mockery.
Grand Kleagle Hector strikes again.

You can throw race realists out of the room. You cannot refute our arguments. At some level of consciousness you know that what we say is true.

Sure we can... your arguments were racist garbage 150 years ago when they called it "social Darwinism", it was garbage 100 years ago when they called it "Eugenics".

Hostility to Jews and East Asians angers me.

Jews are a religion, not a race. A religion of people who have pretty much alienated people wherever they go with their attitude they are God's chosen people.

Doesn't really justify the Holocaust, or the Inquisition, or the Pogroms...

It is easy for me to document that most of them are intelligent people with low rates of crime and illegitimacy.

Again, it's easy to be moral with a full belly. Of course, you've had plenty of Jewish criminals (Bugsy Seagle, Meier Lansky, among others) when Jews were poor in this country. With Asians, you've had the Chinese Tongs, Japanese Yakuza, etc.

here is your documentation that says the same thing about your favorite minority?
again, you've passed, "how to lie with statistics".

If there is a higher crime rate in the black community, it is because they've been subjected to 400 years of economic oppression. And every once in a while, they get fed up with it, like they did three years ago, and people like you lose bowel control.
Grand Kleagle Hector strikes again.

Sure we can... your arguments were racist garbage 150 years ago when they called it "social Darwinism", it was garbage 100 years ago when they called it "Eugenics".

Jews are a religion, not a race. A religion of people who have pretty much alienated people wherever they go with their attitude they are God's chosen people.

Doesn't really justify the Holocaust, or the Inquisition, or the Pogroms...

Again, it's easy to be moral with a full belly. Of course, you've had plenty of Jewish criminals (Bugsy Seagle, Meier Lansky, among others) when Jews were poor in this country. With Asians, you've had the Chinese Tongs, Japanese Yakuza, etc.

again, you've passed, "how to lie with statistics".

If there is a higher crime rate in the black community, it is because they've been subjected to 400 years of economic oppression. And every once in a while, they get fed up with it, like they did three years ago, and people like you lose bowel control.
Oh lookie. The antisemite is complaining about someone else’s bigotry.
Grand Kleagle Hector strikes again.

Sure we can... your arguments were racist garbage 150 years ago when they called it "social Darwinism", it was garbage 100 years ago when they called it "Eugenics".

Jews are a religion, not a race. A religion of people who have pretty much alienated people wherever they go with their attitude they are God's chosen people.

Doesn't really justify the Holocaust, or the Inquisition, or the Pogroms...

Again, it's easy to be moral with a full belly. Of course, you've had plenty of Jewish criminals (Bugsy Seagle, Meier Lansky, among others) when Jews were poor in this country. With Asians, you've had the Chinese Tongs, Japanese Yakuza, etc.

again, you've passed, "how to lie with statistics".

If there is a higher crime rate in the black community, it is because they've been subjected to 400 years of economic oppression. And every once in a while, they get fed up with it, like they did three years ago, and people like you lose bowel control.

Here are the 10 countries with the highest homicide rates:

  1. El Salvador - 52.02 per 100k people
  2. Jamaica - 43.85 per 100k people
  3. Lesotho - 43.56 per 100k people
  4. Honduras - 38.93 per 100k people
  5. Belize - 37.79 per 100k people
  6. Venezuela - 36.69 per 100k people
  7. Saint Vincent And The Grenadines - 36.54 per 100k people
  8. South Africa - 36.40 per 100k people
  9. Saint Kitts And Nevis - 36.09 per 100k people
  10. Nigeria - 34.52 per 100k people

  11. Wherever there are a lot of blacks there is a lot of crime.
I'm sure they are too polite to tell you off.

nope. You hate black people because one did something to you once. I hate you because you are a racist.

No, guy, whatever crap you dug up on Stormfront aren't "Facts".

No, I've more than refuted your so called arguments, I'm just moving on to mockery.
When have I ever quoted stormfront?

I have quoted the United States Department of Justice.

and Jesse Jackson.


You have never refuted anything I have said. Mockery is all you have.

You claim that my opinions are based on hatred, but you admit that you hate those you consider to be racists. Your definition of racist is so broad that you had a vast segment of the population of the Unite States and the world.
Oh lookie. The antisemite is complaining about someone else’s bigotry.

Your backward superstitions are not a race.... You are just as white as I am. Probably whiter, because I have just a smidge of Native American in my tree. If you've been paying attention, I mock nearly ALL religion, just not yours. Yours is a particularly bad flavor of messed up, though. It's why the other awful white people keep trying to kill you.

Here are the 10 countries with the highest homicide rates:

Yes, Countries that are poor. (And not all of them are "black")

Poverty equals crime. Always.

The real problem is that there is no reason for us to have poverty in this country. We have the resources to end it. We just refuse to do it.
Your backward superstitions are not a race.... You are just as white as I am. Probably whiter, because I have just a smidge of Native American in my tree. If you've been paying attention, I mock nearly ALL religion, just not yours. Yours is a particularly bad flavor of messed up, though. It's why the other awful white people keep trying to kill you.

Yes, Countries that are poor. (And not all of them are "black")

Poverty equals crime. Always.

The real problem is that there is no reason for us to have poverty in this country. We have the resources to end it. We just refuse to do it.
There will always be poor. There will always be those whether through their own laziness or through mental issues, they will not be productive citizens. The "We" in your statement should rather be, "Some" refuse to take advantage of the opportunities that this country offers. My statement is bit of an oversimplification, as there are cultural issues plaguing the poor communities of all races. White trailer trash, urban black communities, all reproduce and recreate generational habits that live within the rules of poverty. HOWEVER, there are success stories that have come out of those situations, if the individual chooses.

The steps to correct poverty is through reinforcement of the family, education that produces productive societal roles and jobs that create needed skills, and financial stewardship.
Yes, Countries that are poor. (And not all of them are "black")

Poverty equals crime. Always.

The real problem is that there is no reason for us to have poverty in this country. We have the resources to end it. We just refuse to do it.
I have lived with poor Vietnamese war refugees. They were good people. I was safe.


Poverty and Crime

The notion that economic deprivation necessarily leads to lawlessness is widely believed but is not supported by empirical evidence. Human history is replete with examples of impoverished people who have endured extreme poverty without descending into criminal activity. During the 1960s, for instance, the residents of San Francisco’s Chinatown were among America’s poorest people—with the most unemployment, the worst housing conditions, the least education, and the highest rate of tuberculosis in their city. Yet despite such hardships, only five people of Chinese ancestry went to jail in the entire state of California in 1965.[1]

Similarly, Jewish immigrants to America during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries also repudiated criminality despite having to face extreme economic deprivation. Historian Max Dimont describes them:

“The majority of these immigrants had arrived penniless, all their worldly belongings wrapped in a bundle…. Most of [them] arrived in New York. Some made their way into other cities,… but the majority remained in New York, settling in the Lower East Side of Manhattan, [which was] a neighborhood of the poor. Sociologists, with their impressive charts showing the number of toilets (or lack of the), the number of people per room, the low per capita income, paint a dismal picture of the Lower East Side Jewish slum. But their charts do not capture its uniqueness. Though it bred tuberculosis and rheumatism, it did not breed crime and venereal disease. It did not spawn illiteracy, illegitimate children, or deserted wives. Library cards were in constant use.”[2]

  1. James Q. Wilson and Richard Herrnstein, Crime and Human Nature (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1985), p. 473.
  2. Max I. Dimont, Jews, God, and History (New York: Penguin USA, 1994), pp. 373-374. (This book was originally published in 1962.)


Crime does not come from poverty. It comes from the evil in the heart of the criminal.
There will always be poor. There will always be those whether through their own laziness or through mental issues, they will not be productive citizens. The "We" in your statement should rather be, "Some" refuse to take advantage of the opportunities that this country offers. My statement is bit of an oversimplification, as there are cultural issues plaguing the poor communities of all races. White trailer trash, urban black communities, all reproduce and recreate generational habits that live within the rules of poverty. HOWEVER, there are success stories that have come out of those situations, if the individual chooses.

The steps to correct poverty is through reinforcement of the family, education that produces productive societal roles and jobs that create needed skills, and financial stewardship.

I thought you weren't talking to me.

Anyway, why should a human being's value be entirely based on their willingness to slave away making someone else rich?

Here's the thing. Up until fairly recently, you could be an uneducated and unmotivated individual and still get a decent, low skill job that paid enough to put food on the table. As much as you and Lisa and Grand Kleagle Hector whine about "Lazy black people in the inner cities", the reality is that their ancestors came to those cities for a good reason. There were good paying industrial jobs that were a lot better than the jobs they had down in the South picking cotton.

The other touch of irony is that the German, Irish, Italians, Polish also came for those jobs. But the difference is when those jobs disappeared, their kids could get more serious consideration for the jobs that replaced them in service and technical industries.
I have lived with poor Vietnamese war refugees. They were good people. I was safe.
naw, it was the "walked two miles at night" part I found incredible, Grand Kleagle.

And sorry, Jews and Chinese people never suffered what black people did. They weren't slaves. There were never any laws on the books to keep them from marrying white people. (True, the miscengation laws applied to the Chinese, but were rarely enforced against them.)

I'm not sure why you think your racism is virtuous because you exempt East Asians and Jews. (At least you aren't saying "Oriental" anymore, I guess that's an improvement, but then you have to ask what you have against South Asians.)
naw, it was the "walked two miles at night" part I found incredible, Grand Kleagle.

And sorry, Jews and Chinese people never suffered what black people did. They weren't slaves. There were never any laws on the books to keep them from marrying white people. (True, the miscengation laws applied to the Chinese, but were rarely enforced against them.)

I'm not sure why you think your racism is virtuous because you exempt East Asians and Jews. (At least you aren't saying "Oriental" anymore, I guess that's an improvement, but then you have to ask what you have against South Asians.)
What happened to Negroes in the past does not explain, and it certainly does not justify why they tend to be quite a bit less intelligent than Orientals, and why they have higher rates of crime and illegitimacy.

Durable racial differences are the result of evolving for thousands of years in response to different population pressures. That is why whites of European descent and Orientals have created the most advanced civilizations.
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Your backward superstitions are not a race.... You are just as white as I am. Probably whiter, because I have just a smidge of Native American in my tree. If you've been paying attention, I mock nearly ALL religion, just not yours. Yours is a particularly bad flavor of messed up, though. It's why the other awful white people keep trying to kill you.

Yes, Countries that are poor. (And not all of them are "black")

Poverty equals crime. Always.

The real problem is that there is no reason for us to have poverty in this country. We have the resources to end it. We just refuse to do it.

As you know, we have created LOTS of reasons for poverty. Since FDR we have chosen to reward bad behavior and punish good behavior. What else can we expect?
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naw, it was the "walked two miles at night" part I found incredible, Grand Kleagle.

And sorry, Jews and Chinese people never suffered what black people did. They weren't slaves. There were never any laws on the books to keep them from marrying white people. (True, the miscengation laws applied to the Chinese, but were rarely enforced against them.)

No, there were just laws that had them rounded up into cattle cars, and then stripped naked for their last minutes of humiliation, and then crammed into a gas chamber and suffocated to death.

So NOOOOO…..Jews haven’t suffered like blacks have, because they were never slaves! (Actually, they were.)

You‘re just mad because the minority most persecuted over millennia, and throughout the world, manage to overcome it and rise to being above average. Kills the whole “prejudice holds you back” narrative you Democrats keep pushing.
What happened to Negroes in the past does not explain, and it certainly does not justify why they tend to be quite a bit less intelligent than Orientals, and why they have higher rates of crime and illegitimacy.

Durable racial differences are the result of evolving for thousands of years in response to different population pressures. That is why whites of European descent and Orientals have created the most advanced civilizations.

Um, yeah, Germany had the most "advanced" civilization in Europe, and they STILL did horrible things to the rest of the world I'm not sure what your point is here, that if you are the first group to get to the lethal technology and you abuse the other groups, that somehow constitutes virtue.

But 400 years of slavery and unequal treatment will have an effect.

As you know, we have created LOTS of reasons for poverty. Since FDR we have chosen to reward bad behavior and punish good behavior. What else can we expect?

um, before FDR, 70% of the population lived below the poverty line. today, that number is only 13% (Still too many).

We reached our pinaccle by the 1960's... Then Republicans started chipping away at the New Deal and other attempts to level the playing field.

No, there were just laws that had them rounded up into cattle cars, and then stripped naked for their last minutes of humiliation, and then crammed into a gas chamber and suffocated to death.

That didn't happen in this country. Let's stick to this country, shall we.

You‘re just mad because the minority most persecuted over millennia, and throughout the world, manage to overcome it and rise to being above average. Kills the whole “prejudice holds you back” narrative you Democrats keep pushing.

Uh, you can't call yourself a minority if you have to self-identify.

For instance, a crazy person kicks in the door to a crowded room, and screams, "I'm here to kill all the blacks", he's not going to have any problem finding the blacks.

A crazy person kicks in the door and screams, "I'm here to kill all the Jews," I'm pretty sure that you are all going to keep your mouths shut.

It's not really oppression if you can pass for the majority group any time it's convenient to you...
naw, it was the "walked two miles at night" part I found incredible, Grand Kleagle.

And sorry, Jews and Chinese people never suffered what black people did. They weren't slaves. There were never any laws on the books to keep them from marrying white people. (True, the miscengation laws applied to the Chinese, but were rarely enforced against them.)

I'm not sure why you think your racism is virtuous because you exempt East Asians and Jews. (At least you aren't saying "Oriental" anymore, I guess that's an improvement, but then you have to ask what you have against South Asians.)
Um, yeah, Germany had the most "advanced" civilization in Europe, and they STILL did horrible things to the rest of the world I'm not sure what your point is here, that if you are the first group to get to the lethal technology and you abuse the other groups, that somehow constitutes virtue.

But 400 years of slavery and unequal treatment will have an effect.
The effect of living in an incomparably superior civilization to anything they have created on their own is the reason American Negroes are more affluent and in better health than Negroes in black run, black majority countries in Africa and the Caribbean.

We are not pushing those people down. We are lifting them up. Their weight is getting hard to bare.

If there were virtually Negroes in the United States our crime rate would be much lower. The cost of our criminal justice system and our welfare system would be much lower. The downtown areas of our inner cities would not dangerous slums. They would be centers of civilization.
The effect of living in an incomparably superior civilization to anything they have created on their own is the reason American Negroes are more affluent and in better health than Negroes in black run, black majority countries in Africa and the Caribbean.

Oh, stop already.

Let's be blunt, human beings - Homo Sapiens Sapiens, has existed for at least 350,000 years.

For most of that time, a H. Sapiens living in Europe was no different than one living in Africa or Asia as hunter-gatherers.

6000 years ago, some H. Sapiens discovered agriculture was more reliable than hunting and gathering. But it wasn't your beloved white people who got there first, it was brown people in Egypt and Mesopotamia and the Indus and Yangtze valleys. Not because they were genetically superior, just they were living close to rivers.

White people have only been on "top" of the pecking order for about 500 years or so.

We are not pushing those people down. We are lifting them up. Their weight is getting hard to bare.

Pictured, Grand Kleagle Hector's idea of "lifting people up".

If there were virtually Negroes in the United States our crime rate would be much lower. The cost of our criminal justice system and our welfare system would be much lower. The downtown areas of our inner cities would not dangerous slums. They would be centers of civilization.

Wow, Jamal did a number on you, didn't he?

Our criminal justice system is merely an extension of slavery. You need to look up "Debt Peonage" and its role in the evolution of the Prison Industrial Complex. Other countries don't have our problems because they never saw the Criminal "Justice" system as a tool to keep people down. It's why most other G-7 countries lock up very few people, because they don't have a self-replicating School to Prison pipeline.
Black MAGAs are a clear and present danger


As the American conservative movement has morphed from racist dog whistles and white-grievance politics to full-blown fascism and white nationalism, Black MAGAs have enlisted as soldiers in the war against civil rights, voting rights, liberal democracy and racial justice. Unable to achieve their unpopular and toxic policies through the ballot box, MAGA intends to bring about their goals through white nationalist minority rule. And Black MAGAs are eager to oblige.

Lacking principles, these Black white nationalists say and do anything to please Trump, Trumpism and the white supremacist base. Never speaking ill of white folks, Black MAGAs will blame the Black community for anything and everything, never stand up for Black people, never help us and always throw us under the bus. They lack self-respect and scruples. However, they do collect a paycheck, which they will enjoy until such time as they are rendered useless and their services are no longer needed.

All skinfolk ain't kinfolk.

We as blacks are taught this as children. Basically it means just don't take sides with someone only because they are black. This is what makes the right wing claims of my racism laughable. And it is why we can oppose black MAGA sellouts. And it's funny that only a certain type of white individual hails these deplorables as independent thinkers.
To racist, Affirmative Action, reparations, Promise Program black privilege supporting blacks. Yup.
And those black MAGAs are > making America great again.
Certain states insisted on the right to keep slaves. When the seceded over it, a war was fought, they lost, they created Jim Crowe, and bitterly and violently opposed civil rights. Political parties represent the will of their voters. The Democrat party was split north and south on the issue of slavery. Blaming it on political parties rather than people behind them, in the states they represent is both dishonest and an attempt to self-righteously absolve the people and attitudes of the states they represented who voted them into power. It's understandable, given those states are now dominated by the Republican Party while the anti-slavery states are now dominated by the Democrat party.

I do agree that Democrats both expect and take the support of Blacks for granted. Yet look at the Republicans and religious voting block. Not much different.
But Hispanics are strongly Christian (most Catholic), and they have been mostly Democrat (although switching exponetially to Republican now, as Democrats get crazy about LGBT and crime/riots)

Also bad on inflation.
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