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Zone1 Black MAGAs are a clear and present danger

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Oh, stop already.

Let's be blunt, human beings - Homo Sapiens Sapiens, has existed for at least 350,000 years.

For most of that time, a H. Sapiens living in Europe was no different than one living in Africa or Asia as hunter-gatherers.

6000 years ago, some H. Sapiens discovered agriculture was more reliable than hunting and gathering. But it wasn't your beloved white people who got there first, it was brown people in Egypt and Mesopotamia and the Indus and Yangtze valleys. Not because they were genetically superior, just they were living close to rivers.

Once agriculture develops it begins to have different evolutionary pressures than a Paleolithic existence. People need to plan ahead for at least a year. They must defer gratification. No matter how hungry they get they cannot eat the grain for nest spring's planting season. They cannot butcher and eat all of their farm animals.

What Paleolithic hunters could not eat spoiled. There was no reason to defer gratification.

Agriculture began in the Fertile Crescent among Caucasians about eleven thousand years ago. The Bantu only adopted it about four thousand years ago.

This explains why, when blacks and whites earn the same amount of money, whites are more likely to save money; blacks are more likely to go into debt.

Civilization exerts even more selective pressure for intelligence. Intelligent men tend to become prosperous. Until fairly recently they tended to have more children who survived and reproduced.

Pictured, Grand Kleagle Hector's idea of "lifting people up".
If white civilization is so terrible, why are so many African Negroes moving to Europe? Why did the vast majority of American Negroes refuse to move to Africa after they were freed from slavery? Quite a few whites were eagar to pay their moving expenses.
If white civilization is so terrible, why are so many African Negroes moving to Europe? Why did the vast majority of American Negroes refuse to move to Africa after they were freed from slavery? Quite a few whites were eagar to pay their moving expenses.
Their plans for playing politicians, were already in motion.
Oh, stop already.

Let's be blunt, human beings - Homo Sapiens Sapiens, has existed for at least 350,000 years.

For most of that time, a H. Sapiens living in Europe was no different than one living in Africa or Asia as hunter-gatherers.

6000 years ago, some H. Sapiens discovered agriculture was more reliable than hunting and gathering. But it wasn't your beloved white people who got there first, it was brown people in Egypt and Mesopotamia and the Indus and Yangtze valleys. Not because they were genetically superior, just they were living close to rivers.

White people have only been on "top" of the pecking order for about 500 years or so.


Our criminal justice system is merely an extension of slavery. You need to look up "Debt Peonage" and its role in the evolution of the Prison Industrial Complex. Other countries don't have our problems because they never saw the Criminal "Justice" system as a tool to keep people down. It's why most other G-7 countries lock up very few people, because they don't have a self-replicating School to Prison pipeline.
Other affluent democracies have lower crime rates because they have lower Negro populations.

Where is their a country on earth where Negroes are characterized by intelligence, obedience to the law and monogamy, the way Orientals are? . When has such a country ever existed?
Agriculture began in the Fertile Crescent among Caucasians about eleven thousand years ago. The Bantu only adopted it about four thousand years ago.

That we know of. The fact is, we know very little of most of what happened before 6000 years ago, that's the only period we have records for.

For instance, we believed for a long time that Cats were domesticated in Egypt. Then they found a grave in Cyprus from 9000 years ago where a child was buried with a cat.

But you missed the point entirely about civilization.

The cold regions of Europe didn't become "civilized" until the Middle Ages. Before that the civilized, less white people of Rome, Egypt and Greece considered them "Barbarians". And that might not have happened if it hadn't been for the Medieval Warm Period.

If white civilization is so terrible, why are so many African Negroes moving to Europe?

They are probably looking for all the stuff Europeans stole.

Why did the fast majority of American Negroes decline to move to Africa after they were freed from slavery?

You mean why did they refuse to be resettled after breaking their backs making white people rich?
Actually, the vast majority were never given the opportunity, which is probably a good thing, considering what a social disaster Liberia still is. The problem being that the blacks we resettled their started acting like White people... generally awful to the native population.

Other affluent democracies have lower crime rates because they have lower Negro populations.

Where is their a country on earth where blacks are characterized by intelligence, obedience to the law and monogamy. When has such a country ever existed?

What is your obsession with Monogamy? (Because I'll be darned, you haven't mentioned a Mrs. Hector or any little Hectors, so I doubt they exist.)

The Europeans and Japanese have less crime because.

1) They haven't turned Incarceration into a for-profit business.
2) They have extensive poverty relief programs that make ours look pale by comparison.
3) They don't let the average citizen own a gun.
4) They treat addiction as a medical problem, not a criminal one.
5) They don't let the mentally ill wander the streets.

The French and British have extensive black populations as a result of their colonial days... but they have nowhere near our problems with race relations. Heck, the British just made a man of color Prime Minister. And people didn't freak out about it the way your side did when Obama got elected.
The cold regions of Europe didn't become "civilized" until the Middle Ages. Before that the civilized, less white people of Rome, Egypt and Greece considered them "Barbarians". And that might not have happened if it hadn't been for the Medieval Warm Period.

Cold climates also select genetically for intelligence. People living in cold climates need to be able to build warm houses and clothes for the winter months. They need to store food.
They are probably looking for all the stuff Europeans stole.
European colonialists built hospitals, schools, electric power plants and water purification plants in the African colonies they ruled. These are collapsing since independence.
You mean why did they refuse to be resettled after breaking their backs making white people rich?
Actually, the vast majority were never given the opportunity, which is probably a good thing, considering what a social disaster Liberia still is. The problem being that the blacks we resettled their started acting like White people... generally awful to the native population.
Slavery only benefited the fairly small minority of whites who could afford to own slaves. In 1860 a healthy, young male slave might cost a thousand dollars. To give an idea of what that was worth, a private in the Union Army during the Civil war earned thirteen dollars a month.

In the South family farms could not compete with plantations. Nearly every trade or profession paid less in slave states than in free states. In the 1850's the vast majority of European immigrants moved to the free states because that is where the economic opportunities are.

The South has always been the economic backwater of the United States. The industrial revolution happened in the North. The computer revolution is happening on the west coast.
What is your obsession with Monogamy?
Poverty and Crime

In modern America, the correlation between high crime rates and poverty has a great deal to do with the proliferation of single-parent, father-absent households. According to the U.S Census, in 2008 the poverty rate for single parents with children was 35.6%; the rate for married couples with children was 6.4%. For white families in particular, the corresponding two-parent and single-parent poverty rates were 21.7% and 3.1%, respectively. For Hispanics, the figures were 37.5% and 12.8%, and for blacks, 35.3% and 6.9%. According to Robert Rector, a senior research fellow with the Heritage Foundation, “the absence of marriage increases the frequency of child poverty 700 percent” and thus constitutes the single most reliable predictor of a self-perpetuating underclass.

Children in single-parent households are burdened not only with profound economic disadvantages, but are also far likelier to eventually get into trouble with the law. As a Heritage Foundation analysis notes, youngsters raised by single parents, as compared to those who grow up in intact married homes, are much more likely to be physically abused; to be treated for emotional and behavioral disorders; to smoke, drink, and use drugs; to behave aggressively and violently; to engage in criminal activity; and to be arrested for a juvenile crime. According to the National Fatherhood Initiative, 60% of rapists, 72% of adolescent murderers, and 70% of long-term prison inmates are men who grew up in fatherless homes.

I may not be of direct African descent. But I’m thrilled that we had fighting forces like the 54th regiment. And like the Tuskegee Airmen.

Why would anyone denigrate them?
I may not be of direct African descent. But I’m thrilled that we had fighting forces like the 54th regiment. And like the Tuskegee Airmen.

Why would anyone denigrate them?
Ask a member of Black Lives Matter. While you are at it, ask:

"If black lives matter, why do so many black men kill other blacks? Why do so few black men marry the mothers of their children and raise those children properly?"
Ask a member of Black Lives Matter. While you are at it, ask:

"If black lives matter, why do so many black men kill other blacks? Why do so few black men marry the mothers of their children and raise those children properly?"
There is some truth in your questions.
The monument actually has an interesting history:

And it has been vandalized before sadly:
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Other affluent democracies have lower crime rates because they have lower Negro populations.

Where is there a country on earth where Negroes are characterized by intelligence, obedience to the law and monogamy, the way Orientals are? . When has such a country ever existed?

By “characterized” are you referring to racist stereotypes?

Here is some interesting data to chew on….monogamy vs. promiscuity.

The ten most promiscuous countries:
  1. Finland - 50.50
  2. New Zealand - 47.69
  3. Slovenia - 46.26
  4. Lithuania - 46.10
  5. Austria - 45.73
  6. Latvia - 43.93
  7. Croatia - 42.98
  8. Israel - 40.95
  9. Bolivia - 40.9
  10. Argentina - 40.74

Among the 10 least promiscious (and likely monogamous) are Botswana, Ethiopia, and Zimbabwe (all African).

Your frequent references to inherent differences in monogamy based on race doesn’t hold up.
Um, yeah, Germany had the most "advanced" civilization in Europe, and they STILL did horrible things to the rest of the world I'm not sure what your point is here, that if you are the first group to get to the lethal technology and you abuse the other groups, that somehow constitutes virtue.

But 400 years of slavery and unequal treatment will have an effect.

um, before FDR, 70% of the population lived below the poverty line. today, that number is only 13% (Still too many).

We reached our pinaccle by the 1960's... Then Republicans started chipping away at the New Deal and other attempts to level the playing field.

That didn't happen in this country. Let's stick to this country, shall we.

Uh, you can't call yourself a minority if you have to self-identify.

For instance, a crazy person kicks in the door to a crowded room, and screams, "I'm here to kill all the blacks", he's not going to have any problem finding the blacks.

A crazy person kicks in the door and screams, "I'm here to kill all the Jews," I'm pretty sure that you are all going to keep your mouths shut.

It's not really oppression if you can pass for the majority group any time it's convenient to you...
Most of those poor people were subsistence farmers.
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