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Zone1 Black MAGAs are a clear and present danger

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No, he's a sad ass Uncle Tom telling white people what they want to hear.

Any black man who quotes a Nazi like Charles Murray like he's an authority really has no business being taken seriously.
Calling Charles Murray a Nazi is an example of the guilt by association fallacy.
In this case, which you take that quote of context, was that he was trying to address how his community needs to do more about crime, which you racists have turned around to validate your racism, because of course you do.
Are you claiming that the Reverend Jesse Jackson is mistaken about the high crime rates found in black neighborhoods?
No, he's a sad ass Uncle Tom telling white people what they want to hear.

Any black man who quotes a Nazi like Charles Murray like he's an authority really has no business being taken seriously.
If you didn't read the article, how did you know it quoted Conservative Charles Murray? Calling him a Nazi is goofy too but then you know who you are.

Again, meaningless.

Black people have kids out of wedlock because weddings are expensive. White people get married, have kids and get divorced. The real question here is why do we cling to outdated institutions that most of us don't follow anymore.
That's bullshit. My civil wedding cost under a hundred dollars.
My point is that weddings do not have to be expensive at all.

Wow, now I know you've never been married.

Calling Dan Quayle a moron is an example of name calling. Name calling is the lowest form of discourse. If you read the two articles I posted you read excellent evidence that Dan Quayle was right.

Dan Quayle couldn't spell "Potato". That's how much of a moron Dan Quayle was.

Your insults, name calling, and obscene words do not refute truths you hate,

The only thing I hate is that because we are a free country, people like you aren't carted off to re-education camps.

Most other countries would lock people like you up until you got your head straight.

Calling him a Nazi is goofy too but then you know who you are.
Actually, Murray repeats the same kind of racist garbage the Nazis did... except today we know the Nazis were operating under scientific fallacies.

That's bullshit. My civil wedding cost under a hundred dollars.

That's actually kind of sad.

I'm getting married this year, and I am going out of my way to keep it simple and cheap (because my bride and I are in our sixties and want to save for retirement), and I'm still having to outlay thousands of dollars.
I think Jesse Jackson is a two-bit hustler and has been since he shook down Anhauser Busch to get beer distributorships for his useless sons.

I'm old enough to remember when he used to brag about spitting in white people's soup and serving it with a smile.

I was six years old when he flew up to Chicago wearing a bloody shirt after MLK was killed and incited a riot.

It sickens me that this man was ever given a perch of moral authority in this country. Save us from malignant narcissists no matter what their color or politics are.

In this case, which you take that quote of context, was that he was trying to address how his community needs to do more about crime, which you racists have turned around to validate your racism, because of course you do.
Actually, Murray repeats the same kind of racist garbage the Nazis did... except today we know the Nazis were operating under scientific fallacies.

That's actually kind of sad.

I'm getting married this year, and I am going out of my way to keep it simple and cheap (because my bride and I are in our sixties and want to save for retirement), and I'm still having to outlay thousands of dollars.
It's not sad at all. It was the second time around for both my wife and I and we wanted a simple wedding. No guests, no presents, nothing. A couple of weeks later we threw a BBQ for our friends to introduce the two groups of friends.
The only thing I hate is that because we are a free country, people like you aren't carted off to re-education camps.
You long for the force to silence me. You have fantasies about me being beaten up, or silenced in a totalitarian indoctrination camp.

People of your persuasion have the force. People of my persuasion have the facts. Eventually our facts will prevail. The truth about intrinsic differences in the various races cannot be hidden for long.

This resembles the conflict between Copernicus and Galileo on one hand, and the Italian Inquisition on the other. Eventually Copernicus and Galileo prevailed. The Italian Inquisition crept away in embarrass silence.

There is an important difference. The heliocentric theory is counter intuitive. Everyone can see that the sun revolves around the earth every day. I have read that one of five Americans still thinks so.

The assertions of race realism are not counter intuitive. Anyone with extensive experience with the three major races knows that Orientals, whites, and Negroes differ significantly in average intelligence, and in the tendency to commit crimes and to have illegitimate children.

Gene alleles are being discovered that influence intelligence and criminal behavior. I look forward to more genetic research. I am sure you would like to suppress it.

It has only been since the revelations of the Holocaust that it became fashionable to lie about racial differences, and dangerous to tell the truth. The Nazi effort to exterminate the race that is the most intelligent on the average led to the delusion that there are no races that are unintelligent on the average.
They could not re-educate us because our opinions are based on facts.

Sure they can. The fact you hide behind a screen name to spew your garbage says it all.

You long for the force to silence me. You have fantasies about me being beaten up, or silenced in a totalitarian indoctrination camp.

Works for me. I'd also like to send members of NAMBLA, anti-Vaxxers and other assorted dangerous crazies there.

This resembles the conflict between Copernicus and Galileo on one hand, and the Italian Inquisition on the other. Eventually Copernicus and Galileo prevailed. The Italian Inquisition crept away in embarrass silence.

Wow, guy, you are pretty ignorant of history. Copernicus never got in trouble with the Church, he was in fact, a Catholic Priest who was commissioned by the Church to figure out why they kept having to fix the calendars. He published his findings, and the Church was pretty much fine with them. What got Galileo in trouble was that he said that the Heliocentric model disproved the Bible. (Which of course, it does.) And the Church bent over backwards to work with him before forcing him to recant.

The assertions of race realism are not counter intuitive. Anyone with extensive experience with the three major races knows that Orientals, whites, and Negroes differ significantly in average intelligence, and in the tendency to commit crimes and to have illegitimate children.

Well, you see, this is where you are off course. First, race is largely a social construct more than a biological one.
Secondly, culture has little to do with race.
For instance, in France, where the population is predominately white, nearly 60% of children are born out of wedlock now. They have decided that marriage just isn't that important as an institution. And of course, no child is "illegitimate"... that's an outdated notion that gives the male way too much credit for his role in child-rearing.

The problem with your "illegitimacy" argument is that you think unmarried means fatherless. It simply doesn't. It just means that they are less likely to go through the social custom of signing away half your property for sex.

First, honest debate about us should start by admitting that the majority of Black dads — about 2.5 million of around 4.2 million — live with their children. And, of fathers who live with their children, Black fathers are the most involved.

I am a father of four children; three boys and a girl. I have been intentional about not only raising them, but protecting their freedom and joy. I want them to grow up in a world where they see possibilities, not limitations. My presence in their life doesn’t make me an exception. Many of the Black men I know are active, engaged and connected to their children.

That’s our norm. See us.

Second, fathers who do not live with their children are not necessarily disengaged from their lives. There are many factors to take into account before filing a missing person report

Gene alleles are being discovered that influence intelligence and criminal behavior. I look forward to more genetic research. I am sure you would like to suppress it.

It has only been since the revelations of the Holocaust that it became fashionable to lie about racial differences, and dangerous to tell the truth. The Nazi effort to exterminate the race that is the most intelligent on the average led to the delusion that there are no races that are unintelligent on the average.

Um, yeah, damned right I would suppress such psudeo-science.
Your average Nazi could point to a whole raft of books "proving" the genetic inferiority of the Jew.
Your average NAMBLA member could point to studies proving sex with adults is good for kids.
Creationists can point to studies proving humans and Dinosaurs co-existed.
Your average Anti-Vaxxers have FILLED the internet with claims that Vaccines cause all sorts of harm.

Bad science needs to be suppressed.

The real problem is that you think that you are the first person to use fake science to rationalize your racism. It's actually a story as old as Darwin. Whether you call it Social Darwinism or Eugenics or Race Realism, it's the same old garbage- Awful White people trying to make themselves feel better about racism and their bad behavior.
Wow, guy, you are pretty ignorant of history. Copernicus never got in trouble with the Church, he was in fact, a Catholic Priest who was commissioned by the Church to figure out why they kept having to fix the calendars. He published his findings, and the Church was pretty much fine with them. What got Galileo in trouble was that he said that the Heliocentric model disproved the Bible. (Which of course, it does.) And the Church bent over backwards to work with him before forcing him to recant.
Copernicus was tolerated because his writings were too complex for most people to understand. Galileo was persecuted because anyone who could obtain a telescope could prove Copernicus' theories.
Well, you see, this is where you are off course. First, race is largely a social construct more than a biological one.
Secondly, culture has little to do with race.
"The Inequality Taboo," by Charles Murray, Commentary, September 2005

The Harvard geneticist Richard Lewontin originated the idea of race as a social construct in 1972, arguing that the genetic differences across races were so trivial that no scientist working exclusively with genetic data would sort people into hlacks, whites, or Asians. In his words, "racial classification is now seen to be of virtually no genetic or taxonomic significance."

Lewontin's position, which quickly became a tenet of political correctness, carried with it a potential means of being falsified. If he was correct, then a statistical analysis of genetic markers would not produce clusters corresponding to common racial labels.

In the last few years, that test has become feasible, and now we know that Lewontin was wrong.

Several analyses have confirmed the genetic reality of group identities going under the label of race or ethnicity. In the most recent, published this year, all but five ofthe 3,636 subjects fell into the cluster of genetic markers corresponding to their selfidentified ethnic group.

When a statistical procedure, blind to physical characteristics and working exclusively with genedc information, classifies 99.9 percent of the individuals in a large sample in the same way they classify themselves, it is hard to argue that race is imaginary.

I wish Charles Murray had identified the experiment. Nevertheless, this is a good experiment because it is double blind, and it is repeatable.

Once we acknowledge that race is a biological classification, it becomes legitimate to see how Orientals, whites, and Negroes differ in average intelligence and rates of crime and illegitimacy.
Works for me. I'd also like to send members of NAMBLA, anti-Vaxxers and other assorted dangerous crazies there.
I have taken the vacine against COVID-19, and I have practiced social distancing. Nevertheless, tens of millions of Americans have refused. I do not think you can find room for them in your totalitarian indoctrination camps.

For instance, in France, where the population is predominately white, nearly 60% of children are born out of wedlock now. They have decided that marriage just isn't that important as an institution. And of course, no child is "illegitimate"... that's an outdated notion that gives the male way too much credit for his role in child-rearing.
The articles I found in the Atlantic and The Washington Post respond to your argument and refute it.
Um, yeah, damned right I would suppress such psudeo-science.
Would you suppress scientific findings like this?

Mensa International

Professor Sir Cyril Burt, former Mensa World President and one of the world's leading psychologists at the time, is famous for his twin studies, in which he discovered that the correlation between the IQs of identical twins reared apart was an enormous 0.77, which almost irrefutably supports a large genetic influence on IQ. Burt’s result was heavily attacked for decades - until it was confirmed in 1990 by the University of Minnesota, which had conducted an even more detailed study and found the correlation to be 0.78.

MIT Technology Review,

DNA tests for IQ are coming, but it might not be smart to take one, April 2, 2018​

Scientists have linked hundreds of genes to intelligence. One psychologist says it’s time to test school kids...
A year ago, no gene had ever been tied to performance on an IQ test. Since then, more than 500 have, thanks to gene studies involving more than 200,000 test takers. Results from an experiment correlating one million people’s DNA with their academic success are due at any time.
Your average Nazi could point to a whole raft of books "proving" the genetic inferiority of the Jew.
The Nazis never claimed that the Jews were of lower than average intelligence. The following passages have been taken from Mein Kampf. Volume I:

While thus examining the working of the Jewish race over long periods of history, the anxious question suddenly occurred to me, whether operhaps inscrutable Destiny, for reasons unknown to us poor mortals, had not unalterably decree the final victory of this little race. Chapter II, "Years of Study and Suffering"

Also, the intellectual abilities were schooled in the course of centuries. Today the Jew is known as 'clever' and in a certain sense he has been so at all times. Chapter XI, "Nation and Race,"
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Bad science needs to be suppressed.
False science can be disproved, using the scientific method. Those who try to suppress the scientific assertions of race realism expose the fear that those assertions cannot be disproved.
False science can be disproved, using the scientific method. Those who try to suppress the scientific assertions of race realism expose the fear that those assertions cannot be disproved.
No. Those assertions are made without using the scientific method.

What people fear about that false “science” is that it could again be used to justify genocide. You are no different than the Nazi’s. You have just decided to target a different group, and consider yourself to have a “kinder and more civilized” take on eugenics.

But it’s the same canards, and like with the Jews, you will always find those willing to believe them.
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