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Zone1 Black MAGAs are a clear and present danger

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Works for me. I'd also like to send members of NAMBLA, anti-Vaxxers and other assorted dangerous crazies there.
Thank goodness that we have good folks like you to determine who is dangerous and who is not.

Your utter desperation though is stunning. Lumping members of NAMBLA with folks who made a conscious decision to avoid an experimental drug shows you are one sick puppy.

No. Those assertions are made without using the scientific method.

What people fear about that false “science” is that it could again be used to justify genocide. You are no different than the Nazi’s. You have just decided to target a different group, and consider yourself to have a “kinder and more civilized” take on eugenics.

But it’s the same canards, and like with the Jews, you will always find those willing to believe them.
You are committing the guilt by association fallacy and the straw man fallacy.

Many of the assertions of race realists can easily be verified by looking at data pertaining to average racial differences in intelligence and rates of crime and illegitimacy.

Additional assertions will be verifiable when more is learned about human genetics.

Gene alleles for intelligence and crime have already been discovered. If more are discovered, and if it is found that gene alleles for intelligence and obedience to the law are found in higher percentages in Orientals than in whites, and in higher percentages in whites than in Negroes, then the scientific assertions of race realism will have been proven within the shadow of a reasonable doubt.

I look forward to more genetic research. Many on the left want to suppress the genetic research at the same time that they accuse conservatives of being anti science.
Careful now. You know how FACTS and the TRUTH confuse our good friend JoeB131 making him all wobbly and then violent.
Joe has accused me of being governed by hatred, but he has claimed that he hates me. I enjoy responding courteously to his insults, his name calling, and his obscene words. I do not hate him. I am proud to have an enemy like him. :)
Joe has accused me of being governed by hatred, but he has claimed that he hates me. I enjoy responding courteously to his insults, his name calling, and his obscene words. I do not hate him. I am proud to have an enemy like him. :)
Me too! His antics can be pretty amusing.
Me too! His antics can be pretty amusing.
JoeB131 would love to suppress me by force because he cannot refute my arguments by reason. He thinks he is intimidating, but he is not.

He reminds me of a Trotskyite I knew during my years in the anti war movement during the War in Vietnam. Once the Trotskyite warned me that when his Trotskyite organization, the Workers' League, created the dictatorship of the proletariat in the United States, I would not be allowed to express my opinions.

He could not refute my arguments any more than JoeB131 can. It helped that I had read more of Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, and Leon Trotsky than he had.
What people fear about that false “science” is that it could again be used to justify genocide. You are no different than the Nazi’s. You have just decided to target a different group, and consider yourself to have a “kinder and more civilized” take on eugenics.

But it’s the same canards, and like with the Jews, you will always find those willing to believe them.
Claiming that race realism will lead to genocide is an example of the slippery slope fallacy.

I take exception to your claim that I am "no different than the Nazis. On many occasions I have stated that I admire Jews, respect Judaism, and love Israel. I admire Jews because they have overcome prejudice and discrimination, to the extent that most are successful and prosperous.

It would be unwise to try to repeal the civil rights legislation entirely, but there is often wisdom in tradition.
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JoeB131 would love to suppress me by force because he cannot refute my arguments by reason. He thinks he is intimidating, but he is not.

He reminds me of a Trotskyite I knew during my years in the anti war movement during the War in Vietnam. Once the Trotskyite warned me that when his Trotskyite organization, the Workers' League, created the dictatorship of the proletariat in the United States, I would not be allowed to express my opinions.

He could not refute my arguments any more than JoeB131 can. It helped that I had read more of Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, and Leon Trotsky than he had.
try reading better stuff.....political no it alls always fail in reality
Since IQ tests have been proven unreeliable measures of intelligence the oldc stale racist claims of IQ and race have no merit.
try reading better stuff.....political no it alls always fail in reality
I am an avid reader. I read any political thinker for insight, rather than doctrine. I believe that Karl Marx had two valid insights, and that he was mistaken about everything else.

He never advocated the totalitarian methods used in his name during the twentieth century. Nevertheless, he did inspire them, so he is not wholly innocent. During the twentieth century millions of people were not killed in the name of John Stuart Mill.

I see no value at all in the writing of Lenin and Trotsky. That is because I have studied and evaluated their writing.
Since IQ tests have been proven unreeliable measures of intelligence the oldc stale racist claims of IQ and race have no merit.
To the contrary, for a century IQ tests have established their ability to accurately predict academic and academic performance. Many gene alleles are being discovered that influence the ability to score well on an IQ test.
I find it funny that the only people posting fake news or disagreeing are WHITE RIGHT WING EXTREMISTS. :auiqs.jpg:

Which is the point of this thread. Black MAGAS are a clear and present danger not ony to blacks, but as part of MAGA, they are a threat to American democracy.
JoeB131 would love to suppress me by force because he cannot refute my arguments by reason. He thinks he is intimidating, but he is not.

He reminds me of a Trotskyite I knew during my years in the anti war movement during the War in Vietnam. Once the Trotskyite warned me that when his Trotskyite organization, the Workers' League, created the dictatorship of the proletariat in the United States, I would not be allowed to express my opinions.

He could not refute my arguments any more than JoeB131 can. It helped that I had read more of Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, and Leon Trotsky than he had.
Very true!

JoeB131 is lonely and would argue with a fence post.

If President Trump said "just look at that beautiful blue sky", pool ol JoeB131 would be having seizures claiming that he is a wicked liar.
Very true!

JoeB131 is lonely and would argue with a fence post.

If President Trump said "just look at that beautiful blue sky", pool ol JoeB131 would be having seizures claiming that he is a wicked liar.
JoeB131 thinks illegitimacy is a legitimate life style choice. I do not want the welfare system paying for that choice.
I find it funny that the only people posting fake news or disagreeing are WHITE RIGHT WING EXTREMISTS. :auiqs.jpg:

Which is the point of this thread. Black MAGAS are a clear and present danger not ony to blacks, but as part of MAGA, they are a threat to American democracy.
Those who want to suppress intellectual freedom are a threat to American democracy. There should be no taboos and sanctions against drawing attention to black social pathology.

MAGA stands for "Make America great again." The "again" MAGAS long for is the 1950's. I lack their support for Trump, but I share their nostalgia for the 1950's. It was a nice time to be a child. Rates of crime, divorce, and illegitimacy were low. Rates of affiliation with a church or synagogue were high. Homosexuals and transsexuals practiced discretion.

Reagan appealed to and Trump appeals to nostalgia for the 1950's. I like two other features of that decade. The marginal top tax rate never got below 88%, and was usually higher. One third of the work force belonged to labor unions. Republican politicians do not want to restore those features. I do.
Copernicus was tolerated because his writings were too complex for most people to understand. Galileo was persecuted because anyone who could obtain a telescope could prove Copernicus' theories.
No, Galileo was persecuted because he said the Bible was wrong, a big no-no in those days when they were still burning people at the stake for not believing that Jesus was made of wafers.

I have taken the vacine against COVID-19, and I have practiced social distancing. Nevertheless, tens of millions of Americans have refused. I do not think you can find room for them in your totalitarian indoctrination camps.

Nope, but we can go after the idiots who peddle false information, that's the thing. Shut down their websites like they did with Backpage when they found out that there was human trafficking going on. We should do the same with Stormfront, AmRen and all the other racist websites.

False science can be disproved, using the scientific method. Those who try to suppress the scientific assertions of race realism expose the fear that those assertions cannot be disproved.

IF that were the case, real scienctists would be proving your point, not just quacks like Murray.

The real problem is that once one of these idiots gains tenure, they are impossible to get rid of. Like the guy at Northwestern who denied the Holocaust was a thing. He probably should have talked to my dad who liberated the concentration camp at Nordhausen.

The Nazis never claimed that the Jews were of lower than average intelligence. The following passages have been taken from Mein Kampf. Volume I:

While thus examining the working of the Jewish race over long periods of history, the anxious question suddenly occurred to me, whether operhaps inscrutable Destiny, for reasons unknown to us poor mortals, had not unalterably decree the final victory of this little race. Chapter II, "Years of Study and Suffering"

Also, the intellectual abilities were schooled in the course of centuries. Today the Jew is known as 'clever' and in a certain sense he has been so at all times. Chapter XI, "Nation and Race,"

You are cherry picking. The whole raft of Nazi propaganda was that the Jews were untermenschen, demonized the way you are demonizing blacks.
Nope, but we can go after the idiots who peddle false information, that's the thing. Shut down their websites like they did with Backpage when they found out that there was human trafficking going on. We should do the same with Stormfront, AmRen and all the other racist websites.
Intellectual freedom is the freedom that is most valuable to me.

Stormfront and AmRen banned me. I do not want them to be shut down. I only ask to be able to express my admiration for Jews and Orientals on them.

I do not fear opinions I disagree with because I am confident in my ability to refute them. For that same reason I welcome challenges to my opinions. Nevertheless, I would like for those challenges to be at the top of this pyramid, rather than at the bottom.

For an explanation of the pyramid I recommend reading Paul Graham's essay, "How to Disagree."

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Since IQ tests have been proven unreeliable measures of intelligence the oldc stale racist claims of IQ and race have no merit.
The average IQ of a Ph.D. is 125. The average IQ of a college graduate is 115. The average IQ of a high school graduate is 105.

Clearly, IQ and intelligence are correlated.

Your utter desperation though is stunning. Lumping members of NAMBLA with folks who made a conscious decision to avoid an experimental drug shows you are one sick puppy.

Thousands of people died because of the anti-vaxxers... that makes them just as bad as NAMBLA.

You are committing the guilt by association fallacy and the straw man fallacy.

Many of the assertions of race realists can easily be verified by looking at data pertaining to average racial differences in intelligence and rates of crime and illegitimacy.

Gene alleles for intelligence and crime have already been discovered. If more are discovered, and if it is found that gene alleles for intelligence and obedience to the law are found in higher percentages in Orientals than in whites, and in higher percentages in whites than in Negroes, then the scientific assertions of race realism will have been proven within the shadow of a reasonable doubt.

Joe has accused me of being governed by hatred, but he has claimed that he hates me. I enjoy responding courteously to his insults, his name calling, and his obscene words. I do not hate him. I am proud to have an enemy like him.

I'm prouder to have enemies like you, you are the vermin of the universe.
The difference is I can express my opinions in the public square while you have to hide in the crevices of the internet with the other cockroaches.

He reminds me of a Trotskyite I knew during my years in the anti war movement during the War in Vietnam. Once the Trotskyite warned me that when his Trotskyite organization, the Workers' League, created the dictatorship of the proletariat in the United States, I would not be allowed to express my opinions.

He could not refute my arguments any more than JoeB131 can. It helped that I had read more of Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, and Leon Trotsky than he had.

Your arguments on race were refuted decades ago... it's why all the "studies" you pull up are from the 1960's and have been refuted.

Claiming that race realism will lead to genocide is an example of the slippery slope fallacy.

I take exception to your claim that I am "no different than the Nazis.
Um, how does it not? Once you've established in the public mind that group X is dangerous and inferior, how do you not exterminate them? This is exactly what the Nazis did, they spent decades promoting psuedo-scientific race theories before they started to exterminate the Jews, Slavs, Roma, gays, the disabled (including, oddly enough, people who had been crippled in the First World War). Once you start down the road of Eugenics, it's only a matter of time before you are eliminating the "untermenschen"

This is the dilemna gay people have right now. They are pretty sure that there is a Gay Gene, but they know that once you can screen for it, the Christian Right will suddenly learn to love them some abortion.
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